Feature: Relative Assets
In order easily switch between relative and absolute paths
Scenario: Previewing css with the feature disabled
Given "relative_assets" feature is "disabled"
And the Server is running at "relative-assets-app"
When I go to "/stylesheets/relative_assets.css"
Then I should not see "url('../"
And I should see '/images/blank.gif")'
Scenario: Building css with the feature disabled
Given a fixture app "relative-assets-app"
And a file named "config.rb" with:
Given a successfully built app at "relative-assets-app"
When I cd to "build"
Then the file "stylesheets/relative_assets.css" should contain 'url("/images/blank.gif")'
Scenario: Rendering html with the feature disabled
Given "relative_assets" feature is "disabled"
And the Server is running at "relative-assets-app"
When I go to "/relative_image.html"
Then I should see "/images/blank.gif"
Scenario: Rendering css with the feature enabled
Given "relative_assets" feature is "enabled"
And the Server is running at "relative-assets-app"
When I go to "/stylesheets/relative_assets.css"
Then I should see 'url("../images/blank.gif'
When I go to "/javascripts/application.js"
Then I should not see "../"
Scenario: Building css with the feature enabled
Given a fixture app "relative-assets-app"
And a file named "config.rb" with:
activate :relative_assets
Given a successfully built app at "relative-assets-app"
When I cd to "build"
Then the file "stylesheets/relative_assets.css" should contain 'url("../images/blank.gif")'
Then the file "javascripts/application.js" should not contain "../"
Scenario: Relative css reference with directory indexes
Given a fixture app "relative-assets-app"
And a file named "config.rb" with:
activate :directory_indexes
activate :relative_assets
Given a successfully built app at "relative-assets-app"
When I cd to "build"
Then the file "relative_image/index.html" should contain "../stylesheets/relative_assets.css"
Scenario: Rendering html with the feature enabled
Given "relative_assets" feature is "enabled"
And the Server is running at "relative-assets-app"
When I go to "/relative_image.html"
Then I should not see "/images/blank.gif"
And I should see "images/blank.gif"
Scenario: Rendering scss with the feature enabled
Given "relative_assets" feature is "enabled"
And the Server is running at "fonts-app"
When I go to "/stylesheets/fonts.css"
Then I should see:
And I should see:
Scenario: Building scss with the feature enabled
Given a fixture app "fonts-app"
And a file named "config.rb" with:
activate :relative_assets
Given a successfully built app at "fonts-app"
When I cd to "build"
Then the file "stylesheets/fonts.css" should contain:
And the file "stylesheets/fonts.css" should contain:
Scenario: Relative assets via image_tag
Given a fixture app "relative-assets-app"
Given "relative_assets" feature is "enabled"
And a file named "source/sub/image_tag.html.erb" with:
<%= image_tag '/img/blank.gif' %>
And the Server is running at "relative-assets-app"
When I go to "/sub/image_tag.html"
Then I should see '
Scenario: Relative assets should not break data URIs in image_tag
Given a fixture app "relative-assets-app"
Given "relative_assets" feature is "enabled"
And a file named "source/sub/image_tag.html.erb" with:
<%= image_tag "" %>
And the Server is running at "relative-assets-app"
When I go to "/sub/image_tag.html"
Then I should see '