require 'spec_helper' require 'will_paginate/view_helpers/base' require 'will_paginate/array' describe WillPaginate::ViewHelpers::Base do include WillPaginate::ViewHelpers::Base describe "will_paginate" do it "should render" do collection =, 2, 4) renderer = mock 'Renderer' renderer.expects(:prepare).with(collection, instance_of(Hash), self) renderer.expects(:to_html).returns('') will_paginate(collection, :renderer => renderer).should == '' end it "should return nil for single-page collections" do collection = mock 'Collection', :total_pages => 1 will_paginate(collection).should be_nil end end describe "page_entries_info" do before :all do @array = ('a'..'z').to_a end def info(params, options = {}) options[:html] ||= false unless options.key?(:html) and options[:html].nil? collection = Hash === params ? @array.paginate(params) : params page_entries_info collection, options end it "should display middle results and total count" do info(:page => 2, :per_page => 5).should == "Displaying strings 6 - 10 of 26 in total" end it "should output HTML by default" do info({ :page => 2, :per_page => 5 }, :html => nil).should == "Displaying strings 6 - 10 of 26 in total" end it "should display shortened end results" do info(:page => 7, :per_page => 4).should include_phrase('strings 25 - 26') end it "should handle longer class names" do collection = @array.paginate(:page => 2, :per_page => 5) collection.first.stubs(:class).returns(mock('Class', :name => 'ProjectType')) info(collection).should include_phrase('project types') end it "should adjust output for single-page collections" do info(('a'..'d').to_a.paginate(:page => 1, :per_page => 5)).should == "Displaying all 4 strings" info(['a'].paginate(:page => 1, :per_page => 5)).should == "Displaying 1 string" end it "should display 'no entries found' for empty collections" do info([].paginate(:page => 1, :per_page => 5)).should == "No entries found" end end end