# This extension Gzips assets and pages when building. # Gzipped assets and pages can be served directly by Apache or # Nginx with the proper configuration, and pre-zipping means that we # can use a more agressive compression level at no CPU cost per request. # # Use Nginx's gzip_static directive, or AddEncoding and mod_rewrite in Apache # to serve your Gzipped files whenever the normal (non-.gz) filename is requested. # # Pass the :exts options to customize which file extensions get zipped (defaults # to .html, .htm, .js and .css. # class Middleman::Extensions::Gzip < ::Middleman::Extension option :exts, %w(.js .css .html .htm), 'File extensions to Gzip when building.' def initialize(app, options_hash={}) super require 'zlib' require 'stringio' require 'find' gzip_ext = self app.after_build do |builder| paths = ::Middleman::Util.all_files_under(self.class.inst.build_dir) paths.each do |path| next unless gzip_ext.options.exts.include? path.extname output_filename, old_size, new_size = gzip_ext.gzip_file(path.to_s) if output_filename size_change_word = (old_size - new_size) > 0 ? 'smaller' : 'larger' old_locale = I18n.locale I18n.locale = :en # use the english localizations for printing out file sizes to make sure the localizations exist builder.say_status :gzip, "#{output_filename} (#{number_to_human_size((old_size - new_size).abs)} #{size_change_word})" I18n.locale = old_locale end end end end def gzip_file(path) input_file = File.open(path, 'rb').read output_filename = path + '.gz' input_file_time = File.mtime(path) # Check if the right file's already there if File.exist?(output_filename) && File.mtime(output_filename) == input_file_time return end File.open(output_filename, 'wb') do |f| gz = Zlib::GzipWriter.new(f, Zlib::BEST_COMPRESSION) gz.mtime = input_file_time.to_i gz.write input_file gz.close end # Make the file times match, both for Nginx's gzip_static extension # and so we can ID existing files. Also, so even if the GZ files are # wiped out by build --clean and recreated, we won't rsync them over # again because they'll end up with the same mtime. File.utime(File.atime(output_filename), input_file_time, output_filename) old_size = File.size(path) new_size = File.size(output_filename) [output_filename, old_size, new_size] end end