Gianni Chiappetta a03f040dbf Merge branch 'master' into proxy-native-bind
* master: (194 commits)
  Revert "Make sure that focusin/focusout bubbles in non-IE browsers." This was causing problems with the focusin event, see: #7340.
  Replaces "text in-between" technique with a full-fledged one-level transitive search for converters (unit tests added). Also cleans up auto dataType determination and adds converter checks in order to guess the best dataType possible.
  Moves determineResponse logic into main ajax callback. Puts responseXXX fields definitions into ajaxSettings.
  Removes misleading comment.
  Bring jQuery('#id') and jQuery('body') logic back into core (while leaving it in Sizzle at the same time). Was causing too much of a performance hit to leave it all to Sizzle.
  Renames Deferred's fire and fireReject methods as resolveWith and rejectWith respectively.
  Fix typo in regex tweak from previous commit.
  Renames determineDataType as determineResponse. Makes it more generic as a first step into integrating the logic into the main ajax done callback. Also fixes some comments in ajax/xhr.js.
  Move jQuery(...) selector speed-up logic into Sizzle(...) qSA handling. Additionally add in a new catch for Sizzle('.class') (avoid using qSA and use getElementsByClassName instead, where applicable).
  Revises the way arguments are handled in ajax.
  Makes sure statusCode callbacks are ordered in the same way success and error callbacks are. Unit tests added.
  Cleans up and simplifies code shared by ajaxPrefilter and ajaxTransport. Removes chainability of ajaxSetup, ajaxPrefilter and ajaxTransport. Also makes sure context is handled properly by ajaxSetup (unit test added).
  Rework unit tests to check actual result elements.
  Moves active counter test after all other ajax tests where it should be.
  Revised the Nokia support fallback. It turns out that Nokia supports the documentElement property but does not define document.compatMode. Adding this third fallback allows Nokia to run jQuery error-free and return proper values for window width and height.
  Moves things around to make jsLint happier.
  Fixes crossDomain test so that it assumes port to be 80 for http and 443 for https when it is not provided.
  Moves determineDataType into ajaxSettings so that it is accessible to transports without the need for a second argument and so that we can now pass the original options to the transport instead. Also ensures the original options are actually propagated to prefilters (they were not).
  Re-adds hastily removed variable and simplifies statusCode based callbacks handling.
  Use undefined instead of 0 to deference transport for clarity.

2011-01-21 09:58:55 -05:00

1208 lines
38 KiB

module("core", { teardown: moduleTeardown });
test("Basic requirements", function() {
ok( Array.prototype.push, "Array.push()" );
ok( Function.prototype.apply, "Function.apply()" );
ok( document.getElementById, "getElementById" );
ok( document.getElementsByTagName, "getElementsByTagName" );
ok( RegExp, "RegExp" );
ok( jQuery, "jQuery" );
ok( $, "$" );
test("jQuery()", function() {
// Basic constructor's behavior
equals( jQuery().length, 0, "jQuery() === jQuery([])" );
equals( jQuery(undefined).length, 0, "jQuery(undefined) === jQuery([])" );
equals( jQuery(null).length, 0, "jQuery(null) === jQuery([])" );
equals( jQuery("").length, 0, "jQuery('') === jQuery([])" );
var obj = jQuery("div");
equals( jQuery(obj).selector, "div", "jQuery(jQueryObj) == jQueryObj" );
// can actually yield more than one, when iframes are included, the window is an array as well
equals( jQuery(window).length, 1, "Correct number of elements generated for jQuery(window)" );
var main = jQuery("#main");
same( jQuery("div p", main).get(), q("sndp", "en", "sap"), "Basic selector with jQuery object as context" );
// disabled since this test was doing nothing. i tried to fix it but i'm not sure
// what the expected behavior should even be. FF returns "\n" for the text node
// make sure this is handled
var crlfContainer = jQuery('<p>\r\n</p>');
var x = crlfContainer.contents().get(0).nodeValue;
equals( x, what???, "Check for \\r and \\n in jQuery()" );
/* // Disabled until we add this functionality in
var pass = true;
try {
} catch(e){
pass = false;
ok( pass, "jQuery('&lt;tag&gt;') needs optional document parameter to ease cross-frame DOM wrangling, see #968" );*/
var code = jQuery("<code/>");
equals( code.length, 1, "Correct number of elements generated for code" );
equals( code.parent().length, 0, "Make sure that the generated HTML has no parent." );
var img = jQuery("<img/>");
equals( img.length, 1, "Correct number of elements generated for img" );
equals( img.parent().length, 0, "Make sure that the generated HTML has no parent." );
var div = jQuery("<div/><hr/><code/><b/>");
equals( div.length, 4, "Correct number of elements generated for div hr code b" );
equals( div.parent().length, 0, "Make sure that the generated HTML has no parent." );
equals( jQuery([1,2,3]).get(1), 2, "Test passing an array to the factory" );
equals( jQuery(document.body).get(0), jQuery('body').get(0), "Test passing an html node to the factory" );
var exec = false;
var elem = jQuery("<div/>", {
width: 10,
css: { paddingLeft:1, paddingRight:1 },
click: function(){ ok(exec, "Click executed."); },
text: "test",
"class": "test2",
id: "test3"
equals( elem[0].style.width, '10px', 'jQuery() quick setter width');
equals( elem[0].style.paddingLeft, '1px', 'jQuery quick setter css');
equals( elem[0].style.paddingRight, '1px', 'jQuery quick setter css');
equals( elem[0].childNodes.length, 1, 'jQuery quick setter text');
equals( elem[0].firstChild.nodeValue, "test", 'jQuery quick setter text');
equals( elem[0].className, "test2", 'jQuery() quick setter class');
equals( elem[0].id, "test3", 'jQuery() quick setter id');
exec = true;
// manually clean up detached elements
for ( var i = 0; i < 3; ++i ) {
elem = jQuery("<input type='text' value='TEST' />");
equals( elem[0].defaultValue, "TEST", "Ensure cached nodes are cloned properly (Bug #6655)" );
// manually clean up detached elements
test("selector state", function() {
var test;
test = jQuery(undefined);
equals( test.selector, "", "Empty jQuery Selector" );
equals( test.context, undefined, "Empty jQuery Context" );
test = jQuery(document);
equals( test.selector, "", "Document Selector" );
equals( test.context, document, "Document Context" );
test = jQuery(document.body);
equals( test.selector, "", "Body Selector" );
equals( test.context, document.body, "Body Context" );
test = jQuery("#main");
equals( test.selector, "#main", "#main Selector" );
equals( test.context, document, "#main Context" );
test = jQuery("#notfoundnono");
equals( test.selector, "#notfoundnono", "#notfoundnono Selector" );
equals( test.context, document, "#notfoundnono Context" );
test = jQuery("#main", document);
equals( test.selector, "#main", "#main Selector" );
equals( test.context, document, "#main Context" );
test = jQuery("#main", document.body);
equals( test.selector, "#main", "#main Selector" );
equals( test.context, document.body, "#main Context" );
// Test cloning
test = jQuery(test);
equals( test.selector, "#main", "#main Selector" );
equals( test.context, document.body, "#main Context" );
test = jQuery(document.body).find("#main");
equals( test.selector, "#main", "#main find Selector" );
equals( test.context, document.body, "#main find Context" );
test = jQuery("#main").filter("div");
equals( test.selector, "#main.filter(div)", "#main filter Selector" );
equals( test.context, document, "#main filter Context" );
test = jQuery("#main").not("div");
equals( test.selector, "#main.not(div)", "#main not Selector" );
equals( test.context, document, "#main not Context" );
test = jQuery("#main").filter("div").not("div");
equals( test.selector, "#main.filter(div).not(div)", "#main filter, not Selector" );
equals( test.context, document, "#main filter, not Context" );
test = jQuery("#main").filter("div").not("div").end();
equals( test.selector, "#main.filter(div)", "#main filter, not, end Selector" );
equals( test.context, document, "#main filter, not, end Context" );
test = jQuery("#main").parent("body");
equals( test.selector, "#main.parent(body)", "#main parent Selector" );
equals( test.context, document, "#main parent Context" );
test = jQuery("#main").eq(0);
equals( test.selector, "#main.slice(0,1)", "#main eq Selector" );
equals( test.context, document, "#main eq Context" );
var d = "<div />";
"manipulation methods make same selector for jQuery objects"
if ( !isLocal ) {
test("browser", function() {
jQuery.get("data/ua.txt", function(data){
var uas = data.split("\n");
expect( (uas.length - 1) * 2 );
jQuery.each(uas, function(){
var parts = this.split("\t");
if ( parts[2] ) {
var ua = jQuery.uaMatch( parts[2] );
equals( ua.browser, parts[0], "Checking browser for " + parts[2] );
equals( ua.version, parts[1], "Checking version string for " + parts[2] );
test("noConflict", function() {
var $$ = jQuery;
equals( jQuery, jQuery.noConflict(), "noConflict returned the jQuery object" );
equals( jQuery, $$, "Make sure jQuery wasn't touched." );
equals( $, original$, "Make sure $ was reverted." );
jQuery = $ = $$;
equals( jQuery.noConflict(true), $$, "noConflict returned the jQuery object" );
equals( jQuery, originaljQuery, "Make sure jQuery was reverted." );
equals( $, original$, "Make sure $ was reverted." );
ok( $$("#main").html("test"), "Make sure that jQuery still works." );
jQuery = $$;
test("trim", function() {
var nbsp = String.fromCharCode(160);
equals( jQuery.trim("hello "), "hello", "trailing space" );
equals( jQuery.trim(" hello"), "hello", "leading space" );
equals( jQuery.trim(" hello "), "hello", "space on both sides" );
equals( jQuery.trim(" " + nbsp + "hello " + nbsp + " "), "hello", "&nbsp;" );
equals( jQuery.trim(), "", "Nothing in." );
equals( jQuery.trim( undefined ), "", "Undefined" );
equals( jQuery.trim( null ), "", "Null" );
equals( jQuery.trim( 5 ), "5", "Number" );
equals( jQuery.trim( false ), "false", "Boolean" );
test("type", function() {
equals( jQuery.type(null), "null", "null" );
equals( jQuery.type(undefined), "undefined", "undefined" );
equals( jQuery.type(true), "boolean", "Boolean" );
equals( jQuery.type(false), "boolean", "Boolean" );
equals( jQuery.type(Boolean(true)), "boolean", "Boolean" );
equals( jQuery.type(0), "number", "Number" );
equals( jQuery.type(1), "number", "Number" );
equals( jQuery.type(Number(1)), "number", "Number" );
equals( jQuery.type(""), "string", "String" );
equals( jQuery.type("a"), "string", "String" );
equals( jQuery.type(String("a")), "string", "String" );
equals( jQuery.type({}), "object", "Object" );
equals( jQuery.type(/foo/), "regexp", "RegExp" );
equals( jQuery.type(new RegExp("asdf")), "regexp", "RegExp" );
equals( jQuery.type([1]), "array", "Array" );
equals( jQuery.type(new Date()), "date", "Date" );
equals( jQuery.type(new Function("return;")), "function", "Function" );
equals( jQuery.type(function(){}), "function", "Function" );
equals( jQuery.type(window), "object", "Window" );
equals( jQuery.type(document), "object", "Document" );
equals( jQuery.type(document.body), "object", "Element" );
equals( jQuery.type(document.createTextNode("foo")), "object", "TextNode" );
equals( jQuery.type(document.getElementsByTagName("*")), "object", "NodeList" );
test("isPlainObject", function() {
// The use case that we want to match
ok(jQuery.isPlainObject({}), "{}");
// Not objects shouldn't be matched
ok(!jQuery.isPlainObject(""), "string");
ok(!jQuery.isPlainObject(0) && !jQuery.isPlainObject(1), "number");
ok(!jQuery.isPlainObject(true) && !jQuery.isPlainObject(false), "boolean");
ok(!jQuery.isPlainObject(null), "null");
ok(!jQuery.isPlainObject(undefined), "undefined");
// Arrays shouldn't be matched
ok(!jQuery.isPlainObject([]), "array");
// Instantiated objects shouldn't be matched
ok(!jQuery.isPlainObject(new Date), "new Date");
var fn = function(){};
// Functions shouldn't be matched
ok(!jQuery.isPlainObject(fn), "fn");
// Again, instantiated objects shouldn't be matched
ok(!jQuery.isPlainObject(new fn), "new fn (no methods)");
// Makes the function a little more realistic
// (and harder to detect, incidentally)
fn.prototype = {someMethod: function(){}};
// Again, instantiated objects shouldn't be matched
ok(!jQuery.isPlainObject(new fn), "new fn");
// DOM Element
ok(!jQuery.isPlainObject(document.createElement("div")), "DOM Element");
// Window
ok(!jQuery.isPlainObject(window), "window");
try {
var iframe = document.createElement("iframe");
window.iframeDone = function(otherObject){
// Objects from other windows should be matched
ok(jQuery.isPlainObject(new otherObject), "new otherObject");
document.body.removeChild( iframe );
var doc = iframe.contentDocument || iframe.contentWindow.document;
doc.write("<body onload='window.parent.iframeDone(Object);'>");
} catch(e) {
document.body.removeChild( iframe );
ok(true, "new otherObject - iframes not supported");
test("isFunction", function() {
// Make sure that false values return false
ok( !jQuery.isFunction(), "No Value" );
ok( !jQuery.isFunction( null ), "null Value" );
ok( !jQuery.isFunction( undefined ), "undefined Value" );
ok( !jQuery.isFunction( "" ), "Empty String Value" );
ok( !jQuery.isFunction( 0 ), "0 Value" );
// Check built-ins
// Safari uses "(Internal Function)"
ok( jQuery.isFunction(String), "String Function("+String+")" );
ok( jQuery.isFunction(Array), "Array Function("+Array+")" );
ok( jQuery.isFunction(Object), "Object Function("+Object+")" );
ok( jQuery.isFunction(Function), "Function Function("+Function+")" );
// When stringified, this could be misinterpreted
var mystr = "function";
ok( !jQuery.isFunction(mystr), "Function String" );
// When stringified, this could be misinterpreted
var myarr = [ "function" ];
ok( !jQuery.isFunction(myarr), "Function Array" );
// When stringified, this could be misinterpreted
var myfunction = { "function": "test" };
ok( !jQuery.isFunction(myfunction), "Function Object" );
// Make sure normal functions still work
var fn = function(){};
ok( jQuery.isFunction(fn), "Normal Function" );
var obj = document.createElement("object");
// Firefox says this is a function
ok( !jQuery.isFunction(obj), "Object Element" );
// IE says this is an object
// Since 1.3, this isn't supported (#2968)
//ok( jQuery.isFunction(obj.getAttribute), "getAttribute Function" );
var nodes = document.body.childNodes;
// Safari says this is a function
ok( !jQuery.isFunction(nodes), "childNodes Property" );
var first = document.body.firstChild;
// Normal elements are reported ok everywhere
ok( !jQuery.isFunction(first), "A normal DOM Element" );
var input = document.createElement("input");
input.type = "text";
document.body.appendChild( input );
// IE says this is an object
// Since 1.3, this isn't supported (#2968)
//ok( jQuery.isFunction(input.focus), "A default function property" );
document.body.removeChild( input );
var a = document.createElement("a");
a.href = "some-function";
document.body.appendChild( a );
// This serializes with the word 'function' in it
ok( !jQuery.isFunction(a), "Anchor Element" );
document.body.removeChild( a );
// Recursive function calls have lengths and array-like properties
function callme(callback){
function fn(response){
ok( jQuery.isFunction(fn), "Recursive Function Call" );
fn({ some: "data" });
test("isXMLDoc - HTML", function() {
ok( !jQuery.isXMLDoc( document ), "HTML document" );
ok( !jQuery.isXMLDoc( document.documentElement ), "HTML documentElement" );
ok( !jQuery.isXMLDoc( document.body ), "HTML Body Element" );
var iframe = document.createElement("iframe");
document.body.appendChild( iframe );
try {
var body = jQuery(iframe).contents()[0];
try {
ok( !jQuery.isXMLDoc( body ), "Iframe body element" );
} catch(e) {
ok( false, "Iframe body element exception" );
} catch(e) {
ok( true, "Iframe body element - iframe not working correctly" );
document.body.removeChild( iframe );
if ( !isLocal ) {
test("isXMLDoc - XML", function() {
jQuery.get('data/dashboard.xml', function(xml) {
ok( jQuery.isXMLDoc( xml ), "XML document" );
ok( jQuery.isXMLDoc( xml.documentElement ), "XML documentElement" );
ok( jQuery.isXMLDoc( jQuery("tab", xml)[0] ), "XML Tab Element" );
test("isWindow", function() {
expect( 12 );
ok( jQuery.isWindow(window), "window" );
ok( !jQuery.isWindow(), "empty" );
ok( !jQuery.isWindow(null), "null" );
ok( !jQuery.isWindow(undefined), "undefined" );
ok( !jQuery.isWindow(document), "document" );
ok( !jQuery.isWindow(document.documentElement), "documentElement" );
ok( !jQuery.isWindow(""), "string" );
ok( !jQuery.isWindow(1), "number" );
ok( !jQuery.isWindow(true), "boolean" );
ok( !jQuery.isWindow({}), "object" );
// ok( !jQuery.isWindow({ setInterval: function(){} }), "fake window" );
ok( !jQuery.isWindow(/window/), "regexp" );
ok( !jQuery.isWindow(function(){}), "function" );
test("jQuery('html')", function() {
jQuery.foo = false;
var s = jQuery("<script>jQuery.foo='test';</script>")[0];
ok( s, "Creating a script" );
ok( !jQuery.foo, "Make sure the script wasn't executed prematurely" );
ok( jQuery.foo, "Executing a scripts contents in the right context" );
// Test multi-line HTML
var div = jQuery("<div>\r\nsome text\n<p>some p</p>\nmore text\r\n</div>")[0];
equals( div.nodeName.toUpperCase(), "DIV", "Make sure we're getting a div." );
equals( div.firstChild.nodeType, 3, "Text node." );
equals( div.lastChild.nodeType, 3, "Text node." );
equals( div.childNodes[1].nodeType, 1, "Paragraph." );
equals( div.childNodes[1].firstChild.nodeType, 3, "Paragraph text." );
ok( jQuery("<link rel='stylesheet'/>")[0], "Creating a link" );
ok( !jQuery("<script/>")[0].parentNode, "Create a script" );
ok( jQuery("<input/>").attr("type", "hidden"), "Create an input and set the type." );
var j = jQuery("<span>hi</span> there <!-- mon ami -->");
ok( j.length >= 2, "Check node,textnode,comment creation (some browsers delete comments)" );
ok( !jQuery("<option>test</option>")[0].selected, "Make sure that options are auto-selected #2050" );
ok( jQuery("<div></div>")[0], "Create a div with closing tag." );
ok( jQuery("<table></table>")[0], "Create a table with closing tag." );
test("jQuery('html', context)", function() {
var $div = jQuery("<div/>")[0];
var $span = jQuery("<span/>", $div);
equals($span.length, 1, "Verify a span created with a div context works, #1763");
if ( !isLocal ) {
test("jQuery(selector, xml).text(str) - Loaded via XML document", function() {
jQuery.get('data/dashboard.xml', function(xml) {
// tests for #1419 where IE was a problem
var tab = jQuery("tab", xml).eq(0);
equals( tab.text(), "blabla", "Verify initial text correct" );
equals( tab.text(), "newtext", "Verify new text correct" );
test("end()", function() {
equals( 'Yahoo', jQuery('#yahoo').parent().end().text(), 'Check for end' );
ok( jQuery('#yahoo').end(), 'Check for end with nothing to end' );
var x = jQuery('#yahoo');
equals( 'Yahoo', jQuery('#yahoo').text(), 'Check for non-destructive behaviour' );
test("length", function() {
equals( jQuery("p").length, 6, "Get Number of Elements Found" );
test("size()", function() {
equals( jQuery("p").size(), 6, "Get Number of Elements Found" );
test("get()", function() {
same( jQuery("p").get(), q("firstp","ap","sndp","en","sap","first"), "Get All Elements" );
test("toArray()", function() {
same( jQuery("p").toArray(),
"Convert jQuery object to an Array" )
test("get(Number)", function() {
equals( jQuery("p").get(0), document.getElementById("firstp"), "Get A Single Element" );
strictEqual( jQuery("#firstp").get(1), undefined, "Try get with index larger elements count" );
test("get(-Number)",function() {
equals( jQuery("p").get(-1), document.getElementById("first"), "Get a single element with negative index" );
strictEqual( jQuery("#firstp").get(-2), undefined, "Try get with index negative index larger then elements count" );
test("each(Function)", function() {
var div = jQuery("div");
div.each(function(){this.foo = 'zoo';});
var pass = true;
for ( var i = 0; i < div.size(); i++ ) {
if ( div.get(i).foo != "zoo" ) pass = false;
ok( pass, "Execute a function, Relative" );
test("slice()", function() {
var $links = jQuery("#ap a");
same( $links.slice(1,2).get(), q("groups"), "slice(1,2)" );
same( $links.slice(1).get(), q("groups", "anchor1", "mark"), "slice(1)" );
same( $links.slice(0,3).get(), q("google", "groups", "anchor1"), "slice(0,3)" );
same( $links.slice(-1).get(), q("mark"), "slice(-1)" );
same( $links.eq(1).get(), q("groups"), "eq(1)" );
same( $links.eq('2').get(), q("anchor1"), "eq('2')" );
same( $links.eq(-1).get(), q("mark"), "eq(-1)" );
test("first()/last()", function() {
var $links = jQuery("#ap a"), $none = jQuery("asdf");
same( $links.first().get(), q("google"), "first()" );
same( $links.last().get(), q("mark"), "last()" );
same( $none.first().get(), [], "first() none" );
same( $none.last().get(), [], "last() none" );
test("map()", function() {
return jQuery(this).find("a").get();
q("google", "groups", "anchor1", "mark"),
"Array Map"
jQuery("#ap > a").map(function(){
return this.parentNode;
"Single Map"
return;//these haven't been accepted yet
//for #2616
var keys = jQuery.map( {a:1,b:2}, function( v, k ){
return k;
}, [ ] );
equals( keys.join(""), "ab", "Map the keys from a hash to an array" );
var values = jQuery.map( {a:1,b:2}, function( v, k ){
return v;
}, [ ] );
equals( values.join(""), "12", "Map the values from a hash to an array" );
var scripts = document.getElementsByTagName("script");
var mapped = jQuery.map( scripts, function( v, k ){
return v;
}, {length:0} );
equals( mapped.length, scripts.length, "Map an array(-like) to a hash" );
var flat = jQuery.map( Array(4), function( v, k ){
return k % 2 ? k : [k,k,k];//try mixing array and regular returns
equals( flat.join(""), "00012223", "try the new flatten technique(#2616)" );
test("jQuery.merge()", function() {
var parse = jQuery.merge;
same( parse([],[]), [], "Empty arrays" );
same( parse([1],[2]), [1,2], "Basic" );
same( parse([1,2],[3,4]), [1,2,3,4], "Basic" );
same( parse([1,2],[]), [1,2], "Second empty" );
same( parse([],[1,2]), [1,2], "First empty" );
// Fixed at [5998], #3641
same( parse([-2,-1], [0,1,2]), [-2,-1,0,1,2], "Second array including a zero (falsy)");
// After fixing #5527
same( parse([], [null, undefined]), [null, undefined], "Second array including null and undefined values");
same( parse({length:0}, [1,2]), {length:2, 0:1, 1:2}, "First array like");
test("jQuery.extend(Object, Object)", function() {
var settings = { xnumber1: 5, xnumber2: 7, xstring1: "peter", xstring2: "pan" },
options = { xnumber2: 1, xstring2: "x", xxx: "newstring" },
optionsCopy = { xnumber2: 1, xstring2: "x", xxx: "newstring" },
merged = { xnumber1: 5, xnumber2: 1, xstring1: "peter", xstring2: "x", xxx: "newstring" },
deep1 = { foo: { bar: true } },
deep1copy = { foo: { bar: true } },
deep2 = { foo: { baz: true }, foo2: document },
deep2copy = { foo: { baz: true }, foo2: document },
deepmerged = { foo: { bar: true, baz: true }, foo2: document },
arr = [1, 2, 3],
nestedarray = { arr: arr };
jQuery.extend(settings, options);
same( settings, merged, "Check if extended: settings must be extended" );
same( options, optionsCopy, "Check if not modified: options must not be modified" );
jQuery.extend(settings, null, options);
same( settings, merged, "Check if extended: settings must be extended" );
same( options, optionsCopy, "Check if not modified: options must not be modified" );
jQuery.extend(true, deep1, deep2);
same( deep1.foo, deepmerged.foo, "Check if foo: settings must be extended" );
same( deep2.foo, deep2copy.foo, "Check if not deep2: options must not be modified" );
equals( deep1.foo2, document, "Make sure that a deep clone was not attempted on the document" );
ok( jQuery.extend(true, {}, nestedarray).arr !== arr, "Deep extend of object must clone child array" );
// #5991
ok( jQuery.isArray( jQuery.extend(true, { arr: {} }, nestedarray).arr ), "Cloned array heve to be an Array" );
ok( jQuery.isPlainObject( jQuery.extend(true, { arr: arr }, { arr: {} }).arr ), "Cloned object heve to be an plain object" );
var empty = {};
var optionsWithLength = { foo: { length: -1 } };
jQuery.extend(true, empty, optionsWithLength);
same( empty.foo, optionsWithLength.foo, "The length property must copy correctly" );
empty = {};
var optionsWithDate = { foo: { date: new Date } };
jQuery.extend(true, empty, optionsWithDate);
same( empty.foo, optionsWithDate.foo, "Dates copy correctly" );
var myKlass = function() {};
var customObject = new myKlass();
var optionsWithCustomObject = { foo: { date: customObject } };
empty = {};
jQuery.extend(true, empty, optionsWithCustomObject);
ok( empty.foo && empty.foo.date === customObject, "Custom objects copy correctly (no methods)" );
// Makes the class a little more realistic
myKlass.prototype = { someMethod: function(){} };
empty = {};
jQuery.extend(true, empty, optionsWithCustomObject);
ok( empty.foo && empty.foo.date === customObject, "Custom objects copy correctly" );
var ret = jQuery.extend(true, { foo: 4 }, { foo: new Number(5) } );
ok( ret.foo == 5, "Wrapped numbers copy correctly" );
var nullUndef;
nullUndef = jQuery.extend({}, options, { xnumber2: null });
ok( nullUndef.xnumber2 === null, "Check to make sure null values are copied");
nullUndef = jQuery.extend({}, options, { xnumber2: undefined });
ok( nullUndef.xnumber2 === options.xnumber2, "Check to make sure undefined values are not copied");
nullUndef = jQuery.extend({}, options, { xnumber0: null });
ok( nullUndef.xnumber0 === null, "Check to make sure null values are inserted");
var target = {};
var recursive = { foo:target, bar:5 };
jQuery.extend(true, target, recursive);
same( target, { bar:5 }, "Check to make sure a recursive obj doesn't go never-ending loop by not copying it over" );
var ret = jQuery.extend(true, { foo: [] }, { foo: [0] } ); // 1907
equals( ret.foo.length, 1, "Check to make sure a value with coersion 'false' copies over when necessary to fix #1907" );
var ret = jQuery.extend(true, { foo: "1,2,3" }, { foo: [1, 2, 3] } );
ok( typeof ret.foo != "string", "Check to make sure values equal with coersion (but not actually equal) overwrite correctly" );
var ret = jQuery.extend(true, { foo:"bar" }, { foo:null } );
ok( typeof ret.foo !== 'undefined', "Make sure a null value doesn't crash with deep extend, for #1908" );
var obj = { foo:null };
jQuery.extend(true, obj, { foo:"notnull" } );
equals( obj.foo, "notnull", "Make sure a null value can be overwritten" );
function func() {}
jQuery.extend(func, { key: "value" } );
equals( func.key, "value", "Verify a function can be extended" );
var defaults = { xnumber1: 5, xnumber2: 7, xstring1: "peter", xstring2: "pan" },
defaultsCopy = { xnumber1: 5, xnumber2: 7, xstring1: "peter", xstring2: "pan" },
options1 = { xnumber2: 1, xstring2: "x" },
options1Copy = { xnumber2: 1, xstring2: "x" },
options2 = { xstring2: "xx", xxx: "newstringx" },
options2Copy = { xstring2: "xx", xxx: "newstringx" },
merged2 = { xnumber1: 5, xnumber2: 1, xstring1: "peter", xstring2: "xx", xxx: "newstringx" };
var settings = jQuery.extend({}, defaults, options1, options2);
same( settings, merged2, "Check if extended: settings must be extended" );
same( defaults, defaultsCopy, "Check if not modified: options1 must not be modified" );
same( options1, options1Copy, "Check if not modified: options1 must not be modified" );
same( options2, options2Copy, "Check if not modified: options2 must not be modified" );
test("jQuery.each(Object,Function)", function() {
jQuery.each( [0,1,2], function(i, n){
equals( i, n, "Check array iteration" );
jQuery.each( [5,6,7], function(i, n){
equals( i, n - 5, "Check array iteration" );
jQuery.each( { name: "name", lang: "lang" }, function(i, n){
equals( i, n, "Check object iteration" );
var total = 0;
jQuery.each([1,2,3], function(i,v){ total += v; });
equals( total, 6, "Looping over an array" );
total = 0;
jQuery.each([1,2,3], function(i,v){ total += v; if ( i == 1 ) return false; });
equals( total, 3, "Looping over an array, with break" );
total = 0;
jQuery.each({"a":1,"b":2,"c":3}, function(i,v){ total += v; });
equals( total, 6, "Looping over an object" );
total = 0;
jQuery.each({"a":3,"b":3,"c":3}, function(i,v){ total += v; return false; });
equals( total, 3, "Looping over an object, with break" );
var f = function(){};
f.foo = 'bar';
jQuery.each(f, function(i){
f[i] = 'baz';
equals( "baz", f.foo, "Loop over a function" );
test("jQuery.makeArray", function(){
equals( jQuery.makeArray(jQuery('html>*'))[0].nodeName.toUpperCase(), "HEAD", "Pass makeArray a jQuery object" );
equals( jQuery.makeArray(document.getElementsByName("PWD")).slice(0,1)[0].name, "PWD", "Pass makeArray a nodelist" );
equals( (function(){ return jQuery.makeArray(arguments); })(1,2).join(""), "12", "Pass makeArray an arguments array" );
equals( jQuery.makeArray([1,2,3]).join(""), "123", "Pass makeArray a real array" );
equals( jQuery.makeArray().length, 0, "Pass nothing to makeArray and expect an empty array" );
equals( jQuery.makeArray( 0 )[0], 0 , "Pass makeArray a number" );
equals( jQuery.makeArray( "foo" )[0], "foo", "Pass makeArray a string" );
equals( jQuery.makeArray( true )[0].constructor, Boolean, "Pass makeArray a boolean" );
equals( jQuery.makeArray( document.createElement("div") )[0].nodeName.toUpperCase(), "DIV", "Pass makeArray a single node" );
equals( jQuery.makeArray( {length:2, 0:"a", 1:"b"} ).join(""), "ab", "Pass makeArray an array like map (with length)" );
ok( !!jQuery.makeArray( document.documentElement.childNodes ).slice(0,1)[0].nodeName, "Pass makeArray a childNodes array" );
// function, is tricky as it has length
equals( jQuery.makeArray( function(){ return 1;} )[0](), 1, "Pass makeArray a function" );
//window, also has length
equals( jQuery.makeArray(window)[0], window, "Pass makeArray the window" );
equals( jQuery.makeArray(/a/)[0].constructor, RegExp, "Pass makeArray a regex" );
ok( jQuery.makeArray(document.getElementById('form')).length >= 13, "Pass makeArray a form (treat as elements)" );
// For #5610
same( jQuery.makeArray({'length': '0'}), [], "Make sure object is coerced properly.");
same( jQuery.makeArray({'length': '5'}), [], "Make sure object is coerced properly.");
test("jQuery.isEmptyObject", function(){
equals(true, jQuery.isEmptyObject({}), "isEmptyObject on empty object literal" );
equals(false, jQuery.isEmptyObject({a:1}), "isEmptyObject on non-empty object literal" );
// What about this ?
// equals(true, jQuery.isEmptyObject(null), "isEmptyObject on null" );
test("jQuery.proxy", function(){
var test = function(){ equals( this, thisObject, "Make sure that scope is set properly." ); };
var thisObject = { foo: "bar", method: test };
// Make sure normal works
test.call( thisObject );
// Basic scoping
jQuery.proxy( test, thisObject )();
// Make sure it doesn't freak out
equals( jQuery.proxy( null, thisObject ), undefined, "Make sure no function was returned." );
// Partial application
var test2 = function( a ){ equals( a, "pre-applied", "Ensure arguments can be pre-applied." ); };
jQuery.proxy( test2, null, "pre-applied" )();
// Partial application w/ normal arguments
var test3 = function( a, b ){ equals( b, "normal", "Ensure arguments can be pre-applied and passed as usual." ); };
jQuery.proxy( test3, null, "pre-applied" )( "normal" );
test("jQuery.parseJSON", function(){
equals( jQuery.parseJSON(), null, "Nothing in, null out." );
equals( jQuery.parseJSON( null ), null, "Nothing in, null out." );
equals( jQuery.parseJSON( "" ), null, "Nothing in, null out." );
same( jQuery.parseJSON("{}"), {}, "Plain object parsing." );
same( jQuery.parseJSON('{"test":1}'), {"test":1}, "Plain object parsing." );
same( jQuery.parseJSON('\n{"test":1}'), {"test":1}, "Make sure leading whitespaces are handled." );
try {
ok( false, "Test malformed JSON string." );
} catch( e ) {
ok( true, "Test malformed JSON string." );
try {
ok( false, "Test malformed JSON string." );
} catch( e ) {
ok( true, "Test malformed JSON string." );
test("jQuery._Deferred()", function() {
expect( 10 );
var deferred,
deferred = jQuery._Deferred();
test = false;
deferred.done( function( value ) {
equals( value , "value" , "Test pre-resolve callback" );
test = true;
} );
deferred.resolve( "value" );
ok( test , "Test pre-resolve callbacks called right away" );
test = false;
deferred.done( function( value ) {
equals( value , "value" , "Test post-resolve callback" );
test = true;
} );
ok( test , "Test post-resolve callbacks called right away" );
test = true;
deferred.done( function() {
ok( false , "Cancel was ignored" );
test = false;
} );
ok( test , "Test cancel" );
deferred = jQuery._Deferred().resolve();
try {
deferred.done( function() {
throw "Error";
} , function() {
ok( true , "Test deferred do not cancel on exception" );
} );
} catch( e ) {
strictEqual( e , "Error" , "Test deferred propagates exceptions");
test = "";
deferred = jQuery._Deferred().done( function() {
test += "A";
}, function() {
test += "B";
} ).resolve();
strictEqual( test , "AB" , "Test multiple done parameters" );
test = "";
deferred.done( function() {
deferred.done( function() {
test += "C";
} );
test += "A";
}, function() {
test += "B";
} );
strictEqual( test , "ABC" , "Test done callbacks order" );
deferred = jQuery._Deferred();
deferred.resolveWith( jQuery , [ document ] ).done( function( doc ) {
ok( this === jQuery && arguments.length === 1 && doc === document , "Test fire context & args" );
test("jQuery.Deferred()", function() {
expect( 10 );
jQuery.Deferred( function( defer ) {
strictEqual( this , defer , "Defer passed as this & first argument" );
this.resolve( "done" );
}).then( function( value ) {
strictEqual( value , "done" , "Passed function executed" );
jQuery.Deferred().resolve().then( function() {
ok( true , "Success on resolve" );
}, function() {
ok( false , "Error on resolve" );
jQuery.Deferred().reject().then( function() {
ok( false , "Success on reject" );
}, function() {
ok( true , "Error on reject" );
( new jQuery.Deferred( function( defer ) {
strictEqual( this , defer , "Defer passed as this & first argument (new)" );
this.resolve( "done" );
}) ).then( function( value ) {
strictEqual( value , "done" , "Passed function executed (new)" );
( new jQuery.Deferred() ).resolve().then( function() {
ok( true , "Success on resolve (new)" );
}, function() {
ok( false , "Error on resolve (new)" );
( new jQuery.Deferred() ).reject().then( function() {
ok( false , "Success on reject (new)" );
}, function() {
ok( true , "Error on reject (new)" );
var tmp = jQuery.Deferred();
strictEqual( tmp.promise() , tmp.promise() , "Test deferred always return same promise" );
strictEqual( tmp.promise() , tmp.promise().promise() , "Test deferred's promise always return same promise as deferred" );
test("jQuery.when()", function() {
expect( 23 );
// Some other objects
jQuery.each( {
"an empty string": "",
"a non-empty string": "some string",
"zero": 0,
"a number other than zero": 1,
"true": true,
"false": false,
"null": null,
"undefined": undefined,
"a plain object": {}
} , function( message , value ) {
ok( jQuery.isFunction( jQuery.when( value ).then( function( resolveValue ) {
strictEqual( resolveValue , value , "Test the promise was resolved with " + message );
} ).promise ) , "Test " + message + " triggers the creation of a new Promise" );
} );
ok( jQuery.isFunction( jQuery.when().then( function( resolveValue ) {
strictEqual( resolveValue , undefined , "Test the promise was resolved with no parameter" );
} ).promise ) , "Test calling when with no parameter triggers the creation of a new Promise" );
var cache, i;
for( i = 1 ; i < 4 ; i++ ) {
jQuery.when( cache || jQuery.Deferred( function() {
this.resolve( i );
}) ).then( function( value ) {
strictEqual( value , 1 , "Function executed" + ( i > 1 ? " only once" : "" ) );
cache = value;
}, function() {
ok( false , "Fail called" );
test("jQuery.when() - joined", function() {
jQuery.when( 1, 2, 3 ).done( function( a, b, c ) {
strictEqual( a , 1 , "Test first param is first resolved value - non-observables" );
strictEqual( b , 2 , "Test second param is second resolved value - non-observables" );
strictEqual( c , 3 , "Test third param is third resolved value - non-observables" );
}).fail( function() {
ok( false , "Test the created deferred was resolved - non-observables");
var successDeferred = jQuery.Deferred().resolve( 1 , 2 , 3 ),
errorDeferred = jQuery.Deferred().reject( "error" , "errorParam" );
jQuery.when( 1 , successDeferred , 3 ).done( function( a, b, c ) {
strictEqual( a , 1 , "Test first param is first resolved value - resolved observable" );
same( b , [ 1 , 2 , 3 ] , "Test second param is second resolved value - resolved observable" );
strictEqual( c , 3 , "Test third param is third resolved value - resolved observable" );
}).fail( function() {
ok( false , "Test the created deferred was resolved - resolved observable");
jQuery.when( 1 , errorDeferred , 3 ).done( function() {
ok( false , "Test the created deferred was rejected - rejected observable");
}).fail( function( error , errorParam ) {
strictEqual( error , "error" , "Test first param is first rejected value - rejected observable" );
strictEqual( errorParam , "errorParam" , "Test second param is second rejected value - rejected observable" );
test("jQuery.subclass", function(){
var Subclass = jQuery.subclass(),
SubclassSubclass = Subclass.subclass(),
jQueryDocument = jQuery(document),
selectors, contexts, methods, method, arg, description;
jQueryDocument.toString = function(){ return 'jQueryDocument'; };
Subclass.fn.subclassMethod = function(){};
SubclassSubclass.fn.subclassSubclassMethod = function(){};
selectors = [
'html, body',
methods = [ // all methods that return a new jQuery instance
['eq', 1],
['add', document],
['closest', 'div'],
['filter', document],
['find', 'div']
contexts = [undefined, document, jQueryDocument];
jQuery.each(selectors, function(i, selector){
jQuery.each(methods, function(){
method = this[0];
arg = this[1];
jQuery.each(contexts, function(i, context){
description = '("'+selector+'", '+context+').'+method+'('+(arg||'')+')';
jQuery(selector, context)[method](arg).subclassMethod, undefined,
'jQuery'+description+' doesnt have Subclass methods'
jQuery(selector, context)[method](arg).subclassSubclassMethod, undefined,
'jQuery'+description+' doesnt have SubclassSubclass methods'
Subclass(selector, context)[method](arg).subclassMethod, Subclass.fn.subclassMethod,
'Subclass'+description+' has Subclass methods'
Subclass(selector, context)[method](arg).subclassSubclassMethod, undefined,
'Subclass'+description+' doesnt have SubclassSubclass methods'
SubclassSubclass(selector, context)[method](arg).subclassMethod, Subclass.fn.subclassMethod,
'SubclassSubclass'+description+' has Subclass methods'
SubclassSubclass(selector, context)[method](arg).subclassSubclassMethod, SubclassSubclass.fn.subclassSubclassMethod,
'SubclassSubclass'+description+' has SubclassSubclass methods'