require 'pathname' require 'set' require 'middleman-core/contracts' module Middleman module CoreExtensions # API for watching file change events class FileWatcher < Extension attr_reader :api def initialize(app, config={}, &block) super end # Before parsing config, load the data/ directory Contract None => Any def before_configuration @api = app.add_to_instance :files, &method(:api) app.add_to_config_context :files, &method(:api) end Contract None => Any def after_configuration @api.reload_path('.') @api.is_ready = true end # Core File Change API class class API extend Forwardable include Contracts attr_reader :app attr_reader :known_paths attr_accessor :is_ready def_delegator :@app, :logger # Initialize api and internal path cache def initialize(app) @app = app @known_paths = @is_ready = false @watchers = { source: proc { |path, _| path.match(/^#{app.config[:source]}\//) }, library: /^(lib|helpers)\/.*\.rb$/ } @ignores = { emacs_files: /(^|\/)\.?#/, tilde_files: /~$/, ds_store: /\.DS_Store\//, git: /(^|\/)\.git(ignore|modules|\/)/ } @on_change_callbacks = @on_delete_callbacks = end # Add a proc to watch paths Contract Symbol, Or[Regexp, Proc] => Any def watch(name, regex=nil, &block) @watchers[name] = block_given? ? block : regex reload_path('.') if @is_ready end # Add a proc to ignore paths Contract Symbol, Or[Regexp, Proc] => Any def ignore(name, regex=nil, &block) @ignores[name] = block_given? ? block : regex reload_path('.') if @is_ready end CallbackDescriptor =, :matcher) # Add callback to be run on file change # # @param [nil,Regexp] matcher A Regexp to match the change path against # @return [Array] Contract Or[Regexp, Proc] => SetOf['Middleman::CoreExtensions::FileWatcher::API::CallbackDescriptor'] def changed(matcher=nil, &block) @on_change_callbacks <<, matcher) if block_given? @on_change_callbacks end # Add callback to be run on file deletion # # @param [nil,Regexp] matcher A Regexp to match the deleted path against # @return [Array] Contract Or[Regexp, Proc] => SetOf['Middleman::CoreExtensions::FileWatcher::API::CallbackDescriptor'] def deleted(matcher=nil, &block) @on_delete_callbacks <<, matcher) if block_given? @on_delete_callbacks end # Notify callbacks that a file changed # # @param [Pathname] path The file that changed # @return [void] Contract Or[Pathname, String] => Any def did_change(path) path = Pathname(path) logger.debug "== File Change: #{path}" @known_paths << path run_callbacks(path, :changed) end # Notify callbacks that a file was deleted # # @param [Pathname] path The file that was deleted # @return [void] Contract Or[Pathname, String] => Any def did_delete(path) path = Pathname(path) logger.debug "== File Deletion: #{path}" @known_paths.delete(path) run_callbacks(path, :deleted) end # Manually trigger update events # # @param [Pathname] path The path to reload # @param [Boolean] only_new Whether we only look for new files # @return [void] Contract Or[String, Pathname], Maybe[Bool] => Any def reload_path(path, only_new=false) # chdir into the root directory so Pathname can work with relative paths Dir.chdir @app.root_path do path = Pathname(path) return unless path.exist? glob = (path + '**').to_s subset = { |p| p.fnmatch(glob) } ::Middleman::Util.all_files_under(path, &method(:ignored?)).each do |filepath| next if only_new && subset.include?(filepath) subset.delete(filepath) did_change(filepath) end subset.each(&method(:did_delete)) unless only_new end end # Like reload_path, but only triggers events on new files # # @param [Pathname] path The path to reload # @return [void] Contract Pathname => Any def find_new_files(path) reload_path(path, true) end Contract String => Bool def exists?(path) p = Pathname(path) p = p.relative_path_from(Pathname(@app.root)) unless p.relative? @known_paths.include?(p) end # Whether this path is ignored # @param [Pathname] path # @return [Boolean] Contract Or[String, Pathname] => Bool def ignored?(path) path = path.to_s watched = @watchers.values.any? { |validator| matches?(validator, path) } not_ignored = @ignores.values.none? { |validator| matches?(validator, path) } !(watched && not_ignored) end Contract Or[Regexp, RespondTo[:call]], String => Bool def matches?(validator, path) if validator.is_a? Regexp !!validator.match(path) else !!, @app) end end protected # Notify callbacks for a file given an array of callbacks # # @param [Pathname] path The file that was changed # @param [Symbol] callbacks_name The name of the callbacks method # @return [void] Contract Or[Pathname, String], Symbol => Any def run_callbacks(path, callbacks_name) path = path.to_s send(callbacks_name).each do |callback| next unless callback[:matcher].nil? || path.match(callback[:matcher]) @app.instance_exec(path, &callback[:proc]) end end end end end end