Feature: Relative Assets In order easily switch between relative and absolute paths Scenario: Rendering css with the feature disabled Given "relative_assets" feature is "disabled" And the Server is running at "relative-assets-app" When I go to "/stylesheets/relative_assets.css" Then I should not see "url('../" And I should see "/images/blank.gif" Scenario: Rendering html with the feature disabled Given "relative_assets" feature is "disabled" And the Server is running at "relative-assets-app" When I go to "/relative_image.html" Then I should see "/images/blank.gif" Scenario: Rendering css with the feature enabled Given "relative_assets" feature is "enabled" And the Server is running at "relative-assets-app" When I go to "/stylesheets/relative_assets.css" Then I should see "url('../images/blank.gif" Scenario: Rendering html with the feature enabled Given "relative_assets" feature is "enabled" And the Server is running at "relative-assets-app" When I go to "/relative_image.html" Then I should not see "/images/blank.gif" And I should see "images/blank.gif" Scenario: Rendering html with a custom images_dir Given "relative_assets" feature is "enabled" And "images_dir" is set to "img" And the Server is running at "relative-assets-app" When I go to "/stylesheets/relative_assets.css" Then I should see "url('../img/blank.gif" Scenario: Rendering css with a custom images_dir Given "relative_assets" feature is "enabled" And "images_dir" is set to "img" And the Server is running at "relative-assets-app" When I go to "/relative_image.html" Then I should not see "/images/blank.gif" Then I should not see "/img/blank.gif" And I should see "img/blank.gif" Scenario: Rendering scss with the feature enabled Given "relative_assets" feature is "enabled" And the Server is running at "fonts-app" When I go to "/stylesheets/fonts.css" Then I should see "url('../fonts/StMarie"