# The filters added to this controller will be run for all controllers in the application. # Likewise will all the methods added be available for all controllers. class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base before_filter :user_login_filter before_filter :add_scripts protected def secure_user?() true end def secure_cust?() false end def additional_scripts() "" end def onload_function() "" end private def add_scripts @additional_scripts = additional_scripts() @onload_function = onload_function() end def user_login_filter if (secure_user? or secure_cust? )and logged_user.nil? session["return_to"] = request.request_uri redirect_to :controller=>"/login", :action => "index" return false end end alias login_required user_login_filter def logged_user # returns customer id session['user'] end def logged_customer session['user'] end def localize # We will use instance vars for the locale so we can make use of them in # the templates. @charset = 'utf-8' headers['Content-Type'] = "text/html; charset=#{@charset}" # Here is a very simplified approach to extract the prefered language # from the request. If all fails, just use 'en_EN' as the default. temp = if request.env['HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE'].nil? [] else request.env['HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE'].split(',').first.split('-') rescue [] end language = temp.slice(0) dialect = temp.slice(1) @language = language.nil? ? 'en' : language.downcase # default is en # If there is no dialect use the language code ('en' becomes 'en_EN'). @dialect = dialect.nil? ? @language.upcase : dialect # The complete locale string consists of # language_DIALECT (en_EN, en_GB, de_DE, ...) @locale = "#{@language}_#{@dialect.upcase}" @htmllang = @language == @dialect ? @language : "#{@language}-#{@dialect}" # Finally, bind the textdomain to the locale. From now on every used # _('String') will get translated into the right language. (Provided # that we have a corresponding mo file in the right place). bindtextdomain('messages', "#{RAILS_ROOT}/locale", @locale, @charset) end public def include_tinymce(mode="textareas",elements="") tinymce='' tinymce << ' ' tinymce end helper_method :include_tinymce def include_simple_tinymce(mode="textareas",elements="") tinymce = '' tinymce << ' ' tinymce end def _(text) t text end helper_method :include_simple_tinymce, :_ end