require 'pathname' require 'fileutils' require 'tempfile' require 'middleman-core/rack' require 'middleman-core/contracts' module Middleman class Builder extend Forwardable include Contracts # Make app & events available to `after_build` callbacks. attr_reader :app, :events # Reference to the Thor class. attr_accessor :thor # Logger comes from App. def_delegator :@app, :logger # Sort order, images, fonts, js/css and finally everything else. SORT_ORDER = %w(.png .jpeg .jpg .gif .bmp .svg .svgz .webp .ico .woff .woff2 .otf .ttf .eot .js .css) # Create a new Builder instance. # @param [Middleman::Application] app The app to build. # @param [Hash] opts The builder options def initialize(app, opts={}) @app = app @source_dir = Pathname(File.join(@app.root, @app.config[:source])) @build_dir = Pathname(@app.config[:build_dir]) if @build_dir.expand_path.relative_path_from(@source_dir).to_s =~ /\A[.\/]+\Z/ raise ":build_dir (#{@build_dir}) cannot be a parent of :source_dir (#{@source_dir})" end @glob = opts.fetch(:glob) @cleaning = opts.fetch(:clean) @_event_callbacks = [] rack_app = @rack = end # Run the build phase. # @return [Boolean] Whether the build was successful. Contract None => Bool def run! @has_error = false @events = {} @app.run_hook :before_build, self queue_current_paths if @cleaning prerender_css output_files clean if @cleaning'build') # Run hooks @app.run_hook :after_build, self @app.config_context.execute_after_build_callbacks(self) !@has_error end # Attach callbacks for build events. # @return [Array] All the attached events. Contract Proc => ArrayOf[Proc] def on_build_event(&block) @_event_callbacks << block if block_given? @_event_callbacks end # Pre-request CSS to give Compass a chance to build sprites # @return [Array] List of css resources that were output. Contract None => ResourceList def prerender_css logger.debug '== Prerendering CSS' css_files = do |resource| resource.ext == '.css' end.each(&method(:output_resource)) logger.debug '== Checking for Compass sprites' # Double-check for compass sprites @app.files.find_new_files! @app.sitemap.ensure_resource_list_updated! css_files end # Find all the files we need to output and do so. # @return [Array] List of resources that were output. Contract None => ResourceList def output_files logger.debug '== Building files' # Sort paths to be built by the above order. This is primarily so Compass can # find files in the build folder when it needs to generate sprites for the # css files. # # Loop over all the paths and build them. @app.sitemap.resources .sort_by { |resource| SORT_ORDER.index(resource.ext) || 100 } .reject { |resource| resource.ext == '.css' } .select { |resource| !@glob || File.fnmatch(@glob, resource.destination_path) } .each(&method(:output_resource)) end # Figure out the correct event mode. # @param [Pathname] output_file The output file path. # @param [String] source The source file path. # @return [Symbol] Contract Pathname, String => Symbol def which_mode(output_file, source) if !output_file.exist? :created else FileUtils.compare_file(source.to_s, output_file.to_s) ? :identical : :updated end end # Create a tempfile for a given output with contents. # @param [Pathname] output_file The output path. # @param [String] contents The file contents. # @return [Tempfile] Contract Pathname, String => Tempfile def write_tempfile(output_file, contents) file =[ File.basename(output_file), File.extname(output_file) ]) file.binmode file.write(contents) file.close file end # Actually export the file. # @param [Pathname] output_file The path to output to. # @param [String|Pathname] source The source path or contents. # @return [void] Contract Pathname, Or[String, Pathname] => Any def export_file!(output_file, source) source = write_tempfile(output_file, source.to_s) if source.is_a? String method, source_path = if source.is_a? Tempfile [FileUtils.method(:mv), source.path] else [FileUtils.method(:cp), source.to_s] end mode = which_mode(output_file, source_path) if mode == :created || mode == :updated FileUtils.mkdir_p(output_file.dirname), output_file.to_s) end source.unlink if source.is_a? Tempfile trigger(mode, output_file) end # Try to output a resource and capture errors. # @param [Middleman::Sitemap::Resource] resource The resource. # @return [void] Contract IsA['Middleman::Sitemap::Resource'] => Any def output_resource(resource) output_file = @build_dir + resource.destination_path.gsub('%20', ' ') begin if resource.binary? export_file!(output_file, resource.source_file[:full_path]) else response = @rack.get(URI.escape(resource.request_path)) # If we get a response, save it to a tempfile. if response.status == 200 export_file!(output_file, binary_encode(response.body)) else @has_error = true trigger(:error, output_file, response.body) end end rescue => e @has_error = true trigger(:error, output_file, "#{e}\n#{e.backtrace.join("\n")}") end return unless @cleaning return unless output_file.exist? # handle UTF-8-MAC filename on MacOS cleaned_name = if RUBY_PLATFORM =~ /darwin/ output_file.to_s.encode('UTF-8', 'UTF-8-MAC') else output_file end @to_clean.delete(Pathname(cleaned_name)) end # Get a list of all the paths in the destination folder and save them # for comparison against the files we build in this cycle # @return [void] Contract None => Any def queue_current_paths @to_clean = [] return unless File.exist?(@app.config[:build_dir]) paths = ::Middleman::Util.all_files_under(@app.config[:build_dir]).map do |path| Pathname(path) end @to_clean = do |path| path.to_s !~ /\/\./ || path.to_s =~ /\.(htaccess|htpasswd)/ end # handle UTF-8-MAC filename on MacOS @to_clean = do |path| if RUBY_PLATFORM =~ /darwin/ Pathname(path.to_s.encode('UTF-8', 'UTF-8-MAC')) else Pathname(path) end end end # Remove files which were not built in this cycle Contract None => ArrayOf[Pathname] def clean @to_clean.each do |f| FileUtils.rm(f) trigger(:deleted, f) end end Contract String => String def binary_encode(string) string.force_encoding('ascii-8bit') if string.respond_to?(:force_encoding) string end Contract Symbol, Or[String, Pathname], Maybe[String] => Any def trigger(event_type, target, extra=nil) @events[event_type] ||= [] @events[event_type] << target @_event_callbacks.each do |callback|, target, extra) end end end end