ENV['PADRINO_ENV'] = 'test' PADRINO_ROOT = File.dirname(__FILE__) unless defined?(PADRINO_ROOT) require File.expand_path('../../../load_paths', __FILE__) require File.expand_path('../mini_shoulda', __FILE__) require 'padrino-core' require 'json' require 'rack/test' require 'rack' # Rubies < 1.9 don't handle hashes in the properly order so to prevent # this issue for now we remove extra values from mimetypes. Rack::Mime::MIME_TYPES.delete(".xsl") # In this way application/xml respond only to .xml class Sinatra::Base # Allow assertions in request context include MiniTest::Assertions end class MiniTest::Spec include Rack::Test::Methods # Sets up a Sinatra::Base subclass defined with the block # given. Used in setup or individual spec methods to establish # the application. def mock_app(base=Padrino::Application, &block) @app = Sinatra.new(base, &block) end def app Rack::Lint.new(@app) end # Asserts that a file matches the pattern def assert_match_in_file(pattern, file) assert File.exist?(file), "File '#{file}' does not exist!" assert_match pattern, File.read(file) end # Delegate other missing methods to response. def method_missing(name, *args, &block) if response && response.respond_to?(name) response.send(name, *args, &block) else super(name, *args, &block) end rescue Rack::Test::Error # no response yet super(name, *args, &block) end alias :response :last_response def create_template(name, content, options={}) FileUtils.mkdir_p(File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/views") FileUtils.mkdir_p(File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/views/layouts") path = "/views/#{name}" path += ".#{options.delete(:locale)}" if options[:locale].present? path += ".#{options[:format]}" if options[:format].present? path += ".erb" unless options[:format].to_s =~ /haml|rss|atom/ path += ".builder" if options[:format].to_s =~ /rss|atom/ file = File.dirname(__FILE__) + path File.open(file, 'w') { |io| io.write content } file end alias :create_view :create_template alias :create_layout :create_template def remove_views FileUtils.rm_rf(File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/views") end def with_template(name, content, options={}) # Build a temp layout template = create_template(name, content, options) yield ensure # Remove temp layout File.unlink(template) rescue nil remove_views end alias :with_view :with_template alias :with_layout :with_template end