still support and test redcarpet

This commit is contained in:
Thomas Reynolds 2012-05-02 15:27:47 -07:00
parent 7fb16a4b1b
commit a7adc20b47
4 changed files with 45 additions and 30 deletions

View file

@ -1,16 +1,17 @@
source :rubygems
group :development do
gem "cucumber", "~> 1.1.0"
gem "fivemat"
gem "aruba", "~> 0.4.11"
gem "rake", "~> 0.9.2"
gem "rspec", "~> 2.7"
gem "rdoc", "~> 3.9"
gem "yard", "~> 0.8.0"
group :test do
gem "cucumber", "~> 1.1.0"
gem "fivemat"
gem "aruba", "~> 0.4.11"
gem "rspec", "~> 2.7"
# For actual tests
gem "sinatra"
gem "slim"
@ -19,6 +20,7 @@ group :test do
gem "jquery-rails", "~> 2.0.1"
# gem "bootstrap-rails", "0.0.5"
# gem "zurb-foundation"
gem "redcarpet", "~> 2.1.1"
gem "middleman-core", :path => "middleman-core"

View file

@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ Feature: Markdown support
When I go to "/index.html"
Then I should see "<p>Hello World</p>"
Scenario: Redcarpet 2 extensions
Scenario: Markdown extensions (Maruku)
Given the Server is running at "markdown-app"
When I go to "/smarty_pants.html"
Then I should see "&#8220;"
@ -14,18 +14,39 @@ Feature: Markdown support
Then I should not see "<em>"
When I go to "/tables.html"
Then I should see "<table>"
# Maruku doesn't support fenced code blocks :-(
#When I go to "/fenced_code_blocks.html"
#Then I should see "<code>"
# or autolink
#When I go to "/autolink.html"
#Then I should see "<a href"
# or del
#When I go to "/strikethrough.html"
#Then I should see "<del>"
When I go to "/space_after_headers.html"
Then I should not see "<h1>"
# or superscript
#When I go to "/superscript.html"
#Then I should see "<sup>"
Scenario: Redcarpet 2 extensions
Given a fixture app "markdown-app"
And a file named "config.rb" with:
set :markdown_engine, :redcarpet
set :markdown, :no_intra_emphasis => true,
:tables => true,
:fenced_code_blocks => true,
:autolink => true,
:strikethrough => true,
:lax_html_blocks => true,
:space_after_headers => true,
:superscript => true#, :smartypants => true
Given the Server is running at "markdown-app"
# When I go to "/smarty_pants.html"
# Then I should see "&#8220;"
When I go to "/no_intra_emphasis.html"
Then I should not see "<em>"
When I go to "/tables.html"
Then I should see "<table>"
When I go to "/fenced_code_blocks.html"
Then I should see "<code>"
When I go to "/autolink.html"
Then I should see "<a href"
When I go to "/strikethrough.html"
Then I should see "<del>"
When I go to "/space_after_headers.html"
Then I should not see "<h1>"
When I go to "/superscript.html"
Then I should see "<sup>"

View file

@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
set :markdown, :smartypants => true,
:no_intra_emphasis => true,
:tables => true,
:fenced_code_blocks => true,
:autolink => true,
:strikethrough => true,
:lax_html_blocks => true,
:space_after_headers => true,
:superscript => true

View file

@ -37,15 +37,16 @@ module Middleman
# Tell tilt to use that engine
if markdown_engine == :redcarpet
# Forcably disable Redcarpet1 support.
# Tilt defaults to this if available, but the compat
# layer disables extensions.
require "redcarpet"
Object.send(:remove_const, :RedcarpetCompat) if defined? ::RedcarpetCompat
# Tell tilt to use that engine