Feature: Custom layouts In order easily switch between relative and absolute paths Scenario: Using custom :layout attribute Given page "/custom-layout.html" has layout "custom" When I go to "/custom-layout.html" Then I should see "Custom Layout" Scenario: Using with_layout block Given "/custom-layout.html" with_layout block has layout "custom" When I go to "/custom-layout.html" Then I should see "Custom Layout" Scenario: Using custom :layout attribute with folders Given page "/custom-layout-dir/" has layout "custom" When I go to "/custom-layout-dir" Then I should see "Custom Layout" When I go to "/custom-layout-dir/" Then I should see "Custom Layout" When I go to "/custom-layout-dir/index.html" Then I should see "Custom Layout" Scenario: Using custom :layout attribute with folders Given page "/custom-layout-dir" has layout "custom" When I go to "/custom-layout-dir" Then I should see "Custom Layout" When I go to "/custom-layout-dir/" Then I should see "Custom Layout" When I go to "/custom-layout-dir/index.html" Then I should see "Custom Layout" Scenario: Using custom :layout attribute with folders Given page "/custom-layout-dir/index.html" has layout "custom" When I go to "/custom-layout-dir" Then I should see "Custom Layout" When I go to "/custom-layout-dir/" Then I should see "Custom Layout" When I go to "/custom-layout-dir/index.html" Then I should see "Custom Layout"