Thor compares the new contents with the existing file by using
File.binread(destination) == new_content.
File.binread returns a string with ASCII_8BIT encoding, which will not
match the new_content if new_content contains multi-byte utf-8.
This patch simply encodes the new_content to ASCII_8BIT before passing
it to Thor.
This changes the before_render and after_render hooks so that the callbacks
given to them each get to modify the template source / the rendered output
in turn, instead of having to modify them in-place. It also changes the arguments
provided to the callbacks - now, they are given the source/output, the template path,
the locals hash, and the Tilt template *class*, wheras previously they were given the source/output
and the Tilt template *instance*. The locals hash is there in case pron case hooks want to
pay attention to the locals in some way. The before_render hook is also run before
compiling the template and caching it, which should prevent weird data mismatches
and save some template compilation effort.
Note that binary_bytes is an array of bytes that never never appears in text. Array taken from encoding.c source from 'file' utility (
Old message: == The Middleman is standing watch on port 4567
New message: == The Middleman is standing watch at
The URL in the message makes it clickable if the terminal supports it.
This allows users to use proxy directly instead of page to create dynamic pages, and improves performance of dynamic pages for sites that create many proxies. It also allows people to use locals instead of instance variables, which are better for partials and reduce the risk of overwriting Middleman settings.