Include :locales and :data in live-reloadable types

Johnny Shields 2015-12-06 21:58:18 +09:00 committed by Thomas Reynolds
parent 79b5e82b3c
commit 308ea6db5a
1 changed files with 23 additions and 18 deletions

View File

@ -14,6 +14,9 @@ module Middleman
extend Forwardable
include Contracts
# Types which trigger a livereload
LIVERELOAD_TYPES = [:source, :locales, :data]
Matcher = Or[Regexp, RespondTo[:call]]
# A reference to the current app.
@ -165,15 +168,15 @@ module Middleman
# Find a file given a type and path.
# @param [Symbol] type The file "type".
# @param [Symbol,Array<Symbol>] types A list of file "type".
# @param [String] path The file path.
# @param [Boolean] glob If the path contains wildcard or glob characters.
# @return [Middleman::SourceFile, nil]
Contract Symbol, String, Maybe[Bool] => Maybe[SourceFile]
def find(type, path, glob=false)
Contract Or[Symbol, ArrayOf[Symbol]], String, Maybe[Bool] => Maybe[SourceFile]
def find(types, path, glob=false)
.select { |d| d.type == type }
.select { |d| Array(types).include?(d.type) }
.map { |d| d.find(path, glob) }
@ -181,26 +184,26 @@ module Middleman
# Check if a file for a given type exists.
# @param [Symbol] type The file "type".
# @param [Symbol,Array<Symbol>] types The list of file "type".
# @param [String] path The file path relative to it's source root.
# @return [Boolean]
Contract Symbol, String => Bool
def exists?(type, path)
Contract Or[Symbol, ArrayOf[Symbol]], String => Bool
def exists?(types, path)
.select { |d| d.type == type }
.select { |d| Array(types).include?(d.type) }
.any? { |d| d.exists?(path) }
# Check if a file for a given type exists.
# @param [Symbol] type The file "type".
# @param [Symbol,Array<Symbol>] types The list of file "type".
# @param [String] path The file path relative to it's source root.
# @return [Boolean]
Contract SetOf[Symbol], String => Maybe[HANDLER]
Contract Or[Symbol, ArrayOf[Symbol]], String => Maybe[HANDLER]
def watcher_for_path(types, path)
.select { |d| types.include?(d.type) }
.select { |d| Array(types).include?(d.type) }
.find { |d| d.exists?(path) }
@ -238,11 +241,13 @@ module Middleman
# Add callback to be run on file change or deletion
# @param [Symbol] type The change type.
# @param [Symbol,Array<Symbol>] types The change types to register the callback.
# @return [void]
Contract Symbol, Proc => Any
def on_change(type, &block)
@on_change_callbacks = @on_change_callbacks.push(, block))
Contract Or[Symbol, ArrayOf[Symbol]], Proc => Any
def on_change(types, &block)
Array(types).each do |type|
@on_change_callbacks = @on_change_callbacks.push(, block))
# Backwards compatible change handler.
@ -250,7 +255,7 @@ module Middleman
# @param [nil,Regexp] matcher A Regexp to match the change path against
Contract Maybe[Matcher] => Any
def changed(matcher=nil, &block)
on_change :source do |updated, _removed|
on_change LIVERELOAD_TYPES do |updated, _removed|
.select { |f| matcher.nil? ? true : matches?(matcher, f) }
.each { |f|[:relative_path]) }
@ -262,7 +267,7 @@ module Middleman
# @param [nil,Regexp] matcher A Regexp to match the change path against
Contract Maybe[Matcher] => Any
def deleted(matcher=nil, &block)
on_change :source do |_updated, removed|
on_change LIVERELOAD_TYPES do |_updated, removed|
.select { |f| matcher.nil? ? true : matches?(matcher, f) }
.each { |f|[:relative_path]) }
@ -274,7 +279,7 @@ module Middleman
# @param [Pathname,String] path The path to check.
Contract Or[Pathname, String] => Bool
def ignored?(path)
descriptor = find(:source, path)
descriptor = find(LIVERELOAD_TYPES, path)
!descriptor || globally_ignored?(descriptor)