Document Middleman::Extensions.register

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Ben Hollis 2012-03-26 21:39:43 -07:00
parent b2f6d0db09
commit 3c4578b239

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@ -122,6 +122,23 @@ module Middleman
@_registered ||= {}
# Register a new extension. Choose a name which will be
# used to activate the extension in config.rb, like this:
# activate :my_extension
# Provide your extension module either as the namespace
# parameter, or return it from the block:
# @param [Symbol] name The name of the extension
# @param [Module] namespace The extension module
# @param [String] version A RubyGems-style version string stating
# the versions of middleman this extension
# is compatible with.
# @yield Instead of passing a module in namespace, you can provide
# a block which returns your extension module. This gives
# you the ability to require other files only when the
# extension is activated.
def register(name, namespace=nil, version=nil, &block)
# If we've already got a matching extension that passed the
# version check, bail out.