# Used for merging results of metadata callbacks require 'active_support/core_ext/hash/deep_merge' require 'monitor' require 'hamster' require 'middleman-core/extensions' # Files on Disk ::Middleman::Extensions.register :sitemap_ondisk, auto_activate: :before_configuration do require 'middleman-core/sitemap/extensions/on_disk' ::Middleman::Sitemap::Extensions::OnDisk end # Files on Disk (outside the project root) ::Middleman::Extensions.register :sitemap_import, auto_activate: :before_configuration do require 'middleman-core/sitemap/extensions/import' ::Middleman::Sitemap::Extensions::Import end # Endpoints ::Middleman::Extensions.register :sitemap_endpoint, auto_activate: :before_configuration do require 'middleman-core/sitemap/extensions/request_endpoints' ::Middleman::Sitemap::Extensions::RequestEndpoints end # Proxies ::Middleman::Extensions.register :sitemap_proxies, auto_activate: :before_configuration do require 'middleman-core/sitemap/extensions/proxies' ::Middleman::Sitemap::Extensions::Proxies end # Redirects ::Middleman::Extensions.register :sitemap_redirects, auto_activate: :before_configuration do require 'middleman-core/sitemap/extensions/redirects' ::Middleman::Sitemap::Extensions::Redirects end # Move Files ::Middleman::Extensions.register :sitemap_move_files, auto_activate: :before_configuration do require 'middleman-core/sitemap/extensions/move_file' ::Middleman::Sitemap::Extensions::MoveFile end # Ignores ::Middleman::Extensions.register :sitemap_ignore, auto_activate: :before_configuration do require 'middleman-core/sitemap/extensions/ignores' ::Middleman::Sitemap::Extensions::Ignores end require 'middleman-core/contracts' module Middleman # Sitemap namespace module Sitemap ManipulatorDescriptor = Struct.new :name, :manipulator, :priority, :custom_name # The Store class # # The Store manages a collection of Resource objects, which represent # individual items in the sitemap. Resources are indexed by "source path", # which is the path relative to the source directory, minus any template # extensions. All "path" parameters used in this class are source paths. class Store include Contracts Contract IsA['Middleman::Application'] attr_reader :app Contract Num attr_reader :update_count # Initialize with parent app # @param [Middleman::Application] app Contract IsA['Middleman::Application'] => Any def initialize(app) @app = app @resources = [] @rebuild_reasons = [:first_run] @update_count = 0 @resource_list_manipulators = ::Hamster::Vector.empty @needs_sitemap_rebuild = true @lock = Monitor.new reset_lookup_cache! @app.config_context.class.send :def_delegator, :app, :sitemap end Contract Symbol, RespondTo[:manipulate_resource_list], Maybe[Or[Num, ArrayOf[Num]]], Maybe[Symbol] => Any def register_resource_list_manipulators(name, manipulator, priority=50, custom_name=nil) Array(priority || 50).each do |p| register_resource_list_manipulator(name, manipulator, p, custom_name) end end # Register an object which can transform the sitemap resource list. Best to register # these in a `before_configuration` or `after_configuration` hook. # # @param [Symbol] name Name of the manipulator for debugging # @param [#manipulate_resource_list] manipulator Resource list manipulator # @param [Numeric] priority Sets the order of this resource list manipulator relative to the rest. By default this is 50, and manipulators run in the order they are registered, but if a priority is provided then this will run ahead of or behind other manipulators. # @param [Symbol] custom_name The method name to execute. # @return [void] Contract Symbol, RespondTo[:manipulate_resource_list], Maybe[Num], Maybe[Symbol] => Any def register_resource_list_manipulator(name, manipulator, priority=50, custom_name=nil) # The third argument used to be a boolean - handle those who still pass one priority = 50 unless priority.is_a? Numeric @resource_list_manipulators = @resource_list_manipulators.push( ManipulatorDescriptor.new(name, manipulator, priority, custom_name) ) # The index trick is used so that the sort is stable - manipulators with the same priority # will always be ordered in the same order as they were registered. n = 0 @resource_list_manipulators = @resource_list_manipulators.sort_by do |m| n += 1 [m[:priority], n] end rebuild_resource_list!(:"registered_new_manipulator_#{name}") end # Rebuild the list of resources from scratch, using registed manipulators # @return [void] Contract Symbol => Any def rebuild_resource_list!(name) @lock.synchronize do @rebuild_reasons << name @app.logger.debug "== Requesting resource list rebuilding: #{name}" @needs_sitemap_rebuild = true end end # Find a resource given its original path # @param [String] request_path The original path of a resource. # @return [Middleman::Sitemap::Resource] Contract String => Maybe[IsA['Middleman::Sitemap::Resource']] def find_resource_by_path(request_path) @lock.synchronize do request_path = ::Middleman::Util.normalize_path(request_path) ensure_resource_list_updated! @_lookup_by_path[request_path] end end # Find a resource given its destination path # @param [String] request_path The destination (output) path of a resource. # @return [Middleman::Sitemap::Resource] Contract String => Maybe[IsA['Middleman::Sitemap::Resource']] def find_resource_by_destination_path(request_path) @lock.synchronize do request_path = ::Middleman::Util.normalize_path(request_path) ensure_resource_list_updated! @_lookup_by_destination_path[request_path] end end # Find a resource given its page id # @param [String] page_id The page id. # @return [Middleman::Sitemap::Resource] Contract Or[String, Symbol] => Maybe[IsA['Middleman::Sitemap::Resource']] def find_resource_by_page_id(page_id) @lock.synchronize do ensure_resource_list_updated! @_lookup_by_page_id[page_id.to_sym] end end # Get the array of all resources # @param [Boolean] include_ignored Whether to include ignored resources # @return [Array] Contract Bool => ResourceList def resources(include_ignored=false) @lock.synchronize do ensure_resource_list_updated! if include_ignored @resources else @resources_not_ignored ||= @resources.reject(&:ignored?) end end end # Invalidate our cached view of resource that are not ignored. If your extension # adds ways to ignore files, you should call this to make sure #resources works right. def invalidate_resources_not_ignored_cache! @resources_not_ignored = nil end # Get the URL path for an on-disk file # @param [String] file # @return [String] Contract Or[Pathname, IsA['Middleman::SourceFile']] => String def file_to_path(file) relative_path = file.is_a?(Pathname) ? file.to_s : file[:relative_path].to_s # Replace a file name containing automatic_directory_matcher with a folder unless @app.config[:automatic_directory_matcher].nil? relative_path = relative_path.gsub(@app.config[:automatic_directory_matcher], '/') end extensionless_path(relative_path) end # Get a path without templating extensions # @param [String] file # @return [String] Contract String => String def extensionless_path(file) path = file.dup ::Middleman::Util.remove_templating_extensions(path) end # Actually update the resource list, assuming anything has called # rebuild_resource_list! since the last time it was run. This is # very expensive! def ensure_resource_list_updated! @lock.synchronize do return unless @needs_sitemap_rebuild ::Middleman::Util.instrument 'sitemap.update', reasons: @rebuild_reasons.uniq do @needs_sitemap_rebuild = false @app.logger.debug '== Rebuilding resource list' @resources = [] @resource_list_manipulators.each do |m| ::Middleman::Util.instrument 'sitemap.manipulator', name: m[:name] do @app.logger.debug "== Running manipulator: #{m[:name]} (#{m[:priority]})" @resources = m[:manipulator].send(m[:custom_name] || :manipulate_resource_list, @resources) # Reset lookup cache reset_lookup_cache! # Rebuild cache @resources.each do |resource| @_lookup_by_path[resource.path] = resource end @resources.each do |resource| @_lookup_by_destination_path[resource.destination_path] = resource end # NB: This needs to be done after the previous two steps, # since some proxy resources are looked up by path in order to # get their metadata and subsequently their page_id. @resources.each do |resource| @_lookup_by_page_id[resource.page_id.to_sym] = resource end invalidate_resources_not_ignored_cache! end end @update_count += 1 @rebuild_reasons = [] end end end private def reset_lookup_cache! @lock.synchronize do @_lookup_by_path = {} @_lookup_by_destination_path = {} @_lookup_by_page_id = {} end end # Remove the locale token from the end of the path # @param [String] path # @return [String] Contract String => String def strip_away_locale(path) if @app.extensions[:i18n] path_bits = path.split('.') lang = path_bits.last return path_bits[0..-2].join('.') if @app.extensions[:i18n].langs.include?(lang.to_sym) end path end end end end