Feature: Support slim templating language In order to offer an alternative to Haml Scenario: Rendering Slim Given an empty app And a file named "config.rb" with: """ """ And a file named "source/slim.html.slim" with: """ doctype 5 html lang='en' head meta charset="utf-8" body h1 Welcome to Slim """ And the Server is running at "empty_app" When I go to "/slim.html" Then I should see "

Welcome to Slim

" Scenario: Slim Content For Given the Server is running at "slim-content-for-app" When I go to "/index.html" Then I should not see "Content AContent B" Then I should see "Content for A:Content A" Then I should see "Content for main:Content Main" Then I should see "Content for B:Content B" Scenario: Rendering Scss in a Slim filter Given an empty app And a file named "config.rb" with: """ """ And a file named "source/scss.html.slim" with: """ doctype 5 html lang='en' head meta charset="utf-8" scss: @mixin global-reset { html, body, div { padding: 0; } } @include global-reset; body h1 Welcome to Slim """ And a file named "source/sass.html.slim" with: """ doctype 5 html lang='en' head meta charset="utf-8" sass: html, body, div padding: 0 body h1 Welcome to Slim """ And a file named "source/error.html.slim" with: """ doctype 5 html lang='en' head meta charset="utf-8" scss: +global-reset2 body h1 Welcome to Slim """ And the Server is running at "empty_app" When I go to "/scss.html" Then I should see "html,body,div" When I go to "/sass.html" Then I should see "html,body,div" When I go to "/error.html" Then I should see "Syntax error"