require 'middleman-core/contracts' module Middleman module Util include Contracts module_function # Extract the text of a Rack response as a string. # Useful for extensions implemented as Rack middleware. # @param response The response from #call # @return [String] The whole response as a string. Contract RespondTo[:each] => String def extract_response_text(response) # The rack spec states all response bodies must respond to each result = '' response.each do |part, _| result << part end result end Contract String, String, ArrayOf[String], IsA['::Middleman::Application'], Proc => String def rewrite_paths(body, path, exts, app, &_block) matcher = /([\'\"\(,]\s*|# sourceMappingURL=)([^\s\'\"\)\(>]+(#{::Regexp.union(exts)}))/ url_fn_prefix = 'url(' body.dup.gsub(matcher) do |match| opening_character = $1 asset_path = $2 if asset_path.start_with?(url_fn_prefix) opening_character << url_fn_prefix asset_path = asset_path[url_fn_prefix.length..-1] end current_resource = app.sitemap.find_resource_by_destination_path(path) begin uri = ::Middleman::Util.parse_uri(asset_path) if uri.relative? && && !(asset_path =~ /^[^\/].*[a-z]+\.[a-z]+\/.*/) dest_path = ::Middleman::Util.url_for(app, asset_path, relative: false, current_resource: current_resource) resource = app.sitemap.find_resource_by_destination_path(dest_path) if resource && (result = yield(asset_path)) "#{opening_character}#{result}" else match end else match end rescue ::Addressable::URI::InvalidURIError match end end end end end