#!/usr/bin/env ruby require 'shellwords' require 'getoptlong' require 'json' require 'pathname' require 'shell' require 'uri' class RequiredGems attr_reader :requires, :failed def self.require &block rg = new block.call rg, &rg.method(:push) rg.require end def initialize @requires, @failed = [], [] end def push lib, gem = nil, name = nil gem ||= lib name ||= gem @requires.push [lib, gem, name] end def try_require lib require lib true rescue LoadError false end def require lib = nil return super lib if lib # if lib given, require it. @failed = @requires.reject {|(lib, _, _)| try_require lib } return if @failed.empty? STDERR.puts <( other) version <=> other.version end def to_s r = "linux-#{version} (#{moniker})" r += " (EOL)" if end_of_life? r end end class Fetched attr_reader :dir def initialize dir @dir = Pathname.new dir end def make *opts, &block block ||= lambda {|rd| IO::copy_stream rd, STDOUT } dir = @dir.to_s rd, wr = IO.pipe pid = fork do STDOUT.reopen wr rd.close exec 'make', '-C', dir, *opts end wr.close wr = nil reader = Thread.new { block.call rd } Process.waitpid pid raise Base::MakeFailed, "make #{opts.join ' '}" unless 0 == $?.exitstatus reader.value ensure rd.close if rd wr.close if wr end def version @version ||= make '-is', 'kernelversion' do |rd| Versionomy.parse rd.readlines.join.chomp end end def config dir + '.config' end def configured? return @configured if @configured @configured = config.exist? end def <=>( other) version <=> other.version end def to_s r = "#{dir}" r += " #{version}" if @version r += " #{configured? ? :configured : 'not configured'}" if nil != @configured r end def open_config opts = nil, &block opts ||= 'r' if block_given? File.open config, opts, &block else File.open config, opts end end def import_config_from_io( io) open_config('w') {|c| io.each_line {|l| c.print l } } end def import_config file_or_io_or_fetched info "Import config #{file_or_io_or_fetched}" case file_or_io_or_fetched when IO then import_config_from_io file_or_io_or_fetched when Fetched file_or_io_or_fetched.open_config &method(:import_config_from_io) else File.open file_or_io_or_fetched.to_s, &method(:import_config_from_io) end end def oldconfig info 'make oldconfig' make 'oldconfig' end def menuconfig info 'make menuconfig' make 'menuconfig' end def compile info 'make all' make 'all' end def install info 'make modules_install install' make 'modules_install', 'install' end def info text STDERR.puts "[#{version}] #{text}" end end class Base class Error #{tarball}" if true raise DownloadFailed, uri unless Kernel.system( 'wget', '-c', '-O', dest.to_s, uri.to_s) else done = dest.size p dest => done dest.open 'a+' do |fd| streamer = lambda do |chunk, remaining, total| fd.write chunk count = total - remaining STDERR.print "\rloading %s/%s % 3d%%\e[J" % [ format_bytes(count), format_bytes(total), 100.0*count/total ] end res = Excon.get uri.to_s, response_block: streamer, expects: 200, headers: {'Range' => "#{done}-" } end end dest.rename file end def _unpack tarball, destdir info "Unpack #{tarball} => #{destdir}" unless Kernel.system 'tar', '-C', destdir.to_s, '-xf', tarball.to_s raise UnpackFailed, tarball end end def download release_or_uri uri = case release_or_uri when Release then release_or_uri.source when URI, String then URI.parse release_or_uri.to_s else raise UnexpectedThingToDownload, "This is no URI, String or Release" end # We do not understand anything else than operating systems with / as separator @cache_dir.mkdir 0755 unless @cache_dir.exist? tarball = @cache_dir + File.basename( uri.path) _download uri, tarball unless tarball.exist? _unpack tarball, @sources_base_dir end def oldconfig_prepare version = nil, config = nil version = find_fetched_version version config = case config when lambda {|x| Pathname.new( config.to_s).exist? } then config when nil, false then configured.max.config else find_fetched_version( config).config end [version, config] end end class Cmd < Thor class Error < Exception end class NoAvailableRelease < Error end class InvalidVersionType < Error end option :latest, type: :boolean, aliases: '-l', desc: 'Only the most actual linux kernel.' option :moniker, type: :string, aliases: '-m', desc: 'stable, mainline, longterm (default: no moniker)' desc 'releases [MONIKER]', 'Prints known linux-kernel releases' def releases moniker = nil listing base.releases_moniker( moniker || options[:moniker]) end option :latest, type: :boolean, aliases: '-l', desc: 'Only the most actual linux kernel.' desc 'fetched', 'Prints all fetched linux-kernel' def fetched listing base.fetched end option :print, type: :boolean, aliases: '-p', desc: 'Only print the URI. No fetch.' option :any, type: :boolean, aliases: '-a', desc: 'Select any versions.' option :longterm, type: :boolean, aliases: '-o', desc: 'Select long term versions.' option :stable, type: :boolean, aliases: '-s', desc: 'Select stable versions (default).' option :mainline, type: :boolean, aliases: '-m', desc: 'Select mainline versions.' desc 'fetch [VERSION]', 'Download linux-kernel' def fetch version = nil rs = nil if version version = Versionomy.parse version rs = base.releases.select! {|r| version == r.version } else moniker = :stable moniker = :mainline if options[:mainline] moniker = nil if options[:any] rs = base.releases_moniker moniker.to_s end release = rs.max raise NoAvailableRelease, "There is no available release which matchs your wishes." unless release if options[:print] puts release.source return end base.download release end desc 'importconfig [VERSION] [CONFIG]', 'Imports an other config from file or an other source directory. (default: most actual version with config to most actual version).' def importconfig version = nil, config = nil version, config = base.oldconfig_prepare( version, options[:config]) version.import_config config if config end option :config, type: :string, aliases: '-c', default: false, desc: 'Which pre existing config should be used? Can be an other linux-VERSION with an old config or a config-file. --no-config will prevent copying a config.' desc 'oldconfig [VERSION]', 'Configure linux-VERSION (default: most actual version).' long_desc <<-ELD First it will copy an older config to your sources-directory, if needed and not --no-config. If you use `--config CONFIG`, the existing config will be replaced by CONFIG! Second make oldconfig will called. ELD def oldconfig version = nil version, config = base.oldconfig_prepare( version, options[:config]) version.import_config config if nil != options['config'] and config and not version.config.exist? version.oldconfig end option :config, type: :string, aliases: '-c', default: false, desc: 'Which pre existing config should be used? Can be an other linux-VERSION with an old config or a config-file. --no-config will prevent copying a config.' desc 'oldconfig [VERSION]', 'Configure linux-VERSION (default: most actual version).' long_desc <<-ELD First it will copy an older config to your sources-directory, if needed and not --no-config. If you use `--config CONFIG`, the existing config will be replaced by CONFIG! Second make oldconfig will called. ELD desc 'menuconfig|configure [VERSION]', 'Configure your linux-VERSION. (default: most actual version).' def menuconfig version = nil version, config = base.oldconfig_prepare( version, options[:config]) version.import_config config if nil != options['config'] and config and not version.config.exist? version.menuconfig end map configure: :menuconfig desc 'compile [VERSION]', 'Will compile kernel and modules.' def compile version = nil version = base.find_fetched_version version version.compile end desc 'install [VERSION]', 'Will install kernel and modules. It will trigger updating third-party-modules.' def install version = nil version = base.find_fetched_version version version.install end desc 'all [VERSION]', 'Will oldconfig, compile and install kernel and modules. See these methods.' def all version = nil version, config = base.oldconfig_prepare( version, options[:config]) version.import_config config if nil != options['config'] and config and not version.config.exist? version.oldconfig version.compile version.install end option :any, type: :boolean, aliases: '-a', desc: 'Select any versions.' option :longterm, type: :boolean, aliases: '-o', desc: 'Select long term versions.' option :stable, type: :boolean, aliases: '-s', desc: 'Select stable versions (default).' option :mainline, type: :boolean, aliases: '-m', desc: 'Select mainline versions.' desc 'update [VERSION]', 'Download, compile and install linux-kernel' def update version = nil fetch version all version end no_commands do def base @base ||= Base.new end def listing list list.each do |e| e.configured? if e.is_a? Fetched end if options[:latest] puts list.max else puts list.sort {|a,b|b<=>a} end end end end end begin # if __FILE__ == $0 $debug = true if $DEBUG LinuxUpdate::Cmd.start ARGV rescue LinuxUpdate::Cmd::Error, LinuxUpdate::Base::Error STDERR.puts "Error: #{$!}" STDERR.puts $!.backtrace.map {|c| "\t#{c}" } if $debug raise #exit 1 rescue Object STDERR.puts "Unknown and unexpected Error: #{$!} (#{$!.class})" STDERR.puts $!.backtrace.map {|c| "\t#{c}" } if $debug raise #exit 2 end if __FILE__ == $0