require 'middleman-core/contracts' require 'middleman-core/util/data' module Middleman module CoreExtensions # The data extension parses YAML and JSON files in the `data/` directory # and makes them available to `config.rb`, templates and extensions class Data < Extension attr_reader :data_store # Make the internal `data_store` method available as `` expose_to_application data: :data_store # Exposes `data` to templates expose_to_template data: :data_store # The regex which tells Middleman which files are for data DATA_FILE_MATCHER = /^(.*?)[\w-]+\.(yml|yaml|json)$/ def initialize(app, config={}, &block) super @data_store =, DATA_FILE_MATCHER) app.config.define_setting :data_dir, 'data', 'The directory data files are stored in' start_watching(app.config[:data_dir]) end def start_watching(dir) @original_data_dir = dir # Tell the file watcher to observe the :data_dir @watcher = :data, path: File.join(app.root, dir), only: DATA_FILE_MATCHER # Setup data files before anything else so they are available when # parsing config.rb app.files.on_change(:data, &@data_store.method(:update_files)) end def after_configuration return unless @original_data_dir != app.config[:data_dir] @watcher.update_path(app.config[:data_dir]) end # The core logic behind the data extension. class DataStore include Contracts # Setup data store # # @param [Middleman::Application] app The current instance of Middleman def initialize(app, data_file_matcher) @app = app @data_file_matcher = data_file_matcher @local_data = {} @local_sources = {} @callback_sources = {} end # Store static data hash # # @param [Symbol] name Name of the data, used for namespacing # @param [Hash] content The content for this data # @return [Hash] Contract Symbol, Hash => Hash def store(name=nil, content=nil) @local_sources[name.to_s] = content unless name.nil? || content.nil? @local_sources end # Store callback-based data # # @param [Symbol] name Name of the data, used for namespacing # @param [Proc] proc The callback which will return data # @return [Hash] Contract Maybe[Symbol], Maybe[Proc] => Hash def callbacks(name=nil, proc=nil) @callback_sources[name.to_s] = proc unless name.nil? || proc.nil? @callback_sources end Contract ArrayOf[IsA['Middleman::SourceFile']], ArrayOf[IsA['Middleman::SourceFile']] => Any def update_files(updated_files, removed_files) updated_files.each(&method(:touch_file)) removed_files.each(&method(:remove_file)) end # Update the internal cache for a given file path # # @param [String] file The file to be re-parsed # @return [void] Contract IsA['Middleman::SourceFile'] => Any def touch_file(file) data_path = file[:relative_path] extension = File.extname(data_path) basename = File.basename(data_path, extension) if %w(.yaml .yml).include?(extension) data, postscript = ::Middleman::Util::Data.parse(file[:full_path], :yaml) data[:postscript] = postscript if !postscript.nil? && data.is_a?(Hash) elsif extension == '.json' data, _postscript = ::Middleman::Util::Data.parse(file[:full_path], :json) else return end data_branch = @local_data path = data_path.to_s.split(File::SEPARATOR)[0..-2] path.each do |dir| data_branch[dir] ||= {} data_branch = data_branch[dir] end data_branch[basename] = data end # Remove a given file from the internal cache # # @param [String] file The file to be cleared # @return [void] Contract IsA['Middleman::SourceFile'] => Any def remove_file(file) data_path = file[:relative_path] extension = File.extname(data_path) basename = File.basename(data_path, extension) data_branch = @local_data path = data_path.to_s.split(File::SEPARATOR)[0..-2] path.each do |dir| data_branch = data_branch[dir] end data_branch.delete(basename) if data_branch.key?(basename) end # Get a hash from either internal static data or a callback # # @param [String, Symbol] path The name of the data namespace # @return [Hash, nil] Contract Or[String, Symbol] => Maybe[Hash] def data_for_path(path) response = if store.key?(path.to_s) store[path.to_s] elsif callbacks.key?(path.to_s) callbacks[path.to_s].call end response = ::Middleman::Util.recursively_enhance(response) response end # "Magically" find namespaces of data if they exist # # @param [String] path The namespace to search for # @return [Hash, nil] def method_missing(path) if @local_data.key?(path.to_s) # Any way to cache this? return ::Middleman::Util.recursively_enhance(@local_data[path.to_s]) else result = data_for_path(path) return result if result end super end # Needed so that method_missing makes sense def respond_to?(method, include_private=false) super || key?(method) end # Make DataStore act like a hash. Return requested data, or # nil if data does not exist # # @param [String, Symbol] key The name of the data namespace # @return [Hash, nil] def [](key) __send__(key) if key?(key) end def key?(key) (@local_data.keys + @local_sources.keys + @callback_sources.keys).include?(key.to_s) end alias_method :has_key?, :key? # Convert all the data into a static hash # # @return [Hash] Contract Hash def to_h data = {} store.each do |k, _| data[k] = data_for_path(k) end callbacks.each do |k, _| data[k] = data_for_path(k) end (@local_data || {}).each do |k, v| data[k] = v end data end end end end end