require 'pathname' require 'middleman-core/file_renderer' require 'middleman-core/template_renderer' require 'middleman-core/contracts' module Middleman # The TemplateContext Class # # A clean context, separate from Application, in which templates can be executed. # All helper methods and values available in a template, but be accessible here. # Also implements two helpers: wrap_layout & render (used by padrino's partial method). # A new context is created for each render of a path, but that context is shared through # the request, passed from template, to layouts and partials. class TemplateContext extend Forwardable include Contracts # Allow templates to directly access the current app instance. # @return [Middleman::Application] attr_reader :app # Required for Padrino's rendering attr_accessor :current_engine # Shorthand references to global values on the app instance. def_delegators :@app, :config, :logger, :sitemap, :server?, :build?, :environment?, :data, :extensions, :root # Initialize a context with the current app and predefined locals and options hashes. # # @param [Middleman::Application] app # @param [Hash] locs # @param [Hash] opts def initialize(app, locs={}, opts={}) @app = app @locs = locs @opts = opts end # Return the current buffer to the caller and clear the value internally. # Used when moving between templates when rendering layouts or partials. # # @api private # @return [String] The old buffer. def save_buffer @_out_buf, buf_was = '', @_out_buf buf_was end # Restore a previously saved buffer. # # @api private # @param [String] buf_was # @return [void] def restore_buffer(buf_was) @_out_buf = buf_was end # Allow layouts to be wrapped in the contents of other layouts. # # @param [String, Symbol] layout_name # @return [void] def wrap_layout(layout_name, &block) # Save current buffer for later buf_was = save_buffer # Find a layout for this file layout_file = ::Middleman::TemplateRenderer.locate_layout(@app, layout_name, current_engine) # Get the layout engine extension = File.extname(layout_file[:relative_path]) engine = extension[1..-1].to_sym # Store last engine for later (could be inside nested renders) self.current_engine = engine engine_was = current_engine # By default, no content is captured content = '' # Attempt to capture HTML from block begin content = capture_html(&block) if block_given? ensure # Reset stored buffer, regardless of success restore_buffer(buf_was) end # Render the layout, with the contents of the block inside. concat_safe_content render_file(layout_file, @locs, @opts) { content } ensure # Reset engine back to template's value, regardless of success self.current_engine = engine_was end # Sinatra/Padrino compatible render method signature referenced by some view # helpers. Especially partials. # # @param [String, Symbol] name The partial to render. # @param [Hash] options # @param [Proc] block A block will be evaluated to return internal contents. # @return [String] Contract Any, Or[Symbol, String], Hash => String, Maybe[Proc] => String def render(_, name, options={}, &block) name = name.to_s partial_file = locate_partial(name, false) || locate_partial(name, true) raise ::Middleman::TemplateRenderer::TemplateNotFound, "Could not locate partial: #{name}" unless partial_file source_path = sitemap.file_to_path(partial_file) r = sitemap.find_resource_by_path(source_path) if (r && !r.template?) || (Tilt[partial_file[:full_path]].nil? && partial_file[:full_path].exist?) else opts = options.dup locs = opts.delete(:locals) render_file(partial_file, locs, opts, &block) end end # Locate a partial relative to the current path or the source dir, given a partial's path. # # @api private # @param [String] partial_path # @return [String] Contract String, Maybe[Bool] => Maybe[IsA['Middleman::SourceFile']] def locate_partial(partial_path, try_static=true) return unless resource = sitemap.find_resource_by_destination_path(current_path) # Look for partials relative to the current path current_dir = resource.file_descriptor[:relative_path].dirname non_root = partial_path.to_s.sub(/^\//, '') relative_dir = current_dir + Pathname(non_root) non_root_no_underscore = non_root.sub(/^_/, '').sub(/\/_/, '/') relative_dir_no_underscore = current_dir + Pathname(non_root_no_underscore) partial_file = nil [ [relative_dir.to_s, { preferred_engine: resource.file_descriptor[:relative_path].extname[1..-1].to_sym }], [non_root], [non_root, { try_static: try_static }], [relative_dir_no_underscore.to_s, { try_static: try_static }], [non_root_no_underscore, { try_static: try_static }] ].each do |args| partial_file = ::Middleman::TemplateRenderer.resolve_template(@app, *args) break if partial_file end partial_file || nil end def current_path @locs[:current_path] end # Get the resource object for the current path # @return [Middleman::Sitemap::Resource] def current_resource return nil unless current_path sitemap.find_resource_by_destination_path(current_path) end alias current_page current_resource protected # Render a path with locs, opts and contents block. # # @api private # @param [Middleman::SourceFile] file The file. # @param [Hash] locs Template locals. # @param [Hash] opts Template options. # @param [Proc] block A block will be evaluated to return internal contents. # @return [String] The resulting content string. Contract IsA['Middleman::SourceFile'], Hash, Hash, Maybe[Proc] => String def render_file(file, locs, opts, &block) _render_with_all_renderers(file[:relative_path].to_s, locs, self, opts, &block) end Contract String, Hash, Any, Hash, Maybe[Proc] => String def _render_with_all_renderers(path, locs, context, opts, &block) # Keep rendering template until we've used up all extensions. This # handles cases like `style.css.sass.erb` content = nil while ::Tilt[path] begin opts[:template_body] = content if content content_renderer =, path) content = content_renderer.render(locs, opts, context, &block) path = File.basename(path, File.extname(path)) rescue LocalJumpError raise "Tried to render a layout (calls yield) at #{path} like it was a template. Non-default layouts need to be in #{@app.config[:source]}/#{@app.config[:layouts_dir]}." end end content end end end