Refactor out a url_for method

This commit is contained in:
Ben Hollis 2013-02-08 22:22:33 -08:00
parent 3bdbc11db2
commit 6fa6c021c0

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@ -105,6 +105,78 @@ module Middleman
asset_url(source, asset_folder) asset_url(source, asset_folder)
end end
# Given a source path (referenced either absolutely or relatively)
# or a Resource, this will produce the nice URL configured for that
# path, respecting :relative_links, directory indexes, etc.
def url_for(path_or_resource, options={})
# Handle Resources and other things which define their own url method
url = path_or_resource.respond_to?(:url) ? path_or_resource.url : path_or_resource
uri = URI(url)
rescue URI::InvalidURIError
# Nothing we can do with it, it's not really a URI
return url
relative = options.delete(:relative)
raise "Can't use the relative option with an external URL" if relative &&
# Allow people to turn on relative paths for all links with
# set :relative_links, true
# but still override on a case by case basis with the :relative parameter.
effective_relative = relative || false
effective_relative = true if relative.nil? && relative_links
# Try to find a sitemap resource corresponding to the desired path
this_resource = current_resource # store in a local var to save work
if path_or_resource.is_a?(Sitemap::Resource)
resource = path_or_resource
resource_url = url
elsif this_resource && uri.path
# Handle relative urls
url_path = Pathname(uri.path)
current_source_dir = Pathname('/' + this_resource.path).dirname
url_path = current_source_dir.join(url_path) if url_path.relative?
resource = sitemap.find_resource_by_path(url_path.to_s)
resource_url = resource.url if resource
if resource
# Switch to the relative path between this_resource and the given resource
# if we've been asked to.
if effective_relative
# Output urls relative to the destination path, not the source path
current_dir = Pathname('/' + this_resource.destination_path).dirname
relative_path = Pathname(resource_url).relative_path_from(current_dir).to_s
# Put back the trailing slash to avoid unnecessary Apache redirects
if resource_url.end_with?('/') && !relative_path.end_with?('/')
relative_path << '/'
uri.path = relative_path
uri.path = resource_url
# If they explicitly asked for relative links but we can't find a resource...
raise "No resource exists at #{url}" if relative
# Support a :query option that can be a string or hash
if query = options.delete(:query)
uri.query = query.respond_to?(:to_param) ? query.to_param : query.to_s
# Support a :fragment or :anchor option just like Padrino
fragment = options.delete(:anchor) || options.delete(:fragment)
uri.fragment = fragment.to_s if fragment
# Finally make the URL back into a string
# Overload the regular link_to to be sitemap-aware - if you # Overload the regular link_to to be sitemap-aware - if you
# reference a source path, either absolutely or relatively, # reference a source path, either absolutely or relatively,
# you'll get that resource's nice URL. Also, there is a # you'll get that resource's nice URL. Also, there is a
@ -124,69 +196,9 @@ module Middleman
if url = args[url_arg_index] if url = args[url_arg_index]
options = args[options_index] || {} options = args[options_index] || {}
relative = options.delete(:relative)
# Handle Resources, which define their own url method # Transform the url through our magic url_for method
if url.respond_to? :url args[url_arg_index] = url_for(url, options)
url = args[url_arg_index] = url.url
if url.include? '://'
raise "Can't use the relative option with an external URL" if relative
elsif current_resource
# Handle relative urls
current_source_dir = Pathname('/' + current_resource.path).dirname
uri = URI(url)
url_path = uri.path
if url_path
path = Pathname(url_path)
url_path = current_source_dir.join(path).to_s if path.relative?
resource = sitemap.find_resource_by_path(url_path)
# Allow people to turn on relative paths for all links with config[:relative_links] = true
# but still override on a case by case basis with the :relative parameter.
effective_relative = relative || false
if relative.nil? && relative_links
effective_relative = true
if resource
if effective_relative
resource_url = resource.url
# Output urls relative to the destination path, not the source path
current_dir = Pathname('/' + current_resource.destination_path).dirname
new_url = Pathname(resource_url).relative_path_from(current_dir).to_s
# Put back the trailing slash to avoid unnecessary Apache redirects
if resource_url.end_with?('/') && !new_url.end_with?('/')
new_url << '/'
new_url = resource.url
uri.path = new_url
args[url_arg_index] = uri.to_s
raise "No resource exists at #{url}" if relative
# Support a :query option that can be a string or hash
if query = options.delete(:query)
uri = URI(args[url_arg_index])
uri.query = query.respond_to?(:to_param) ? query.to_param : query.to_s
args[url_arg_index] = uri.to_s
end end
super(*args, &block) super(*args, &block)