Compare commits


No commits in common. "master" and "v3.4.0" have entirely different histories.

968 changed files with 40308 additions and 34522 deletions

View file

@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
root = true
indent_style = space
indent_size = 2
end_of_line = lf
charset = utf-8
trim_trailing_whitespace = true
insert_final_newline = true
trim_trailing_whitespace = false

.gitignore vendored
View file

@ -1,6 +1,3 @@
@ -13,7 +10,6 @@ Gemfile.lock
@ -24,4 +20,4 @@ Makefile

.gitmodules vendored Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
[submodule "middleman-core/lib/middleman-more/templates/smacss"]
path = middleman-core/lib/middleman-more/templates/smacss
url =

View file

@ -10,15 +10,11 @@ AllCops:
- '**/tmp/**/*'
- '**/bin/**/*'
- 'middleman-core/lib/middleman-core/step_definitions/**/*'
- 'middleman-core/lib/vendored-middleman-deps/**/*'
- 'middleman-core/fixtures/**/*'
- 'middleman-core/features/**/*'
- 'middleman-core/spec/**/*'
- 'middleman-cli/lib/middleman-cli/templates/**/*'
- 'middleman-cli/fixtures/**/*'
- 'middleman-cli/features/**/*'
- 'middleman-cli/spec/**/*'
Enabled: false
DisplayCopNames: true
Enabled: false
@ -51,21 +47,7 @@ FormatString:
Enabled: false
IndentWhenRelativeTo: end
Enabled: false
Enabled: false
Enabled: false
Enabled: false
Enabled: false
Enabled: false
Enabled: false
Enabled: false
Enabled: false

View file

@ -1,23 +1,22 @@
language: ruby
sudo: false
cache: bundler
- bundle update
bundler_args: --without development
- ruby-head
- 2.3.1
- 2.2.4
- 2.2
- 2.1
- 2.0
- 1.9.3
- linux
# - osx
- osx
cache: bundler
sudo: false
fast_finish: true
- rvm: ruby-head
- TEST=true
- CODECLIMATE_REPO_TOKEN=81787f7b1c3bfa937edadcafbc94f807bf5af5c1142c7b793f2d9969a271de1f
env: TEST=true
before_install: git submodule update --init --recursive
script: bundle exec rake test
slack: middleman:JW9OvXmn1m3XrSERe8866nBR
slack: middleman:JW9OvXmn1m3XrSERe8866nBR

View file

@ -1,11 +1,10 @@
--exclude middleman-core/lib/vendored-middleman-deps/
--exclude middleman-core/lib/middleman-core/step_definitions
--exclude middleman-cli/lib/middleman-cli/templates/default/
--exclude middleman-cli/lib/middleman-cli/templates/html5/
--exclude middleman-cli/lib/middleman-cli/templates/mobile/
--exclude middleman-cli/lib/middleman-cli/templates/shared/
--exclude middleman-cli/lib/middleman-cli/templates/extension/
--exclude middleman-core/lib/middleman-core/templates/default/
--exclude middleman-core/lib/middleman-core/templates/html5/
--exclude middleman-core/lib/middleman-core/templates/mobile/
--exclude middleman-core/lib/middleman-core/templates/shared/
--exclude middleman-core/lib/middleman-core/templates/extension/

View file

@ -1,161 +1,541 @@
# 4.1.13
* Change how config options are passed to Thor. Removes new Thor warnings from #2017
* Fix webrick restarts on Ruby 2.2
* Empower link_to in a i18n context.
* Add retina files support on automatic_image_sizes
* Fix woff/woff2 confusion in asset hashing.
* Support `relative: false` on `stylesheet_link_tag` and `javascript_include_tag`
* New host detection in preview server. Provides better externally accessible host/ip information for connecting from mobile devices and virtual machines.
# 4.1.12
* Fix broken `ignore { |p| true }` form.
# 4.1.11
* Upgrade to Rack 2.
# 4.1.10
* Fix unicode issues in URL deeplinks.
* Add prefix option to asset_hash (#1949)
# 4.1.9
* Fix `--watcher-*` CLI flags.
* Allow spaces in paths to work with `link_to`. Fixes #1914
* Add support for dotenv
* Fix asset_url with asset_hash (#1919)
* Allow partial lookups without a current_resource (#1912)
# 4.1.8
* Expose `development?` and `production?` helpers to template context.
* require the `try` core extension (#1911)
* Fix contract for Sitemap::Store.register_resource_list_manipulator (#1907)
* Loosen contract on Resource#source_file to Maybe[String] (#1906)
* Let collection loops access ConfigContext for helpers. #1879
* Use https:// to clone templates (#1901)
* Allow numbers to be unique page_ids (#1886)
* Prevent infinite loop when encountering files where base filename is a possible templating engine
# 4.1.7
* Upgrade fastimage to 2.0
* Fix shutdown of external_pipeline commands when config.rb is changed. #1877
* Allow calls to `app.` to work as collections after initial config parse. #1876
# 4.1.5-4.1.6
* Fix file recursion when looking for possible asset dependencies. Major preview server performance improvement.
# 4.1.4
* Unify default extensions for all URL processing extensions. #1855
* Fix URL regex for `content: ` context of CSS. #1853
* Make sure CLI config over-rides `config.rb` order.
* Fix relative assets in some contexts. #1842
# 4.1.3
* Expose all top-level config options to CLI (flags now match config. latency -> watcher_latency, etc).
* Fix directory indexes with `.htm` and `.xhtml` files. #1821
# 4.1.2
* Add `page_id` concept. Using the `id` key in frontmatter, proxy or page will set an ID on a resource which can be referenced by `url_for` and `link_to`.
* Allow looking for `Gemfile` when setting up a project to fail gracefully.
* Send correct exit code when external_pipeline fails during build.
* Fix error when customizing `layouts_dir`. #1028
* Fix collections (commands in loops) not being processed by `page` command. #1226
* Correctly asset_hash sourcemap references.
# 4.1.1
* Fix bad code that made `/__middleman/` break.
# 4.1.0
* Add rewrite_ignore option to asset_hash, asset_host, cache_buster & relative_assets. This proc let's you opt-out of the extension behavior on a per-path basis.
* gzip extension now compresses svgs by default
* Fix the `encoding` option.
* Fix relative paths on `image_tag` helper.
* Correctly exit with error code on failed `init`
* Fixed `asset_hash` when path has query string or #hashes
* Fix new extension template
* Don't parse frontmatter on ignored files.
* Fix displaying frontmatter on `/__middleman/sitemap`
* Add `skip_build_clean` config which when set to a block, will avoid removing non-generated paths from build, like .git #1716
* Minor performance improvements
* DRY-up config.rb-specific commands like `ignore` or `path`.
* Fix automatic images with absolute (or images dir missing) paths in markdown. Fixes #1755
* Fix asset_host in combination with Google Analytics snippet. #1751
* Show an error message when git CLI is not available. #1765
* Correctly show file names of GZIP'ed assets. #1364
* Build file output is now parallel-ized! Use `middleman build --no-parallel` to disable.
* Make template file extensions that get layouts by default configurable via `config[:extensions_with_layout]`
* Remove `=` from inline url matcher. This means paths in HTML attributes MUST be quoted. Fixes #1780
# 4.0.0
* Add `:locales` and `:data` source types to the list of files which trigger a live-reload.
* Rename i18n `lang` and `langs` to `locale` and `locales`.
* Avoid matching URLs across new lines. #1689
* Load Middleman Directory when doing `init` over SSL
* Fix `external_pipeline` first runs running out of sequence.
# 4.0.0.rc.2
* Rather than applying layouts to all files which are not .txt, .css, .js, .json: the new behavior is to only default layouts to active for .html
* Switch from Ruby Sass to SassC.
* `relative_assets` extension overrides local `relative: false` option to stylesheet/javascript tag helpers.
* Add `before_server`-hook to the preview server which is run before the Webrick server is started
* Add `-d` to `middleman server` to make it run as daemon
* Trigger "Possible File Change" events on files which share an output or template type with a changed file. Allows LiveReload to update on partial changes.
* Added `import_file SOURCE, TARGET` and `import_path SOURCE_FOLDER` to copy resources from outside the project in. Does NOT do file change watching. Perfect for `bower_components`.
# 4.0.0.rc.1
* Removed ability to use JSON as frontmatter. Still allowed in data/ folder.
* Added YAML data postscript. Like frontmatter, but reversed. Attach content after the key/value data as a `:postscript` key to the data structure (if Hash).
# 4.0.0.beta.2
* Fixed regression causing exceptions to be silently thrown away outside of `--verbose` mode in the dev server.
* Pull in `--ssl` option from stable.
* Replace `hooks` gem with custom callback solution.
# 4.0.0.beta.1
* Add `resources` class method to extensions to allow simple string-based resource generation.
* rename `app.add_to_instance` to `Extension.expose_to_application` for adding extension-local methods to the shared app instance.
* rename `app.add_to_config_context` to `Extension.expose_to_config` for adding extension-local methods to the sandboxed scope of `config.rb`
* Add `Extension.expose_to_template`, which auto binds copies of extension-local methods into a Template context.
* Remove side-loading of CLI tasks from `tasks/`
* Add the option of naming `config.rb` as `middleman.rb`.
* Builder extracted from Thor. `after_build` hook now passes an instance of a Builder instead of the Thor CLI.
* New FileWatcher API.
* Remove the `partials_dir` setting. Partials should live next to content, or be addressed with absolute paths.
* Partials must be named with a leading underscore. `_my_snippet.html.erb`, not `my_snippet.html.erb`.
* Removed the `proxy` and `ignore` options for the `page` command in `config.rb`. Use the `proxy` and `ignore` commands instead of passing these options to `page`.
* The `page` command in `config.rb` can now be used to add data to the page via the `data` argument. It is accessed the same way as frontmatter data, via ``.
* Add support for `environments` with the `-e` CLI flag. Loads additional config from `environments/envname.rb`. Removed `development?` helper in favor of `environment?(:development)`. Added `server?` helper to differentiate between build and server mode.
* Removed `with_layout`. Use loops of `page` instead.
* Removed Queryable Sitemap API
* Removed `css_compressor` setting, use `activate :minify_css, :compressor =>` instead.
* Removed `js_compressor` setting, use `activate :minify_javascript, :compressor =>` instead.
* Removed ability to server folders of content statically (non-Middleman projects).
* Prevent local templates being loaded when $HOME is not set
* Removed "Implied Extension feature"
* Remove 'upgrade' and 'install' CLI commands.
* Gemfile may be in a parent directory of your Middleman project root (where 'config.rb' is).
* All dependencies for your Middleman project must be expressed in `Gemfile` - Bundler is no longer optional.
* Asciidoc information now available with the `asciidoc` local, which is a normal hash.
* Remove `page` template local. Use `current_resource` instead.
* Dropped support for providing a block to `page` & `proxy`.
* Dropped support for instance variables inside templates.
* Moved all rendering into `TemplateRenderer` and `FileRenderer`
* Placed all template evaluation inside the `TemplateContext` class
* Remove deprecated `request` instance
* Remove old module-style extension support
* Placed all `config.rb` evaluation inside the `ConfigContext` class
* The preview server can now serve over HTTPS using the `--https` flag. It will use an automatic self-signed cert which can be overridden using `--ssl_certificate` and `--ssl_private_key`. These settings can also be set in `config.rb`
* The preview server URL will use the local hostname rather than ''. It will also print out a URL based on the host's public IP in case that's useful.
* The `--host` flag and `config.rb` setting have been removed - the preview server will always bind to all interfaces.
* Add `srcset` option to `image_tag`. Also enables them in Markdown.
* Add jruby to the list of envs requiring tzinfo-data.
* Don't lookup resource for path if the path is absolute. Fixes #1195
* Make preview host and port configurable in config.rb and also expose those variables to extensions which are curious. Closes #1477
* Append assets hash to .woff2 files
* Rack support has been broken since v3.3.9, fix that. #1501
* Fixes #1469, missing `cattr_accessor` in Redcarpet support.
* Fix slim >= 3.0.0 deprecation warning
* Moved main `Application` from requiring to autoloading to work around some double-loading issues in Docker.
* Define a mime type for sourcemaps. #1451
* Asset hashing for image references in srcset
* Import patch to bugfix from Padrino Helpers #1401
* Better URI encoding and decoding #1406
* Update version of i18n
* Update new project template Gemfile to use HTTPS by default. #1372
* Use full paths instead of relative for `listen` gem. Fixes #1374
* Add force option to "middleman init". #1369
* Configuration addition for compass 1 compatibility.
* Catch File read exceptions in frontmatter.
* Remove duplicate attr_accessor. Closes #1352
* Update sass dependency to >= 3.4.0.
* Update compass dependency to >= 1.0.0, < 2.0.0
* Accept pandoc-style YAML frontmatter. #1350
* Add webp to image type lists.
* Update Padrino to ~> 0.12.3 (removed breadcrumb helper)
* Update compass-import-once to 1.0.5
* Fix issue with Slim partials. #1327
* Fix `automatic_alt_tags` error. #1341
* `partial` now looks for i18n suffixed filenames. #1333
* Allow excluding paths from `gzip`. #1268
* Let LiveReload work on 404 pages.
* Update `listen` dependency.
* Fix thread-safety issue #501 which could cause excepts when livereloading.
* Update to support Hooks 0.4.x dep.
* Update to support Padrino 0.12.2+ dep.
* Fix `after_render` manipulation of content. #1278
* Fix combo of compass-import-once and sass-globs. middleman/middleman-sprockets#56
* Update Padrino to 0.12.1. Introduces BREAKING CHANGE for Haml. Helpers which take blocks used to require `-` instead of `=` to work correctly. Now, all helpers which output content should use `=`. See:
* Update Haml to 4.x
* Disable Webrick reverse DNS lookup, vastly improving performance when accessing from a VM.
* Ignore `node_modules` in FileWatcher
* Add `tzinfo-data` for Windows users.
* Prefer loading layouts from `layouts_dir`
* Add `before_build` hook.
* Depend on Erubis and remove support for specifying another ERb engine.
* Removed the ability to set the `sass_cache_path`.
* Improved /__middleman/ meta pages. For example, sitemap view now calls out ignored resources, prints data/options better, and shows which special locals are available on a page.
* Bump Uglifier to 2.5.x
* Specify the full path to the NEWLINE constant
* Refactor some internals which were dependent on certain order of operations
* Updated i18n dep
* Updated Uglifier dep
* Allow path to be passed to page_classes. #1120
* Parallelize gzip extension using four threads. #1116
* Fix locale issue when using gzip extension
* Better handle UTF-8 filenames
* Update Padrino to 0.11.4 and Tilt to 1.4.1
* Dropped support for Ruby 1.8
* Dropped empty "middleman-more" gem
* Support the AsciiDoc format
* `page_classes` now prefixes class names starting with numbers with an alpha character. "x" by default.
* AREL-style sitemap query language no longer mutates on filter
* Logging can now be forwarded to a file
* Syntax errors in config.rb no longer hang the server
* Fixed memory leak when adding blocks to resources. #1020
* Support HEAD requests in the server
* Magic sitemap-aware links and image references now work when your markdown engine is Kramdown (the default for Middleman).
* Having the build directory be a symlink no longer causes the --clean (default) option to wipe out your build.
* Fix handling paths and URLs with spaces in them. #961
* Loosen up Kramdown dependency to allow for using version 1.2.
* Loosen up Listen dependency so it works with sass betas.
* Look for assets using url_for before falling back to the "images" directory. #1017
* Do not cache generated redirect index file. #1019
* Make an effort to handle spaces in filenames in a way that url_for can handle. #961
* Fix localization via filename extension. #1015
* Escape filenames in regexes. Fixes #942.
* Create automated alt tag addition, based on image name.
* Add listener latency option. (Aliased to -l)
* Add support/tests for Redcarpet 3.0.0 features
- :underline
- :highlight
- :disable_indented_code_blocks
* Fix support for
- :link_attributes
- :filter_html
* Support kramdown 1.1
* Support redcarpet's :no_links & :no_images. #951
* Fixed typo in rack extensions block
* Add support for nojekyll dotfile
* Locales regex was broken, selecting .yml files from data folder.
* Fix for implied extensions getting a layout. (Mentioned in #901)git pu
* Added `redirect` command for generating meta refreshes
* Check if set is redefining a param at the class level. Fixes #939
* Correctly escape `content_tag` when using a block. Fixes #941
3.1.0 Highlights
* Autoload support (moving away from middleman-more)
* New Configuration System
* New v4 Extension API
* `/__middleman' inspector
* Added Ruby 2.0, dropped Ruby 1.9.2
* Fully tested on JRuby 1.9
* Build defaults to --clean
* Blocks with different templating languages than their layout now work as expected. #860
* Ruby 1.8 users will need to add the following to their Gemfiles:
platforms :mri_18 do
gem "ruby18_source_location"
* The `endpoint` method allows the building of Rack-based files or arbitrary content.
* `layouts_dir` is now configurable
* Custom template classes can now override the file used for creating the project Gemfile.
* Add an "empty" template that produces the minimum necessary structure for a Middleman project.
* Fix ignoring layouts from the sitemap when the source directory has been set to something other than 'source'. #896
* Track test coverage with simplecov
* i18n only autodetects languages in the `locales` root
* Frontmatter cache fixes solve performance regressions found in 3.1.x
* Vendor padrino-* to avoid dep hell
* `middleman-more` gem returns, but it's empty for backwards compat
* Prefer internal files.exists? over ruby's slow File.exists?
* Move more into core, autoloaded if gems are available.
* DataStore may now be accessed like a hash with #[] and #has_key?. #880
* The i18n extension now supports providing localized templates as separate files, like #816, #823
* The list of regular expressions for which files are ignored by the file watcher are now configurable.
* Revert to Thor 0.15.x
* Revert to padrino-helpers 0.10.x (dependency hell)
* Drop i18n dep to match activesupport at 0.6.1
* Extension template uses new class-based Extension
* Fix missing children in some sitemap traversal operations. #837
* Add respond_to? to DataStore. #872
* Allow discovery of prerelease gems. #873
* Include middleman-livereload in default Gemfile
* Update Rack dependency to 1.5.x
* Update to Listen 1.0.x
* Update to padrino-helpers 0.11.x
* Update uglifier to 2.0.x
* Convert all of middleman-more to new class-based Extensions
* Support Slim 2.0 ::Slim::Embedded
* "middleman build" will clean out old files from the build directory by default now, without needing to pass "--clean". Pass "--no-clean" to disable. #862
* Allow frontmatter to be side-loaded from a neighboring file with a .frontmatter extension: #855
* Allow frontmatter "renderer_options" key to overwrite renderer options on a per-file basis. #859
* A custom :partials_dir may be configured, and partials will be looked up from it. #854
* The sprockets environment is now available before config.rb is run, so you can mess with it.
* Added a "t" helper that delegates to I18n.t, just like Rails. #853.
* I18n will fall back to the default locale if a translation in the current locale is not found. You can disable this behavior by passing `:no_fallbacks => true` when activating `:i18n`. More settings documented at . #853
* Switched default Markdown engine to Kramdown. #852
* Overhaul content-type handling, and add a `:content_type` parameter for `page`, `proxy`, and frontmatter that allows for overriding the default content type. #851
* Fixes for upcoming Sass versions.
* Fix markdown filters in Haml 4 so that they don't throw errors when generating links/images and so they use our magic image_tag/link_to methods. #662
* Fix a number of bugs with i18n. Add a `:lang` option that can be used with `page` or `proxy` to set the I18n.locale of a page. #845
* Directory names in the data folder are treated as part of the data key. #836
* Properly reload the server when files change in "lib" or "helpers". #835
* Replace Rainpress CSS minifier with the one built into Sass.
* Changed 'default' and 'html5' templates to use '' instead of ''. #825
* Include file extension in template cache. #798
* Support for Ruby 2.0.0.
* "middleman console" will give you a console where you can mess around inside your middleman context. #775
* Add to Compass import paths instead of resetting them. #707
* There are now metadata pages in the preview server at "/__middleman/" that show information about the sitemap and site configuration. #374 and #776
* The sitemap is now queryable with an ARel-like API. #650
* Reorganize SMACSS template. #591
* No longer bundle native file watchers - add an appropriate gem (rb-fsevent for OS X, rb-inotify for Linux, wdm for windows) to your Gemfile.
* `activate :asset_host, :host => hostname` can be used to configure `:asset_host`.
* Path matchers (for things like ignore and page) correctly work with string matchers. #689
* Configuration has been moved to Middleman::Configuration::ConfigurationManager. This is backwards-compatible, but offers a nicer way of getting and setting configuration for extensions, including documenting those settings and their defaults. #620.
* Require Tilt 1.3.6 (older versions have errant .csv template type)
* Unregister Tilt HTML handler
* Fix dynamic multi-byte utf-8 files rebuilding. #806
* Force locale to english for number_to_human_size in the gzip extension. #804
* Don't use the logger from a trap context. Ruby 2.0.0 support. #801.
* Serve extensionless files or dotfiles with text/plain MIME type
* Update to listen 0.7.x. No longer depend on rb-inotify. *nix users should add to Gemfile.
* Support Haml 4
* :debug_assets can no longer be turned on in the build environment.
* Helpers now work with JS/CSS files with .erb processing.
* Provide an informative exception when link_to is used improperly.
* Force .svgz files to be treated as binary.
* Add a url_for method that performs the link_to magic URL generation without a link. Make form_for use url_for. #739
* Fix issues when combining relative assets and cache buster.
* Support the .yaml extension for data files.
* Handle non-english default languages in i18n. Fixes #584. #771
* Allow frontmatter to be parsed on templates outside the project root
* Improve detection of binary files. #763
* Add before_render and after_render hooks that can be used by extensions to modify templates before they're rendered or modify the rendered output before it's returned. #761 & #774
* Tightened up dependencies
* Print the command for running middleman in verbose mode with quotes so Bundler doesn't swallow the verbose flag. #750
* Mitigate major perf regression caused by the Middleman::Util#binary? method
* Avoid looking in binary files for frontmatter. #728
* Allow nested i18n files. #725
* Better adapt to Rack interface. #709
* Add --force-polling flag. #730, #644
* Lock Rack to 1.4.1 until BodyProxy bug is resolved. #709
* Safely de-register Tilt extensions which are missing gems. #713
* Directly send binary files in preview and copy them in build, avoiding reading large binary files into memory for rendering. #643 #699
* Make link_to helper ignore QueryString values when looking up Sitemap resources
* Directly copy binary files during build, and stream them during preview, to avoid reading them into memory
* Make sure all paths in Sitemap are using Pathname
* Turn html5 boilerplate into a layout
* Fix errors when templates have empty YAML
* Show the hostname when initializing MM
* Fix issues when using Redcarpet inside Slim
* Make automatic_image_sizes avoid SVGs
* Make Sitemap more thread-safe.
* Asset-hash fixes in conjunction with Sprockets.
* Proxy improvements.
* Handle directories with a tilde (~) in their path.
* Print better error message which port is already in use.
* Terminal signal improvements, shutsdown correctly when Terminal closed.
* Bundled Normalize.css updated to 2.0.1
* Fixed Encoding extension activation
* Reload i18n on file changes (#616)
* Require newer version of listen.
* Handful of sitemap speed improvements.
* Fix previewing of directories with periods in their name.
* Add CLI ability to skip gemfile and bundler init.
* Fix asset_hash when used in conjunction with Rack middleware.
* Fix LiveReload extension issues.
* Add reload_paths to server CLI to add additional paths to reload MM on change.
* Re-organize app reloading code, don't need to restart listen every time.
* Logger has no such method .warning. Closes #582
* HTML5 Boilerplate version 4.0.0
* Use wdm for Windows
* Fix buggy color renaming in built-in CSS minifier. #576
* Fix Sass/Scss filter in Slim templates
* Added SMACSS template
* Give file metadata (such as frontmatter) precedence over path meta. #552
* Add `sass_assets_paths` option for arbitrary sass partial locations.
* Don't catch CoffeeScript errors when in build mode.
* Extract load_paths so they aren't locked into the binary
* Add middleman/rack for better support
* Use centralized Logger and add benchmark methods
* Improve asset methods and link_to by making them more clever and aware of options such as relative_assets and http_prefix
* Refer to --verbose, instead of --debug in CLI error message (#505)
* Cleanup listener setup and teardown
* Update to Padrino 0.10.7 and Thor 0.15 (#495)
* Build output correctly shows update and identical, instead of create for all.
* automatic_directory_matcher (#491)
* Doing a build now shows identical files (#475)
* asset_hash, minify_javascript, and minify_css can now accept regexes, globs,
and procs (#489, #480)
* The `link_to` helper can now accept a sitemap Resource as a URL (#474)
* The preview server now correctly listens for changes (#487, #464)
* HTMLs are now served with a 'utf-8' charset instead of 'utf8' (#478)
* UTF-8 is now the new default encoding for data and templates (#486, #483)
* New :encoding setting that allows users to change default encoding
* You may now use the `use` method with a block when adding Rack middleware
* Middleman now depends on Listen 0.4.5+ and ActiveSupport 3.2.6+
* Attempt to avoid issues with RVM's default Bundler (#466)
* Fix issue where Middleman won't start with Compass 0.12.2.rc.1 (#469)
* Split into 3 gems (middleman-core, middleman-more and middleman which simply includes both)
* Rewritten to work directly with Rack (Sinatra apps can still be mounted)
* Sitemap maintains own state
* New Extension Registration API
* Remove old 1.x mm- binaries and messaging
* New default layout functionality:
* Enable chained templates outside of sprockets (file.html.markdown.erb)
* Sitemap object representing the known world
* FileWatcher proxies file change events
* Unified callback solution
* Removed Slim from base install. Will need to be installed and required by the user (in - config.rb)
* Activate mobile html5boilerplate template
* Update to Redcarpet for Markdown (breaks Haml :markdown filter)
* Return correct exit codes (0 for success, 1 for failure) from CLI
* Yard code docs:
* config.rb and extensions can add command-line commands
* Nested layouts using `wrap_layout` helper
* Support for
* Added MM_ROOT environmental variable
* activating extensions can now take an options hash
* Don't re-minify files with ".min" in their name
* Serve purely static folders directly (without source/ and config.rb)
* Set ignored files and disable directory_indexes from YAML frontmatter
* Automatically load helper modules in helpers/ directory
* Add pid for cleanup
* Use guard/listen for file watching
* Merge full i18n support
* Implied file extensions (style.scss => style.css)
* Padrino 0.10.6
* `middleman init` generates a `Gemfile` by default.
* Errors stop the build and print a stacktrace rather than silently getting printed into files.
* `with_layout` works with globs or regexes.
* Setting `directory_index` from `page` with a glob or regex now works.
* `:gzip` extension for pre-gzipping files for better compression with no server CPU cost.
* `:asset_hash` extension that generates unique-by-content filenames for assets and rewrites references to use those filenames, so you can set far-future expires on your assets.
* Removed the `--relative` CLI option.
* Properly output Compass-generated sprited images.
* Switch built-in CSS compressor to Rainpress.
* Automatically load helper modules from `helpers/`, like Rails.
* `ignore` and `page` both work with file globs or regexes.
* `layout`, `ignore`, and `directory_index` can be set from front matter.
* JavaScript and CSS are minified no matter where they are in the site, including in inline code blocks.
* Files with just a template extension get output with the correct exension (foo.erb => foo.html)
* `link_to` is smart about source paths, and can produce relative URLs with the `:relative` option or the sitewide `:relative_links` setting.
* Include vendored assets in sprockets path.
* Finally support Compass in Sprockets! Thanks to @xdite and @petebrowne
* Moved Sprockets into an extension
* Support loading Less @imports
* Minor fix for i18n
* Update Windows eventmachine dep
* build --clean shouldn't remove dotfiles
* middleman build --clean keeps the build directory clean of leftover files
* Padrino 0.10.5 and Rack 1.3.5
* Sinatra 1.3.1 and Padrino 0.10.4
* Lock Padrino and Sinatra versions (for now)
* Added --glob option to build which only builds matching files
* Allow data/ files to be in JSON format as well
* Enabled Liquid {% include %} tag
* RubyInstaller-specific gem
* Allow access to data/ in config.rb
* Add mobile html5boilerplate template
* Support accessing variables and data objects in ERb Sprockets files (
* Make :markdown_engine support simple symbol names (:maruku instead of ::Tilt::MarkukuTemplate)
* Update Padrino deps to 0.10.2
* Include therubyracer on *nix
* Enable frontmatter for Liquid templates
* Updated HTML5 Boilerplate to v2
* Make Rails 3.1 javascript gems available to Sprockets
* Pulled out livereload feature into its own extension, still installed by default.
* Vendored Padrino 0.10.0
* Pulled out undocumented remote data feature into its own extension
* Pulled out undocumented Blog feature into its own extension
* Fixed Sprockets circular error
* Added auto-requiring extensions
* Guard-powered auto-reloading of config.rb
* Guard LiveReload
* Sprockets JS
* Refactored Dynamically Reloadable Core
* Combine views/ and public/ into a single source/ folder.
* Support YAML front-matter
* Added callback to run code after Compass is configured
* Added support for a compass.config file which is passed directly to Compass
* Blog-aware Feature (and project template)
* Thor-based, unified `middleman` binary
* :directory_indexes feature

View file

@ -29,9 +29,6 @@ Ideally, a bug report should include a pull request with failing specs.
## Submitting a Pull Request
1. [Fork the repository.][fork]
2. Create a topic [branch]. `git checkout -b local_topic_branch`
3. Add specs for your unimplemented feature or bug fix.

View file

@ -5,48 +5,36 @@ gem 'rake', '~> 10.3', require: false
gem 'yard', '~> 0.8', require: false
# Test tools
gem 'byebug'
gem 'aruba', '~> 0.7.4', require: false
gem 'rspec', '~> 3.0', require: false
gem 'cucumber', '~> 2.0', require: false
gem 'addressable', '~> 2.4.0', require: false
# Pry tools
gem 'pry'
gem 'pry-stack_explorer'
gem 'pry-rescue'
gem 'pry', '~> 0.10', group: :development
gem 'aruba', '~> 0.7.4'
gem 'rspec', '~> 3.0'
gem 'cucumber', '~> 2.0'
# Optional middleman dependencies, included for tests
gem 'haml', '>= 4.0.5', require: false
gem 'sassc', '~> 1.8', require: false
gem 'coffee-script', '~> 2.2', require: false
gem 'kramdown', '~> 1.2', require: false
gem 'less', '2.3', require: false
gem 'slim', '>= 2.0', require: false
gem 'liquid', '>= 2.6', require: false
gem 'stylus', '>= 1.0', require: false
gem 'sinatra', '>= 2.0.0.beta2', require: false
gem 'redcarpet', '>= 3.1', require: false
gem 'sinatra', '>= 1.4', require: false
gem 'redcarpet', '>= 3.1', require: false unless RUBY_ENGINE == 'jruby'
gem 'asciidoctor', '~> 0.1', require: false
# Dns server to test preview server
gem 'rubydns', '~> 1.0.1', require: false
# To test javascript
gem 'poltergeist', '~> 1.8', require: false
gem 'phantomjs', '~>', require: false
gem 'poltergeist', '~> 1.6.0', require: false
# For less, note there is no compatible JS runtime for windows
gem 'therubyrhino', '>= 2.0', platforms: :jruby
gem 'therubyracer', '>= 0.12', platforms: :ruby
gem 'therubyrhino', '>= 2.0', platforms: :jruby
# Code Quality
gem 'rubocop', '~> 0.24', require: false
gem 'simplecov', '~> 0.10', require: false
gem 'coveralls', '~> 0.8', require: false
gem 'codeclimate-test-reporter', '~> 0.3', require: false, group: :test
# Middleman itself
gem 'middleman-cli', path: 'middleman-cli'
gem 'middleman', path: 'middleman'
gem 'middleman-core', path: 'middleman-core'
# gem 'middleman-compass', github: 'middleman/middleman-compass', require: false
# gem 'middleman-sprockets', github: 'middleman/middleman-sprockets', require: false
gem 'middleman-sprockets', github: 'middleman/middleman-sprockets', branch: 'v3-stable-real'

View file

@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
## Expected behavior and actual behavior
## Steps to reproduce the problem (from a clean middleman installation)
## Additional information
- Ruby version:
- Middleman version:
- OS version:

View file

@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ The last few years have seen an explosion in the amount and variety of tools dev
* [Sass]( for DRY stylesheets
* [CoffeeScript]( for safer and less verbose javascript
* Multiple asset management solutions, including [Sprockets](
* Multiple asset management solutions, including [Sprockets](
* [ERb]( & [Haml]( for dynamic pages and simplified HTML syntax
**Middleman** gives the stand-alone developer access to all these tools and many, many more. Why would you use a stand-alone framework instead of Ruby on Rails?
@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ These days, many websites are built with an API in mind. Rather than package the
## Installation
Middleman is built on Ruby and uses the RubyGems package manager for installation. These are usually pre-installed on Mac OS X and Linux. Windows users can install both using [RubyInstaller]. For windows [RubyInstaller-Devkit] is also required.
Middleman is built on Ruby and uses the RubyGems package manager for installation. These are usually pre-installed on Mac OS X and Linux. Windows users can install both using [RubyInstaller].
gem install middleman
@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ The best way to get quick responses to your issues and swift fixes to your bugs
## Donate
[Click here to lend your support to Middleman](
[Click here to lend your support to Middleman](
## Versioning
@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ introduced with new major versions. As a result of this policy, you can (and
should) specify a dependency on this gem using the [Pessimistic Version
Constraint][pvc] with two digits of precision. For example:
spec.add_dependency 'middleman-core', '~> 4.0'
spec.add_dependency 'middleman-core', '~> 3.0'
@ -121,6 +121,5 @@ Copyright (c) 2010-2015 Thomas Reynolds. MIT Licensed, see [LICENSE] for details

View file

@ -1,11 +1,12 @@
require 'rubygems' unless defined?(Gem)
require 'rake'
require File.expand_path('../middleman-core/lib/middleman-core/version.rb', __FILE__)
ROOT = File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__))
GEM_NAME = 'middleman'.freeze
GEM_NAME = 'middleman'
middleman_gems = %w(middleman-core middleman-cli middleman)
middleman_gems = %w(middleman-core middleman)
GEM_PATHS = middleman_gems.freeze
def sh_rake(command)
@ -36,7 +37,7 @@ end
desc 'Generate documentation for all middleman gems'
task :doc do
GEM_PATHS.each do |g|
Dir.chdir(File.join(ROOT, g).to_s) { sh "#{Gem.ruby} -S rake yard" }
Dir.chdir("#{File.join(ROOT, g)}") { sh "#{Gem.ruby} -S rake yard" }
@ -45,14 +46,14 @@ task :test do
GEM_PATHS.each do |g|
Dir.chdir(File.join(ROOT, g).to_s) { sh "#{Gem.ruby} -S rake test" }
Dir.chdir("#{File.join(ROOT, g)}") { sh "#{Gem.ruby} -S rake test" }
desc 'Run specs for all middleman gems'
task :spec do
GEM_PATHS.each do |g|
Dir.chdir(File.join(ROOT, g).to_s) { sh "#{Gem.ruby} -S rake spec" }
Dir.chdir("#{File.join(ROOT, g)}") { sh "#{Gem.ruby} -S rake spec" }

View file

@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
require 'rubygems' unless defined?(Gem)
require 'rake'
require 'yard'
@ -20,14 +21,15 @@ do |t|
exempt_tags << '--tags ~@encoding' unless Object.const_defined?(:Encoding)
exempt_tags << '--tags ~@nowindows' if Gem.win_platform?
exempt_tags << '--tags ~@travishatesme' if ENV['TRAVIS'] == 'true'
t.cucumber_opts = "--require features --color #{exempt_tags.join(' ')} --strict" # --format #{ENV['CUCUMBER_FORMAT'] || 'Fivemat'}"
t.cucumber_opts = "--require features --color #{exempt_tags.join(' ')} --strict"# --format #{ENV['CUCUMBER_FORMAT'] || 'Fivemat'}"
end do |t|
exempt_tags = ['--tags @wip']
exempt_tags << '--tags ~@nojava' if RUBY_PLATFORM == 'java'
exempt_tags << '--tags ~@encoding' unless Object.const_defined?(:Encoding)
exempt_tags << '--tags ~@nowindows' if Gem.win_platform?
t.cucumber_opts = "--require features --color #{exempt_tags.join(' ')} --strict" # --format #{ENV['CUCUMBER_FORMAT'] || 'Fivemat'}"
t.cucumber_opts = "--color #{exempt_tags.join(' ')} --strict"# --format #{ENV['CUCUMBER_FORMAT'] || 'Fivemat'}"
require 'rspec/core/rake_task'

View file

@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
SimpleCov.start do
add_filter '/fixtures/'
add_filter '/features/'
add_filter '/spec/'
add_filter '/step_definitions/'
add_filter '/lib/vendored-middleman-deps/'

View file

@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
--exclude lib/middleman-cli/templates/default/
--exclude lib/middleman-cli/templates/html5/
--exclude lib/middleman-cli/templates/mobile/
--exclude lib/middleman-cli/templates/shared/
--exclude lib/middleman-cli/templates/extension/

View file

@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
# coding:utf-8
RAKE_ROOT = __FILE__.freeze
GEM_NAME = 'middleman-cli'.freeze
require File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../gem_rake_helper')

View file

@ -1,70 +0,0 @@
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
require 'middleman-core/profiling'
if ARGV.include? '--profile'
Middleman::Profiling.profiler =
# Middleman::Profiling.start
require "middleman-core/load_paths"
require 'dotenv'
require 'middleman-core'
require 'middleman-core/logger'
module Middleman::Cli
class << self
attr_accessor :config
def self.import_config(base)
::Middleman::Cli.config.all_settings.each do |setting|
if setting.default.is_a?(String) || setting.default.is_a?(NilClass)
base.class_option setting.key,
type: :string,
desc: setting.description
elsif setting.default.is_a?(TrueClass) || setting.default.is_a?(FalseClass)
base.class_option setting.key,
type: :boolean,
desc: setting.description
require "middleman-cli"
# Change directory to the root
Dir.chdir(ENV["MM_ROOT"]) if ENV["MM_ROOT"]
# Default command is server
if ARGV[0] != 'help' && (ARGV.length < 1 || ARGV.first.include?('-'))
::Middleman::Cli.config = do
config[:environment] = (ENV['MM_ENV'] || ENV['RACK_ENV'] || 'development').to_sym
config[:mode] = :config
config[:exit_before_ready] = true
config[:watcher_disable] = true
config[:disable_sitemap] = true
# Require the Middleman version
require 'middleman-core/version'
# Include the core CLI items
require 'middleman-cli/init'
require 'middleman-cli/extension'
require 'middleman-cli/server'
require 'middleman-cli/build'
require 'middleman-cli/console'
require 'middleman-cli/config'
# Start the CLI

View file

@ -1,93 +0,0 @@
Feature: Middleman CLI
Scenario: Create a new project
When I run `middleman init MY_PROJECT` interactively
And I type "y"
And I type "y"
And I type "y"
And I type "y"
Then the exit status should be 0
When I cd to "MY_PROJECT"
Then the following files should exist:
| Gemfile |
| .gitignore |
| config.rb |
| source/index.html.erb |
| source/layouts/layout.erb |
| source/javascripts/all.js |
| source/stylesheets/site.css.scss |
| source/stylesheets/_normalize.scss |
Scenario: Create a new project in the current directory
Given a directory named "MY_PROJECT"
When I cd to "MY_PROJECT"
And I run `middleman init` interactively
And I type "y"
And I type "y"
And I type "y"
And I type "y"
Then the exit status should be 0
And the following files should exist:
| Gemfile |
| config.rb |
| source/index.html.erb |
Scenario: Create a new project (alias i)
When I run `middleman i MY_PROJECT` interactively
And I type "y"
And I type "y"
And I type "y"
And I type "y"
Then a directory named "MY_PROJECT" should exist
Scenario: Create a new project (alias new)
When I run `middleman new MY_PROJECT` interactively
And I type "y"
And I type "y"
And I type "y"
And I type "y"
Then a directory named "MY_PROJECT" should exist
Scenario: Create a new project (alias n)
When I run `middleman n MY_PROJECT` interactively
And I type "y"
And I type "y"
And I type "y"
And I type "y"
Then a directory named "MY_PROJECT" should exist
Scenario: Create a new project using Middleman directory
When I run `middleman init MY_PROJECT -T blog`
Then a directory named "MY_PROJECT" should exist
When I cd to "MY_PROJECT"
And the file "Gemfile" should contain "middleman-blog"
And the file ".gitignore" should exist
Scenario: Create an invalid project using Middleman directory
When I run `middleman init MY_PROJECT -T does-not-exist-for-reals`
Then the exit status should be 1
Scenario: Create a new project using github(user/repository)
When I run `middleman init MY_PROJECT -T middleman/middleman-templates-default` interactively
And I type "y"
And I type "y"
And I type "y"
And I type "y"
Then a directory named "MY_PROJECT" should exist
Scenario: Create a new project using github(user/repository#branch)
When I run `middleman init MY_PROJECT -T middleman/middleman-templates-default#master` interactively
And I type "y"
And I type "y"
And I type "y"
And I type "y"
Then a directory named "MY_PROJECT" should exist
And the output should contain "-b master"
Scenario: Create a new project using full path(://)
When I run `middleman init MY_PROJECT -T` interactively
And I type "y"
And I type "y"
And I type "y"
And I type "y"
Then a directory named "MY_PROJECT" should exist

View file

@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
Feature: Run preview server before hook
Scenario: When run
Given a fixture app "preview-server-hook-app"
And the default aruba timeout is 30 seconds
When I run `middleman server --server-name localhost --bind-address` interactively
And I stop middleman if the output contains:
### END ###
Then the output should contain:
/// ///
/// 4567 ///
/// localhost ///
/// http://localhost:4567 ///

View file

@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
ENV["TEST"] = "true"
require 'sassc'
require 'simplecov'
SimpleCov.root(File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../..'))
require 'phantomjs/poltergeist'
Capybara.javascript_driver = :poltergeist
require 'coveralls'
require 'codeclimate-test-reporter'
PROJECT_ROOT_PATH = File.dirname(File.dirname(File.dirname(__FILE__)))
require File.join(PROJECT_ROOT_PATH, 'lib', 'middleman-cli')
require File.join(File.dirname(PROJECT_ROOT_PATH), 'middleman-core', 'lib', 'middleman-core', 'step_definitions')

View file

@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
set :layout, false
class MyFeature < Middleman::Extension
def initialize(app, options_hash = {}, &block)
app.before_server do |server_information|
puts "/// #{server_information.listeners.first} ///"
puts "/// #{server_information.port} ///"
puts "/// #{server_information.server_name} ///"
puts "/// #{server_information.site_addresses.first} ///"
puts "/// ### END ### ///"
::Middleman::Extensions.register(:my_feature, MyFeature)
activate :my_feature

View file

@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
<meta charset="utf-8">

View file

@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
# rubocop:disable FileName
# Setup our load paths
libdir = File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__))
$LOAD_PATH.unshift(libdir) unless $LOAD_PATH.include?(libdir)
# Require Thor since that's what the whole CLI is built around
require 'thor'
# CLI Module
module Middleman::Cli
# The base task from which everything else extends
class Base < ::Thor
desc 'version', 'Show version'
def version
say "Middleman #{Middleman::VERSION}"
def self.exit_on_failure?

View file

@ -1,140 +0,0 @@
require 'middleman-core/application'
# CLI Module
module Middleman::Cli
# The CLI Build class
class Build < Thor::Group
include Thor::Actions
class_option :environment,
aliases: '-e',
default: ENV['MM_ENV'] || ENV['RACK_ENV'] || :production
class_option :clean,
type: :boolean,
default: true,
desc: 'Remove orphaned files from build (--no-clean to disable)'
class_option :parallel,
type: :boolean,
default: true,
desc: 'Output files in parallel (--no-parallel to disable)'
class_option :glob,
type: :string,
aliases: '-g',
default: nil,
desc: 'Build a subset of the project'
class_option :verbose,
type: :boolean,
default: false,
desc: 'Print debug messages'
class_option :instrument,
type: :boolean,
default: false,
desc: 'Print instrument messages'
class_option :profile,
type: :boolean,
default: false,
desc: 'Generate profiling report for the build'
# Core build Thor command
# @return [void]
def build
unless ENV['MM_ROOT']
raise Thor::Error, 'Error: Could not find a Middleman project config, perhaps you are in the wrong folder?'
require 'middleman-core'
require 'middleman-core/logger'
require 'middleman-core/builder'
require 'fileutils'
verbose = options['verbose'] ? 0 : 1
instrument = options['instrument']
builder = nil
cli_options = options
::Middleman::Logger.singleton(verbose, instrument)
::Middleman::Util.instrument 'builder.setup' do
@app = do
config[:mode] = :build
config[:show_exceptions] = false
config[:cli_options] = cli_options.each_with_object({}) do |(k, v), sum|
sum[k] = v
builder =,
glob: options['glob'],
clean: options['clean'],
parallel: options['parallel'])
builder.thor = self
::Middleman::Util.instrument '' do
clean_directories! if options['clean']
shell.say 'Project built successfully.'
msg = 'There were errors during this build'
unless options['verbose']
msg << ', re-run with `middleman build --verbose` to see the full exception.'
shell.say msg, :red
# Handles incoming events from the builder.
# @param [Symbol] event_type The type of event.
# @param [String] contents The event contents.
# @param [String] extra The extra information.
# @return [void]
def on_event(event_type, target, extra=nil)
case event_type
when :error
say_status :error, target, :red
shell.say extra, :red if options['verbose']
when :deleted
say_status :remove, target, :green
when :created
say_status :create, target, :green
when :identical
say_status :identical, target, :blue
when :updated
say_status :updated, target, :yellow
say_status event_type, extra, :blue
# Find empty directories in the build folder and remove them.
# @return [Boolean]
def clean_directories!
all_build_files = File.join(@app.config[:build_dir], '**', '*')
empty_directories = Dir[all_build_files].select do |d|
empty_directories.each do |d|
remove_file d, force: true if Pathname(d).children.empty?
# Add to CLI
Base.register(self, 'build', 'build [options]', 'Builds the static site for deployment')
# Map "b" to "build"'b' => 'build')

View file

@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
# CLI Module
module Middleman::Cli
# The CLI Config class
class Config < Thor::Group
include Thor::Actions
class_option :environment,
aliases: '-e',
default: ENV['MM_ENV'] || ENV['RACK_ENV'] || 'development',
desc: 'The environment Middleman will run under'
def console
require 'json'
require 'middleman-core'
require 'middleman-core/logger'
opts = {
environment: options['environment']
# Don't output info messages
::Middleman::Logger.singleton(2, false)
app = do
config[:mode] = :config
config[:disable_sitemap] = true
config[:watcher_disable] = true
config[:exit_before_ready] = true
config[:environment] = opts[:environment].to_sym if opts[:environment]
puts JSON.pretty_generate(app.config.to_h)
# Add to CLI
Base.register(self, 'config', 'config [options]', 'Output a Middleman configuration in JSON format')

View file

@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
# CLI Module
module Middleman::Cli
# The CLI Console class
class Console < Thor::Group
include Thor::Actions
class_option :environment,
aliases: '-e',
default: ENV['MM_ENV'] || ENV['RACK_ENV'] || 'development',
desc: 'The environment Middleman will run under'
class_option :verbose,
type: :boolean,
default: false,
desc: 'Print debug messages'
def console
require 'middleman-core'
require 'irb'
opts = {
environment: options['environment'],
debug: options['verbose']
@app = do
config[:environment] = opts[:environment].to_sym if opts[:environment]
::Middleman::Logger.singleton(opts[:debug] ? 0 : 1, opts[:instrumenting] || false)
self.class.interact_with @app
# Start an interactive console in the context of the provided object.
# @param [Object] context
# @return [void]
def self.interact_with(context)
IRB.setup nil
require 'irb/ext/multi-irb'
IRB.irb nil, context
# Add to CLI
Base.register(self, 'console', 'console [options]', 'Start an interactive console in the context of your Middleman application')
# Map "c" to "console"'c' => 'console')

View file

@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
# CLI Module
module Middleman::Cli
# A thor task for creating new projects
class Extension < Thor::Group
include Thor::Actions
# Required path for the new project to be generated
argument :name, type: :string
# Template files are relative to this file
# @return [String]
def self.source_root
File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'templates')
class_option 'skip-git',
type: :boolean,
default: false,
desc: 'Skip Git ignores and keeps'
# Output a .gitignore file
class_option :git, type: :boolean, default: true
# The extension task
# @param [String] name
def extension
copy_file 'extension/gitignore', File.join(name, '.gitignore') unless options[:'skip-git']
template 'extension/Rakefile', File.join(name, 'Rakefile')
template 'extension/gemspec', File.join(name, "#{name}.gemspec")
template 'extension/Gemfile', File.join(name, 'Gemfile')
template 'extension/lib/lib.rb', File.join(name, 'lib', "#{name}.rb")
template 'extension/lib/lib/extension.rb', File.join(name, 'lib', name, 'extension.rb')
template 'extension/features/support/env.rb', File.join(name, 'features', 'support', 'env.rb')
empty_directory File.join(name, 'fixtures')
# Add to CLI
Base.register(self, 'extension', 'extension [options]', 'Create a new Middleman extension')

View file

@ -1,129 +0,0 @@
# CLI Module
module Middleman::Cli
# A thor task for creating new projects
class Init < Thor::Group
include Thor::Actions
GIT_CMD = 'git'.freeze
argument :target, type: :string, default: '.'
class_option 'template',
aliases: '-T',
default: 'middleman/middleman-templates-default',
desc: 'Use a project template'
# Do not run bundle install
class_option 'skip-bundle',
type: :boolean,
aliases: '-B',
default: false,
desc: 'Skip bundle install'
# The init task
def init
require 'fileutils'
require 'tmpdir'
unless git_present?
msg = 'You need to install the git command line tool to initialize a new project. '
msg << "For help installing git, please refer to GitHub's tutorial at"
say msg, :red
exit 1
repo_path, repo_branch = if shortname?(options[:template])
require 'open-uri'
require 'json'
api = ''
uri = ::URI.parse("#{api}/#{options[:template]}.json")
data = ::JSON.parse(
rescue ::OpenURI::HTTPError
say "Template `#{options[:template]}` not found in Middleman Directory."
say 'Did you mean to use a full `user/repo` path?'
exit 1
repo_name, repo_branch = options[:template].split('#')
[repository_path(repo_name), repo_branch]
dir = Dir.mktmpdir
branch_cmd = repo_branch ? "-b #{repo_branch} " : ''
git_path = "#{branch_cmd}#{repo_path}"
run("#{GIT_CMD} clone --depth 1 #{branch_cmd}#{repo_path} #{dir}")
unless $?.success?
say "Git clone command failed. Make sure git repository exists: #{git_path}", :red
exit 1
inside(target) do
thorfile = File.join(dir, 'Thorfile')
if File.exist?(thorfile)
invoke 'middleman:generator'
source_paths << dir
directory dir, '.', exclude_pattern: /\.git\/|\.gitignore$/
run('bundle install') unless ENV['TEST'] || options[:'skip-bundle']
FileUtils.remove_entry(dir) if
# Copied from Bundler
def git_present?
return @git_present if defined?(@git_present)
@git_present = which(GIT_CMD) || which('git.exe')
# Copied from Bundler
def which(executable)
if File.file?(executable) && File.executable?(executable)
elsif ENV['PATH']
path = ENV['PATH'].split(File::PATH_SEPARATOR).find do |p|
abs_path = File.join(p, executable)
File.file?(abs_path) && File.executable?(abs_path)
path && File.expand_path(executable, path)
def shortname?(repo)
repo.split('/').length == 1
def repository_path(repo)
repo.include?('://') || repo.include?('git@') ? repo : "{repo}.git"
# Add to CLI
Base.register(self, 'init', 'init TARGET [options]', 'Create new project at TARGET')
# Map "i", "new" and "n" to "init"
'i' => 'init',
'new' => 'init',
'n' => 'init'

View file

@ -1,62 +0,0 @@
# CLI Module
module Middleman::Cli
# Server thor task
class Server < Thor::Group
class_option :environment,
aliases: '-e'
class_option :port,
aliases: '-p'
class_option :server_name,
aliases: '-s'
class_option :bind_address,
aliases: '-b'
class_option :verbose,
type: :boolean,
default: false,
desc: 'Print debug messages'
class_option :instrument,
type: :boolean,
default: false,
desc: 'Print instrument messages'
class_option :profile,
type: :boolean,
default: false,
desc: 'Generate profiling report for server startup'
class_option :daemon,
type: :boolean,
aliases: '-d',
default: false,
desc: 'Daemonize preview server'
# Start the server
def server
require 'middleman-core'
require 'middleman-core/preview_server'
unless ENV['MM_ROOT']
puts '== Could not find a Middleman project config.rb'
params = {
debug: options['verbose'],
instrumenting: options['instrument'],
reload_paths: options['reload_paths'],
daemon: options['daemon']
puts '== The Middleman is loading'
::Middleman::PreviewServer.start(params, options)
# Add to CLI
Base.register(self, 'server', 'server [options]', 'Start the preview server')
# Map "s" to "server"'s' => 'server')

View file

@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
require "middleman-core"
Middleman::Extensions.register :<%= name %> do
require "my-extension/extension"

View file

@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
# Backwards compat
require 'middleman-cli'

View file

@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*-
$LOAD_PATH.push File.expand_path('../lib', __FILE__)
require File.expand_path('../../middleman-core/lib/middleman-core/version', __FILE__) do |s| = 'middleman-cli'
s.version = Middleman::VERSION
s.platform = Gem::Platform::RUBY
s.license = 'MIT'
s.authors = ['Thomas Reynolds', 'Ben Hollis'] = ['', '']
s.homepage = ''
s.summary = 'Hand-crafted frontend development'
s.description = 'A static site generator. Provides dozens of templating languages (Haml, Sass, Compass, Slim, CoffeeScript, and more). Makes minification, compression, cache busting, Yaml data (and more) an easy part of your development cycle.'
s.files = `git ls-files -z`.split("\0")
s.test_files = `git ls-files -z -- {fixtures,features}/*`.split("\0")
s.executable = 'middleman'
s.require_path = 'lib'
s.required_ruby_version = '>= 2.2.0'
s.add_dependency('thor', ['>= 0.17.0', '< 2.0'])

View file

@ -1 +0,0 @@

View file

@ -1,6 +1,10 @@
--exclude lib/vendored-middleman-deps/
--exclude lib/middleman-core/step_definitions
--exclude lib/middleman-core/templates/default/
--exclude lib/middleman-core/templates/html5/
--exclude lib/middleman-core/templates/mobile/
--exclude lib/middleman-core/templates/shared/
--exclude lib/middleman-core/templates/extension/

View file

@ -1,4 +1,7 @@
# coding:utf-8
RAKE_ROOT = __FILE__.freeze
GEM_NAME = ENV['NAME'] || 'middleman-core'
require 'rubygems'
require File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../gem_rake_helper')

middleman-core/bin/middleman Executable file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
require 'middleman-core/profiling'
if ARGV.include? '--profile'
Middleman::Profiling.profiler =
require "middleman-core/load_paths"
require "middleman-core/cli"
# Change directory to the root
Dir.chdir(ENV["MM_ROOT"]) if ENV["MM_ROOT"]
# Start the CLI

View file

@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
Feature: Allow config.rb and extensions to add CLI commands
Scenario: Command autoloaded from tasks/ directory
Given an empty app
And a file named "tasks/hello_task.rb" with:
class Hello < Thor
desc "hello", "Say hello"
def hello
puts "Hello World"
When I run `middleman hello`
Then the output should contain "Hello World"

View file

@ -0,0 +1,155 @@
Feature: AsciiDoc Support
In order to test included AsciiDoc support
Scenario: Rendering html
Given the Server is running at "asciidoc-app"
When I go to "/hello.html"
Then I should see:
<div class="paragraph">
<p>Hello, AsciiDoc!
Middleman, I am in you.</p>
Scenario: Rendering html with default layout
Given a fixture app "asciidoc-app"
And a file named "config.rb" with:
set :layout, :default
Given the Server is running at "asciidoc-app"
When I go to "/hello.html"
Then I should see:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<div class="paragraph">
<p>Hello, AsciiDoc!
Middleman, I am in you.</p>
Scenario: Rendering html with explicit layout
Given the Server is running at "asciidoc-app"
When I go to "/hello-with-layout.html"
Then I should see:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<div class="paragraph">
<p>Hello, AsciiDoc!</p>
Scenario: Rendering html with no layout
Given the Server is running at "asciidoc-app"
When I go to "/hello-no-layout.html"
Then I should see:
<div class="paragraph">
<p>Hello, AsciiDoc!</p>
Scenario: Rendering html using title from document
Given the Server is running at "asciidoc-app"
When I go to "/hello-with-title.html"
Then I should see:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Page Title</title>
<h1>Page Title</h1>
<div id="preamble">
<div class="sectionbody">
<div class="paragraph">
<p>Hello, AsciiDoc!</p>
Scenario: Rendering html with title and layout from front matter
Given the Server is running at "asciidoc-app"
When I go to "/hello-with-front-matter.html"
Then I should see:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Page Title</title>
<div class="paragraph">
<p>Hello, AsciiDoc!</p>
Scenario: Including a file relative to source root
Given the Server is running at "asciidoc-app"
When I go to "/master.html"
Then I should see:
<div class="literalblock">
<div class="content">
<pre>I'm included content.</pre>
Scenario: Linking to an image
Given the Server is running at "asciidoc-app"
When I go to "/gallery.html"
Then I should see:
<div class="imageblock">
<div class="content">
<img src="/images/tiger.gif" alt="tiger">
Scenario: Configuring custom AsciiDoc attributes
Given a fixture app "asciidoc-app"
And a file named "config.rb" with:
set :asciidoc_attributes, %w(foo=bar)
Given the Server is running at "asciidoc-app"
When I go to "/custom-attribute.html"
Then I should see "bar"
Scenario: Highlighting source code
Given a fixture app "asciidoc-app"
And a file named "config.rb" with:
set :asciidoc_attributes, %w(source-highlighter=html-pipeline)
Given the Server is running at "asciidoc-app"
When I go to "/code.html"
Then I should see:
<div class="listingblock">
<div class="content">
<pre lang="ruby"><code>puts "Is this mic on?"</code></pre>

View file

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
Feature: Assets get file hashes appended to them and references to them are updated
Feature: Assets get a file hash appended to their and references to them are updated
Scenario: Hashed-asset files are produced, and HTML, CSS, JSON and JavaScript gets rewritten to reference the new files
Given a successfully built app at "asset-hash-app"
When I cd to "build"
@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ Feature: Assets get file hashes appended to them and references to them are upda
| images/300px-59adce76.jpg |
| images/100px-5fd6fb90.gif |
| javascripts/application-1d8d5276.js |
| stylesheets/site-8bc55985.css |
| stylesheets/site-50eaa978.css |
| index.html |
| subdir/index.html |
| other/index.html |
@ -26,21 +26,18 @@ Feature: Assets get file hashes appended to them and references to them are upda
| stylesheets/site.css |
And the file "javascripts/application-1d8d5276.js" should contain "img.src = '/images/100px-5fd6fb90.jpg'"
And the file "stylesheets/site-8bc55985.css" should contain:
background-image: url("../images/100px-5fd6fb90.jpg")
And the file "stylesheets/site-50eaa978.css" should contain "background-image: url('../images/100px-5fd6fb90.jpg')"
And the file "index.html" should contain 'href="apple-touch-icon.png"'
And the file "index.html" should contain 'href="stylesheets/site-8bc55985.css"'
And the file "index.html" should contain 'href="stylesheets/site-50eaa978.css"'
And the file "index.html" should contain 'src="javascripts/application-1d8d5276.js"'
And the file "index.html" should contain 'src="images/100px-5fd6fb90.jpg"'
And the file "subdir/index.html" should contain 'href="../stylesheets/site-8bc55985.css"'
And the file "index.html" should contain 'srcset="images/100px-5fd6fb90.jpg 1x, images/200px-c11eb203.jpg 2x, images/300px-59adce76.jpg 3x"'
And the file "index.html" should contain 'src="images/100px-5fd6fb90.gif"'
And the file "index.html" should contain 'src="images/100px-1242c368.png"'
And the file "subdir/index.html" should contain 'href="../stylesheets/site-50eaa978.css"'
And the file "subdir/index.html" should contain 'src="../javascripts/application-1d8d5276.js"'
And the file "subdir/index.html" should contain 'src="../images/100px-5fd6fb90.jpg"'
And the file "other/index.html" should contain 'href="../stylesheets/site-8bc55985.css"'
And the file "other/index.html" should contain 'href="../stylesheets/site-50eaa978.css"'
And the file "other/index.html" should contain 'src="../javascripts/application-1d8d5276.js"'
And the file "other/index.html" should contain 'src="../images/100px-5fd6fb90.jpg"'
And the file "api.json" should contain 'images/100px-5fd6fb90.gif'
@ -63,29 +60,22 @@ Feature: Assets get file hashes appended to them and references to them are upda
Given the Server is running at "asset-hash-app"
When I go to "/"
Then I should see 'href="apple-touch-icon.png"'
And I should see 'href="stylesheets/site-d1a750ca.css"'
And I should see 'href="stylesheets/fragment-99b76247.css"'
And I should see 'href="stylesheets/site-50eaa978.css"'
And I should see 'src="javascripts/application-1d8d5276.js"'
And I should see 'src="images/100px-5fd6fb90.jpg"'
And I should see 'srcset="images/100px-5fd6fb90.jpg 1x, images/200px-c11eb203.jpg 2x, images/300px-59adce76.jpg 3x"'
And I should see 'src="images/100px-5fd6fb90.jpg?test"'
And I should see 'src="images/100px-5fd6fb90.jpg?#test"'
And I should see 'src="images/100px-5fd6fb90.jpg#test"'
When I go to "/subdir/"
Then I should see 'href="../stylesheets/site-d1a750ca.css"'
Then I should see 'href="../stylesheets/site-50eaa978.css"'
And I should see 'src="../javascripts/application-1d8d5276.js"'
And I should see 'src="../images/100px-5fd6fb90.jpg"'
When I go to "/other/"
Then I should see 'href="../stylesheets/site-d1a750ca.css"'
Then I should see 'href="../stylesheets/site-50eaa978.css"'
And I should see 'src="../javascripts/application-1d8d5276.js"'
And I should see 'src="../images/100px-5fd6fb90.jpg"'
And I should see 'src="../images/100px-5fd6fb90.jpg?test"'
And I should see 'src="../images/100px-5fd6fb90.jpg?#test"'
And I should see 'src="../images/100px-5fd6fb90.jpg#test"'
When I go to "/javascripts/application-1d8d5276.js"
Then I should see "img.src = '/images/100px-5fd6fb90.jpg'"
When I go to "/stylesheets/site-d1a750ca.css"
Then I should see 'background-image: url("../images/100px-5fd6fb90.jpg");'
When I go to "/stylesheets/site-50eaa978.css"
Then I should see "background-image: url('../images/100px-5fd6fb90.jpg')"
When I go to "/api.json"
Then I should see 'images/100px-5fd6fb90.gif'
And I should see 'images/100px-5fd6fb90.jpg'
@ -94,11 +84,6 @@ Feature: Assets get file hashes appended to them and references to them are upda
Then I should see 'images/100px-5fd6fb90.gif'
And I should see 'images/100px-5fd6fb90.jpg'
And I should see 'images/100px-1242c368.png'
When I go to "/stylesheets/fragment-99b76247.css"
And I should see 'url("../images/100px-5fd6fb90.jpg");'
And I should see 'url("../images/100px-5fd6fb90.jpg?test");'
And I should see 'url("../images/100px-5fd6fb90.jpg?#test");'
And I should see 'url("../images/100px-5fd6fb90.jpg#test");'
Scenario: Hashed assets work with Slim
Given the Server is running at "asset-hash-app"
@ -107,69 +92,20 @@ Feature: Assets get file hashes appended to them and references to them are upda
And I should see 'src="images/100px-5fd6fb90.jpg"'
And I should see 'srcset="images/100px-5fd6fb90.jpg 1x, images/200px-c11eb203.jpg 2x, images/300px-59adce76.jpg 3x"'
Scenario: Enabling an asset host still produces hashed files and references (hash first)
Given a fixture app "asset-hash-host-app"
And a file named "config.rb" with:
set :sass_source_maps, false
activate :asset_hash
activate :directory_indexes
activate :asset_host, host: ''
Scenario: Enabling an asset host still produces hashed files and references
Given the Server is running at "asset-hash-host-app"
When I go to "/"
Then I should see 'href=""'
Then I should see 'href=""'
Then I should see 'href=""'
And I should see 'src=""'
And I should see 'src=""'
And I should see 'src=""'
And I should see 'src=""'
When I go to "/subdir/"
Then I should see 'href=""'
Then I should see 'href=""'
And I should see 'src=""'
When I go to "/other/"
Then I should see 'href=""'
Then I should see 'href=""'
And I should see 'src=""'
And I should see 'src=""'
And I should see 'src=""'
And I should see 'src=""'
When I go to "/stylesheets/fragment-2902933e.css"
And I should see 'url("");'
And I should see 'url("");'
And I should see 'url("");'
And I should see 'url("");'
Scenario: Enabling an asset host still produces hashed files and references (host first)
Given a fixture app "asset-hash-host-app"
And a file named "config.rb" with:
set :sass_source_maps, false
activate :asset_host, host: ''
activate :directory_indexes
activate :asset_hash
Given the Server is running at "asset-hash-host-app"
When I go to "/"
Then I should see 'href=""'
Then I should see 'href=""'
And I should see 'src=""'
And I should see 'src=""'
And I should see 'src=""'
And I should see 'src=""'
When I go to "/subdir/"
Then I should see 'href=""'
And I should see 'src=""'
When I go to "/other/"
Then I should see 'href=""'
And I should see 'src=""'
And I should see 'src=""'
And I should see 'src=""'
And I should see 'src=""'
When I go to "/stylesheets/fragment-2902933e.css"
And I should see 'url("")'
And I should see 'url("")'
And I should see 'url("")'
And I should see 'url("")'
# Asset helpers don't appear to work from Compass right now
# When I go to "/stylesheets/site-e5a31a3e.css"
# Then I should see "background-image: url('')"
Scenario: The asset hash should change when a SASS partial changes
Given the Server is running at "asset-hash-app"
@ -179,14 +115,14 @@ Feature: Assets get file hashes appended to them and references to them are upda
font-size: 14px
When I go to "/partials/"
Then I should see 'href="../stylesheets/uses_partials-4d4e34e6.css'
Then I should see 'href="../stylesheets/uses_partials-423a00f7.css'
And the file "source/stylesheets/_partial.sass" has the contents
font-size: 18px !important
When I go to "/partials/"
Then I should see 'href="../stylesheets/uses_partials-ec347271.css'
Then I should see 'href="../stylesheets/uses_partials-e8c3d4eb.css'
Scenario: The asset hash should change when a Rack-based filter changes
Given a fixture app "asset-hash-app"
@ -196,25 +132,22 @@ Feature: Assets get file hashes appended to them and references to them are upda
activate :relative_assets
activate :directory_indexes
require 'lib/middleware.rb'
use ::Middleware
use Middleware
Given the Server is running at "asset-hash-app"
When I go to "/"
Then I should see 'href="stylesheets/site-5ad7def0.css'
When I go to "stylesheets/site-5ad7def0.css"
Then I should see 'background-image: url("../images/100px-5fd6fb90.jpg")'
Then I should see 'href="stylesheets/site-5770af52.css'
When I go to "stylesheets/site-5770af52.css"
Then I should see 'background-image'
Then I should see 'Added by Rack filter'
When I go to "stylesheets/site-50eaa978.css"
Then I should see 'Not Found'
Scenario: Hashed-asset files are not produced for ignored paths
Given a fixture app "asset-hash-app"
And a file named "config.rb" with:
is_stylesheet = proc { |path| path.start_with? 'stylesheets' }
activate :asset_hash, ignore: [
activate :asset_hash, :ignore => [%r(javascripts/*), 'images/*']
activate :relative_assets
activate :directory_indexes
@ -228,7 +161,7 @@ Feature: Assets get file hashes appended to them and references to them are upda
| images/100px.jpg |
| images/100px.gif |
| javascripts/application.js |
| stylesheets/site.css |
| stylesheets/site-50eaa978.css |
| index.html |
| subdir/index.html |
| other/index.html |
@ -239,86 +172,18 @@ Feature: Assets get file hashes appended to them and references to them are upda
| images/100px-5fd6fb90.jpg |
| images/100px-5fd6fb90.gif |
| javascripts/application-1d8d5276.js |
| stylesheets/site-7474cadd.css |
Scenario: Hashed-asset files are not replaced for rewrite ignored paths
Given a fixture app "asset-hash-app"
And a file named "config.rb" with:
is_stylesheet = proc { |path| path.start_with? '/stylesheets' }
activate :asset_hash, rewrite_ignore: [
activate :relative_assets
activate :directory_indexes
And a successfully built app at "asset-hash-app"
When I cd to "build"
Then the following files should exist:
| index.html |
| subdir/index.html |
| images/100px-5fd6fb90.jpg |
| javascripts/application-1d8d5276.js |
| stylesheets/site-8bc55985.css |
And the following files should not exist:
| images/100px.jpg |
| javascripts/application.js |
| stylesheets/site.css |
And the file "javascripts/application-1d8d5276.js" should contain "img.src = '/images/100px.jpg'"
And the file "stylesheets/site-8bc55985.css" should contain:
background-image: url("../images/100px.jpg")
And the file "index.html" should contain 'href="stylesheets/site-8bc55985.css"'
And the file "index.html" should contain 'src="javascripts/application-1d8d5276.js"'
And the file "index.html" should contain 'src="images/100px-5fd6fb90.jpg"'
And the file "subdir/index.html" should contain:
<h2>Image url3:</h2>
<p><img src="../images/100px.jpg"></p>
Scenario: Already minified files should still be hashed
Given a successfully built app at "asset-hash-minified-app"
When I cd to "build"
Then the following files should exist:
| javascripts/jquery.min-276c87ff.js |
| stylesheets/test-7de2ad06.css |
And the following files should not exist:
| javascripts/jquery.min.js |
And the file "stylesheets/test-7de2ad06.css" should contain:
.no-bug{content:""; background-image:url(/images/100px-5fd6fb90.jpg)}
# @wip Currently broken, we should move all asset-host functionality out of Compass and into something more similar to asset_hash with Rack-based rewrites
# Scenario: Enabling an asset host and referencing assets in CSS with URL fragments are rewritten correctly
# Given a successfully built app at "asset-hash-host-app"
# When I cd to "build"
Scenario: Source map paths include the hash
Given a successfully built app at "asset-hash-source-map"
When I cd to "build"
Then the following files should exist:
| index.html |
| javascripts/application-4553338c.js |
| javascripts/ |
| index.html |
And the following files should not exist:
| javascripts/application.js |
| javascripts/ |
# Then the following files should exist:
# | images/100px-5fd6fb90.jpg |
# | stylesheets/fragment-c058ecb2.css |
# And the following files should not exist:
# | images/100px.jpg |
And the file "javascripts/application-4553338c.js" should contain "//#"
Scenario: Hashes can contain a prefix
Given a successfully built app at "asset-hash-prefix"
When I cd to "build"
Then the following files should exist:
| index.html |
| javascripts/application-myprefix-4553338c.js |
| javascripts/ |
| index.html |
And the following files should not exist:
| javascripts/application.js |
| javascripts/ |
And the file "javascripts/application-myprefix-4553338c.js" should contain "//#"
# And the file "stylesheets/fragment-c058ecb2.css" should contain ""
# And the file "stylesheets/fragment-c058ecb2.css" should not contain ""

View file

@ -1,55 +1,56 @@
Feature: Alternate between multiple asset hosts
In order to speed up page loading
Scenario: Set single host globally
Given a fixture app "asset-host-app"
And a file named "config.rb" with:
activate :asset_host
set :asset_host, ""
And the Server is running
When I go to "/asset_host.html"
Then I should see "http://assets1"
When I go to "/stylesheets/asset_host.css"
Then I should see "http://assets1"
Scenario: Set proc host globally
Given a fixture app "asset-host-app"
And a file named "config.rb" with:
activate :asset_host
set :asset_host do |asset|
"" % (asset.hash % 4)
And the Server is running
When I go to "/asset_host.html"
Then I should see "http://assets"
When I go to "/stylesheets/asset_host.css"
Then I should see "http://assets"
Scenario: Set single host with inline-option
Given a fixture app "asset-host-app"
And a file named "config.rb" with:
activate :asset_host, host: ""
activate :asset_host, :host => ""
And the Server is running
When I go to "/asset_host.html"
Then I should see "''"
Then I should see 'src=""'
Then I should see content matching %r{}
Then I should not see content matching %r{}
Then I should see content matching %r{<a href="">Angular.js</a>}
Then I should see content matching %r{'//'}
Then I should see "http://assets1"
When I go to "/stylesheets/asset_host.css"
Then I should see content matching %r{}
Then I should not see content matching %r{}
When I go to "/javascripts/asset_host.js"
Then I should not see content matching %r{}
Then I should see "http://assets1"
Scenario: Set proc host with inline-option
Given a fixture app "asset-host-app"
And a file named "config.rb" with:
activate :asset_host, host: { |asset|
hash = Digest::MD5.digest(asset)!(&:ord).reduce(&:+)
"" % (hash % 4)
activate :asset_host, :host => { |asset|
"" % (asset.hash % 4)
And the Server is running
When I go to "/asset_host.html"
Then I should see 'src=""'
Then I should see content matching %r{}
Then I should not see content matching %r{}
Then I should see content matching %r{<a href="">Angular.js</a>}
Then I should see content matching %r{'//'}
Then I should see "http://assets"
When I go to "/stylesheets/asset_host.css"
Then I should see content matching %r{}
Then I should not see content matching %r{}
Scenario: Hosts are not rewritten for rewrite ignored paths
Given a fixture app "asset-host-app"
And a file named "config.rb" with:
activate :asset_host, host: "", rewrite_ignore: [
And the Server is running
When I go to "/asset_host.html"
Then I should see content matching %r{}
When I go to "/stylesheets/asset_host.css"
Then I should not see content matching %r{}
Then I should see "http://assets"

View file

@ -2,28 +2,15 @@ Feature: Automatically detect and insert image dimensions into tags
In order to speed up development and appease YSlow
Scenario: Rendering an image with the feature disabled
Given a fixture app "automatic-image-size-app"
And a file named "config.rb" with:
Given "automatic_image_sizes" feature is "disabled"
And the Server is running at "automatic-image-size-app"
When I go to "/auto-image-sizes.html"
Then I should not see "width="
And I should not see "height="
When I go to "/markdown-sizes.html"
Then I should not see "width="
And I should not see "height="
Scenario: Rendering an image with the feature enabled
Given a fixture app "automatic-image-size-app"
And a file named "config.rb" with:
activate :automatic_image_sizes
Given "automatic_image_sizes" feature is "enabled"
And the Server is running at "automatic-image-size-app"
When I go to "/auto-image-sizes.html"
Then I should see 'width="1"'
And I should see 'height="1"'
When I go to "/markdown-sizes.html"
Then I should see 'width="1"'
And I should see 'height="1"'
Then I should see "width="
And I should see "height="

View file

@ -20,13 +20,13 @@ Feature: Builder
| layout |
| layouts/custom |
| layouts/content_for |
And the file "index.html" should contain "Comment in layout"
And the file "index.html" should contain "<h1>Welcome</h1>"
And the file "static.html" should contain "Static, no code!"
And the file "services/index.html" should contain "Services"
And the file "stylesheets/static.css" should contain "body"
Scenario: Build glob
Given a successfully built app at "glob-app" with flags "--glob '*.css'"
When I cd to "build"
@ -34,28 +34,16 @@ Feature: Builder
| index.html |
Then the following files should exist:
| stylesheets/site.css |
Scenario: Build with errors
Given a built app at "build-with-errors-app"
Then the exit status should be 1
Scenario: Build empty errors
Given a built app at "empty-app"
Then the exit status should be 1
Scenario: Build external_pipeline errors
Given a built app at "external-pipeline-error"
Then the exit status should be 1
Scenario: Build alias (b)
Given a fixture app "large-build-app"
When I run `middleman b`
Then was successfully built
Scenario: Builded text file(ex: html, css, xml, txt)'s permission is 0644
Given a successfully built app at "large-build-app"
When I cd to "build"
Then the mode of filesystem object "index.html" should match "0644"
And the mode of filesystem object "stylesheets/static.css" should match "0644"
And the mode of filesystem object "feed.xml" should match "0644"
And the mode of filesystem object ".htaccess" should match "0644"
Then was successfully built

View file

@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ Feature: Generate mtime-based query string for busting browser caches
Given "cache_buster" feature is "disabled"
And the Server is running at "cache-buster-app"
When I go to "/stylesheets/relative_assets.css"
Then I should see 'blank.gif"'
Then I should see "blank.gif'"
Scenario: Rendering html with the feature disabled
Given "cache_buster" feature is "disabled"
@ -39,18 +39,4 @@ Feature: Generate mtime-based query string for busting browser caches
And the Server is running at "cache-buster-app"
When I go to "/cache-buster.html"
Then I should see "site.css?"
Then I should see "blank.gif?"
Scenario: URLs are not rewritten for rewrite ignored paths
Given a fixture app "cache-buster-app"
And a file named "config.rb" with:
activate :cache_buster, rewrite_ignore: [
And the Server is running at "cache-buster-app"
When I go to "/cache-buster.html"
Then I should see 'site.css"'
Then I should see 'empty-with-include.js"'
Then I should see 'blank.gif"'
Then I should see "blank.gif?"

View file

@ -7,13 +7,13 @@ Feature: Templates should be chainable
Then I should see "Title</h1>"
And I should see "Subtitle</h2>"
And I should see "Sup</h3>"
Scenario: Build chained template
Given a successfully built app at "chained-app"
When I cd to "build"
Then the following files should exist:
| index.html |
| test.erb.combobreaker |
| test.erb.combobreaker |
And the file "index.html" should contain "Title</h1>"
And the file "index.html" should contain "Subtitle</h2>"
And the file "index.html" should contain "Sup</h3>"
@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ Feature: Templates should be chainable
And a template named "" with:
## My Partial
<%= 'hello world' %>
And the Server is running
@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ Feature: Templates should be chainable
And a template named "" with:
## My Partial
<%= 'hello world' %>
And the Server is running
@ -90,7 +90,7 @@ Feature: Templates should be chainable
And a template named "my_partial.html.erb" with:
<h2>My Partial</h2>
<%= 'hello world' %>
And the Server is running

View file

@ -16,22 +16,6 @@ Feature: Build Clean
| build/should_be_ignored3.html |
And the file "build/index.html" should contain "Comment in layout"
Scenario: Clean build has a whitelist
Given a fixture app "clean-app"
When a file named "build/.test" with:
When a file named "config.rb" with:
set :skip_build_clean do |path|
path =~ /\.test/
Given a built app at "clean-app"
Then the following files should exist:
| build/.test |
Scenario: Clean build an app with newly ignored files and a nested output directory
Given a fixture app "clean-nested-app"
When a file named "config.rb" with:
@ -58,21 +42,3 @@ Feature: Build Clean
Then the following files should not exist:
| sub/dir/about.html |
| sub/dir/nested/nested.html |
Scenario: Build and clean an app under a hidden directory
Given a fixture app "clean-app"
And app "clean-app" is using config "hidden-dir-before"
And a built app at "clean-app"
Then the following files should exist:
| .build/index.html |
| .build/should_be_ignored.html |
| .build/should_be_ignored2.html |
| .build/should_be_ignored3.html |
Given app "clean-app" is using config "hidden-dir-after"
And a built app at "clean-app"
Then the following files should exist:
| .build/index.html |
And the following files should not exist:
| .build/should_be_ignored.html |
| .build/should_be_ignored2.html |
| .build/should_be_ignored3.html |

View file

@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ Feature: Run the preview server
Then the output should contain:
The Middleman preview server is bound to ":::4567", ""
The Middleman preview server is bind to ":::4567", ""
And the output should contain:
@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ Feature: Run the preview server
Inspect your site configuration at "http://
Scenario: Start the server with defaults in verbose mode, when a local mdns server resolves the local hostname
Given I start a mdns server for the local hostname
When I run `middleman server --verbose` interactively
@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ Feature: Run the preview server
Then the output should contain:
The Middleman preview server is bound to ":::4567", ""
The Middleman preview server is bind to ":::4567", ""
And the output should contain:
@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ Feature: Run the preview server
Then the output should contain:
The Middleman preview server is bound to ""
The Middleman preview server is bind to ""
And the output should contain:
@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ Feature: Run the preview server
Then the output should contain:
The Middleman preview server is bound to ""
The Middleman preview server is bind to ""
And the output should contain:
@ -115,7 +115,6 @@ Feature: Run the preview server
Inspect your site configuration at ""
Scenario: Start the server with bind address
This will have no hostname attached because the hosts file, the DNS server
@ -128,7 +127,7 @@ Feature: Run the preview server
Then the output should contain:
The Middleman preview server is bound to ""
The Middleman preview server is bind to ""
And the output should contain:
@ -152,7 +151,7 @@ Feature: Run the preview server
Then the output should contain:
The Middleman preview server is bound to "::1:4567"
The Middleman preview server is bind to "::1:4567"
And the output should contain:
@ -171,7 +170,7 @@ Feature: Run the preview server
Then the output should contain:
The Middleman preview server is bound to ""
The Middleman preview server is bind to ""
And the output should contain:
@ -190,7 +189,7 @@ Feature: Run the preview server
Then the output should contain:
The Middleman preview server is bound to ":::4567"
The Middleman preview server is bind to ":::4567"
And the output should contain:
@ -214,7 +213,7 @@ Feature: Run the preview server
Then the output should contain:
The Middleman preview server is bound to ""
The Middleman preview server is bind to ""
And the output should contain:
@ -242,7 +241,7 @@ Feature: Run the preview server
Then the output should contain:
The Middleman preview server is bound to ""
The Middleman preview server is bind to ""
And the output should contain:
@ -266,7 +265,7 @@ Feature: Run the preview server
Then the output should contain:
The Middleman preview server is bound to ""
The Middleman preview server is bind to ""
And the output should contain:
@ -285,7 +284,7 @@ Feature: Run the preview server
Then the output should contain:
The Middleman preview server is bound to ""
The Middleman preview server is bind to ""
And the output should contain:
@ -304,7 +303,7 @@ Feature: Run the preview server
Then the output should contain:
The Middleman preview server is bound to "::1:4567"
The Middleman preview server is bind to "::1:4567"
And the output should contain:
@ -323,7 +322,7 @@ Feature: Run the preview server
Then the output should contain:
The Middleman preview server is bound to ":::4567", ""
The Middleman preview server is bind to ":::4567", ""
And the output should contain:
@ -342,7 +341,7 @@ Feature: Run the preview server
Then the output should contain:
The Middleman preview server is bound to ":::65432", ""
The Middleman preview server is bind to ":::65432", ""
Scenario: Start the server with port 65432 configured via config.rb
@ -357,10 +356,9 @@ Feature: Run the preview server
Then the output should contain:
The Middleman preview server is bound to ":::65432", ""
The Middleman preview server is bind to ":::65432", ""
Scenario: Start the server when port is blocked by other middleman instance
Given `middleman server` is running in background
When I run `middleman server --verbose` interactively
@ -458,7 +456,7 @@ Feature: Run the preview server
Then the output should contain:
The Middleman preview server is bound to ""
The Middleman preview server is bind to ""
And the output should contain:
@ -469,8 +467,7 @@ Feature: Run the preview server
Inspect your site configuration at "", ""
Scenario: Start the server with server name "host.local" and the link local name server is used to resolve the server name
To make the mdns resolver resolve a name, it needs to end with ".local".
@ -491,7 +488,7 @@ Feature: Run the preview server
Then the output should contain:
The Middleman preview server is bound to ""
The Middleman preview server is bind to ""
And the output should contain:
@ -502,8 +499,7 @@ Feature: Run the preview server
Inspect your site configuration at "http://host.local:4567/__middleman", ""
Scenario: Start the server with server name "host" and the link local name server is used to resolve the server name
To make the mdns resolver resolve a name, it needs to end with ".local". If
@ -524,7 +520,7 @@ Feature: Run the preview server
Then the output should contain:
The Middleman preview server is bound to ""
The Middleman preview server is bind to ""
And the output should contain:

View file

@ -9,6 +9,6 @@ Feature: Middleman New Extension CLI
| Rakefile |
| my-extension-library.gemspec |
| features/support/env.rb |
| lib/my-extension-library/extension.rb |
| lib/middleman_extension.rb |
| lib/my-extension-library.rb |
| .gitignore |

View file

@ -0,0 +1,151 @@
Feature: Middleman CLI
Scenario: Create a new project
Given I run `middleman init MY_PROJECT`
Then the exit status should be 0
When I cd to "MY_PROJECT"
Then the following files should exist:
| Gemfile |
| .gitignore |
| config.rb |
| source/index.html.erb |
| source/images/background.png |
| source/images/middleman.png |
| source/layouts/layout.erb |
| source/javascripts/all.js |
| source/stylesheets/all.css |
| source/stylesheets/normalize.css |
Scenario: Create a new project in the current directory
Given a directory named "MY_PROJECT"
When I cd to "MY_PROJECT"
And I run `middleman init`
Then the exit status should be 0
And the following files should exist:
| Gemfile |
| config.rb |
| source/index.html.erb |
Scenario: Create a new project (alias i)
When I run `middleman i MY_PROJECT`
Then a directory named "MY_PROJECT" should exist
Scenario: Create a new project (alias new)
When I run `middleman new MY_PROJECT`
Then a directory named "MY_PROJECT" should exist
Scenario: Create a new project (alias n)
When I run `middleman n MY_PROJECT`
Then a directory named "MY_PROJECT" should exist
Scenario: Create a new project with Rack
When I run `middleman init MY_PROJECT --rack`
Then a directory named "MY_PROJECT" should exist
When I cd to "MY_PROJECT"
Then the following files should exist:
| config.rb |
| |
| Gemfile |
Scenario: Create a new HTML5 project
When I run `middleman init MY_PROJECT --template=html5`
Then a directory named "MY_PROJECT" should exist
When I cd to "MY_PROJECT"
Then the following files should exist:
| config.rb |
| Gemfile |
Then the following files should not exist:
| |
And the file "config.rb" should contain "set :js_dir, 'js'"
Then a directory named "source" should exist
When I cd to "source"
Then the following files should exist:
| index.html.erb |
| layouts/layout.erb |
| humans.txt |
| js/main.js |
Scenario: Create a new HTML5 project with Rack
When I run `middleman init MY_PROJECT --rack --template=html5`
Then a directory named "MY_PROJECT" should exist
When I cd to "MY_PROJECT"
Then the following files should exist:
| config.rb |
| |
| Gemfile |
Scenario: Create a new Mobile HTML5 project
When I run `middleman init MY_PROJECT --template=mobile`
Then a directory named "MY_PROJECT" should exist
When I cd to "MY_PROJECT"
Then the following files should exist:
| config.rb |
| Gemfile |
Then the following files should not exist:
| |
Then a directory named "source" should exist
When I cd to "source"
Then the following files should exist:
| index.html |
| humans.txt |
| js/libs/respond.min.js |
Scenario: Create a new Mobile HTML5 project with Rack
When I run `middleman init MY_PROJECT --rack --template=mobile`
Then a directory named "MY_PROJECT" should exist
When I cd to "MY_PROJECT"
Then the following files should exist:
| config.rb |
| |
| Gemfile |
Scenario: Enforce creation of Mobile HTML5 project
When I run `middleman init MY_PROJECT --template=mobile`
When I run `middleman init MY_PROJECT --template=mobile --force`
Then a directory named "MY_PROJECT" should exist
And the output should contain:
And the output should contain:
Scenario: Enforce creation of HTML5 project
When I run `middleman init MY_PROJECT --template=html5`
When I run `middleman init MY_PROJECT --template=html5 --force`
Then a directory named "MY_PROJECT" should exist
And the output should contain:
And the output should contain:
Scenario: Enforce creation of default project
When I run `middleman init MY_PROJECT --template=default`
When I run `middleman init MY_PROJECT --template=default --force`
Then a directory named "MY_PROJECT" should exist
And the output should contain:
And the output should contain:
Scenario: Enforce creation of empty project
When I run `middleman init MY_PROJECT --template=empty`
When I run `middleman init MY_PROJECT --template=empty --force`
Then a directory named "MY_PROJECT" should exist
And the output should contain:
And the output should contain:

View file

@ -1,265 +0,0 @@
Feature: Collections
Scenario: Lazy query
Given a fixture app "collections-app"
And a file named "config.rb" with:
articles1 = collection :articles1, { |r|
matcher = ::Middleman::Util::UriTemplates.uri_template('blog1/{year}-{month}-{day}-{title}.html')
::Middleman::Util::UriTemplates.extract_params(matcher, ::Middleman::Util.normalize_path(r.url))
everything = do |r|
def get_tags(resource)
if String',').map(&:strip)
def group_lookup(resource, sum)
results = Array(get_tags(resource)).map(&:to_s).map(&:to_sym)
results.each do |k|
sum[k] ||= []
sum[k] << resource
tags = everything
.select { |resource| }
.each_with_object({}, &method(:group_lookup))
class Wrapper
attr_reader :stuff
def initialize
@stuff =
def <<((k, v))
@stuff << k
collection :wrapped, tags.reduce(, :<<)
set :tags, tags # Expose to templates
collection :first_tag, tags.keys.sort.first
And a file named "source/index.html.erb" with:
<% collection(:articles1).each do |article| %>
Article1: <%= %>
<% end %>
Tag Count: <%= collection(:wrapped).stuff.length %>
<% config[:tags].value.each do |k, items| %>
Tag: <%= k %> (<%= items.length %>)
<% items.each do |article| %>
Article (<%= k %>): <%= %>
<% end %>
<% end %>
First Tag: <%= collection(:first_tag) %>
Given the Server is running at "collections-app"
When I go to "index.html"
Then I should see 'Article1: Blog1 Newer Article'
And I should see 'Article1: Blog1 Another Article'
And I should see 'Tag: foo (4)'
And I should see 'Article (foo): Blog1 Newer Article'
And I should see 'Article (foo): Blog1 Another Article'
And I should see 'Article (foo): Blog2 Newer Article'
And I should see 'Article (foo): Blog2 Another Article'
And I should see 'Tag: bar (2)'
And I should see 'Article (bar): Blog1 Newer Article'
And I should see 'Article (bar): Blog2 Newer Article'
And I should see 'Tag: 120 (1)'
And I should see 'Article (120): Blog1 Another Article'
And I should see 'First Tag: 120'
And I should see 'Tag Count: 3'
Scenario: Collected resources update with file changes
Given a fixture app "collections-app"
And a file named "config.rb" with:
collection :articles, { |r|
matcher = ::Middleman::Util::UriTemplates.uri_template('blog2/{year}-{month}-{day}-{title}.html')
::Middleman::Util::UriTemplates.extract_params(matcher, ::Middleman::Util.normalize_path(r.url))
And a file named "source/index.html.erb" with:
<% collection(:articles).each do |article| %>
Article: <%= || article.file_descriptor[:relative_path] %>
<% end %>
Given the Server is running at "collections-app"
When I go to "index.html"
Then I should not see "Article: index.html.erb"
Then I should see 'Article: Blog2 Newer Article'
And I should see 'Article: Blog2 Another Article'
And the file "source/blog2/2011-01-02-another-article.html.markdown" has the contents
title: "Blog3 Another Article"
date: 2011-01-02
- foo
Another Article Content
When I go to "index.html"
Then I should see "Article: Blog2 Newer Article"
And I should not see "Article: Blog2 Another Article"
And I should see 'Article: Blog3 Another Article'
And the file "source/blog2/2011-01-01-new-article.html.markdown" is removed
When I go to "index.html"
Then I should not see "Article: Blog2 Newer Article"
And I should see 'Article: Blog3 Another Article'
And the file "source/blog2/2014-01-02-yet-another-article.html.markdown" has the contents
title: "Blog2 Yet Another Article"
date: 2011-01-02
- foo
Yet Another Article Content
When I go to "index.html"
And I should see 'Article: Blog3 Another Article'
And I should see 'Article: Blog2 Yet Another Article'
Scenario: Work with local helpers
Given a fixture app "collections-app"
And a file named "config.rb" with:
module TestHelper
def help_me
include TestHelper
data.articles.each_with_index do |a, i|
proxy "/#{i}-#{help_me}.html", a
And a file named "data/articles.yaml" with:
- "/blog1/2011-01-01-new-article.html"
- "/blog2/2011-01-02-another-article.html"
Given the Server is running at "collections-app"
When I go to "0-ok.html"
Then I should see 'Newer Article Content'
When I go to "1-ok.html"
Then I should see 'Another Article Content'
Scenario: Collected data update with file changes
Given a fixture app "collections-app"
And a file named "config.rb" with:
data.articles.each_with_index do |a, i|
proxy "/#{i}.html", a
And a file named "data/articles.yaml" with:
- "/blog1/2011-01-01-new-article.html"
- "/blog2/2011-01-02-another-article.html"
Given the Server is running at "collections-app"
When I go to "0.html"
Then I should see 'Newer Article Content'
When I go to "1.html"
Then I should see 'Another Article Content'
When I go to "2.html"
Then I should see 'Not Found'
When the file "data/articles.yaml" has the contents
- "/blog1/2011-01-01-new-article.html"
When I go to "0.html"
Then I should see 'Newer Article Content'
When I go to "1.html"
Then I should see 'Not Found'
When I go to "2.html"
Then I should see 'Not Found'
When the file "data/articles.yaml" has the contents
- "/blog2/2011-01-02-another-article.html"
- "/blog1/2011-01-01-new-article.html"
- "/blog2/2011-01-01-new-article.html"
When I go to "0.html"
Then I should see 'Another Article Content'
When I go to "1.html"
Then I should see 'Newer Article Content'
When I go to "2.html"
Then I should see 'Again'
Scenario: Arbitrary live datasets
Given a fixture app "collections-app"
And a file named "config.rb" with:
ignore "/description_template.html"
live {
Dir[File.join(root, "descriptions/*.txt")]
}.each do |description_name|
base = File.basename(description_name, '.txt')
proxy "#{base}.html", "/description_template.html", locals: {
And a file named "source/description_template.html.erb" with:
<%= contents %>
And a file named "descriptions/test1.txt" with:
Given the Server is running at "collections-app"
When I go to "test1.html"
Then I should see 'Test1'
When I go to "test2.html"
Then I should see 'Not Found'
When the file "descriptions/test2.txt" has the contents
When I go to "test1.html"
Then I should see 'Test1'
When I go to "test2.html"
Then I should see 'Test2'
When the file "descriptions/test1.txt" is removed
When I go to "test1.html"
Then I should see 'Not Found'
When I go to "test2.html"
Then I should see 'Test2'

View file

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
Feature: Compass sprites should be generated on build and copied
Scenario: Building a clean site with sprites
Given a successfully built app at "compass-sprites-app"
When I cd to "build"
Then the following files should exist:
| images/icon-s0de2218f58.png |

View file

@ -1,9 +1,8 @@
Feature: Console
Scenario: Enter and exit the console
Given a fixture app "large-build-app"
When I run `middleman console` interactively
And I type "puts 'Hello from the console.'"
Given I run `middleman console` interactively
When I type "puts 'Hello from the console.'"
And I type "exit"
Then it should pass with:

View file

@ -19,8 +19,8 @@ Feature: Setting the right content type for files
Given a fixture app "content-type-app"
And a file named "config.rb" with:
page "README", content_type: 'text/awesome'
proxy "bar", "index.html", content_type: 'text/custom'
page "README", :content_type => 'text/awesome'
proxy "bar", "index.html", :content_type => 'text/custom'
proxy "foo", "README" # auto-delegate to target content type
And the Server is running at "content-type-app"

View file

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
Feature: Support old request.path object used by many extensions
Scenario: Viewing the root path
Given the Server is running at "current-page-app"
When I go to "/request-path.html"
Then I should see "true"

View file

@ -1,38 +1,26 @@
Feature: Custom layouts
In order easily switch between relative and absolute paths
Scenario: Using custom :layout attribute
Given a fixture app "custom-layout-app2"
And a file named "config.rb" with:
page '/custom-layout.html', layout: :custom
Given page "/custom-layout.html" has layout "custom"
And the Server is running at "custom-layout-app2"
When I go to "/custom-layout.html"
Then I should see "Custom Layout"
Scenario: Using with_layout block
Given "/custom-layout.html" with_layout block has layout "custom"
And the Server is running at "custom-layout-app2"
When I go to "/custom-layout.html"
Then I should see "Custom Layout"
Scenario: Using custom :layout attribute with proxy
Given a fixture app "custom-layout-app2"
And a file named "config.rb" with:
page '/test/*', layout: :custom
proxy "/test/me.html", "/custom-layout.html"
live { %w(you) }.each do |who|
proxy "/test/#{who}.html", "/custom-layout.html"
Scenario: Using with_layout block with globs
Given "/custom-*" with_layout block has layout "custom"
And the Server is running at "custom-layout-app2"
When I go to "/test/me.html"
When I go to "/custom-layout.html"
Then I should see "Custom Layout"
When I go to "/test/you.html"
Then I should see "Custom Layout"
Scenario: Using custom :layout attribute with folders
Given a fixture app "custom-layout-app2"
And a file named "config.rb" with:
page '/custom-layout-dir/', layout: :custom
Given page "/custom-layout-dir/" has layout "custom"
And the Server is running at "custom-layout-app2"
When I go to "/custom-layout-dir"
Then I should see "Custom Layout"
@ -40,13 +28,9 @@ Feature: Custom layouts
Then I should see "Custom Layout"
When I go to "/custom-layout-dir/index.html"
Then I should see "Custom Layout"
Scenario: Using custom :layout attribute with folders
Given a fixture app "custom-layout-app2"
And a file named "config.rb" with:
page '/custom-layout-dir', layout: :custom
Given page "/custom-layout-dir" has layout "custom"
And the Server is running at "custom-layout-app2"
When I go to "/custom-layout-dir"
Then I should see "Custom Layout"
@ -54,13 +38,9 @@ Feature: Custom layouts
Then I should see "Custom Layout"
When I go to "/custom-layout-dir/index.html"
Then I should see "Custom Layout"
Scenario: Using custom :layout attribute with folders
Given a fixture app "custom-layout-app2"
And a file named "config.rb" with:
page '/custom-layout-dir/index.html', layout: :custom
Given page "/custom-layout-dir/index.html" has layout "custom"
And the Server is running at "custom-layout-app2"
When I go to "/custom-layout-dir"
Then I should see "Custom Layout"
@ -68,7 +48,7 @@ Feature: Custom layouts
Then I should see "Custom Layout"
When I go to "/custom-layout-dir/index.html"
Then I should see "Custom Layout"
Scenario: Setting layout inside a matching page block
Given the Server is running at "page-helper-layout-block-app"
When I go to "/index.html"
@ -81,4 +61,4 @@ Feature: Custom layouts
When I go to "/path/index.html"
Then I should see "Alt"
And I should see "Monde"
And I should not see "Hello"
And I should not see "Hello"

View file

@ -51,10 +51,3 @@ Feature: Local Data API
Then I should see "title1:Hello"
Then I should see "title2:More"
Then I should see "title3:Stuff"
Scenario: Using data postscript
Given the Server is running at "nested-data-app"
When I go to "/extracontent.html"
Then I should see "<h1>With Content</h1>"
Then I should see '<h2 id="header-2">Header 2</h2>'
Then I should see "<p>Paragraph 1</p>"

View file

@ -1,90 +0,0 @@
Feature: Describe which files get layouts
Given an empty app
And a file named "config.rb" with:
page "/about.html", layout: :layout2
And a file named "source/layouts/layout.erb" with:
In Layout
<%= yield %>
And a file named "source/layouts/layout2.erb" with:
<title>Second Layout</title>
<%= yield %>
And a file named "source/index.html.erb" with:
In Index
And a file named "source/about.html.erb" with:
In About
And a file named "source/style.css.scss" with:
html { border: 1; }
And a file named "source/style2.scss" with:
html { border: 2; }
And a file named "source/data.json" with:
{ "hello": "world" }
And a file named "source/script.js" with:
And a file named "source/test.xml.erb" with:
layout: layout2
And the Server is running at "empty_app"
Scenario: Normal Template
When I go to "/index.html"
Then I should see "In Index"
And I should see "In Layout"
Scenario: Normal Template with override
When I go to "/about.html"
Then I should see "In About"
And I should see "Second Layout"
And I should not see "In Layout"
Scenario: Sass
When I go to "/style.css"
Then I should see "border: 1"
And I should not see "In Layout"
Scenario: Sass with extension
When I go to "/style2"
Then I should see "border: 2"
And I should not see "In Layout"
Scenario: JSON
When I go to "/data.json"
Then I should see "hello"
And I should not see "In Layout"
Scenario: JS
When I go to "/script.js"
Then I should see "helloWorld()"
And I should not see "In Layout"
Scenario: XML
When I go to "/test.xml"
Then I should see "<test>Hi</test>"
And I should see "<title>Second Layout</title>"

View file

@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ Feature: Directory Index
| a_folder/needs_index/index.html |
| leave_me_alone.html |
| wildcard_leave_me_alone.html |
| regex_leave_me_alone2.html |
| evil spaces/index.html |
| regular/index.html |
| .htaccess |
@ -22,18 +21,17 @@ Feature: Directory Index
| a_folder/needs_index.html |
| leave_me_alone/index.html |
| wildcard_leave_me_alone/index.html |
| regex_leave_me_alone2/index.html |
And the file "needs_index/index.html" should contain "Indexable"
And the file "a_folder/needs_index/index.html" should contain "Indexable"
And the file "leave_me_alone.html" should contain "Stay away"
And the file "regular/index.html" should contain "Regular"
And the file "evil spaces/index.html" should contain "Filled with Evil Spaces"
Scenario: Preview normal file
Given the Server is running at "indexable-app"
When I go to "/needs_index/"
Then I should see "Indexable"
Scenario: Preview normal file with spaces in filename
Given the Server is running at "indexable-app"
When I go to "/evil spaces/"
@ -43,7 +41,7 @@ Feature: Directory Index
Given the Server is running at "indexable-app"
When I go to "/a_folder/needs_index/"
Then I should see "Indexable"
Scenario: Preview ignored file
Given the Server is running at "indexable-app"
When I go to "/leave_me_alone/"
@ -70,13 +68,14 @@ Feature: Directory Index
And the Server is running at "indexable-app"
When I go to "/link_to/"
Then I should see 'link_to: <a href="/needs_index/">Needs Index</a>'
Then I should see 'explicit_link_to: <a href="/needs_index/">Explicit</a>'
Then I should see 'explicit_link_to: <a href="/needs_index/index.html">Explicit</a>'
Then I should see 'unknown_link_to: <a href="/unknown.html">Unknown</a>'
Then I should see 'relative_link_to: <a href="/needs_index/">Relative</a>'
Then I should see 'link_to_with_spaces: <a href="/evil%20spaces/">Spaces</a>'
When I go to "/link_to/sub/"
Then I should see 'link_to: <a href="/needs_index/">Needs Index</a>'
Then I should see 'explicit_link_to: <a href="/needs_index/">Explicit</a>'
Then I should see 'explicit_link_to: <a href="/needs_index/index.html">Explicit</a>'
Then I should see 'unknown_link_to: <a href="/unknown.html">Unknown</a>'
Then I should see 'relative_link_to: <a href="/needs_index/">Relative</a>'
Then I should see 'link_to_with_spaces: <a href="/evil%20spaces/">Spaces</a>'

View file

@ -31,8 +31,7 @@ Feature: Dynamic Pages
| should_be_ignored6.html |
| should_be_ignored7.html |
| should_be_ignored8.html |
| should_be_ignored9.html |
Scenario: Preview basic proxy
Given the Server is running at "dynamic-pages-app"
When I go to "/fake.html"
@ -43,46 +42,46 @@ Feature: Dynamic Pages
Then I should see "I am real"
When I go to "/fake4.html"
Then I should see "I am real"
Scenario: Preview proxy with variable one
Given the Server is running at "dynamic-pages-app"
When I go to "/fake/one.html"
Then I should see "I am real: one"
Then I should see "Global: I am one glob"
Then I should see "All: I am all glob"
When I go to "/fake2/one.html"
Then I should see "I am real: one"
Then I should see "Global: I am two glob"
Then I should see "All: I am all glob"
When I go to "/fake3/one.html"
Then I should see "I am real: one"
Then I should see "Global: I am three glob"
Then I should see "All: I am all glob"
When I go to "/fake4/one.html"
Then I should see "I am real: one"
Then I should see "Global: I am four glob"
Then I should see "All: I am all glob"
Scenario: Preview proxy with variable two
Given the Server is running at "dynamic-pages-app"
When I go to "/fake/two.html"
Then I should see "I am real: two"
Then I should see "Global: I am one glob"
Then I should see "All: I am all glob"
When I go to "/fake2/two.html"
Then I should see "I am real: two"
Then I should see "Global: I am two glob"
Then I should see "All: I am all glob"
When I go to "/fake3/two.html"
Then I should see "I am real: two"
Then I should see "Global: I am three glob"
Then I should see "All: I am all glob"
When I go to "/fake4/two.html"
Then I should see "I am real: two"
Then I should see "Global: I am four glob"
@ -102,7 +101,7 @@ Feature: Dynamic Pages
Then the file "fake3/one.html" should contain "I am real: one"
Then the file "fake3/one.html" should contain "Global: I am three glob"
Then the file "fake3/one.html" should contain "All: I am all glob"
Scenario: Target ignore
Given the Server is running at "dynamic-pages-app"
When I go to "/target_ignore.html"
@ -113,7 +112,7 @@ Feature: Dynamic Pages
Then I should see "Ignore me! 7"
When I go to "/target_ignore4.html"
Then I should see "Ignore me! 8"
Scenario: Preview ignored paths
Given the Server is running at "dynamic-pages-app"
When I go to "/should_be_ignored.html"
@ -131,6 +130,4 @@ Feature: Dynamic Pages
When I go to "/should_be_ignored7.html"
Then I should see "File Not Found"
When I go to "/should_be_ignored8.html"
Then I should see "File Not Found"
When I go to "/should_be_ignored9.html"
Then I should see "File Not Found"
Then I should see "File Not Found"

View file

@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
# encoding: iso-8859-1
Feature: encoding option
Scenario: No encoding set
Given a fixture app "clean-app"
Given the Server is running at "clean-app"
When I go to "/index.html"
Then the "Content-Type" header should contain "text/html"
Then the "Content-Type" header should contain "charset=utf-8"
Scenario: Custom encoding set
Given a fixture app "i-8859-1-app"
And a file named "config.rb" with:
set :encoding, "ISO-8859-1"
::Rack::Mime::MIME_TYPES['.html'] = 'text/html; charset=iso-8859-1'
::Rack::Mime::MIME_TYPES['.htm'] = 'text/html; charset=iso-8859-1'
::Rack::Mime::MIME_TYPES['.map'] = 'application/json; charset=iso-8859-1'
Given the Server is running at "i-8859-1-app"
When I go to "/index.html"
Then the "Content-Type" header should contain "text/html"
Then the "Content-Type" header should contain "charset=iso-8859-1"
Then I should see "äöü"

View file

@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
Feature: Extension author could use some hooks
Scenario: When build
Given a fixture app "extension-api-deprecations-app"
When I run `middleman build`
Then the exit status should be 0
And the output should contain "`set :layout` is deprecated"
And the file "build/index.html" should contain "In Index"
And the file "build/index.html" should not contain "In Layout"

View file

@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
Feature: Extension author could use some hooks
Scenario: When build
Given a fixture app "extension-hooks-app"
When I run `middleman build`
Then the exit status should be 0
And the output should contain "/// after_configuration ///"
And the output should contain "/// ready ///"
And the output should contain "/// before_build ///"
And the output should contain "/// before ///"
And the output should contain "/// before_render ///"
And the output should contain "/// after_render ///"
And the output should contain "/// after_build ///"

View file

@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
Feature: Web Fonts
Scenario: Checking built folder for content
Given a successfully built app at "fonts-app"
When I cd to "build"
Then the following files should exist:
| stylesheets/fonts.css |
And the file "stylesheets/fonts.css" should contain "/fonts/StMarie-Thin.otf"
And the file "stylesheets/fonts.css" should contain "/fonts/blank/blank.otf"
Scenario: Rendering scss
Given the Server is running at "fonts-app"
When I go to "/stylesheets/fonts.css"
Then I should see "/fonts/StMarie-Thin.otf"
And I should see "/fonts/blank/blank.otf"

View file

@ -2,6 +2,11 @@ Feature: Neighboring YAML Front Matter
Scenario: Rendering html (yaml)
Given the Server is running at "frontmatter-neighbor-app"
When I go to "/front-matter-auto.html"
Then I should see "<h1>This is the title</h1>"
Then I should not see "---"
When I go to "/front-matter-auto.erb.frontmatter"
Then I should see "File Not Found"
When I go to "/front-matter-2.php"
Then I should see "<h1>This is the title</h1>"
Then I should see "<?php"
@ -22,7 +27,7 @@ Feature: Neighboring YAML Front Matter
Then I should not see "---"
When I go to "/raw-front-matter.php.frontmatter"
Then I should see "File Not Found"
Scenario: YAML not on first line, with encoding
Given the Server is running at "frontmatter-neighbor-app"
When I go to "/front-matter-encoding.html"
@ -30,12 +35,31 @@ Feature: Neighboring YAML Front Matter
Then I should not see "---"
When I go to "/front-matter-encoding.html.erb.frontmatter"
Then I should see "File Not Found"
Scenario: Rendering html (json)
Given the Server is running at "frontmatter-neighbor-app"
When I go to "/json-front-matter-auto.html"
Then I should see "<h1>This is the title</h1>"
Then I should not see ";;;"
When I go to "/json-front-matter-auto.erb.frontmatter"
Then I should see "File Not Found"
When I go to "/json-front-matter.html"
Then I should see "<h1>This is the title</h1>"
Then I should not see ";;;"
When I go to "/json-front-matter.html.erb.frontmatter"
Then I should see "File Not Found"
When I go to "/json-front-matter-2.php"
Then I should see "<h1>This is the title</h1>"
Then I should see "<?php"
Then I should not see ";;;"
When I go to "/json-front-matter-2.php.erb.frontmatter"
Then I should see "File Not Found"
Scenario: A template changes frontmatter during preview
Given the Server is running at "frontmatter-neighbor-app"
And the file "source/front-matter-change.html.erb" has the contents
FileA <%= %>
<%= %>
And the file "source/front-matter-change.html.erb.frontmatter" has the contents
@ -43,8 +67,6 @@ Feature: Neighboring YAML Front Matter
title: Hello World
layout: false
When I go to "/front-matter-change.html"
Then I should see "Hello World"
@ -54,8 +76,6 @@ Feature: Neighboring YAML Front Matter
title: Hola Mundo
layout: false
When I go to "/front-matter-change.html"
Then I should see "Hola Mundo"
@ -130,22 +150,21 @@ Feature: Neighboring YAML Front Matter
When I go to "/page_mentioned.html.erb.frontmatter"
Then I should see "File Not Found"
# Scenario: Neighbor frontmatter for destination of proxy resources
# Given the Server is running at "frontmatter-settings-neighbor-app"
# And the file "source/proxied_with_frontmatter.html.frontmatter" has the contents
# """
# ---
# title: Proxied title
# ---
# """
# And the file "source/ignored.html.erb" has the contents
# """
# ---
# ignored: true
# ---
Scenario: Neighbor frontmatter for destination of proxy resources
Given the Server is running at "frontmatter-settings-neighbor-app"
And the file "source/proxied_with_frontmatter.html.frontmatter" has the contents
title: Proxied title
And the file "source/ignored.html.erb" has the contents
ignored: true
# <%= %>
# <%= %>
# """
# When I go to "/proxied_with_frontmatter.html"
# Then I should see "Proxied title"
<%= %>
When I go to "/proxied_with_frontmatter.html"
Then I should see "Proxied title"

View file

@ -3,6 +3,9 @@ Feature: YAML Front Matter
Scenario: Rendering html (yaml)
Given the Server is running at "frontmatter-app"
When I go to "/front-matter-auto.html"
Then I should see "<h1>This is the title</h1>"
Then I should not see "---"
When I go to "/front-matter-2.php"
Then I should see "<h1>This is the title</h1>"
Then I should see "<?php"
@ -28,23 +31,43 @@ Feature: YAML Front Matter
Then I should not see "layout: false"
Then I should not see "title: Pandoc likes trailing dots..."
Scenario: Rendering Haml (yaml)
Given the Server is running at "frontmatter-app"
When I go to "/front-matter-haml.html"
Then I should see "<h1>This is the title</h1>"
Then I should not see "---"
Scenario: YAML not on first line, no encoding
Given the Server is running at "frontmatter-app"
When I go to "/front-matter-line-2.html"
Then I should see "<h1></h1>"
Then I should see "---"
Scenario: YAML not on first line, with encoding
Given the Server is running at "frontmatter-app"
When I go to "/front-matter-encoding.html"
Then I should see "<h1>This is the title</h1>"
Then I should not see "---"
Scenario: Rendering html (json)
Given the Server is running at "frontmatter-app"
When I go to "/json-front-matter-auto.html"
Then I should see "<h1>This is the title</h1>"
Then I should not see ";;;"
When I go to "/json-front-matter.html"
Then I should see "<h1>This is the title</h1>"
Then I should not see ";;;"
When I go to "/json-front-matter-2.php"
Then I should see "<h1>This is the title</h1>"
Then I should see "<?php"
Then I should not see ";;;"
Scenario: JSON not on first line, no encoding
Given the Server is running at "frontmatter-app"
When I go to "/json-front-matter-line-2.html"
Then I should see "<h1></h1>"
Then I should see ";;;"
Scenario: JSON not on first line, with encoding
Given the Server is running at "frontmatter-app"
When I go to "/json-front-matter-encoding.html"
Then I should see "<h1>This is the title</h1>"
Then I should not see ";;;"
Scenario: A template changes frontmatter during preview
Given the Server is running at "frontmatter-app"

View file

@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ Feature: GZIP assets during build
Given a fixture app "gzip-app"
And a file named "config.rb" with:
activate :gzip, exts: %w(.htm .html .js .xhtml)
activate :gzip, exts: %w(.js .html .htm)
And a successfully built app at "gzip-app"
Then the following files should exist:

View file

@ -5,8 +5,8 @@ Feature: content_tag helper
And an empty file named "config.rb"
And a file named "source/index.html.erb" with:
<%= content_tag :div, "<hello>world</hello>", class: 'one' %>
<% content_tag :where, class: 'the hell is' do %>
<%= content_tag :div, "<hello>world</hello>", :class => 'one' %>
<% content_tag :where, :class => 'the hell is' do %>
<my>damn croissant</my>
<% end %>

View file

@ -5,16 +5,16 @@ Feature: form_tag helper
And an empty file named "config.rb"
And a file named "source/form_tag.html.erb" with:
absolute: <% form_tag "/needs_index.html#absolute", relative: true do %>
absolute: <% form_tag "/needs_index.html#absolute", :relative => true do %>
<% end %>
relative: <% form_tag "needs_index.html#relative", relative: true do %>
relative: <% form_tag "needs_index.html#relative", :relative => true do %>
<% end %>
And a file named "source/form_tag/sub.html.erb" with:
absolute: <% form_tag "/needs_index.html#absolute", relative: true do %>
absolute: <% form_tag "/needs_index.html#absolute", :relative => true do %>
<% end %>
relative: <% form_tag "../needs_index.html#relative", relative: true do %>
relative: <% form_tag "../needs_index.html#relative", :relative => true do %>
<% end %>
And the Server is running at "indexable-app"

View file

@ -38,31 +38,21 @@ Feature: link_to helper
And an empty file named "config.rb"
And a file named "source/link_to.html.erb" with:
absolute: <%= link_to "Needs Index", "/needs_index.html", relative: true %>
relative: <%= link_to "Relative", "needs_index.html", relative: true %>
absolute spaces: <%= link_to "Spaces Index", "/evil spaces.html", relative: true %>
relative spaces: <%= link_to "Spaces Relative", "evil spaces.html", relative: true %>
absolute: <%= link_to "Needs Index", "/needs_index.html", :relative => true %>
relative: <%= link_to "Relative", "needs_index.html", :relative => true %>
And a file named "source/link_to/sub.html.erb" with:
absolute: <%= link_to "Needs Index", "/needs_index.html", relative: true %>
relative: <%= link_to "Relative", "../needs_index.html", relative: true %>
absolute spaces: <%= link_to "Spaces Index", "/evil spaces.html", relative: true %>
relative spaces: <%= link_to "Spaces Relative", "../evil spaces.html", relative: true %>
absolute: <%= link_to "Needs Index", "/needs_index.html", :relative => true %>
relative: <%= link_to "Relative", "../needs_index.html", :relative => true %>
And the Server is running at "indexable-app"
When I go to "/link_to.html"
Then I should see 'absolute: <a href="needs_index.html">Needs Index</a>'
Then I should see 'relative: <a href="needs_index.html">Relative</a>'
Then I should see 'absolute spaces: <a href="evil%20spaces.html">Spaces Index</a>'
Then I should see 'relative spaces: <a href="evil%20spaces.html">Spaces Relative</a>'
When I go to "/link_to/sub.html"
Then I should see 'absolute: <a href="../needs_index.html">Needs Index</a>'
Then I should see 'relative: <a href="../needs_index.html">Relative</a>'
Then I should see 'absolute spaces: <a href="../evil%20spaces.html">Spaces Index</a>'
Then I should see 'relative spaces: <a href="../evil%20spaces.html">Spaces Relative</a>'
Scenario: link_to relative works with strip_index_file
Given a fixture app "indexable-app"
@ -107,7 +97,7 @@ Feature: link_to helper
And a file named "source/link_to.html.erb" with:
absolute: <%= link_to "Needs Index", "/needs_index.html" %>
relative: <%= link_to "Relative", "needs_index.html", relative: false %>
relative: <%= link_to "Relative", "needs_index.html", :relative => false %>
unknown: <%= link_to "Unknown", "foo.html" %>
And a file named "source/link_to/sub.html.erb" with:
@ -123,18 +113,18 @@ Feature: link_to helper
When I go to "/link_to/sub.html"
Then I should see 'absolute: <a href="../needs_index.html">Needs Index</a>'
Then I should see 'relative: <a href="../needs_index.html">Relative</a>'
Scenario: link_to knows about directory indexes
Given a fixture app "indexable-app"
And a file named "source/link_to.html.erb" with:
absolute: <%= link_to "Needs Index", "/needs_index.html", relative: true %>
relative: <%= link_to "Relative", "needs_index.html", relative: true %>
absolute: <%= link_to "Needs Index", "/needs_index.html", :relative => true %>
relative: <%= link_to "Relative", "needs_index.html", :relative => true %>
And a file named "source/link_to/sub.html.erb" with:
absolute: <%= link_to "Needs Index", "/needs_index.html", relative: true %>
relative: <%= link_to "Relative", "../needs_index.html", relative: true %>
absolute: <%= link_to "Needs Index", "/needs_index.html", :relative => true %>
relative: <%= link_to "Relative", "../needs_index.html", :relative => true %>
And the Server is running at "indexable-app"
When I go to "/link_to/"
@ -186,8 +176,8 @@ Feature: link_to helper
Given a fixture app "indexable-app"
And a file named "source/link_to.html.erb" with:
<%= link_to "Needs Index String", "/needs_index.html", query: "foo" %>
<%= link_to "Needs Index Hash", "/needs_index.html", query: { foo: :bar } %>
<%= link_to "Needs Index String", "/needs_index.html", :query => "foo" %>
<%= link_to "Needs Index Hash", "/needs_index.html", :query => { :foo => :bar } %>
And the Server is running at "indexable-app"
When I go to "/link_to/"

View file

@ -5,13 +5,13 @@ Feature: url_for helper
And an empty file named "config.rb"
And a file named "source/url_for.html.erb" with:
absolute: <%= url_for "/needs_index.html", relative: true %>
relative: <%= url_for "needs_index.html", relative: true %>
absolute: <%= url_for "/needs_index.html", :relative => true %>
relative: <%= url_for "needs_index.html", :relative => true %>
And a file named "source/url_for/sub.html.erb" with:
absolute: <%= url_for "/needs_index.html", relative: true %>
relative: <%= url_for "../needs_index.html", relative: true %>
absolute: <%= url_for "/needs_index.html", :relative => true %>
relative: <%= url_for "../needs_index.html", :relative => true %>
And the Server is running at "indexable-app"
When I go to "/url_for.html"
@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ Feature: url_for helper
And a file named "source/url_for.html.erb" with:
absolute: <%= url_for "/needs_index.html" %>
relative: <%= url_for "needs_index.html", relative: false %>
relative: <%= url_for "needs_index.html", :relative => false %>
unknown: <%= url_for "foo.html" %>
And a file named "source/url_for/sub.html.erb" with:
@ -85,13 +85,13 @@ Feature: url_for helper
Given a fixture app "indexable-app"
And a file named "source/url_for.html.erb" with:
absolute: <%= url_for "/needs_index.html", relative: true %>
relative: <%= url_for "needs_index.html", relative: true %>
absolute: <%= url_for "/needs_index.html", :relative => true %>
relative: <%= url_for "needs_index.html", :relative => true %>
And a file named "source/url_for/sub.html.erb" with:
absolute: <%= url_for "/needs_index.html", relative: true %>
relative: <%= url_for "../needs_index.html", relative: true %>
absolute: <%= url_for "/needs_index.html", :relative => true %>
relative: <%= url_for "../needs_index.html", :relative => true %>
And the Server is running at "indexable-app"
When I go to "/url_for/"
@ -143,8 +143,8 @@ Feature: url_for helper
Given a fixture app "indexable-app"
And a file named "source/url_for.html.erb" with:
Needs Index String <%= url_for "/needs_index.html", query: "foo" %>
Needs Index Hash <%= url_for "/needs_index.html", query: { foo: :bar } %>
Needs Index String <%= url_for "/needs_index.html", :query => "foo" %>
Needs Index Hash <%= url_for "/needs_index.html", :query => { :foo => :bar } %>
And the Server is running at "indexable-app"
When I go to "/url_for/"

View file

@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ Feature: i18n Builder
Given a fixture app "i18n-test-app"
And a file named "config.rb" with:
activate :i18n, path: "/lang_:locale/"
activate :i18n, :path => "/lang_:locale/"
Given a successfully built app at "i18n-test-app"
When I cd to "build"
@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ Feature: i18n Builder
Given a fixture app "i18n-alt-root-app"
And a file named "config.rb" with:
activate :i18n, templates_dir: "lang_data"
activate :i18n, :templates_dir => "lang_data"
Given a successfully built app at "i18n-alt-root-app"
When I cd to "build"
@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ Feature: i18n Builder
Given a fixture app "i18n-test-app"
And a file named "config.rb" with:
activate :i18n, lang_map: { en: :english, es: :spanish }
activate :i18n, :lang_map => { :en => :english, :es => :spanish }
Given a successfully built app at "i18n-test-app"
When I cd to "build"
@ -109,7 +109,7 @@ Feature: i18n Builder
Given a fixture app "i18n-test-app"
And a file named "config.rb" with:
activate :i18n, mount_at_root: false
activate :i18n, :mount_at_root => false
Given a successfully built app at "i18n-test-app"
When I cd to "build"
@ -130,7 +130,7 @@ Feature: i18n Builder
Given a fixture app "i18n-test-app"
And a file named "config.rb" with:
activate :i18n, langs: [:en]
activate :i18n, :langs => [:en]
Given a successfully built app at "i18n-test-app"
When I cd to "build"

View file

@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ Feature: i18n Paths
Given a fixture app "empty-app"
And a file named "data/pages.yml" with:
- hello.html
- hello.html
And a file named "locales/en.yml" with:
@ -50,24 +50,24 @@ Feature: i18n Paths
Given the Server is running at "empty-app"
When I go to "/hello.html"
Then I should see "Page: Hello"
Then I should see '<a href="/index.html" class="current">Current Home</a>'
Then I should see '<a href="/es/index.html" title="Other Home">Other Home</a>'
Then I should see '<a href="/index.html" class="current"><span>Home: Current Block</span></a>'
Then I should see '<a href="/es/index.html" title="Other Home"><span>Home: Other Block</span></a>'
Then I should see '<a href="/hello.html" class="current">Current hello.html</a>'
Then I should see '<a href="/es/hola.html" title="Other hello.html">Other hello.html</a>'
Then I should see '<a href="/hello.html" class="current"><span>Current Block</span></a>'
Then I should see '<a href="/es/hola.html" title="Other hello.html"><span>Other Block</span></a>'
Then I should see '<a class="current" href="/index.html">Current Home</a>'
Then I should see '<a title="Other Home" href="/es/index.html">Other Home</a>'
Then I should see '<a class="current" href="/index.html"><span>Home: Current Block</span></a>'
Then I should see '<a title="Other Home" href="/es/index.html"><span>Home: Other Block</span></a>'
Then I should see '<a class="current" href="/hello.html">Current hello.html</a>'
Then I should see '<a title="Other hello.html" href="/es/hola.html">Other hello.html</a>'
Then I should see '<a class="current" href="/hello.html"><span>Current Block</span></a>'
Then I should see '<a title="Other hello.html" href="/es/hola.html"><span>Other Block</span></a>'
When I go to "/es/hola.html"
Then I should see "Page: Hola"
Then I should see '<a href="/es/index.html" class="current">Current Home</a>'
Then I should see '<a href="/index.html" title="Other Home">Other Home</a>'
Then I should see '<a href="/es/index.html" class="current"><span>Home: Current Block</span></a>'
Then I should see '<a href="/index.html" title="Other Home"><span>Home: Other Block</span></a>'
Then I should see '<a href="/es/hola.html" class="current">Current hello.html</a>'
Then I should see '<a href="/hello.html" title="Other hello.html">Other hello.html</a>'
Then I should see '<a href="/es/hola.html" class="current"><span>Current Block</span></a>'
Then I should see '<a href="/hello.html" title="Other hello.html"><span>Other Block</span></a>'
Then I should see '<a class="current" href="/es/index.html">Current Home</a>'
Then I should see '<a title="Other Home" href="/index.html">Other Home</a>'
Then I should see '<a class="current" href="/es/index.html"><span>Home: Current Block</span></a>'
Then I should see '<a title="Other Home" href="/index.html"><span>Home: Other Block</span></a>'
Then I should see '<a class="current" href="/es/hola.html">Current hello.html</a>'
Then I should see '<a title="Other hello.html" href="/hello.html">Other hello.html</a>'
Then I should see '<a class="current" href="/es/hola.html"><span>Current Block</span></a>'
Then I should see '<a title="Other hello.html" href="/hello.html"><span>Other Block</span></a>'
Scenario: link_to is i18n aware and supports relative_links
Given a fixture app "empty-app"
@ -124,30 +124,30 @@ Feature: i18n Paths
Then I should see "assets/css/main.css"
When I go to "/hello.html"
Then I should see "Page: Hello"
Then I should see '<a href="index.html" class="current">Current Home</a>'
Then I should see '<a href="es/index.html" title="Other Home">Other Home</a>'
Then I should see '<a href="index.html" class="current"><span>Home: Current Block</span></a>'
Then I should see '<a href="es/index.html" title="Other Home"><span>Home: Other Block</span></a>'
Then I should see '<a href="hello.html" class="current">Current hello.html</a>'
Then I should see '<a href="es/hola.html" title="Other hello.html">Other hello.html</a>'
Then I should see '<a href="hello.html" class="current"><span>Current Block</span></a>'
Then I should see '<a href="es/hola.html" title="Other hello.html"><span>Other Block</span></a>'
Then I should see '<a class="current" href="index.html">Current Home</a>'
Then I should see '<a title="Other Home" href="es/index.html">Other Home</a>'
Then I should see '<a class="current" href="index.html"><span>Home: Current Block</span></a>'
Then I should see '<a title="Other Home" href="es/index.html"><span>Home: Other Block</span></a>'
Then I should see '<a class="current" href="hello.html">Current hello.html</a>'
Then I should see '<a title="Other hello.html" href="es/hola.html">Other hello.html</a>'
Then I should see '<a class="current" href="hello.html"><span>Current Block</span></a>'
Then I should see '<a title="Other hello.html" href="es/hola.html"><span>Other Block</span></a>'
When I go to "/es/hola.html"
Then I should see "Page: Hola"
Then I should see '<a href="index.html" class="current">Current Home</a>'
Then I should see '<a href="../index.html" title="Other Home">Other Home</a>'
Then I should see '<a href="index.html" class="current"><span>Home: Current Block</span></a>'
Then I should see '<a href="../index.html" title="Other Home"><span>Home: Other Block</span></a>'
Then I should see '<a href="hola.html" class="current">Current hello.html</a>'
Then I should see '<a href="../hello.html" title="Other hello.html">Other hello.html</a>'
Then I should see '<a href="hola.html" class="current"><span>Current Block</span></a>'
Then I should see '<a href="../hello.html" title="Other hello.html"><span>Other Block</span></a>'
Then I should see '<a class="current" href="index.html">Current Home</a>'
Then I should see '<a title="Other Home" href="../index.html">Other Home</a>'
Then I should see '<a class="current" href="index.html"><span>Home: Current Block</span></a>'
Then I should see '<a title="Other Home" href="../index.html"><span>Home: Other Block</span></a>'
Then I should see '<a class="current" href="hola.html">Current hello.html</a>'
Then I should see '<a title="Other hello.html" href="../hello.html">Other hello.html</a>'
Then I should see '<a class="current" href="hola.html"><span>Current Block</span></a>'
Then I should see '<a title="Other hello.html" href="../hello.html"><span>Other Block</span></a>'
Scenario: url_for is i18n aware
Given a fixture app "empty-app"
And a file named "data/pages.yml" with:
- hello.html
- hello.html
- article.html
And a file named "locales/en.yml" with:

View file

@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
Feature: i18n merging path trees
Scenario: Mixing localized and non-localized sources and merging the path trees (see issue #1709)
Given a fixture app "i18n-test-app"
And a file named "config.rb" with:
activate :i18n, mount_at_root: :en, langs: [:en, :es]
Given the Server is running at "i18n-mixed-sources"
When I go to "/"
Then I should see "Current locale: en"
Then I should see "path: is-localized Home"
When I go to "/es"
Then I should see "Current locale: es"
Then I should see "path: is-localized Home"
When I go to "/a/"
Then I should see "Current locale: en"
Then I should see "path: is-localized Home # a/index.html.erb"
When I go to "/es/a/"
Then I should see "Current locale: es"
Then I should see "path: is-localized Home # a/index.html.erb"
When I go to "/b/"
Then I should see "Current locale: en"
Then I should see "path: is-localized Home # b/index.html.erb"
When I go to "/a/sub.html"
Then I should see "Current locale: en"
Then I should see "path: is-localized Home # a/index.html.erb # a/sub.html.erb"
When I go to "/b/sub.html"
Then I should see "Current locale: en"
Then I should see "path: is-localized Home # b/index.html.erb # b/sub.html.erb"
When I go to "/es/b/sub.html"
Then I should see "Current locale: es"
Then I should see "path: is-localized Home # b/index.html.erb # b/sub.html.erb"

View file

@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ Feature: i18n Preview
Given a fixture app "i18n-test-app"
And a file named "config.rb" with:
activate :i18n, path: "/lang_:locale/"
activate :i18n, :path => "/lang_:locale/"
Given the Server is running at "i18n-test-app"
When I go to "/"
@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ Feature: i18n Preview
Given a fixture app "i18n-alt-root-app"
And a file named "config.rb" with:
activate :i18n, templates_dir: "lang_data"
activate :i18n, :templates_dir => "lang_data"
Given the Server is running at "i18n-alt-root-app"
When I go to "/"
@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ Feature: i18n Preview
Given a fixture app "i18n-test-app"
And a file named "config.rb" with:
activate :i18n, lang_map: { en: :english, es: :spanish }
activate :i18n, :lang_map => { :en => :english, :es => :spanish }
Given the Server is running at "i18n-test-app"
When I go to "/"
@ -122,7 +122,7 @@ Feature: i18n Preview
Given a fixture app "i18n-test-app"
And a file named "config.rb" with:
activate :i18n, mount_at_root: :es
activate :i18n, :mount_at_root => :es
Given the Server is running at "i18n-test-app"
When I go to "/en/index.html"
@ -150,7 +150,7 @@ Feature: i18n Preview
Given a fixture app "i18n-test-app"
And a file named "config.rb" with:
activate :i18n, langs: :es
activate :i18n, :langs => :es
Given the Server is running at "i18n-test-app"
When I go to "/en/index.html"
@ -173,7 +173,7 @@ Feature: i18n Preview
Given a fixture app "i18n-test-app"
And a file named "config.rb" with:
activate :i18n, mount_at_root: false
activate :i18n, :mount_at_root => false
Given the Server is running at "i18n-test-app"
When I go to "/en/index.html"
@ -193,7 +193,7 @@ Feature: i18n Preview
Given a fixture app "i18n-test-app"
And a file named "config.rb" with:
activate :i18n, langs: [:en]
activate :i18n, :langs => [:en]
Given the Server is running at "i18n-test-app"
When I go to "/"
@ -228,7 +228,7 @@ Feature: i18n Preview
Given a fixture app "i18n-default-app"
And a file named "config.rb" with:
activate :i18n, mount_at_root: :es
activate :i18n, :mount_at_root => :es
Given the Server is running at "i18n-default-app"
When I go to "/en/"

View file

@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ Feature: Ignoring paths
And the following files should not exist:
| build/plain.html |
| build/about.html |
Scenario: Ignore a single path (server)
Given a fixture app "ignore-app"
And a file named "config.rb" with:
@ -28,35 +28,6 @@ Feature: Ignoring paths
When I go to "/about.html"
Then I should see "File Not Found"
Scenario: Ignoring collected values
Given a fixture app "ignore-app"
And a file named "data/ignores.yaml" with:
- "plain"
And a file named "config.rb" with:
data.ignores.each do |name|
ignore "#{name}.html"
And the Server is running
When I go to "/plain.html"
Then I should see "File Not Found"
When I go to "/about.html"
Then I should not see "File Not Found"
When the file "data/ignores.yaml" has the contents
- "about"
When I go to "/plain.html"
Then I should not see "File Not Found"
When I go to "/about.html"
Then I should see "File Not Found"
Scenario: Ignore a globbed path (build)
Given a fixture app "ignore-app"
And a file named "config.rb" with:
@ -76,7 +47,7 @@ Feature: Ignoring paths
| build/reports/index.html |
| build/reports/another.html |
| build/images/icons/messages.png |
Scenario: Ignore a globbed path (server)
Given a fixture app "ignore-app"
And a file named "config.rb" with:
@ -122,7 +93,7 @@ Feature: Ignoring paths
| build/reports/index.html |
| build/reports/another.html |
| build/images/icons/messages.png |
Scenario: Ignore a regex (server)
Given a fixture app "ignore-app"
And a file named "config.rb" with:
@ -147,4 +118,4 @@ Feature: Ignoring paths
When I go to "/reports/another.html"
Then I should see "File Not Found"
When I go to "/images/icons/messages.png"
Then I should see "File Not Found"
Then I should see "File Not Found"

View file

@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
Feature: Use default extensions when user doesn't supply them
Scenario: Default extensions preview
Given the Server is running at "implied-extensions-app"
When I go to "/"
Then I should see "hello: world"
When I go to "/index.html"
Then I should see "hello: world"
When I go to "/index.erb"
Then I should see "File Not Found"
When I go to "/index"
Then I should see "File Not Found"
Scenario: Override erb extension
Given a fixture app "implied-extensions-app"
And a file named "config.rb" with:
template_extensions :erb => :htm
And the Server is running
When I go to "/"
Then I should see "File Not Found"
When I go to "/index.htm"
Then I should see "hello: world"
When I go to "/index.erb"
Then I should see "File Not Found"
When I go to "/index"
Then I should see "File Not Found"
When I go to "/index.html"
Then I should see "File Not Found"
Scenario: Override erb extension
Given a fixture app "implied-extensions-app"
And a file named "config.rb" with:
set :index_file, "index.htm"
template_extensions :erb => :htm
And the Server is running
When I go to "/"
Then I should see "hello: world"
When I go to "/index.htm"
Then I should see "hello: world"
Scenario: Default extensions build
Given a fixture app "implied-extensions-app"
And a successfully built app at "implied-extensions-app"
When I cd to "build"
Then the following files should exist:
| index.html |
Then the following files should not exist:
| index |
| index.erb |
And the file "index.html" should contain "hello: world"
Scenario: Default extensions build with override
Given a fixture app "implied-extensions-app"
And a file named "config.rb" with:
template_extensions :erb => :htm
And a successfully built app at "implied-extensions-app"
When I cd to "build"
Then the following files should exist:
| index.htm |
Then the following files should not exist:
| index |
| index.erb |
| index.html |

View file

@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
Feature: Import files
Scenario: Move one path to another
Given the Server is running at "import-app"
When I go to "/static.html"
Then I should see 'Not Found'
When I go to "/static2.html"
Then I should see 'Static, no code!'
Scenario: Import all of bower
Given the Server is running at "import-app"
When I go to "/bower_components/jquery/dist/jquery.js"
Then I should see 'jQuery'
When I go to "/bower_components2/jquery/dist/jquery.js"
Then I should see 'jQuery'

View file

@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
Feature: Instance Variables
Scenario: A dynamic page template using instance variables
Given the Server is running at "instance-vars-app"
When I go to "/a.html"
Then I should see "A: 'set'"
Then I should see "B: ''"
When I go to "/b.html"
Then I should see "A: ''"
Then I should see "B: 'set'"

View file

@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ Feature: Markdown (Kramdown) support
And a file named "config.rb" with:
set :markdown_engine, :kramdown
set :markdown, smartypants: true
set :markdown, :smartypants => true
Given the Server is running at "markdown-app"
When I go to "/smarty_pants.html"

View file

@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
Feature: Markdown support in Slim (Kramdown)
In order to test support of the Slim markdown filter
Scenario: Markdown filter in Slim works (with Kramdown)
Given a fixture app "markdown-in-slim-app"
And a file named "config.rb" with:
set :markdown_engine, :kramdown
activate :directory_indexes
And a file named "source/markdown_filter.html.slim" with:
# H1
Given the Server is running at "markdown-in-slim-app"
When I go to "/markdown_filter/"
Then I should see ">H1</h1>"
Then I should see "<p>paragraph</p>"
Scenario: Markdown filter in Slim uses our link_to and image_tag helpers (with Kramdown)
Given a fixture app "markdown-in-slim-app"
And a file named "config.rb" with:
set :markdown_engine, :kramdown
activate :directory_indexes
And a file named "source/link_and_image.html.slim" with:
[A link](/link_target.html)
![image](blank.gif){: srcset="image_2x.jpg 2x"}
Given the Server is running at "markdown-in-slim-app"
When I go to "/link_and_image/"
Then I should see "/link_target/"
Then I should see "/images/image_2x.jpg 2x"
Then I should see 'src="/images/blank.gif"'

View file

@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
Feature: Markdown (Redcarpet) support
In order to test included Redcarpet support
@ -6,14 +7,14 @@ Feature: Markdown (Redcarpet) support
And a file named "config.rb" with:
set :markdown_engine, :redcarpet
set :markdown, no_intra_emphasis: true,
tables: true,
fenced_code_blocks: true,
autolink: true,
strikethrough: true,
space_after_headers: true,
superscript: true,
lax_spacing: true
set :markdown, :no_intra_emphasis => true,
:tables => true,
:fenced_code_blocks => true,
:autolink => true,
:strikethrough => true,
:space_after_headers => true,
:superscript => true,
:lax_spacing => true
Given the Server is running at "markdown-app"
@ -41,9 +42,9 @@ Feature: Markdown (Redcarpet) support
And a file named "config.rb" with:
set :markdown_engine, :redcarpet
set :markdown, underline: true,
highlight: true,
disable_indented_code_blocks: true
set :markdown, :underline => true,
:highlight => true,
:disable_indented_code_blocks => true
Given the Server is running at "markdown-app"
When I go to "/underline.html"
@ -58,7 +59,7 @@ Feature: Markdown (Redcarpet) support
And a file named "config.rb" with:
set :markdown_engine, :redcarpet
set :markdown, smartypants: true
set :markdown, :smartypants => true
Given the Server is running at "markdown-app"
When I go to "/smarty_pants.html"
@ -69,13 +70,13 @@ Feature: Markdown (Redcarpet) support
And a file named "config.rb" with:
set :markdown_engine, :redcarpet
set :markdown, filter_html: true,
no_images: true,
no_links: true,
with_toc_data: true,
hard_wrap: true,
safe_links_only: true,
prettify: true
set :markdown, :filter_html => true,
:no_images => true,
:no_links => true,
:with_toc_data => true,
:hard_wrap => true,
:safe_links_only => true,
:prettify => true
Given the Server is running at "markdown-app"
@ -102,7 +103,7 @@ Feature: Markdown (Redcarpet) support
And a file named "config.rb" with:
set :markdown_engine, :redcarpet
set :markdown, link_attributes: { target: "_blank" }
set :markdown, :link_attributes => { :target => "_blank" }
And a file named "source/link.html.markdown" with:
@ -117,8 +118,8 @@ Feature: Markdown (Redcarpet) support
And a file named "config.rb" with:
set :markdown_engine, :redcarpet
set :markdown, xhtml: true,
hard_wrap: true
set :markdown, :xhtml => true,
:hard_wrap => true
Given the Server is running at "markdown-app"
When I go to "/hard_wrap.html"
@ -129,7 +130,7 @@ Feature: Markdown (Redcarpet) support
And a file named "config.rb" with:
set :markdown_engine, :redcarpet
set :markdown, smartypants: true
set :markdown, :smartypants => true
Given the Server is running at "markdown-frontmatter-options-app"
When I go to "/smarty_pants-default.html"

View file

@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
Feature: Markdown support in Haml
In order to test support of the Haml markdown filter

View file

@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
Feature: Markdown support in Slim
In order to test support of the Slim markdown filter
Scenario: Markdown filter in Slim works
Given a fixture app "markdown-in-slim-app"
And a file named "config.rb" with:
set :markdown_engine, :redcarpet
activate :directory_indexes
And a file named "source/markdown_filter.html.slim" with:
# H1
Given the Server is running at "markdown-in-slim-app"
When I go to "/markdown_filter/"
Then I should see ">H1</h1>"
Then I should see "<p>paragraph</p>"
Scenario: Markdown filter in Slim uses our link_to and image_tag helpers
Given a fixture app "markdown-in-slim-app"
And a file named "config.rb" with:
set :markdown_engine, :redcarpet
activate :directory_indexes
And a file named "source/link_and_image.html.slim" with:
[A link](/link_target.html)
Given the Server is running at "markdown-in-slim-app"
When I go to "/link_and_image/"
Then I should see "/link_target/"
Then I should see 'src="/images/blank.gif"'

View file

@ -5,19 +5,16 @@ Feature: Minify CSS
Given a fixture app "minify-css-app"
And a file named "config.rb" with:
config[:sass_source_maps] = false
And the Server is running at "minify-css-app"
When I go to "/stylesheets/site.css"
Then I should see "7" lines
Then I should see "50" lines
And I should see "only screen and (device-width"
Scenario: Rendering external css with the feature enabled
Given a fixture app "minify-css-app"
And a file named "config.rb" with:
config[:sass_source_maps] = false
activate :minify_css
And the Server is running at "minify-css-app"
@ -28,13 +25,11 @@ Feature: Minify CSS
Then I should see "1" lines
When I go to "/stylesheets/report.css"
Then I should see "p{border:1px solid #ff6600}"
Scenario: Rendering external css in a proxied resource
Given a fixture app "minify-css-app"
And a file named "config.rb" with:
config[:sass_source_maps] = false
activate :minify_css
proxy '/css-proxy', '/stylesheets/site.css', ignore: true
@ -47,25 +42,24 @@ Feature: Minify CSS
Given a fixture app "passthrough-app"
And a file named "config.rb" with:
config[:sass_source_maps] = false
module ::PassThrough
def self.compress(data)
activate :minify_css, compressor: ::PassThrough
activate :minify_css
set :css_compressor, ::PassThrough
And the Server is running at "passthrough-app"
When I go to "/stylesheets/site.css"
Then I should see "5" lines
Then I should see "46" lines
Scenario: Rendering inline css with the feature disabled
Given a fixture app "minify-css-app"
And a file named "config.rb" with:
config[:sass_source_maps] = false
And the Server is running at "minify-css-app"
When I go to "/inline-css.html"
@ -78,22 +72,22 @@ Feature: Minify CSS
Scenario: Rendering inline css with a passthrough minifier
Given a fixture app "passthrough-app"
And a file named "config.rb" with:
config[:sass_source_maps] = false
module ::PassThrough
def self.compress(data)
activate :minify_css, inline: true, compressor: ::PassThrough
activate :minify_css, :inline => true
page "/inline-css.html", layout: false
set :css_compressor, ::PassThrough
page "/inline-css.html", :layout => false
And the Server is running at "passthrough-app"
When I go to "/inline-css.html"
@ -110,17 +104,15 @@ Feature: Minify CSS
Given a fixture app "passthrough-app"
And a file named "config.rb" with:
config[:sass_source_maps] = false
module ::HelloCompressor
def self.compress(data)
activate :minify_css, inline: true, compressor: ::HelloCompressor
activate :minify_css, :inline => true, :compressor => ::HelloCompressor
page "/inline-css.html", layout: false
page "/inline-css.html", :layout => false
And the Server is running at "passthrough-app"
When I go to "/inline-css.html"
@ -130,14 +122,12 @@ Feature: Minify CSS
Scenario: Rendering inline css with the feature enabled
Given a fixture app "minify-css-app"
And a file named "config.rb" with:
config[:sass_source_maps] = false
activate :minify_css, inline: true
activate :minify_css, :inline => true
And the Server is running at "minify-css-app"
When I go to "/inline-css.html"
@ -152,9 +142,7 @@ Feature: Minify CSS
Given a fixture app "minify-css-app"
And a file named "config.rb" with:
config[:sass_source_maps] = false
activate :minify_css, inline: true
activate :minify_css, :inline => true
And the Server is running at "minify-css-app"
When I go to "/inline-css.php"
@ -171,9 +159,7 @@ Feature: Minify CSS
Given a fixture app "minify-css-app"
And a file named "config.rb" with:
config[:sass_source_maps] = false
activate :minify_css, inline: true
activate :minify_css, :inline => true
proxy '/inline-css-proxy', '/inline-css.html', ignore: true
And the Server is running at "minify-css-app"
@ -190,8 +176,6 @@ Feature: Minify CSS
Given a fixture app "minify-css-app"
And a file named "config.rb" with:
config[:sass_source_maps] = false
mime_type('.xcss', 'text/x-css')
activate :minify_css, content_types: ['text/x-css'],
inline: true,

View file

@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ Feature: Minify Javascript
I'm a jQuery {{template}}.
Scenario: Rendering inline js with a passthrough minifier
Given a fixture app "passthrough-app"
And a file named "config.rb" with:
@ -49,9 +49,11 @@ Feature: Minify Javascript
activate :minify_javascript, inline: true, compressor: ::PassThrough
activate :minify_javascript, :inline => true
page "/inline-js.html", layout: false
set :js_compressor, ::PassThrough
page "/inline-js.html", :layout => false
And the Server is running at "passthrough-app"
When I go to "/inline-js.html"
@ -96,9 +98,9 @@ Feature: Minify Javascript
activate :minify_javascript, inline: true, compressor: ::HelloCompressor
activate :minify_javascript, :inline => true, :compressor => ::HelloCompressor
page "/inline-js.html", layout: false
page "/inline-js.html", :layout => false
And the Server is running at "passthrough-app"
When I go to "/inline-js.html"
@ -119,12 +121,12 @@ Feature: Minify Javascript
I'm a jQuery {{template}}.
Scenario: Rendering inline js with the feature enabled
Given a fixture app "minify-js-app"
And a file named "config.rb" with:
activate :minify_javascript, inline: true
activate :minify_javascript, :inline => true
And the Server is running at "minify-js-app"
When I go to "/inline-js.html"
@ -150,7 +152,7 @@ Feature: Minify Javascript
Given a fixture app "minify-js-app"
And a file named "config.rb" with:
activate :minify_javascript, inline: true
activate :minify_javascript, :inline => true
And the Server is running at "minify-js-app"
When I go to "/inline-js.php"
@ -175,7 +177,7 @@ Feature: Minify Javascript
Given a fixture app "minify-js-app"
And a file named "config.rb" with:
activate :minify_javascript, inline: true
activate :minify_javascript, :inline => true
proxy '/inline-js-proxy', '/inline-js.html', ignore: true
And the Server is running at "minify-js-app"
@ -193,7 +195,7 @@ Feature: Minify Javascript
Then I should see "1" lines
When I go to "/more-js/other.js"
Then I should see "1" lines
Scenario: Rendering external js in a proxied resource
Given a fixture app "minify-js-app"
And a file named "config.rb" with:
@ -214,12 +216,12 @@ Feature: Minify Javascript
Given a fixture app "minify-js-app"
And a file named "config.rb" with:
activate :minify_javascript, inline: true
activate :minify_javascript, :inline => true
And the Server is running at "minify-js-app"
When I go to "/inline-coffeescript.html"
Then I should see "3" lines
Scenario: Rendering external js (coffeescript) with the feature enabled
Given a fixture app "minify-js-app"
And a file named "config.rb" with:
@ -229,7 +231,7 @@ Feature: Minify Javascript
And the Server is running at "minify-js-app"
When I go to "/javascripts/coffee_test.js"
Then I should see "1" lines
Scenario: Rendering inline js (coffeescript) with a passthrough minifier
Given a fixture app "passthrough-app"
And a file named "config.rb" with:
@ -240,14 +242,16 @@ Feature: Minify Javascript
activate :minify_javascript, inline: true, compressor: ::PassThrough
activate :minify_javascript, :inline => true
page "/inline-coffeescript.html", layout: false
set :js_compressor, ::PassThrough
page "/inline-coffeescript.html", :layout => false
And the Server is running at "passthrough-app"
When I go to "/inline-coffeescript.html"
Then I should see "13" lines
Scenario: Rendering external js (coffeescript) with a passthrough minifier
Given a fixture app "passthrough-app"
And a file named "config.rb" with:
@ -258,9 +262,11 @@ Feature: Minify Javascript
activate :minify_javascript, compressor: ::PassThrough
activate :minify_javascript
set :js_compressor, ::PassThrough
And the Server is running at "passthrough-app"
When I go to "/javascripts/coffee_test.js"
Then I should see "11" lines

View file

@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
Feature: More default extensions
Scenario: Default extensions preview
Given the Server is running at "more-implied-extensions-app"
When I go to "/test.html"
Then I should see "Hello"
When I go to "/test2.html"
Then I should see "World"
When I go to "/test3.html"
Then I should see "Howdy"
When I go to "/test4.html"
Then I should see "HELLO"
When I go to "/javascripts/app.js"
Then I should see "derp"
Then I should not see "I am in the layout"
When I go to "/stylesheets/style.css"
Then I should see "section"
Then I should not see "I am in the layout"
When I go to "/stylesheets/style2.css"
Then I should see "section"
Then I should not see "I am in the layout"
Scenario: Default extensions build
Given a fixture app "more-implied-extensions-app"
And a successfully built app at "more-implied-extensions-app"
When I cd to "build"
Then the following files should exist:
| test.html |
| test2.html |
| test3.html |
| test4.html |
| javascripts/app.js |
| stylesheets/style.css |
| stylesheets/style2.css |
And the file "test.html" should contain "Hello"
And the file "test2.html" should contain "World"
And the file "test3.html" should contain "Howdy"
And the file "test4.html" should contain "HELLO"
And the file "javascripts/app.js" should contain "derp"
And the file "javascripts/app.js" should not contain "I am in the layout"
And the file "stylesheets/style.css" should contain "section"
And the file "stylesheets/style.css" should not contain "I am in the layout"
And the file "stylesheets/style2.css" should contain "section"
And the file "stylesheets/style2.css" should not contain "I am in the layout"

View file

@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
Feature: Instance Vars
In order to share data with layouts and partials via instance variables
Scenario: Setting an instance var in a template should be visible in its layout
Given the Server is running at "more-instance-vars-app"
When I go to "/instance-var-set.html"
Then I should see "Var is 100"
Scenario: Setting an instance var in a template should be visible in a partial
Given the Server is running at "more-instance-vars-app"
When I go to "/instance-var-set.html"
Then I should see "My var is here!"
Scenario: Setting an instance var in one file should not be visible in another
Given the Server is running at "more-instance-vars-app"
When I go to "/instance-var-set.html"
When I go to "/no-instance-var.html"
Then I should see "No var..."

View file

@ -47,9 +47,11 @@ Feature: Support Rack apps mounted using map
run MySinatra
endpoint "sinatra/index2.html", path: "/sinatra/"
configure :build do
endpoint "sinatra/index2.html", :path => "/sinatra/"
endpoint "dedoo.html", path: "/sinatra/derp.html"
endpoint "dedoo.html", :path => "/sinatra/derp.html"
endpoint "hello.html" do

View file

@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
Feature: Move files
Scenario: Move one path to another
Given a fixture app "large-build-app"
And a file named "config.rb" with:
move_file "/static.html", "/static2.html"
And the Server is running at "large-build-app"
When I go to "/static.html"
Then I should see 'Not Found'
When I go to "/static2.html"
Then I should see 'Static, no code!'
Scenario: Move one path to another with directory indexes
Given a fixture app "large-build-app"
And a file named "config.rb" with:
activate :directory_indexes
move_file "/static.html", "/static2.html"
And the Server is running at "large-build-app"
When I go to "/static.html"
Then I should see 'Not Found'
When I go to "/static/index.html"
Then I should see 'Not Found'
When I go to "/static2.html"
Then I should see 'Static, no code!'
Scenario: Move one path to another with directory indexes (using dest path)
Given a fixture app "large-build-app"
And a file named "config.rb" with:
activate :directory_indexes
move_file "/static/index.html", "/static2.html"
And the Server is running at "large-build-app"
When I go to "/static.html"
Then I should see 'Not Found'
When I go to "/static/index.html"
Then I should see 'Not Found'
When I go to "/static2.html"
Then I should see 'Static, no code!'

View file

@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
Feature: Allow multiple sources to be setup.
Scenario: Three source directories.
Given the Server is running at "multiple-sources-app"
When I go to "/index.html"
Then I should see "Default Source"
When I go to "/index1.html"
Then I should see "Source 1"
When I go to "/index2.html"
Then I should see "Source 2"
When I go to "/override-in-two.html"
Then I should see "Overridden 2"
When I go to "/override-in-one.html"
Then I should see "Opposite 2"
Scenario: Three data directories.
Given the Server is running at "multiple-data-sources-app"
When I go to "/index.html"
Then I should see "Default: Data Default"
Then I should see "Data 1: Data 1"
Then I should see "Data 2: Data 2"
Then I should see "Override in Two: Overridden 2"
Then I should see "Override in One: Opposite 2"
Scenario: Set source with destination_dir
Given the Server is running at "multiple-sources-with-duplicate-file-names-app"
When I go to "/index.html"
Then I should see "Default Source"
When I go to "/source2/index.html"
Then I should see "Second Source"

View file

@ -5,37 +5,37 @@ Feature: Allow nesting of layouts
When I go to "/index.html"
Then I should see:
Master Erb
<h1>Index Title</h1>
I am Outer
I am Inner
When I go to "/another.html"
Then I should see:
Master Erb
<h1>New Article Title</h1>
I am Outer
I am Inner
<p>The Article Content</p>
Scenario: A page uses an inner layout when uses an outer layout (slim)
Given the Server is running at "nested-layout-app"
When I go to "/slim-test.html"
Then I should see "<h1>Master Slim</h1><p>New Article Title</p><div><h2>I am Outer</h2><h3>I am Inner</h3><p>The Article Content</p>"
Then I should see "<h1>Master</h1><p>New Article Title</p><div><h2>Outer</h2><h3>Inner</h3><p>The Article Content</p>"
Scenario: A page uses an inner layout when uses an outer layout (haml)
Given the Server is running at "nested-layout-app"
When I go to "/haml-test.html"
Then I should see:
Master Haml
<h1>New Article Title</h1>
I am Outer
I am Inner
<p>The Article Content</p>
@ -43,16 +43,13 @@ Feature: Allow nesting of layouts
Given the Server is running at "nested-layout-app"
When I go to "/data-one.html"
Then I should see "Page Number One"
And I should see "Page #1"
And I should see "I am Inner"
And I should see "I am Outer"
And I should see "Master Erb"
And I should see "Inner"
When I go to "/data-two.html"
Then I should see "Page Number Two"
And I should not see "I am Inner"
And I should not see "Inner"
When I go to "/data-one.html"
Then I should see "Page Number One"
And I should see "I am Inner"
And I should see "Inner"
When I go to "/data-two.html"
Then I should see "Page Number Two"
And I should not see "I am Inner"
And I should not see "Inner"

View file

@ -1,72 +0,0 @@
Feature: Page IDs
Scenario: link_to works with blocks (erb)
Given the Server is running at "page-id-app"
When I go to "/index.html"
Then I should see "I am: index"
And I should see "URL1: /fm.html"
And I should see "URL2: /2.html"
And I should see 'URL3: <a href="/3.html">Hi</a>'
And I should see 'URL4: <a href="/overwrites/from-default.html">Sym</a>'
And I should see 'URL5: <a href="/implicit.html">Imp</a>'
And I should see 'URL6: <a href="/folder/foldern.html">Foldern</a>'
And I should see 'URL7: <a href="/feed.xml">Feed</a>'
When I go to "/fm.html"
Then I should see "I am: frontmatter"
When I go to "/implicit.html"
Then I should see "I am: implicit"
When I go to "/feed.xml"
Then I should see "I am: feed.xml"
When I go to "/folder/foldern.html"
Then I should see "I am: folder/foldern"
When I go to "/1.html"
Then I should see "I am: page1"
When I go to "/2.html"
Then I should see "I am: page2"
When I go to "/3.html"
Then I should see "I am: page3"
When I go to "/overwrites/from-default.html"
Then I should see "I am: something-else"
When I go to "/overwrites/from-frontmatter.html"
Then I should see "I am: from_frontmatter"
Scenario: Override page ID derivation with a proc
Given a fixture app "page-id-app"
And app "page-id-app" is using config "proc"
And the Server is running at "page-id-app"
When I go to "/index.html"
Then I should see "I am: index.html-foo"
And I should see "URL1: /fm.html"
And I should see "URL2: /2.html"
And I should see 'URL3: <a href="/3.html">Hi</a>'
And I should see 'URL4: <a href="/overwrites/from-default.html">Sym</a>'
And I should see 'URL8: <a href="/implicit.html">Imp</a>'
And I should see 'URL9: <a href="/folder/foldern.html">Foldern</a>'
And I should see 'URL10: <a href="/feed.xml">Feed</a>'
When I go to "/fm.html"
Then I should see "I am: frontmatter"
When I go to "/implicit.html"
Then I should see "I am: implicit.html-foo"
When I go to "/feed.xml"
Then I should see "I am: feed.xml-foo"
When I go to "/folder/foldern.html"
Then I should see "I am: folder/foldern.html-foo"
When I go to "/1.html"
Then I should see "I am: page1"
When I go to "/2.html"
Then I should see "I am: page2"
When I go to "/3.html"
Then I should see "I am: page3"
When I go to "/overwrites/from-default.html"
Then I should see "I am: something-else"
When I go to "/overwrites/from-frontmatter.html"
Then I should see "I am: from_frontmatter"

View file

@ -1,204 +0,0 @@
Feature: Pagination
Scenario: Basic configuration
Given a fixture app "paginate-app"
And a file named "config.rb" with:
articles = { |r|
matcher = ::Middleman::Util::UriTemplates.uri_template('blog/2011-{remaining}')
::Middleman::Util::UriTemplates.extract_params(matcher, ::Middleman::Util.normalize_path(r.url))
articles.sort { |a, b| <=>
}.per_page(5) do |items, num, meta, is_last|
page_path = num == 1 ? '/2011/index.html' : "/2011/page/#{num}.html"
prev_page = case num
when 1
when 2
when 3
next_page = is_last ? nil : "/2011/page/#{num+1}.html"
proxy page_path, "/archive/2011/index.html", locals: {
items: items,
pagination: meta,
prev_page: prev_page,
next_page: next_page
def get_tags(resource)
if String',').map(&:strip)
def group_lookup(resource, sum)
results = Array(get_tags(resource)).map(&:to_s).map(&:to_sym)
results.each do |k|
sum[k] ||= []
sum[k] << resource
tags = articles
.select { |resource| }
.each_with_object({}, &method(:group_lookup))
tags.each do |k, articles_in_tag|
articles_in_tag.sort { |a, b| <=>
}.per_page(2).each do |items, num, meta, is_last|
page_path = num == 1 ? "/tags/#{k}.html" : "/tags/#{k}/page/#{num}.html"
prev_page = case num
when 1
when 2
when 3
next_page = is_last ? nil : "/tags/#{k}/page/#{num+1}.html"
proxy page_path, "/archive/2011/index.html", locals: {
items: items,
pagination: meta,
prev_page: prev_page,
next_page: next_page
And the Server is running
When I go to "/2011/index.html"
Then I should see "Paginate: true"
Then I should see "Article Count: 5"
Then I should see "Page Num: 1"
Then I should see "Num Pages: 2"
Then I should see "Per Page: 5"
Then I should see "Page Start: 1"
Then I should see "Page End: 5"
Then I should see "Next Page: '/2011/page/2.html'"
Then I should see "Prev Page: ''"
Then I should not see "/blog/2011-01-01-test-article.html"
Then I should not see "/blog/2011-01-02-test-article.html"
Then I should see "/blog/2011-01-03-test-article.html"
Then I should see "/blog/2011-01-04-test-article.html"
Then I should see "/blog/2011-01-05-test-article.html"
Then I should see "/blog/2011-02-01-test-article.html"
Then I should see "/blog/2011-02-02-test-article.html"
When I go to "/2011/page/2.html"
Then I should see "Article Count: 2"
Then I should see "Page Num: 2"
Then I should see "Page Start: 6"
Then I should see "Page End: 7"
Then I should see "Next Page: ''"
Then I should see "Prev Page: '/2011/'"
Then I should see "/2011-01-01-test-article.html"
Then I should see "/2011-01-02-test-article.html"
Then I should not see "/2011-01-03-test-article.html"
Then I should not see "/2011-01-04-test-article.html"
Then I should not see "/2011-01-05-test-article.html"
Then I should not see "/2011-02-01-test-article.html"
Then I should not see "/2011-02-02-test-article.html"
When I go to "/tags/bar.html"
Then I should see "Paginate: true"
Then I should see "Article Count: 2"
Then I should see "Page Num: 1"
Then I should see "Num Pages: 3"
Then I should see "Per Page: 2"
Then I should see "Page Start: 1"
Then I should see "Page End: 2"
Then I should see "Next Page: '/tags/bar/page/2.html'"
Then I should see "Prev Page: ''"
Then I should see "/2011-02-02-test-article.html"
Then I should see "/2011-02-01-test-article.html"
Then I should not see "/2011-02-05-test-article.html"
Then I should not see "/2011-01-04-test-article.html"
Then I should not see "/2011-01-03-test-article.html"
Scenario: Custom pager method
Given a fixture app "paginate-app"
And a file named "config.rb" with:
def items_per_page(all_items)
articles = { |r|
matcher = ::Middleman::Util::UriTemplates.uri_template('blog/2011-{remaining}')
::Middleman::Util::UriTemplates.extract_params(matcher, ::Middleman::Util.normalize_path(r.url))
articles.sort { |a, b| <=>
}.per_page(method(:items_per_page).to_proc).each do |items, num, meta, is_last|
page_path = num == 1 ? '/2011/index.html' : "/2011/page/#{num}.html"
prev_page = case num
when 1
when 2
when 3
next_page = is_last ? nil : "/2011/page/#{num+1}.html"
proxy page_path, "/archive/2011/index.html", locals: {
items: items,
pagination: meta,
prev_page: prev_page,
next_page: next_page
And the Server is running
When I go to "/2011/index.html"
Then I should see "Paginate: true"
Then I should see "Article Count: 2"
Then I should see "Page Num: 1"
Then I should see "Num Pages: 2"
Then I should see "Per Page: 2"
Then I should see "Page Start: 1"
Then I should see "Page End: 2"
Then I should see "Next Page: '/2011/page/2.html'"
Then I should see "Prev Page: ''"
Then I should not see "/blog/2011-01-01-test-article.html"
Then I should not see "/blog/2011-01-02-test-article.html"
Then I should not see "/blog/2011-01-03-test-article.html"
Then I should not see "/blog/2011-01-04-test-article.html"
Then I should not see "/blog/2011-01-05-test-article.html"
Then I should see "/blog/2011-02-01-test-article.html"
Then I should see "/blog/2011-02-02-test-article.html"
When I go to "/2011/page/2.html"
Then I should see "Article Count: 5"
Then I should see "Page Num: 2"
Then I should see "Page Start: 3"
Then I should see "Page End: 7"
Then I should see "Next Page: ''"
Then I should see "Prev Page: '/2011/'"
Then I should see "/2011-01-01-test-article.html"
Then I should see "/2011-01-02-test-article.html"
Then I should see "/2011-01-03-test-article.html"
Then I should see "/2011-01-04-test-article.html"
Then I should see "/2011-01-05-test-article.html"
Then I should not see "/2011-02-01-test-article.html"
Then I should not see "/2011-02-02-test-article.html"

View file

@ -5,30 +5,30 @@ Feature: Provide Sane Defaults for Partial Behavior
When I go to "/index.html"
Then I should see "Header"
And I should see "Footer"
Scenario: Finds shared partials relative to the root (sub)
Given the Server is running at "partials-app"
When I go to "/sub/index.html"
Then I should see "Header"
And I should see "Footer"
Scenario: Flags error when partial is not found
Scenario: Finds shared partials without _ prefix
Given the Server is running at "partials-app"
When I go to "/index_missing.html"
Then I should see "Error: Could not locate partial"
When I go to "/using_snippet.html"
Then I should see "Snippet"
Scenario: Prefers partials of the same engine type
Given the Server is running at "partials-app"
When I go to "/index.html"
Then I should see "ERb Main"
Scenario: Prefers partials of the same engine type
Given the Server is running at "partials-app"
When I go to "/second.html"
Then I should see "Str Main"
And I should see "Header"
And I should see "Footer"
Scenario: Finds partial relative to template
Given the Server is running at "partials-app"
When I go to "/sub/index.html"
@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ Feature: Provide Sane Defaults for Partial Behavior
Given the Server is running at "partials-app"
When I go to "/locals.html"
Then I should see "Local var is bar"
Scenario: Partial and Layout use different engines
Given the Server is running at "different-engine-partial"
When I go to "/index.html"
@ -55,10 +55,3 @@ Feature: Provide Sane Defaults for Partial Behavior
Then I should see "File Not Found"
When I go to "/_code_snippet.html"
Then I should see "File Not Found"
Scenario: Works with blocks
Given the Server is running at "partials-app"
When I go to "/block.html"
Then I should see "Start"
And I should see "Contents"
And I should see "End"

View file

@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
Feature: Partials dir
Scenario: Find partials in a custom partials dir
Given a fixture app "partials-dir-app"
And a file named "config.rb" with:
set :partials_dir, 'partials'
And the Server is running
When I go to "/index.html"
Then I should see "contents of the partial"
Scenario: Find partials in a nested custom partials dir
Given a fixture app "partials-dir-app"
And a file named "config.rb" with:
set :partials_dir, 'nested/partials'
And the Server is running
When I go to "/index.html"
Then I should see "contents of the nested partial"
Scenario: Find partials in the default partials dir
Given a fixture app "default-partials-dir-app"
And a file named "config.rb" with:
And the Server is running
When I go to "/index.html"
Then I should see "contents of the partial"

View file

@ -15,6 +15,8 @@ Feature: Proxy Pages (using proxy rather than page)
| fake2/two.html |
| fake3/one.html |
| fake3/two.html |
| fake4/one.html |
| fake4/two.html |
| target_ignore.html |
| target_ignore2.html |
| target_ignore3.html |
@ -33,6 +35,8 @@ Feature: Proxy Pages (using proxy rather than page)
Then I should see "I am real"
When I go to "/fake3.html"
Then I should see "I am real"
When I go to "/fake4.html"
Then I should see "I am real"
Scenario: Preview proxy with variable one
Given the Server is running at "proxy-pages-app"
@ -45,6 +49,9 @@ Feature: Proxy Pages (using proxy rather than page)
When I go to "/fake3/one.html"
Then I should see "I am real: one"
When I go to "/fake4/one.html"
Then I should see "I am real: one"
Scenario: Preview proxy with variable two
Given the Server is running at "proxy-pages-app"
When I go to "/fake/two.html"
@ -55,6 +62,9 @@ Feature: Proxy Pages (using proxy rather than page)
When I go to "/fake3/two.html"
Then I should see "I am real: two"
When I go to "/fake4/two.html"
Then I should see "I am real: two"
Scenario: Build proxy with variable one
Given a successfully built app at "proxy-pages-app"

View file

@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
Feature: Queryable Selector
Scenario: Basic Selector Tests
Then should initialize with an attribute and an operator
Then should raise an exception if the operator is not supported
Scenario: Using offset and limit
Given the Server is running at "queryable-app"
Then should limit the documents to the number specified
Then should offset the documents by the number specified
Then should support offset and limit at the same time
Then should not freak out about an offset higher than the document count
Scenario: Using where queries with an equal operator
Given the Server is running at "queryable-app"
Then should return the right documents
Then should be chainable
Then should not be confused by attributes not present in all documents
Scenario: Using where queries with a complex operator
Given the Server is running at "queryable-app"
Then with a gt operator should return the right documents
Then with a gte operator should return the right documents
Then with an in operator should return the right documents
Then with an lt operator should return the right documents
Then with an lte operator should return the right documents
Then with an include operator include should return the right documents
Then with mixed operators should return the right documents
Then using multiple constrains in one where should return the right documents
Scenario: Sorting documents
Given the Server is running at "queryable-app"
Then should support ordering by attribute ascending
Then should support ordering by attribute descending
Then should order by attribute ascending by default
Then should exclude documents that do not own the attribute
Scenario: Passing queries around
Given a simple 'where' query
When I chain a where clause onto that query
Then the original query should remain unchanged

View file

@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ Feature: Meta redirects
Given a fixture app "large-build-app"
And a file named "config.rb" with:
redirect "hello.html", to: "world.html"
redirect "hello.html", :to => "world.html"
And the Server is running at "large-build-app"
When I go to "/hello.html"
@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ Feature: Meta redirects
Given a fixture app "large-build-app"
And a file named "config.rb" with:
redirect "hello.html", to: ""
redirect "hello.html", :to => ""
And the Server is running at "large-build-app"
When I go to "/hello.html"
@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ Feature: Meta redirects
ready do
r = sitemap.find_resource_by_path("static.html")
redirect "hello.html", to: r
redirect "hello.html", :to => r
And the Server is running at "large-build-app"
@ -39,8 +39,8 @@ Feature: Meta redirects
And a file named "config.rb" with:
activate :directory_indexes
redirect "hello.html", to: "link_test.html"
redirect "hello2.html", to: "services/index.html"
redirect "hello.html", :to => "link_test.html"
redirect "hello2.html", :to => "services/index.html"
And the Server is running at "large-build-app"
When I go to "/hello/index.html"
@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ Feature: Meta redirects
Given a fixture app "large-build-app"
And a file named "config.rb" with:
redirect "hello.html", to: "world.html" do |from, to|
redirect "hello.html", :to => "world.html" do |from, to|
"#{from} to #{to}"

View file

@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ Feature: Relative Assets
And the Server is running at "relative-assets-app"
When I go to "/stylesheets/relative_assets.css"
Then I should not see "url('../"
And I should see '/images/blank.gif")'
And I should see "/images/blank.gif')"
Scenario: Building css with the feature disabled
Given a fixture app "relative-assets-app"
@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ Feature: Relative Assets
Given a successfully built app at "relative-assets-app"
When I cd to "build"
Then the file "stylesheets/relative_assets.css" should contain 'url("/images/blank.gif")'
Then the file "stylesheets/relative_assets.css" should contain "url('/images/blank.gif')"
Scenario: Rendering html with the feature disabled
Given "relative_assets" feature is "disabled"
@ -33,19 +33,7 @@ Feature: Relative Assets
Given "relative_assets" feature is "enabled"
And the Server is running at "relative-assets-app"
When I go to "/stylesheets/relative_assets.css"
Then I should see 'url("../images/blank.gif'
When I go to "/javascripts/application.js"
Then I should not see "../"
When I go to "/stylesheets/fonts.css"
Then I should see 'url(../fonts/roboto/roboto-regular-webfont.eot'
And I should see 'url(../fonts/roboto/roboto-regular-webfont.woff'
And I should see 'url(../fonts/roboto/roboto-regular-webfont.ttf'
And I should see 'url(../fonts/roboto/roboto-regular-webfont.svg'
When I go to "/stylesheets/fonts2.css"
Then I should see 'url(../fonts/roboto/roboto-regular-webfont.eot'
And I should see 'url(../fonts/roboto/roboto-regular-webfont.woff'
And I should see 'url(../fonts/roboto/roboto-regular-webfont.ttf'
And I should see 'url(../fonts/roboto/roboto-regular-webfont.svg'
Then I should see "url('../images/blank.gif"
Scenario: Building css with the feature enabled
Given a fixture app "relative-assets-app"
@ -55,8 +43,7 @@ Feature: Relative Assets
Given a successfully built app at "relative-assets-app"
When I cd to "build"
Then the file "stylesheets/relative_assets.css" should contain 'url("../images/blank.gif")'
Then the file "javascripts/application.js" should not contain "../"
Then the file "stylesheets/relative_assets.css" should contain "url('../images/blank.gif')"
Scenario: Relative css reference with directory indexes
Given a fixture app "relative-assets-app"
@ -69,30 +56,60 @@ Feature: Relative Assets
When I cd to "build"
Then the file "relative_image/index.html" should contain "../stylesheets/relative_assets.css"
Scenario: Rendering html with the feature enabled (overrides relative option on helpers)
Scenario: Rendering html with the feature enabled
Given "relative_assets" feature is "enabled"
And the Server is running at "relative-assets-app"
When I go to "/relative_image.html"
Then I should see '"stylesheets/relative_assets.css"'
Then I should see '"javascripts/app.js"'
When I go to "/relative_image_absolute_css.html"
Then I should see '"stylesheets/relative_assets.css"'
Then I should see '"javascripts/app.js"'
Then I should see '"/stylesheets/relative_assets.css"'
Then I should see '"/javascripts/app.js"'
Then I should not see "/images/blank.gif"
And I should see "images/blank.gif"
Scenario: Rendering css with a custom images_dir
Given "relative_assets" feature is "enabled"
And "images_dir" is set to "img"
And the Server is running at "relative-assets-app"
When I go to "/stylesheets/relative_assets.css"
Then I should see "url('../img/blank.gif')"
Scenario: Building css with a custom images_dir
Given a fixture app "relative-assets-app"
And a file named "config.rb" with:
set :images_dir, "img"
activate :relative_assets
Given a successfully built app at "relative-assets-app"
When I cd to "build"
Then the file "stylesheets/relative_assets.css" should contain "url('../img/blank.gif')"
Scenario: Rendering html with a custom images_dir
Given "relative_assets" feature is "enabled"
And "images_dir" is set to "img"
And the Server is running at "relative-assets-app"
When I go to "/relative_image.html"
Then I should not see "/images/blank.gif"
Then I should not see "/img/blank.gif"
And I should see "img/blank.gif"
Scenario: Rendering scss with the feature enabled
Given "relative_assets" feature is "enabled"
And the Server is running at "fonts-app"
When I go to "/stylesheets/fonts.css"
Then I should see:
And I should see:
Then I should see "url('../fonts/StMarie-Thin.otf"
And I should see "url('../fonts/blank/blank.otf"
Scenario: Rendering scss with the feature enabled and a custom fonts_dir
Given "relative_assets" feature is "enabled"
And "fonts_dir" is set to "otf"
And the Server is running at "fonts-app"
When I go to "/stylesheets/fonts.css"
Then I should not see "url('../fonts/StMarie-Thin.otf"
And I should see "url('../otf/StMarie-Thin.otf"
And I should see "url('../otf/blank/blank.otf"
Scenario: Building scss with the feature enabled
Given a fixture app "fonts-app"
@ -102,14 +119,21 @@ Feature: Relative Assets
Given a successfully built app at "fonts-app"
When I cd to "build"
Then the file "stylesheets/fonts.css" should contain:
Then the file "stylesheets/fonts.css" should contain "url('../fonts/StMarie-Thin.otf')"
And the file "stylesheets/fonts.css" should contain "url('../fonts/blank/blank.otf')"
Scenario: Building scss with the feature enabled and a custom fonts_dir
Given a fixture app "fonts-app"
And a file named "config.rb" with:
And the file "stylesheets/fonts.css" should contain:
set :fonts_dir, "otf"
activate :relative_assets
Given a successfully built app at "fonts-app"
When I cd to "build"
Then the file "stylesheets/fonts.css" should not contain "url('../fonts/StMarie-Thin.otf')"
And the file "stylesheets/fonts.css" should contain "url('../otf/StMarie-Thin.otf')"
And the file "stylesheets/fonts.css" should contain "url('../otf/blank/blank.otf')"
Scenario: Relative assets via image_tag
Given a fixture app "relative-assets-app"
@ -120,7 +144,7 @@ Feature: Relative Assets
And the Server is running at "relative-assets-app"
When I go to "/sub/image_tag.html"
Then I should see '<img src="../img/blank.gif"'
Then I should see '<img src="../img/blank.gif" />'
Scenario: Relative assets should not break data URIs in image_tag
Given a fixture app "relative-assets-app"
@ -131,18 +155,4 @@ Feature: Relative Assets
And the Server is running at "relative-assets-app"
When I go to "/sub/image_tag.html"
Then I should see '<img src="" />'
Scenario: URLs are not rewritten for rewrite ignored paths
Given a fixture app "relative-assets-app"
And a file named "config.rb" with:
activate :relative_assets, rewrite_ignore: [
And the Server is running at "relative-assets-app"
When I go to "/stylesheets/relative_assets.css"
Then I should see 'url("../images/blank.gif'
When I go to "/stylesheets/fonts.css"
Then I should see 'url(/fonts/roboto/roboto-regular-webfont.eot'
Then I should see '<img src="" />'

View file

@ -1,123 +0,0 @@
Feature: Relative Assets (Helpers Only)
Scenario: Rendering css with the feature enabled
Given a fixture app "relative-assets-app"
And a file named "config.rb" with:
activate :relative_assets, helpers_only: true
And a file named "source/stylesheets/relative_assets.css.sass.erb" with:
background: url("<%= asset_url('images/blank.gif') %>")
background: url("<%= asset_url('/images/blank2.gif') %>")
And a file named "source/javascripts/application.js.erb" with:
function foo() {
var img = document.createElement('img');
img.src = '<%= asset_url("images/100px.jpg") %>';
var body = document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0];
body.insertBefore(img, body.firstChild);
window.onload = foo;
And a file named "source/stylesheets/fonts3.css.erb" with:
@font-face {
font-family: 'Roboto2';
src: url(<%= asset_url("/fonts/roboto/roboto-regular-webfont.eot") %>);
src: url(<%= asset_url("/fonts/roboto/roboto-regular-webfont.eot?#iefix") %>) format('embedded-opentype'),
url(<%= asset_url("/fonts/roboto/roboto-regular-webfont.woff") %>) format('woff'),
url(<%= asset_url("/fonts/roboto/roboto-regular-webfont.ttf") %>) format('truetype'),
url(<%= asset_url("/fonts/roboto/roboto-regular-webfont.svg#robotoregular") %>) format('svg');
font-weight: normal;
font-style: normal;
And the Server is running at "relative-assets-app"
When I go to "/stylesheets/relative_assets.css"
Then I should see 'url("../images/blank.gif'
And I should see 'url("../images/blank2.gif'
When I go to "/javascripts/application.js"
Then I should not see "../"
When I go to "/stylesheets/fonts3.css"
Then I should see 'url(../fonts/roboto/roboto-regular-webfont.eot'
And I should see 'url(../fonts/roboto/roboto-regular-webfont.woff'
And I should see 'url(../fonts/roboto/roboto-regular-webfont.ttf'
And I should see 'url(../fonts/roboto/roboto-regular-webfont.svg'
Scenario: Relative css reference with directory indexes
Given a fixture app "relative-assets-app"
And a file named "config.rb" with:
activate :directory_indexes
activate :relative_assets, helpers_only: true
And the Server is running at "relative-assets-app"
When I go to "/relative_image/index.html"
Then I should see "../stylesheets/relative_assets.css"
Scenario: Relative assets via image_tag
Given a fixture app "relative-assets-app"
And a file named "config.rb" with:
activate :relative_assets, helpers_only: true
And a file named "source/sub/image_tag.html.erb" with:
<%= image_tag '/img/blank.gif' %>
And the Server is running at "relative-assets-app"
When I go to "/sub/image_tag.html"
Then I should see '<img src="../img/blank.gif"'
Scenario: Relative assets should not break data URIs in image_tag
Given a fixture app "relative-assets-app"
And a file named "config.rb" with:
activate :relative_assets, helpers_only: true
And a file named "source/sub/image_tag.html.erb" with:
<%= image_tag "" %>
And the Server is running at "relative-assets-app"
When I go to "/sub/image_tag.html"
Then I should see '<img src="" />'
Scenario: URLs are not rewritten for rewrite ignored paths
Given a fixture app "relative-assets-app"
And a file named "config.rb" with:
activate :relative_assets, rewrite_ignore: [
], helpers_only: true
And a file named "source/stylesheets/relative_assets.css.sass.erb" with:
background: url("<%= asset_url('images/blank.gif') %>")
background: url("<%= asset_url('/images/blank2.gif') %>")
And a file named "source/stylesheets/fonts3.css.erb" with:
@font-face {
font-family: 'Roboto2';
src: url(<%= asset_url("/fonts/roboto/roboto-regular-webfont.eot") %>);
src: url(<%= asset_url("/fonts/roboto/roboto-regular-webfont.eot?#iefix") %>) format('embedded-opentype'),
url(<%= asset_url("/fonts/roboto/roboto-regular-webfont.woff") %>) format('woff'),
url(<%= asset_url("/fonts/roboto/roboto-regular-webfont.ttf") %>) format('truetype'),
url(<%= asset_url("/fonts/roboto/roboto-regular-webfont.svg#robotoregular") %>) format('svg');
font-weight: normal;
font-style: normal;
And the Server is running at "relative-assets-app"
When I go to "/stylesheets/relative_assets.css"
Then I should see 'url("../images/blank.gif'
When I go to "/stylesheets/fonts3.css"
Then I should see 'url(/fonts/roboto/roboto-regular-webfont.eot'

View file

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
Feature: Support request parameters
Scenario: Use request params in a template
Given the Server is running at "request-app"
When I go to "/index.html?say=Hello+World"
Then I should see "Quote Hello World"
Then I should see "Symbol Hello World"

Some files were not shown because too many files have changed in this diff Show more