Feature: Templates should be chainable In order to insert variables and data in "static" engines Scenario: Data in Erb in Markdown Given the Server is running at "chained-app" When I go to "/index.html" Then I should see "Title" And I should see "Subtitle" And I should see "Sup" Scenario: Build chained template Given a successfully built app at "chained-app" When I cd to "build" Then the following files should exist: | index.html | | test.html.combobreaker | And the file "index.html" should contain "Title" And the file "index.html" should contain "Subtitle" And the file "index.html" should contain "Sup" And the file "test.html.combobreaker.html" should contain "Title" And the file "test.html.combobreaker.html" should contain "Subtitle" And the file "test.html.combobreaker.html" should contain "Sup" Scenario: Partials are parsed by multiple template engines: Outer template has .erb and inner .md.erb Given a fixture app "partial-chained_templates-app" And a template named "my_template.html.erb" with: """

My Template

<%= partial 'my_partial' %> """ And a template named "my_partial.html.md.erb" with: """ ## My Partial <%= 'hello world' %> """ And the Server is running When I go to "/my_template.html" Then I should see: """

My Template

""" Then I should see: """

My Partial

""" Then I should see: """

hello world

""" Scenario: Partials are parsed by multiple template engines: Outer template has .md.erb and inner .md.erb Given a fixture app "partial-chained_templates-app" And a template named "my_template.html.md.erb" with: """ # My Template <%= partial 'my_partial' %> """ And a template named "my_partial.html.md.erb" with: """ ## My Partial <%= 'hello world' %> """ And the Server is running When I go to "/my_template.html" Then I should see: """

My Template

""" Then I should see: """

My Partial

""" Then I should see: """

hello world

""" Scenario: Partials are parsed by multiple template engines: Outer template has .md.erb, and inner .erb Given a fixture app "partial-chained_templates-app" And a template named "my_template.html.md.erb" with: """ # My Template <%= partial 'my_partial' %> """ And a template named "my_partial.html.erb" with: """

My Partial

<%= 'hello world' %> """ And the Server is running When I go to "/my_template.html" Then I should see: """

My Template

""" Then I should see: """

My Partial

""" Then I should see: """

hello world
