Feature: Local Data API In order to abstract content from structure Scenario: Rendering html Given the Server is running at "basic-data-app" When I go to "/data.html" Then I should see "One:Two" Scenario: Rendering json Given the Server is running at "basic-data-app" When I go to "/data3.html" Then I should see "One:Two" Scenario: Using data in config.rb Given the Server is running at "data-app" When I go to "/test1.html" Then I should see "Welcome" Scenario: Using data2 in config.rb Given the Server is running at "data-app" When I go to "/test2.html" Then I should see "Welcome" Scenario: Using nested data Given the Server is running at "nested-data-app" When I go to "/test.html" Then I should see "test:Hello"