require 'redcarpet' require 'active_support/core_ext/module/attribute_accessors' module Middleman module Renderers class RedcarpetTemplate < ::Tilt::RedcarpetTemplate::Redcarpet2 # because tilt has decided to convert these # in the wrong direction ALIASES = { escape_html: :filter_html }.freeze def initialize(*args, &block) super @context = @options[:context] if @options.key?(:context) end # Overwrite built-in Tilt version. # Don't overload :renderer option with smartypants # Support renderer-level options def generate_renderer return options.delete(:renderer) if options.key?(:renderer) covert_options_to_aliases! # Pick a renderer renderer = MiddlemanRedcarpetHTML if options.delete(:smartypants) # Support SmartyPants renderer = do include ::Redcarpet::Render::SmartyPants end end # Renderer Options possible_render_opts = [:filter_html, :no_images, :no_links, :no_styles, :safe_links_only, :with_toc_data, :hard_wrap, :xhtml, :prettify, :link_attributes] render_options = possible_render_opts.each_with_object({}) do |opt, sum| sum[opt] = options.delete(opt) if options.key?(opt) end end def evaluate(scope, _) @output ||= begin MiddlemanRedcarpetHTML.scope = @context || scope @engine.render(data) end end private def covert_options_to_aliases! ALIASES.each do |aka, actual| options[actual] = options.delete(aka) if options.key? aka end end end # Custom Redcarpet renderer that uses our helpers for images and links class MiddlemanRedcarpetHTML < ::Redcarpet::Render::HTML cattr_accessor :scope def initialize(options={}) @local_options = options.dup super end def image(link, title, alt_text) if !@local_options[:no_images] scope.image_tag(link, title: title, alt: alt_text) else link_string = link.dup link_string << %("#{title}") if title && !title.empty? && title != alt_text "![#{alt_text}](#{link_string})" end end def link(link, title, content) if !@local_options[:no_links] attributes = { title: title } attributes.merge!(@local_options[:link_attributes]) if @local_options[:link_attributes] scope.link_to(content, link, attributes) else link_string = link.dup link_string << %("#{title}") if title && !title.empty? && title != alt_text "[#{content}](#{link_string})" end end end ::Tilt.register RedcarpetTemplate, 'markdown', 'mkd', 'md' end end