Feature: Page IDs Scenario: link_to works with blocks (erb) Given the Server is running at "page-id-app" When I go to "/index.html" Then I should see "I am: index" And I should see "URL1: /fm.html" And I should see "URL2: /2.html" And I should see 'URL3: Hi' And I should see 'URL4: Sym' And I should see 'URL5: Imp' And I should see 'URL6: Foldern' And I should see 'URL7: Feed' When I go to "/fm.html" Then I should see "I am: frontmatter" When I go to "/implicit.html" Then I should see "I am: implicit" When I go to "/feed.xml" Then I should see "I am: feed.xml" When I go to "/folder/foldern.html" Then I should see "I am: folder/foldern" When I go to "/1.html" Then I should see "I am: page1" When I go to "/2.html" Then I should see "I am: page2" When I go to "/3.html" Then I should see "I am: page3" When I go to "/overwrites/from-default.html" Then I should see "I am: something-else" When I go to "/overwrites/from-frontmatter.html" Then I should see "I am: from_frontmatter" Scenario: Override page ID derivation with a proc Given a fixture app "page-id-app" And app "page-id-app" is using config "proc" And the Server is running at "page-id-app" When I go to "/index.html" Then I should see "I am: index.html-foo" And I should see "URL1: /fm.html" And I should see "URL2: /2.html" And I should see 'URL3: Hi' And I should see 'URL4: Sym' And I should see 'URL8: Imp' And I should see 'URL9: Foldern' And I should see 'URL10: Feed' When I go to "/fm.html" Then I should see "I am: frontmatter" When I go to "/implicit.html" Then I should see "I am: implicit.html-foo" When I go to "/feed.xml" Then I should see "I am: feed.xml-foo" When I go to "/folder/foldern.html" Then I should see "I am: folder/foldern.html-foo" When I go to "/1.html" Then I should see "I am: page1" When I go to "/2.html" Then I should see "I am: page2" When I go to "/3.html" Then I should see "I am: page3" When I go to "/overwrites/from-default.html" Then I should see "I am: something-else" When I go to "/overwrites/from-frontmatter.html" Then I should see "I am: from_frontmatter"