Feature: Use default extensions when user doesn't supply them Scenario: Default extensions preview Given the Server is running at "implied-extensions-app" When I go to "/" Then I should see "hello: world" When I go to "/index.html" Then I should see "hello: world" When I go to "/index.erb" Then I should see "File Not Found" When I go to "/index" Then I should see "File Not Found" Scenario: Override erb extension Given a fixture app "implied-extensions-app" And a file named "config.rb" with: """ template_extensions :erb => :htm """ And the Server is running When I go to "/" Then I should see "File Not Found" When I go to "/index.htm" Then I should see "hello: world" When I go to "/index.erb" Then I should see "File Not Found" When I go to "/index" Then I should see "File Not Found" When I go to "/index.html" Then I should see "File Not Found" Scenario: Override erb extension Given a fixture app "implied-extensions-app" And a file named "config.rb" with: """ set :index_file, "index.htm" template_extensions :erb => :htm """ And the Server is running When I go to "/" Then I should see "hello: world" When I go to "/index.htm" Then I should see "hello: world" Scenario: Default extensions build Given a fixture app "implied-extensions-app" And a successfully built app at "implied-extensions-app" When I cd to "build" Then the following files should exist: | index.html | Then the following files should not exist: | index | | index.erb | And the file "index.html" should contain "hello: world" Scenario: Default extensions build with override Given a fixture app "implied-extensions-app" And a file named "config.rb" with: """ template_extensions :erb => :htm """ And a successfully built app at "implied-extensions-app" When I cd to "build" Then the following files should exist: | index.htm | Then the following files should not exist: | index | | index.erb | | index.html |