test asset_hash ignored paths

This commit is contained in:
Avia Aharon 2012-12-18 12:19:41 +02:00
parent 94e9bc1a17
commit 6e44851069

View file

@ -104,3 +104,32 @@ Feature: Assets get a file hash appended to their and references to them are upd
Then I should see 'Added by Rack filter'
When I go to "stylesheets/site-50eaa978.css"
Then I should see 'Not Found'
Scenario: Hashed-asset files are not produced for ignored paths
Given a fixture app "asset-hash-app"
And a file named "config.rb" with:
activate :asset_hash, :ignore => [%r(javascripts/*), 'images/*']
activate :relative_assets
activate :directory_indexes
And a successfully built app at "asset-hash-app"
When I cd to "build"
Then the following files should exist:
| index.html |
| apple-touch-icon.png |
| favicon.ico |
| images/100px.png |
| images/100px.jpg |
| images/100px.gif |
| javascripts/application.js |
| stylesheets/site-50eaa978.css |
| index.html |
| subdir/index.html |
| other/index.html |
And the following files should not exist:
| images/100px-1242c368.png |
| images/100px-5fd6fb90.jpg |
| images/100px-5fd6fb90.gif |
| javascripts/application-1d8d5276.js |
| stylesheets/site.css |