281 lines
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281 lines
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test("expando", function(){
equals("expando" in jQuery, true, "jQuery is exposing the expando");
var obj = {};
equals( jQuery.expando in obj, true, "jQuery.data adds an expando to the object" );
equals( typeof obj[jQuery.expando], "function", "jQuery.data adds an expando to the object as a function" );
obj = {};
jQuery.data(obj, 'test');
equals( jQuery.expando in obj, false, "jQuery.data did not add an expando to the object" );
obj = {};
jQuery.data(obj, "foo", "bar");
equals( jQuery.expando in obj, true, "jQuery.data added an expando to the object" );
var id = obj[jQuery.expando]();
equals( id in jQuery.cache, false, "jQuery.data did not add an entry to jQuery.cache" );
equals( id.foo, "bar", "jQuery.data worked correctly" );
test("jQuery.data", function() {
var div = document.createElement("div");
ok( jQuery.data(div, "test") === undefined, "Check for no data exists" );
jQuery.data(div, "test", "success");
equals( jQuery.data(div, "test"), "success", "Check for added data" );
ok( jQuery.data(div, "notexist") === undefined, "Check for no data exists" );
var data = jQuery.data(div);
same( data, { "test": "success" }, "Return complete data set" );
jQuery.data(div, "test", "overwritten");
equals( jQuery.data(div, "test"), "overwritten", "Check for overwritten data" );
jQuery.data(div, "test", undefined);
equals( jQuery.data(div, "test"), "overwritten", "Check that data wasn't removed");
jQuery.data(div, "test", null);
ok( jQuery.data(div, "test") === null, "Check for null data");
jQuery.data(div, { "test": "in", "test2": "in2" });
equals( jQuery.data(div, "test"), "in", "Verify setting an object in data." );
equals( jQuery.data(div, "test2"), "in2", "Verify setting an object in data." );
var obj = {};
jQuery.data( obj, "prop", true );
ok( obj[ jQuery.expando ], "Data is being stored on the object." );
ok( obj[ jQuery.expando ]().prop, "Data is being stored on the object." );
equals( jQuery.data( obj, "prop" ), true, "Make sure the right value is retrieved." );
test(".data()", function() {
var div = jQuery("#foo");
div.data("test", "success");
same( div.data(), {test: "success"}, "data() get the entire data object" )
test(".data(String) and .data(String, Object)", function() {
var parent = jQuery("<div><div></div></div>"),
div = parent.children();
.bind("getData", function(){ ok( false, "getData bubbled." ) })
.bind("setData", function(){ ok( false, "setData bubbled." ) })
.bind("changeData", function(){ ok( false, "changeData bubbled." ) });
ok( div.data("test") === undefined, "Check for no data exists" );
div.data("test", "success");
equals( div.data("test"), "success", "Check for added data" );
div.data("test", "overwritten");
equals( div.data("test"), "overwritten", "Check for overwritten data" );
div.data("test", undefined);
equals( div.data("test"), "overwritten", "Check that data wasn't removed");
div.data("test", null);
ok( div.data("test") === null, "Check for null data");
ok( div.data("notexist") === undefined, "Check for no data exists" );
div.data("test", "overwritten");
var hits = {test:0}, gets = {test:0}, changes = {test:0, value:null};
function logChangeData(e,key,value) {
var dataKey = key;
if ( e.namespace ) {
dataKey = dataKey + "." + e.namespace;
changes[key] += value;
changes.value = jQuery.data(e.target, dataKey);
.bind("setData",function(e,key,value){ hits[key] += value; })
.bind("setData.foo",function(e,key,value){ hits[key] += value; })
.bind("getData",function(e,key){ gets[key] += 1; })
.bind("getData.foo",function(e,key){ gets[key] += 3; });
div.data("test.foo", 2);
equals( div.data("test"), "overwritten", "Check for original data" );
equals( div.data("test.foo"), 2, "Check for namespaced data" );
equals( div.data("test.bar"), "overwritten", "Check for unmatched namespace" );
equals( hits.test, 2, "Check triggered setter functions" );
equals( gets.test, 5, "Check triggered getter functions" );
equals( changes.test, 2, "Check sets raise changeData");
equals( changes.value, 2, "Check changeData after data has been set" );
hits.test = 0;
gets.test = 0;
changes.test = 0;
changes.value = null;
div.data("test", 1);
equals( div.data("test"), 1, "Check for original data" );
equals( div.data("test.foo"), 2, "Check for namespaced data" );
equals( div.data("test.bar"), 1, "Check for unmatched namespace" );
equals( hits.test, 1, "Check triggered setter functions" );
equals( gets.test, 5, "Check triggered getter functions" );
equals( changes.test, 1, "Check sets raise changeData" );
equals( changes.value, 1, "Check changeData after data has been set" );
.bind("getData",function(e,key){ return key + "root"; })
.bind("getData.foo",function(e,key){ return key + "foo"; });
equals( div.data("test"), "testroot", "Check for original data" );
equals( div.data("test.foo"), "testfoo", "Check for namespaced data" );
equals( div.data("test.bar"), "testroot", "Check for unmatched namespace" );
// #3748
var $elem = jQuery({});
equals( $elem.data('nothing'), undefined, "Non-existent data returns undefined");
equals( $elem.data('null',null).data('null'), null, "null's are preserved");
equals( $elem.data('emptyString','').data('emptyString'), '', "Empty strings are preserved");
equals( $elem.data('false',false).data('false'), false, "false's are preserved");
// Clean up
test("data-* attributes", function() {
var div = jQuery("<div>"),
child = jQuery("<div data-myobj='old data' data-ignored=\"DOM\"></div>");
equals( div.data("attr"), undefined, "Check for non-existing data-attr attribute" );
div.attr("data-attr", "exists");
equals( div.data("attr"), "exists", "Check for existing data-attr attribute" );
div.data("attr", "internal").attr("data-attr", "external");
equals( div.data("attr"), "internal", "Check for .data('attr') precedence (internal > external data-* attribute)" );
equals( child.data("myobj"), "old data", "Value accessed from data-* attribute");
child.data("myobj", "replaced");
equals( child.data("myobj"), "replaced", "Original data overwritten");
child.data("ignored", "cache");
equals( child.data("ignored"), "cache", "Cached data used before DOM data-* fallback");
.attr("data-true", "true")
.attr("data-false", "false")
.attr("data-five", "5")
.attr("data-point", "5.5")
.attr("data-pointe", "5.5E3")
.attr("data-pointbad", "5..5")
.attr("data-pointbad2", "-.")
.attr("data-badjson", "{123}")
.attr("data-badjson2", "[abc]")
.attr("data-empty", "")
.attr("data-space", " ")
.attr("data-null", "null")
.attr("data-string", "test");
strictEqual( child.data('true'), true, "Primitive true read from attribute");
strictEqual( child.data('false'), false, "Primitive false read from attribute");
strictEqual( child.data('five'), 5, "Primitive number read from attribute");
strictEqual( child.data('point'), 5.5, "Primitive number read from attribute");
strictEqual( child.data('pointe'), 5500, "Primitive number read from attribute");
strictEqual( child.data('pointbad'), "5..5", "Bad number read from attribute");
strictEqual( child.data('pointbad2'), "-.", "Bad number read from attribute");
strictEqual( child.data('badjson'), "{123}", "Bad number read from attribute");
strictEqual( child.data('badjson2'), "[abc]", "Bad number read from attribute");
strictEqual( child.data('empty'), "", "Empty string read from attribute");
strictEqual( child.data('space'), " ", "Empty string read from attribute");
strictEqual( child.data('null'), null, "Primitive null read from attribute");
strictEqual( child.data('string'), "test", "Typical string read from attribute");
// tests from metadata plugin
function testData(index, elem) {
switch (index) {
case 0:
equals(jQuery(elem).data("foo"), "bar", "Check foo property");
equals(jQuery(elem).data("bar"), "baz", "Check baz property");
case 1:
equals(jQuery(elem).data("test"), "bar", "Check test property");
equals(jQuery(elem).data("bar"), "baz", "Check bar property");
case 2:
equals(jQuery(elem).data("zoooo"), "bar", "Check zoooo property");
same(jQuery(elem).data("bar"), {"test":"baz"}, "Check bar property");
case 3:
equals(jQuery(elem).data("number"), true, "Check number property");
same(jQuery(elem).data("stuff"), [2,8], "Check stuff property");
ok(false, ["Assertion failed on index ", index, ", with data ", data].join(''));
var metadata = '<ol><li class="test test2" data-foo="bar" data-bar="baz" data-arr="[1,2]">Some stuff</li><li class="test test2" data-test="bar" data-bar="baz">Some stuff</li><li class="test test2" data-zoooo="bar" data-bar=\'{"test":"baz"}\'>Some stuff</li><li class="test test2" data-number=true data-stuff="[2,8]">Some stuff</li></ol>',
elem = jQuery(metadata).appendTo('#main');
test(".data(Object)", function() {
var div = jQuery("<div/>");
div.data({ "test": "in", "test2": "in2" });
equals( div.data("test"), "in", "Verify setting an object in data." );
equals( div.data("test2"), "in2", "Verify setting an object in data." );
test("jQuery.removeData", function() {
var div = jQuery("#foo")[0];
jQuery.data(div, "test", "testing");
jQuery.removeData(div, "test");
equals( jQuery.data(div, "test"), undefined, "Check removal of data" );
test(".removeData()", function() {
var div = jQuery("#foo");
div.data("test", "testing");
equals( div.data("test"), undefined, "Check removal of data" );
div.data("test", "testing");
div.data("test.foo", "testing2");
equals( div.data("test.foo"), "testing2", "Make sure data is intact" );
equals( div.data("test"), "testing", "Make sure data is intact" );
equals( div.data("test.foo"), "testing2", "Make sure data is intact" );
equals( div.data("test"), undefined, "Make sure data is intact" );
equals( div.data("test.foo"), undefined, "Make sure data is intact" );