version: 0.9.4 theme: olive locale: pl themes: [olive] locales: [en, pl] msgs_per_page_table: [15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50] msg_send_type: [html, text] msg_image_view_as: [attachment, thumbnail] msg_image_thumbnail_size: [128x128, 128x96, 192x192, 192x144, 256x256, 256x192] contacts_table_fields: [nick, first_name, last_name, email, info] contacts_per_page: 25 links_table_fields: [name, url, info] links_per_page: 30 servers_table_fields: [name, port, use_ssl, use_tls, for_imap, for_smtp, auth] msgs_per_page: 20 msgs_refresh_time: 300 msgs_send_type: html msgs_update_time: 600 msgs_inbox_view_fields: [from_addr, subject, date, size] msgs_sent_view_fields: [to_addr, subject, date, size] msg_subject_length: 50 msg_address_length: 35 msg_search_fields: [subject, from, to] msg_upload_dir: "tmp/uploads" contact_tmp_filename: contact_import # if encoding can not be get from data msg_unknown_charset: ISO-8859-2 imap_debug: true imap_use_ssl: 'false' imap_port: 143 imap_ssl_port: 993 imap_bye_timeout_retry_seconds: 2 imap_fetch_slice: 20 smtp_port: 25 session_encryption: true session_password: asDD3s2@sAdc983# mailbox_max_parent_folder_depth: 3 # array of logins which only can login to application, comment it to allow everyone to login only_can_logins: ['somelogin1']