function TinyMCE_default_getEditorTemplate() { var template = new Array(); template['html'] = '\ \ \ \
\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \
\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \
'; template['delta_width'] = 0; template['delta_height'] = -40; return template; } /** * Insert link template function. */ function TinyMCE_default_getInsertLinkTemplate() { var template = new Array(); template['file'] = 'link.htm'; template['width'] = 320; template['height'] = 200; // Language specific width and height addons template['width'] += tinyMCE.getLang('lang_insert_link_delta_width', 0); template['height'] += tinyMCE.getLang('lang_insert_link_delta_height', 0); return template; } /** * Insert image template function. */ function TinyMCE_default_getInsertImageTemplate() { var template = new Array(); template['file'] = 'image.htm'; template['width'] = 360; template['height'] = 200; // Language specific width and height addons template['width'] += tinyMCE.getLang('lang_insert_image_delta_width', 0); template['height'] += tinyMCE.getLang('lang_insert_image_delta_height', 0); return template; } function TinyMCE_default_handleNodeChange(editor_id, node) { // Reset old states tinyMCE.switchClassSticky(editor_id + '_left', 'mceButtonNormal'); tinyMCE.switchClassSticky(editor_id + '_right', 'mceButtonNormal'); tinyMCE.switchClassSticky(editor_id + '_center', 'mceButtonNormal'); tinyMCE.switchClassSticky(editor_id + '_full', 'mceButtonNormal'); tinyMCE.switchClassSticky(editor_id + '_bold', 'mceButtonNormal'); tinyMCE.switchClassSticky(editor_id + '_italic', 'mceButtonNormal'); tinyMCE.switchClassSticky(editor_id + '_underline', 'mceButtonNormal'); tinyMCE.switchClassSticky(editor_id + '_strikethrough', 'mceButtonNormal'); tinyMCE.switchClassSticky(editor_id + '_bullist', 'mceButtonNormal'); tinyMCE.switchClassSticky(editor_id + '_numlist', 'mceButtonNormal'); // Handle align attributes alignNode = node; breakOut = false; do { if (!alignNode.getAttribute || !alignNode.getAttribute('align')) continue; switch (alignNode.getAttribute('align').toLowerCase()) { case "left": tinyMCE.switchClassSticky(editor_id + '_left', 'mceButtonSelected'); breakOut = true; break; case "right": tinyMCE.switchClassSticky(editor_id + '_right', 'mceButtonSelected'); breakOut = true; break; case "middle": case "center": tinyMCE.switchClassSticky(editor_id + '_center', 'mceButtonSelected'); breakOut = true; break; case "justify": tinyMCE.switchClassSticky(editor_id + '_full', 'mceButtonSelected'); breakOut = true; break; } } while (!breakOut && (alignNode = alignNode.parentNode)); // Handle elements do { switch (node.nodeName.toLowerCase()) { case "b": case "strong": tinyMCE.switchClassSticky(editor_id + '_bold', 'mceButtonSelected'); break; case "i": case "em": tinyMCE.switchClassSticky(editor_id + '_italic', 'mceButtonSelected'); break; case "u": tinyMCE.switchClassSticky(editor_id + '_underline', 'mceButtonSelected'); break; case "strike": tinyMCE.switchClassSticky(editor_id + '_strikethrough', 'mceButtonSelected'); break; case "ul": tinyMCE.switchClassSticky(editor_id + '_bullist', 'mceButtonSelected'); break; case "ol": tinyMCE.switchClassSticky(editor_id + '_numlist', 'mceButtonSelected'); break; } } while ((node = node.parentNode)); }