Feature: i18n Builder In order to preview localized html Scenario: Running localize with the default config Given a fixture app "i18n-test-app" And a file named "config.rb" with: """ localize """ Given a successfully built app at "i18n-test-app" When I cd to "build" Then the following files should exist: | index.html | | hello.html | | es/index.html | | es/hola.html | Then the following files should not exist: | en/index.html | And the file "index.html" should contain "Howdy" And the file "hello.html" should contain "Hello World" And the file "es/index.html" should contain "Como Esta?" And the file "es/hola.html" should contain "Hola World" Scenario: Running localize with the alt path config Given a fixture app "i18n-test-app" And a file named "config.rb" with: """ localize :path => "/lang_:locale/" """ Given a successfully built app at "i18n-test-app" When I cd to "build" Then the following files should exist: | index.html | | hello.html | | lang_es/index.html | | lang_es/hola.html | Then the following files should not exist: | lang_en/index.html | And the file "index.html" should contain "Howdy" And the file "hello.html" should contain "Hello World" And the file "lang_es/index.html" should contain "Como Esta?" And the file "lang_es/hola.html" should contain "Hola World" Scenario: Running localize with the alt root config Given a fixture app "i18n-alt-root-app" And a file named "config.rb" with: """ localize :templates_dir => "lang_data" """ Given a successfully built app at "i18n-alt-root-app" When I cd to "build" Then the following files should exist: | index.html | | hello.html | | es/index.html | | es/hola.html | Then the following files should not exist: | en/index.html | And the file "index.html" should contain "Howdy" And the file "hello.html" should contain "Hello World" And the file "es/index.html" should contain "Como Esta?" And the file "es/hola.html" should contain "Hola World" Scenario: Running localize with the lang map config Given a fixture app "i18n-test-app" And a file named "config.rb" with: """ localize :lang_map => { :en => :english, :es => :spanish } """ Given a successfully built app at "i18n-test-app" When I cd to "build" Then the following files should exist: | index.html | | hello.html | | spanish/index.html | | spanish/hola.html | Then the following files should not exist: | english/index.html | And the file "index.html" should contain "Howdy" And the file "hello.html" should contain "Hello World" And the file "spanish/index.html" should contain "Como Esta?" And the file "spanish/hola.html" should contain "Hola World" Scenario: Running localize with the no mount config Given a fixture app "i18n-test-app" And a file named "config.rb" with: """ localize :mount_at_root => false """ Given a successfully built app at "i18n-test-app" When I cd to "build" Then the following files should exist: | en/index.html | | en/hello.html | | es/index.html | | es/hola.html | Then the following files should not exist: | index.html | | hello.html | And the file "en/index.html" should contain "Howdy" And the file "en/hello.html" should contain "Hello World" And the file "es/index.html" should contain "Como Esta?" And the file "es/hola.html" should contain "Hola World" Scenario: Running localize with the subset config Given a fixture app "i18n-test-app" And a file named "config.rb" with: """ localize :langs => [:en] """ Given a successfully built app at "i18n-test-app" When I cd to "build" Then the following files should exist: | index.html | | hello.html | Then the following files should not exist: | en/index.html | | es/index.html | | es/hola.html | And the file "index.html" should contain "Howdy" And the file "hello.html" should contain "Hello World"