class Middleman::Extensions::ExternalPipeline < ::Middleman::Extension self.supports_multiple_instances = true option :name, nil, 'The name of the pipeline', required: true option :command, nil, 'The command to initialize', required: true option :source, nil, 'Path to merge into sitemap', required: true option :latency, 0.25, 'Latency between refreshes of source' option :disable_background_execution, false, "Don't run the command in a separate background thread" def initialize(app, config={}, &block) super return if app.mode?(:config) require 'thread' require 'fileutils' source_path = File.expand_path(options[:source], app.root) # Make sure it exists, or `listen` will explode. ::FileUtils.mkdir_p(source_path) @watcher = :source, path: source_path, latency: options[:latency], frontmatter: false "== Executing: `#{options[:command]}`" if || options[:disable_background_execution] watch_command! else { watch_command! } end end def watch_command! ::IO.popen(options[:command], 'r') do |pipe| while buf = pipe.gets without_newline = buf.sub(/\n$/, '') "== External: #{without_newline}" unless without_newline.empty? end end unless $?.success? logger.error '== External: Command failed with non-zero exit status' exit(1) end @watcher.poll_once! rescue ::Errno::ENOENT => e logger.error "== External: Command failed with message: #{e.message}" exit(1) end end