# Automatic Image Sizes extension class Middleman::Extensions::AutomaticImageSizes < ::Middleman::Extension def initialize(app, options_hash={}, &block) super # Include 3rd-party fastimage library require 'vendored-middleman-deps/fastimage' end helpers do # Override default image_tag helper to automatically calculate and include # image dimensions. # # @param [String] path # @param [Hash] params # @return [String] def image_tag(path, params={}) if !params.key?(:width) && !params.key?(:height) && !path.include?('://') real_path = path real_path = File.join(images_dir, real_path) unless real_path.start_with?('/') full_path = File.join(source_dir, real_path) if File.exist?(full_path) begin width, height = ::FastImage.size(full_path, raise_on_failure: true) # Check for @2x and @3x image retina = full_path.match(/@(\d)x\.[a-zA-Z]{3,4}$/) if retina factor = retina[1].to_i width /= factor height /= factor end params[:width] = width params[:height] = height rescue FastImage::UnknownImageType # No message, it's just not supported rescue warn "Couldn't determine dimensions for image #{path}: #{$ERROR_INFO.message}" end end end super(path, params) end end end