Feature: i18n merging path trees Scenario: Mixing localized and non-localized sources and merging the path trees (see issue #1709) Given a fixture app "i18n-test-app" And a file named "config.rb" with: """ activate :i18n, mount_at_root: :en, langs: [:en, :es] """ Given the Server is running at "i18n-mixed-sources" When I go to "/" Then I should see "Current locale: en" Then I should see "path: is-localized Home" When I go to "/es" Then I should see "Current locale: es" Then I should see "path: is-localized Home" When I go to "/a/" Then I should see "Current locale: en" Then I should see "path: is-localized Home # a/index.html.erb" When I go to "/es/a/" Then I should see "Current locale: es" Then I should see "path: is-localized Home # a/index.html.erb" When I go to "/b/" Then I should see "Current locale: en" Then I should see "path: is-localized Home # b/index.html.erb" When I go to "/a/sub.html" Then I should see "Current locale: en" Then I should see "path: is-localized Home # a/index.html.erb # a/sub.html.erb" When I go to "/b/sub.html" Then I should see "Current locale: en" Then I should see "path: is-localized Home # b/index.html.erb # b/sub.html.erb" When I go to "/es/b/sub.html" Then I should see "Current locale: es" Then I should see "path: is-localized Home # b/index.html.erb # b/sub.html.erb"