## Introduction _Mailr_ is a IMAP mail client based on _Ruby on Rails_ platform. ## Installation guide **NOTE** All path and filenames are based on _Rails.root_ directory. ### Requirements In _Rails 3_ all dependencies should be defined in file _Gemfile_. All needed gems can be installed using bundler. ### Installation procedure * Checkout the source code. * If you need to override some of the default constants used in the application take a look at _config/default_site.rb_. Then create _config/site.rb_ that contains only the keys which you want to override. Example content of _config/site.rb_ is: ```ruby module CDF LOCALCONFIG = { :imap_server => 'your.imap.server' } end ``` * Configure SMTP settings ```ruby # initializers/smtp_settings.rb ActionMailer::Base.smtp_settings = { :address => "mail.example.com.py", :port => 26, :authentication => :plain, :enable_starttls_auto => true, :user_name => "emilio@example.com.py", :password => "yourpass" } ``` * Prepare config/database.yml file (see _config/database.yml.example_). Check if proper gems (sqlite3/mysql/postgresql) are defined in _Gemfile_ and installed. * Migrate database (rake db:migrate) * Use it.