require 'webrick' require 'middleman-core/meta_pages' require 'middleman-core/logger' module Middleman module PreviewServer DEFAULT_PORT = 4567 class << self attr_reader :app, :host, :port delegate :logger, to: :app # Start an instance of Middleman::Application # @return [void] def start(opts={}) @options = opts @host = @options[:host] || '' @port = @options[:port] || DEFAULT_PORT mount_instance(new_app) "== The Middleman is standing watch at #{uri}" "== Inspect your site configuration at #{uri + '__middleman'}" @initialized ||= false return if @initialized @initialized = true register_signal_handlers # Save the last-used @options so it may be re-used when # reloading later on.'server_start') loop do @webrick.start # $mm_shutdown is set by the signal handler if $mm_shutdown shutdown exit elsif $mm_reload $mm_reload = false reload end end end # Detach the current Middleman::Application instance # @return [void] def stop begin '== The Middleman is shutting down' rescue # if the user closed their terminal STDOUT/STDERR won't exist end if @listener @listener.stop @listener = nil end unmount_instance end # Simply stop, then start the server # @return [void] def reload '== The Middleman is reloading' begin app = new_app rescue => e logger.error "Error reloading Middleman: #{e}\n#{e.backtrace.join("\n")}" '== The Middleman is still running the application from before the error' return end unmount_instance mount_instance(app) '== The Middleman has reloaded' end # Stop the current instance, exit Webrick # @return [void] def shutdown stop @webrick.shutdown end private def new_app opts = @options.dup server = ::Middleman::Application.server # Add in the meta pages application meta_app = '/__middleman' do run meta_app end @app = server.inst do ::Middleman::Logger.singleton( opts[:debug] ? 0 : 1, opts[:instrumenting] || false ) config[:environment] = opts[:environment].to_sym if opts[:environment] end end def start_file_watcher return if @listener or @options[:disable_watcher] # Watcher Library require 'listen' options = {force_polling: @options[:force_polling]} options[:latency] = @options[:latency] if @options[:latency] @listener =, options) do |modified, added, removed| added_and_modified = (modified + added) # See if the changed file is config.rb or lib/*.rb if needs_to_reload?(added_and_modified + removed) @mm_reload = true @webrick.stop else added_and_modified.each do |path| relative_path = Pathname(path).relative_path_from(Pathname(Dir.pwd)).to_s next if app.files.ignored?(relative_path) app.files.did_change(relative_path) end removed.each do |path| relative_path = Pathname(path).relative_path_from(Pathname(Dir.pwd)).to_s next if app.files.ignored?(relative_path) app.files.did_delete(relative_path) end end end # Don't block this thread @listener.start end # Trap some interupt signals and shut down smoothly # @return [void] def register_signal_handlers %w(INT HUP TERM QUIT).each do |sig| next unless Signal.list[sig] Signal.trap(sig) do # Do as little work as possible in the signal context $mm_shutdown = true @webrick.stop end end end # Initialize webrick # @return [void] def setup_webrick(is_logging) http_opts = { BindAddress: host, Port: port, AccessLog: [], DoNotReverseLookup: true } if is_logging http_opts[:Logger] = else http_opts[:Logger] =, 0) end begin rescue Errno::EADDRINUSE logger.error "== Port #{port} is unavailable. Either close the instance of Middleman already running on #{port} or start this Middleman on a new port with: --port=#{port.to_i + 1}" exit(1) end end # Attach a new Middleman::Application instance # @param [Middleman::Application] app # @return [void] def mount_instance(app) @app = app @webrick ||= setup_webrick(@options[:debug] || false) start_file_watcher rack_app = app.class.to_rack_app @webrick.mount '/', ::Rack::Handler::WEBrick, rack_app end # Detach the current Middleman::Application instance # @return [void] def unmount_instance @webrick.unmount '/' @app = nil end # Whether the passed files are config.rb, lib/*.rb or helpers # @param [Array] paths Array of paths to check # @return [Boolean] Whether the server needs to reload def needs_to_reload?(paths) match_against = [ %r{^config\.rb}, %r{^lib/[^\.](.*)\.rb$}, %r{^helpers/[^\.](.*)\.rb$} ] if @options[:reload_paths] @options[:reload_paths].split(',').each do |part| match_against << %r{^#{part}} end end paths.any? do |path| match_against.any? do |matcher| path =~ matcher end end end # Returns the URI the preview server will run on # @return [URI] def uri host = (@host == '') ? 'localhost' : @host URI("http://#{host}:#{@port}") end end class FilteredWebrickLog < ::WEBrick::Log def log(level, data) super(level, data) unless data =~ %r{Could not determine content-length of response body.} end end end end