# Copyright (c) 2005, Benjamin Stiglitz # All rights reserved. # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: # # Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this # list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # # Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, # this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation # and/or other materials provided with the distribution. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" # AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE # IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE # ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE # LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR # CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF # SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS # INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN # CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) # ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE # POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. # # Modifications (c) 2005 by littlegreen # require 'net/imap' Net::IMAP.debug = true if CDF::CONFIG[:debug_imap] class Net::IMAP class PlainAuthenticator def process(data) return "\0#{@user}\0#{@password}" end private def initialize(user, password) @user = user @password = password end end add_authenticator('PLAIN', PlainAuthenticator) class Address def to_s if(name) "#{name} #{mailbox}@#{host}" else "#{mailbox}@#{host}" end end end end class AuthenticationError < RuntimeError end class IMAPMailbox attr_reader :connected attr_accessor :selected_mailbox cattr_accessor :logger def initialize @selected_mailbox = '' @folders = {} @connected = false end def connect(username, password) unless @connected use_ssl = CDF::CONFIG[:imap_use_ssl] ? true : false port = CDF::CONFIG[:imap_port] || (use_ssl ? 993 : 143) begin @imap = Net::IMAP.new(CDF::CONFIG[:imap_server], port, use_ssl) rescue Net::IMAP::ByeResponseError => bye # make a timeout and retry begin System.sleep(CDF::CONFIG[:imap_bye_timeout_retry_seconds]) @imap = Net::IMAP.new(CDF::CONFIG[:imap_server], port, use_ssl) rescue Error => ex logger.error "Error on authentication!" logger.error bye.backtrace.join("\n") raise AuthenticationError.new end rescue Net::IMAP::NoResponseError => noresp logger.error "Error on authentication!" logger.error noresp.backtrace.join("\n") raise AuthenticationError.new rescue Net::IMAP::BadResponseError => bad logger.error "Error on authentication!" logger.error bad.backtrace.join("\n") raise AuthenticationError.new rescue Net::IMAP::ResponseError => resp logger.error "Error on authentication!" logger.error resp.backtrace.join("\n") raise AuthenticationError.new end @username = username begin logger.error "IMAP authentication - #{CDF::CONFIG[:imap_auth]}." if CDF::CONFIG[:imap_auth] == 'NOAUTH' @imap.login(username, password) else @imap.authenticate(CDF::CONFIG[:imap_auth], username, password) end @connected = true rescue Exception => ex logger.error "Error on authentication!" logger.error ex.backtrace.join("\n") raise AuthenticationError.new end end end def imap @imap end # Function chnage password works only if root has run imap_backend # and users courier-authlib utility authtest - from courier-imap version 4.0.1 def change_password(username, password, new_password) ret = "" cin, cout, cerr = Open3.popen3("/usr/sbin/authtest #{username} #{password} #{new_password}") ret << cerr.gets if ret.include?("Password change succeeded.") return true else logger.error "[!] Error on change password! - #{ret}" return false end end def disconnect if @connected @imap.logout #@imap.disconnect @imap = nil @connected = false end end def [](mailboxname) @last_folder = IMAPFolderList.new(self, @username)[mailboxname] end def folders # reference just to stop GC @folder_list ||= IMAPFolderList.new(self, @username) @folder_list end def reload @folder_list.reload if @folder_list end def create_folder(name) # begin @imap.create(Net::IMAP.encode_utf7(name)) reload # rescue Exception=>e # end end def delete_folder(name) begin @imap.delete(folders[name].utf7_name) reload rescue Exception=>e logger.error("Exception on delete #{name} folder #{e}") end end def message_sent(message) # ensure we have sent folder begin @imap.create(CDF::CONFIG[:mail_sent]) rescue Exception=>e end begin @imap.append(CDF::CONFIG[:mail_sent], message) folders[CDF::CONFIG[:mail_sent]].cached = false if folders[CDF::CONFIG[:mail_sent]] rescue Exception=>e logger.error("Error on append - #{e}") end end def message_bulk(message) # ensure we have sent folder begin @imap.create(CDF::CONFIG[:mail_bulk_sent]) rescue Exception=>e end begin @imap.append(CDF::CONFIG[:mail_bulk_sent], message) folders[CDF::CONFIG[:mail_sent]].cached = false if folders[CDF::CONFIG[:mail_bulk_sent]] rescue Exception=>e logger.error("Error on bulk - #{e}") end end end class IMAPFolderList include Enumerable cattr_accessor :logger def initialize(mailbox, username) @mailbox = mailbox @folders = Hash.new @username = username end def each refresh if @folders.empty? #@folders.each_value { |folder| yield folder } # We want to allow sorted access; for now only (FIXME) @folders.sort.each { |pair| yield pair.last } end def reload refresh end def [](name) refresh if @folders.empty? @folders[name] end private def refresh @folders = {} result = @mailbox.imap.list('', '*') if result result.each do |info| folder = IMAPFolder.new(@mailbox, info.name, @username, info.attr, info.delim) @folders[folder.name] = folder end else # if there are no folders subscribe to INBOX - this is on first use @mailbox.imap.subscribe(CDF::CONFIG[:mail_inbox]) # try again to list them - we should find INBOX @mailbox.imap.list('', '*').each do |info| @folders[info.name] = IMAPFolder.new(@mailbox, info.name, @username, info.attr, info.delim) end end @folders end end class IMAPFolder attr_reader :mailbox attr_reader :name attr_reader :utf7_name attr_reader :username attr_reader :delim attr_reader :attribs attr_writer :cached attr_writer :mcached cattr_accessor :logger @@fetch_attr = ['ENVELOPE','BODYSTRUCTURE', 'FLAGS', 'UID', 'RFC822.SIZE'] def initialize(mailbox, utf7_name, username, attribs, delim) @mailbox = mailbox @utf7_name = utf7_name @name = Net::IMAP.decode_utf7 utf7_name @username = username @messages = Array.new @delim = delim @attribs = attribs @cached = false @mcached = false end def activate if(@mailbox.selected_mailbox != @name) @mailbox.selected_mailbox = @name @mailbox.imap.select(@utf7_name) load_total_unseen if !@cached end end # Just delete message without interaction with Trash folder def delete(message) activate uid = (message.kind_of?(Integer) ? message : message.uid) @mailbox.imap.uid_store(uid, "+FLAGS", :Deleted) @mailbox.imap.expunge # Sync with trash cannot be made - new uid generated - so just delete message from current folder ImapMessage.delete_all(["username = ? and folder_name = ? and uid = ?", @username, @name, uid]) @cached = false end # Deleted messages - move to trash folder def delete_multiple(uids) # ensure we have trash folder begin @mailbox.imap.create(CDF::CONFIG[:mail_trash]) rescue end move_multiple(uids, CDF::CONFIG[:mail_trash]) end def copy(message, dst_folder) uid = (message.kind_of?(Integer) ? message : message.uid) activate @mailbox.imap.uid_copy(uid, dst_folder) @mailbox.folders[dst_folder].cached = false if @mailbox.folders[dst_folder] @mailbox.folders[dst_folder].mcached = false if @mailbox.folders[dst_folder] end def copy_multiple(message_uids, dst_folder) activate @mailbox.imap.uid_copy(message_uids, dst_folder) @mailbox.folders[dst_folder].cached = false if @mailbox.folders[dst_folder] @mailbox.folders[dst_folder].mcached = false if @mailbox.folders[dst_folder] end def move(message, dst_folder) uid = (message.kind_of?(Integer) ? message : message.uid) activate @mailbox.imap.uid_copy(uid, dst_folder) @mailbox.imap.uid_store(uid, "+FLAGS", :Deleted) @mailbox.folders[dst_folder].cached = false if @mailbox.folders[dst_folder] @mailbox.folders[dst_folder].mcached = false if @mailbox.folders[dst_folder] @mailbox.imap.expunge ImapMessage.delete_all(["username = ? and folder_name = ? and uid = ? ", @username, @name, uid]) @cached = false @mcached = false end def move_multiple(message_uids, dst_folder) activate @mailbox.imap.uid_copy(message_uids, @mailbox.folders[dst_folder].utf7_name) @mailbox.imap.uid_store(message_uids, "+FLAGS", :Deleted) @mailbox.folders[dst_folder].cached = false if @mailbox.folders[dst_folder] @mailbox.folders[dst_folder].mcached = false if @mailbox.folders[dst_folder] @mailbox.imap.expunge ImapMessage.delete_all(["username = ? and folder_name = ? and uid in ( ? )", @username, @name, message_uids]) @cached = false @mcached = false end def mark_read(message_uid) activate cached = ImapMessage.find(:first, :conditions => ["username = ? and folder_name = ? and uid = ?", @username, @name, message_uid]) if cached.unread cached.unread = false cached.save @mailbox.imap.select(@name) @mailbox.imap.uid_store(message_uid, "+FLAGS", :Seen) @unseen_messages = @unseen_messages - 1 end end def mark_unread(message_uid) activate cached = ImapMessage.find(:first, :conditions => ["username = ? and folder_name = ? and uid = ?", @username, @name, message_uid]) if !cached.unread cached.unread = true cached.save @mailbox.imap.select(@name) @mailbox.imap.uid_store(message_uid, "-FLAGS", :Seen) @unseen_messages = @unseen_messages + 1 end end def expunge activate @mailbox.imap.expunge end def synchronize_cache(offset=0, limit = 10) to = limit+offset startSync = Time.now activate startUidFetch = Time.now #Count all messages count = @mailbox.imap.fetch(1..-1, "UID") to = count.size if count.size < to range = (offset..to) logger.info range.inspect server_messages = @mailbox.imap.fetch(range, "(UID FLAGS)") #server_messages = @mailbox.imap.uid_fetch(sequence_uids, ["UID", "FLAGS"]) startDbFetch = Time.now cached_messages = ImapMessage.find(:all, :conditions => ["username = ? and folder_name = ?", @username, @name]) cached_unread_uids = Array.new cached_read_uids = Array.new uids_to_be_deleted = Array.new cached_messages.each { |msg| cached_unread_uids << msg.uid if msg.unread cached_read_uids << msg.uid unless msg.unread uids_to_be_deleted << msg.uid } uids_to_be_fetched = Array.new server_msg_uids = Array.new uids_unread = Array.new uids_read = Array.new server_messages.each { |server_msg| uid, flags = server_msg.attr['UID'], server_msg.attr['FLAGS'] server_msg_uids << uid unless uids_to_be_deleted.include?(uid) uids_to_be_fetched << uid else if flags.member?(:Seen) && cached_unread_uids.include?(uid) uids_read << uid elsif !flags.member?(:Seen) && cached_read_uids.include?(uid) uids_unread << uid end end uids_to_be_deleted.delete(uid) } unless server_messages.nil? ImapMessage.delete_all(["username = ? and folder_name = ? and uid in ( ? )", @username, @name, uids_to_be_deleted]) unless uids_to_be_deleted.empty? ImapMessage.update_all('unread = 0', ["username = ? and folder_name = ? and uid in ( ? )", @username, @name, uids_read]) unless uids_read.empty? ImapMessage.update_all('unread = 1', ["username = ? and folder_name = ? and uid in ( ? )", @username, @name, uids_unread]) unless uids_unread.empty? # fetch and store not cached messages unless uids_to_be_fetched.empty? logger.debug("About to fetch #{uids_to_be_fetched.join(",")}") uids_to_be_fetched.each_slice(20) do |slice| fetch_uids(slice) end end #FIX: @mcached = true logger.debug("Synchonization done for folder #{@name} in #{Time.now - startSync} ms.") end def fetch_uids(uids) imapres = @mailbox.imap.uid_fetch(uids, @@fetch_attr) imapres.each { |cache| envelope = cache.attr['ENVELOPE']; message = ImapMessage.create( :folder_name => @name, :username => @username, :msg_id => envelope.message_id, :uid => cache.attr['UID'], :from_addr => envelope.from, :to_addr => envelope.to, :subject => envelope.subject, :content_type => cache.attr['BODYSTRUCTURE'].multipart? ? 'multipart' : 'text', :date => envelope.date, :unread => !(cache.attr['FLAGS'].member? :Seen), :size => cache.attr['RFC822.SIZE']) } end def messages(offset = 0, limit = 10, sort = 'date desc') # Synchronize first retrieval time synchronize_cache(offset+1, limit) #unless @mcached if limit == -1 @messages = ImapMessage.find(:all, :conditions => ["username = ? and folder_name = ?", @username, @name], :order => sort) else @messages = ImapMessage.find(:all, :conditions => ["username = ? and folder_name = ?", @username, @name], :order => sort ) end end def messages_search(query = ["ALL"], sort = 'date desc') activate uids = @mailbox.imap.uid_search(query) if uids.size > 1 ImapMessage.find(:all, :conditions => ["username = ? and folder_name = ? and uid in ( ? )", @username, @name, uids], :order => sort ) elsif uids.size == 1 ImapMessage.find(:all, :conditions => ["username = ? and folder_name = ? and uid = ? ", @username, @name, uids.first], :order => sort ) else return Array.new end end def message(uid) activate message = ImapMessage.find(:first, :conditions => ["username = ? and folder_name = ? and uid = ?", @username, @name, uid]) message.set_folder(self) message end def unseen activate load_total_unseen if !@cached @unseen_messages end def total activate load_total_unseen if !@cached @total_messages end def load_total_unseen stat = @mailbox.imap.status(@utf7_name, ["MESSAGES", "UNSEEN"]) @total_messages, @unseen_messages = stat["MESSAGES"], stat['UNSEEN'] @cached = true end def update_status @status ||= @mailbox.imap.status(@utf7_name, ["MESSAGES"]) end def subscribe @mailbox.imap.subscribe(@utf7_name) end def trash? self.name == CDF::CONFIG[:mail_trash] end end