require 'rack' require 'rack/response' require 'addressable/uri' require 'middleman-core/util' require 'middleman-core/contracts' module Middleman module CoreExtensions class InlineURLRewriter < ::Middleman::Extension include Contracts expose_to_application rewrite_inline_urls: :add IGNORE_DESCRIPTOR = Or[Regexp, RespondTo[:call], String] REWRITER_DESCRIPTOR = { id: Symbol, proc: Or[Proc, Method], url_extensions: ArrayOf[String], source_extensions: ArrayOf[String], ignore: ArrayOf[IGNORE_DESCRIPTOR], after: Maybe[Symbol] }.freeze def initialize(app, options_hash={}, &block) super @rewriters = {} end Contract REWRITER_DESCRIPTOR => Any def add(options) @rewriters[options] = options end def after_configuration rewriters = @rewriters.values.sort do |a, b| if b[:after] && b[:after] == a[:id] 1 else 0 end end app.use Rack, rewriters: rewriters, middleman_app: @app end class Rack include Contracts Contract RespondTo[:call], { middleman_app: IsA['Middleman::Application'], rewriters: ArrayOf[REWRITER_DESCRIPTOR] } => Any def initialize(app, options={}) @rack_app = app @middleman_app = options.fetch(:middleman_app) @rewriters = options.fetch(:rewriters) end def call(env) status, headers, response = # Allow configuration or upstream request to skip all rewriting return [status, headers, response] if env['bypass_inline_url_rewriter'] == 'true' all_source_exts = @rewriters .reduce([]) { |sum, rewriter| sum + rewriter[:source_extensions] } .flatten .uniq source_exts_regex_text = Regexp.union(all_source_exts).to_s all_asset_exts = @rewriters .reduce([]) { |sum, rewriter| sum + rewriter[:url_extensions] } .flatten .uniq path = ::Middleman::Util.full_path(env['PATH_INFO'], @middleman_app) return [status, headers, response] unless path =~ /(^\/$)|(#{source_exts_regex_text}$)/ return [status, headers, response] unless body = ::Middleman::Util.extract_response_text(response) dirpath = rewritten = ::Middleman::Util.instrument 'inline_url_rewriter', path: path do ::Middleman::Util.rewrite_paths(body, path, all_asset_exts, @middleman_app) do |asset_path| uri = ::Addressable::URI.parse(asset_path) relative_path = full_asset_path = if relative_path dirpath.join(asset_path).to_s else asset_path end @rewriters.each do |rewriter| uid = rewriter.fetch(:id) # Allow upstream request to skip this specific rewriting next if env["bypass_inline_url_rewriter_#{uid}"] == 'true' exts = rewriter.fetch(:url_extensions) next unless exts.include?(::File.extname(asset_path)) source_exts = rewriter.fetch(:source_extensions) next unless source_exts.include?(::File.extname(path)) ignore = rewriter.fetch(:ignore) next if ignore.any? { |r| should_ignore?(r, full_asset_path) } rewrite_ignore = Array(rewriter[:rewrite_ignore] || []) next if rewrite_ignore.any? { |i| ::Middleman::Util.path_match(i, path) } proc = rewriter.fetch(:proc) result =, dirpath, path) asset_path = result if result end asset_path end end rewritten, status, headers ).finish end Contract IGNORE_DESCRIPTOR, String => Bool def should_ignore?(validator, value) if validator.is_a? Regexp # Treat as Regexp !!(value =~ validator) elsif validator.respond_to? :call # Treat as proc elsif validator.is_a? String # Treat as glob File.fnmatch(value, validator) else # If some unknown thing, don't ignore false end end end end end end