2012-03-04 15:24:38 -08:00
Feature: Assets get a file hash appended to their and references to them are updated
Scenario: Hashed-asset files are produced, and HTML, CSS, and JavaScript gets rewritten to reference the new files
Given a successfully built app at "asset-hash-app"
When I cd to "build"
Then the following files should exist:
| index.html |
| images/100px-1242c368.png |
| images/100px-5fd6fb90.jpg |
| images/100px-5fd6fb90.gif |
| javascripts/application-1d8d5276.js |
2012-04-01 18:05:20 -07:00
| stylesheets/site-8c28fde3.css |
2012-03-04 15:24:38 -08:00
| index.html |
| subdir/index.html |
| other/index.html |
And the following files should not exist:
| images/100px.png |
| images/100px.jpg |
| images/100px.gif |
| javascripts/application.js |
| stylesheets/site.css |
And the file "javascripts/application-1d8d5276.js" should contain "img.src = '/images/100px-5fd6fb90.jpg'"
2012-04-01 18:05:20 -07:00
And the file "stylesheets/site-8c28fde3.css" should contain "background-image: url('../images/100px-5fd6fb90.jpg')"
And the file "index.html" should contain 'href="stylesheets/site-8c28fde3.css"'
2012-03-04 23:03:21 -08:00
And the file "index.html" should contain 'src="javascripts/application-1d8d5276.js"'
And the file "index.html" should contain 'src="images/100px-5fd6fb90.jpg"'
2012-04-01 18:05:20 -07:00
And the file "subdir/index.html" should contain 'href="../stylesheets/site-8c28fde3.css"'
2012-03-04 23:03:21 -08:00
And the file "subdir/index.html" should contain 'src="../javascripts/application-1d8d5276.js"'
And the file "subdir/index.html" should contain 'src="../images/100px-5fd6fb90.jpg"'
2012-04-01 18:05:20 -07:00
And the file "other/index.html" should contain 'href="../stylesheets/site-8c28fde3.css"'
2012-03-04 23:03:21 -08:00
And the file "other/index.html" should contain 'src="../javascripts/application-1d8d5276.js"'
And the file "other/index.html" should contain 'src="../images/100px-5fd6fb90.jpg"'
2012-03-04 15:24:38 -08:00
Scenario: Hashed assets work in preview server
Given the Server is running at "asset-hash-app"
When I go to "/"
2012-04-01 18:05:20 -07:00
Then I should see 'href="stylesheets/site-8c28fde3.css"'
2012-03-04 23:03:21 -08:00
And I should see 'src="javascripts/application-1d8d5276.js"'
And I should see 'src="images/100px-5fd6fb90.jpg"'
2012-03-04 15:24:38 -08:00
When I go to "/subdir/"
2012-04-01 18:05:20 -07:00
Then I should see 'href="../stylesheets/site-8c28fde3.css"'
2012-03-04 23:03:21 -08:00
And I should see 'src="../javascripts/application-1d8d5276.js"'
And I should see 'src="../images/100px-5fd6fb90.jpg"'
2012-03-04 15:24:38 -08:00
When I go to "/other/"
2012-04-01 18:05:20 -07:00
Then I should see 'href="../stylesheets/site-8c28fde3.css"'
2012-03-04 23:03:21 -08:00
And I should see 'src="../javascripts/application-1d8d5276.js"'
And I should see 'src="../images/100px-5fd6fb90.jpg"'
2012-03-04 15:24:38 -08:00
When I go to "/javascripts/application-1d8d5276.js"
Then I should see "img.src = '/images/100px-5fd6fb90.jpg'"
2012-04-01 18:05:20 -07:00
When I go to "/stylesheets/site-8c28fde3.css"
Then I should see "background-image: url('../images/100px-5fd6fb90.jpg')"
2012-03-04 15:24:38 -08:00
2012-04-01 18:05:20 -07:00
Scenario: Enabling an asset host still produces hashed files and references
Given the Server is running at "asset-hash-host-app"
When I go to "/"
Then I should see 'href="http://middlemanapp.com/stylesheets/site-8c28fde3.css"'
And I should see 'src="http://middlemanapp.com/images/100px-5fd6fb90.jpg"'
When I go to "/subdir/"
Then I should see 'href="http://middlemanapp.com/stylesheets/site-8c28fde3.css"'
And I should see 'src="http://middlemanapp.com/images/100px-5fd6fb90.jpg"'
When I go to "/other/"
Then I should see 'href="http://middlemanapp.com/stylesheets/site-8c28fde3.css"'
And I should see 'src="http://middlemanapp.com/images/100px-5fd6fb90.jpg"'
# Asset helpers don't appear to work from Compass right now
# When I go to "/stylesheets/site-8c28fde3.css"
# Then I should see "background-image: url('http://middlemanapp.com/images/100px-5fd6fb90.jpg')"