require 'spec_helper' require 'will_paginate/finders/active_record' require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/activerecord_test_connector' require 'will_paginate' WillPaginate::enable_named_scope class ArProject < ActiveRecord::Base def self.column_names ["id"] end named_scope :distinct, :select => "DISTINCT #{table_name}.*" end ActiverecordTestConnector.setup describe WillPaginate::Finders::ActiveRecord do extend ActiverecordTestConnector::FixtureSetup it "should integrate with ActiveRecord::Base" do ActiveRecord::Base.should respond_to(:paginate) end it "should paginate" do ArProject.expects(:find).with(:all, { :limit => 5, :offset => 0 }).returns([]) ArProject.paginate(:page => 1, :per_page => 5) end it "should respond to paginate_by_sql" do ArProject.should respond_to(:paginate_by_sql) end it "should support explicit :all argument" do ArProject.expects(:find).with(:all, instance_of(Hash)).returns([]) ArProject.paginate(:all, :page => nil) end it "should put implicit all in dynamic finders" do ArProject.expects(:find_all_by_foo).returns([]) ArProject.expects(:count).returns(0) ArProject.paginate_by_foo :page => 2 end it "should leave extra parameters intact" do ArProject.expects(:find).with(:all, {:foo => 'bar', :limit => 4, :offset => 0 }).returns( ArProject.expects(:count).with({:foo => 'bar'}).returns(1) ArProject.paginate :foo => 'bar', :page => 1, :per_page => 4 end describe "counting" do it "should ignore nil in :count parameter" do ArProject.expects(:find).returns([]) lambda { ArProject.paginate :page => nil, :count => nil }.should_not raise_error end it "should guess the total count" do ArProject.expects(:find).returns( ArProject.expects(:count).never result = ArProject.paginate :page => 2, :per_page => 4 result.total_entries.should == 6 end it "should guess that there are no records" do ArProject.expects(:find).returns([]) ArProject.expects(:count).never result = ArProject.paginate :page => 1, :per_page => 4 result.total_entries.should == 0 end end it "should not ignore :select parameter when it says DISTINCT" do ArProject.stubs(:find).returns([]) ArProject.expects(:count).with(:select => 'DISTINCT salary').returns(0) ArProject.paginate :select => 'DISTINCT salary', :page => 2 end it "should count with scoped select when :select => DISTINCT" do ArProject.stubs(:find).returns([]) ArProject.expects(:count).with(:select => 'DISTINCT').returns(0) ArProject.distinct.paginate :page => 2 end it "should use :with_foo for scope-out compatibility" do ArProject.expects(:find_best).returns( ArProject.expects(:with_best).returns(1) ArProject.paginate_best :page => 1, :per_page => 4 end describe "paginate_by_sql" do it "should paginate" do ArProject.expects(:find_by_sql).with(regexp_matches(/sql LIMIT 3(,| OFFSET) 3/)).returns([]) ArProject.expects(:count_by_sql).with('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM (sql) AS count_table').returns(0) ArProject.paginate_by_sql 'sql', :page => 2, :per_page => 3 end it "should respect total_entrier setting" do ArProject.expects(:find_by_sql).returns([]) ArProject.expects(:count_by_sql).never entries = ArProject.paginate_by_sql 'sql', :page => 1, :total_entries => 999 entries.total_entries.should == 999 end it "should strip the order when counting" do ArProject.expects(:find_by_sql).returns([]) ArProject.expects(:count_by_sql).with("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM (sql\n ) AS count_table").returns(0) ArProject.paginate_by_sql "sql\n ORDER\nby foo, bar, `baz` ASC", :page => 2 end it "shouldn't change the original query string" do query = 'SQL QUERY' original_query = query.dup ArProject.expects(:find_by_sql).returns([]) ArProject.paginate_by_sql(query, :page => 1) query.should == original_query end end # TODO: counts would still be wrong! it "should be able to paginate custom finders" do # acts_as_taggable defines find_tagged_with(tag, options) ArProject.expects(:find_tagged_with).with('will_paginate', :offset => 5, :limit => 5).returns([]) ArProject.expects(:count).with({}).returns(0) ArProject.paginate_tagged_with 'will_paginate', :page => 2, :per_page => 5 end it "should not skip count when given an array argument to a finder" do ids = (1..8).to_a ArProject.expects(:find_all_by_id).returns([]) ArProject.expects(:count).returns(0) ArProject.paginate_by_id(ids, :per_page => 3, :page => 2, :order => 'id') end # Is this Rails 2.0? Find out by testing find_all which was removed in [6998] unless ActiveRecord::Base.respond_to? :find_all it "should paginate array of IDs" do # AR finders also accept arrays of IDs # (this was broken in Rails before [6912]) lambda { result = Developer.paginate((1..8).to_a, :per_page => 3, :page => 2, :order => 'id') == (4..6).to_a result.total_entries.should == 8 }.should run_queries(1) end end it "doesn't mangle options" do ArProject.expects(:find).returns([]) options = { :page => 1 } options.expects(:delete).never options_before = options.dup ArProject.paginate(options) options.should == options_before end if ::ActiveRecord::Calculations::CALCULATIONS_OPTIONS.include?(:from) # for ActiveRecord 2.1 and newer it "keeps the :from parameter in count" do ArProject.expects(:find).returns([1]) ArProject.expects(:count).with {|options| options.key?(:from) }.returns(0) ArProject.paginate(:page => 2, :per_page => 1, :from => 'projects') end else it "excludes :from parameter from count" do ArProject.expects(:find).returns([1]) ArProject.expects(:count).with {|options| !options.key?(:from) }.returns(0) ArProject.paginate(:page => 2, :per_page => 1, :from => 'projects') end end if ActiverecordTestConnector.able_to_connect fixtures :topics, :replies, :users, :projects, :developers_projects it "should get first page of Topics with a single query" do lambda { result = Topic.paginate :page => nil result.current_page.should == 1 result.total_pages.should == 1 result.size.should == 4 }.should run_queries(1) end it "should get second (inexistent) page of Topics, requiring 2 queries" do lambda { result = Topic.paginate :page => 2 result.total_pages.should == 1 result.should be_empty }.should run_queries(2) end it "should paginate with :order" do result = Topic.paginate :page => 1, :order => 'created_at DESC' result.should == topics(:futurama, :harvey_birdman, :rails, :ar).reverse result.total_pages.should == 1 end it "should paginate with :conditions" do result = Topic.paginate :page => 1, :conditions => ["created_at > ?", 30.minutes.ago] result.should == topics(:rails, :ar) result.total_pages.should == 1 end it "should paginate with :include and :conditions" do result = Topic.paginate \ :page => 1, :include => :replies, :conditions => "replies.content LIKE 'Bird%' ", :per_page => 10 expected = Topic.find :all, :include => 'replies', :conditions => "replies.content LIKE 'Bird%' ", :limit => 10 result.should == expected result.total_entries.should == 1 end it "should paginate with :include and :order" do result = nil lambda { result = Topic.paginate \ :page => 1, :include => :replies, :order => 'replies.created_at asc, topics.created_at asc', :per_page => 10 }.should run_queries(2) expected = Topic.find :all, :include => 'replies', :order => 'replies.created_at asc, topics.created_at asc', :limit => 10 result.should == expected result.total_entries.should == 4 end # detect ActiveRecord 2.1 if ActiveRecord::Base.private_methods.include?('references_eager_loaded_tables?') it "should remove :include for count" do Developer.expects(:find).returns([1]) Developer.expects(:count).with({}).returns(0) Developer.paginate :page => 1, :per_page => 1, :include => :projects end it "should keep :include for count when they are referenced in :conditions" do Developer.expects(:find).returns([1]) Developer.expects(:count).with({ :include => :projects, :conditions => ' > 2' }).returns(0) Developer.paginate :page => 1, :per_page => 1, :include => :projects, :conditions => ' > 2' end end describe "associations" do it "should paginate with include" do project = projects(:active_record) result = project.topics.paginate \ :page => 1, :include => :replies, :conditions => ["replies.content LIKE ?", 'Nice%'], :per_page => 10 expected = Topic.find :all, :include => 'replies', :conditions => ["project_id = #{} AND replies.content LIKE ?", 'Nice%'], :limit => 10 result.should == expected end it "should paginate" do dhh = users(:david) expected_name_ordered = projects(:action_controller, :active_record) expected_id_ordered = projects(:active_record, :action_controller) lambda { # with association-specified order result = dhh.projects.paginate(:page => 1) result.should == expected_name_ordered result.total_entries.should == 2 }.should run_queries(2) # with explicit order result = dhh.projects.paginate(:page => 1, :order => '') result.should == expected_id_ordered result.total_entries.should == 2 lambda { dhh.projects.find(:all, :order => '', :limit => 4) }.should_not raise_error result = dhh.projects.paginate(:page => 1, :order => '', :per_page => 4) result.should == expected_id_ordered # has_many with implicit order topic = Topic.find(1) expected = replies(:spam, :witty_retort) # FIXME: wow, this is ugly topic.replies.paginate(:page => 1).map(&:id).sort.should == topic.replies.paginate(:page => 1, :order => ' ASC').should == expected.reverse end it "should paginate through association extension" do project = Project.find(:first) expected = [replies(:brave)] lambda { result = project.replies.paginate_recent :page => 1 result.should == expected }.should run_queries(1) end end it "should paginate with joins" do result = nil join_sql = 'LEFT JOIN developers_projects ON = developers_projects.developer_id' lambda { result = Developer.paginate :page => 1, :joins => join_sql, :conditions => 'project_id = 1' result.size.should == 2 developer_names = developer_names.should include('David') developer_names.should include('Jamis') }.should run_queries(1) lambda { expected = result.to_a result = Developer.paginate :page => 1, :joins => join_sql, :conditions => 'project_id = 1', :count => { :select => "" } result.should == expected result.total_entries.should == 2 }.should run_queries(1) end it "should paginate with group" do result = nil lambda { result = Developer.paginate :page => 1, :per_page => 10, :group => 'salary', :select => 'salary', :order => 'salary' }.should run_queries(1) expected = users(:david, :jamis, :dev_10, :poor_jamis).map(&:salary).sort == expected end it "should paginate with dynamic finder" do expected = replies(:witty_retort, :spam) Reply.paginate_by_topic_id(1, :page => 1).should == expected result = Developer.paginate :conditions => { :salary => 100000 }, :page => 1, :per_page => 5 result.total_entries.should == 8 Developer.paginate_by_salary(100000, :page => 1, :per_page => 5).should == result end it "should paginate with dynamic finder and conditions" do result = Developer.paginate_by_salary(100000, :page => 1, :conditions => ['id > ?', 6]) result.total_entries.should == 4 == (7..10).to_a end it "should raise error when dynamic finder is not recognized" do lambda { Developer.paginate_by_inexistent_attribute 100000, :page => 1 }.should raise_error(NoMethodError) end it "should paginate with_scope" do result = Developer.with_poor_ones { Developer.paginate :page => 1 } result.size.should == 2 result.total_entries.should == 2 end describe "named_scope" do it "should paginate" do result = Developer.poor.paginate :page => 1, :per_page => 1 result.size.should == 1 result.total_entries.should == 2 end it "should paginate on habtm association" do project = projects(:active_record) lambda { result = project.developers.poor.paginate :page => 1, :per_page => 1 result.size.should == 1 result.total_entries.should == 1 }.should run_queries(2) end it "should paginate on hmt association" do project = projects(:active_record) expected = [replies(:brave)] lambda { result = project.replies.recent.paginate :page => 1, :per_page => 1 result.should == expected result.total_entries.should == 1 }.should run_queries(2) end it "should paginate on has_many association" do project = projects(:active_record) expected = [topics(:ar)] lambda { result = project.topics.mentions_activerecord.paginate :page => 1, :per_page => 1 result.should == expected result.total_entries.should == 1 }.should run_queries(2) end end it "should paginate with :readonly option" do lambda { Developer.paginate :readonly => true, :page => 1 }.should_not raise_error end end protected def run_queries(num) end end class QueryCountMatcher def initialize(num) @queries = num @old_query_count = $query_count end def matches?(block) @queries_run = $query_count - @old_query_count @queries == @queries_run end def failure_message "expected #{@queries} queries, got #{@queries_run}" end def negative_failure_message "expected query count not to be #{$queries}" end end