module Middleman module Sitemap module Extensions module Ignores # Setup extension class << self # Once registered def registered(app) # Include methods app.send :include, InstanceMethods ::Middleman::Sitemap::Resource.send :include, ResourceInstanceMethods end alias :included :registered end # Helpers methods for Resources module ResourceInstanceMethods # Whether the Resource is ignored # @return [Boolean] def ignored? @app.ignore_manager.ignored?(path) || (!proxy? && @app.ignore_manager.ignored?(source_file.sub("#{@app.source_dir}/", "")) ) end end # Ignore-related instance methods module InstanceMethods def ignore_manager @_ignore_manager ||= end # Ignore a path or add an ignore callback # @param [String, Regexp] path Path glob expression, or path regex # @return [void] def ignore(path=nil, &block) ignore_manager.ignore(path, &block) end end # Class to handle managing ignores class IgnoreManager def initialize(app) @app = app # Array of callbacks which can ass ignored @ignored_callbacks = [] end # Ignore a path or add an ignore callback # @param [String, Regexp] path Path glob expression, or path regex # @return [void] def ignore(path=nil, &block) if path.is_a? Regexp @ignored_callbacks << {|p| p =~ path } elsif path.is_a? String path_clean = ::Middleman::Util.normalize_path(path) if path_clean.include?("*") # It's a glob @ignored_callbacks << {|p| File.fnmatch(path_clean, p) } else # Add a specific-path ignore unless that path is already covered @ignored_callbacks << {|p| p == path_clean } unless ignored?(path_clean) end elsif block_given? @ignored_callbacks << block end end # Whether a path is ignored # @param [String] path # @return [Boolean] def ignored?(path) path_clean = ::Middleman::Util.normalize_path(path) @ignored_callbacks.any? { |b| } end end end end end end