module Middleman module Deploy module Strategies module Git class ForcePush < Base def process Dir.chdir(self.build_dir) do add_remote_url checkout_branch commit_branch('-f') end end private def add_remote_url url = get_remote_url unless File.exists?('.git') `git init` `git remote add origin #{url}` else # check if the remote repo has changed unless url == `git config --get remote.origin.url`.chop `git remote rm origin` `git remote add origin #{url}` end end end def get_remote_url remote = self.remote url = remote # check if remote is not a git url unless remote =~ /\.git$/ url = `git config --get remote.#{url}.url`.chop end # if the remote name doesn't exist in the main repo if url == '' puts "Can't deploy! Please add a remote with the name '#{remote}' to your repo." exit end url end end end end end end