# Core Sitemap Extensions module Middleman module Sitemap # Setup Extension class << self # Once registered def included(app) # Set to automatically convert some characters into a directory app.config.define_setting :automatic_directory_matcher, nil, 'Set to automatically convert some characters into a directory' # Setup callbacks which can exclude paths from the sitemap app.config.define_setting :ignored_sitemap_matchers, { # dotfiles and folders in the root :root_dotfiles => proc { |file| file.start_with?('.') }, # Files starting with an dot, but not .htaccess :source_dotfiles => proc { |file| file =~ %r{/\.} && file !~ %r{/\.(htaccess|htpasswd|nojekyll)} }, # Files starting with an underscore, but not a double-underscore :partials => proc { |file| file =~ %r{/_[^_]} }, :layout => proc { |file, app| file.start_with?(File.join(app.config[:source], 'layout.')) || file.start_with?(File.join(app.config[:source], 'layouts/')) } }, 'Callbacks that can exclude paths from the sitemap' # Include instance methods ::Middleman::TemplateContext.send :include, InstanceMethods end end # Sitemap instance methods module InstanceMethods def current_path @current_locs[:current_path] end # Get the resource object for the current path # @return [Middleman::Sitemap::Resource] def current_page current_resource end # Get the resource object for the current path # @return [Middleman::Sitemap::Resource] def current_resource return nil unless current_path sitemap.find_resource_by_destination_path(current_path) end end end end