2006-03-22 03:33:07 +00:00

748 lines
19 KiB

* JQuery (http://jquery.com/)
* By John Resig (http://ejohn.org/)
* Under an Attribution, Share Alike License
function $(a,c) {
var $a = a || $.context || document;
var $c = c && c.$jquery && c.get(0) || c;
// Since we're using Prototype's $ function,
// be nice and have backwards compatability
if ( typeof Prototype != "undefined" ) {
if ( $a.constructor == String ) {
var re = new RegExp( "[^a-zA-Z0-9_-]" );
if ( !re.test($a) ) {
$c = $c && $c.documentElement || document;
if ( $c.getElementsByTagName($a).length == 0 ) {
var obj = $c.getElementById($a);
if ( obj != null ) return obj;
} else if ( $a.constructor == Array ) {
return $.map( $a, function(b){
if ( b.constructor == String )
return document.getElementById(b);
return b;
// Load Dynamic Function List
var self = {
cur: $.Select($a,$c),
$jquery: "0.30",
// The only two getters
size: function() {return this.get().length},
get: function(i) {
return i == null ? this.cur : this.cur[i];
each: function(f) {
for ( var i = 0; i < this.size(); i++ )
$.apply( this.get(i), f, [i] );
return this;
set: function(a,b) {
return this.each(function(){
if ( b == null )
for ( var j in a )
html: function(h) {
return h == null && this.size() ?
this.get(0).innerHTML : this.set( "innerHTML", h );
val: function(h) {
return h == null && this.size() ?
this.get(0).value : this.set( "value", h );
css: function(a,b) {
return this.each(function(){
if ( !b )
for ( var j in a )
toggle: function() {
return this.each(function(){
var d = $.getCSS(this,"display");
if ( d == "none" || d == '' )
show: function(a) {
return this.each(function(){
this.style.display = this.$$oldblock ? this.$$oldblock : '';
if ( $.getCSS(this,"display") == "none" ) this.style.display = 'block';
hide: function(a) {
return this.each(function(){
this.$$oldblock = $.getCSS(this,"display");
if ( this.$$oldblock == "none" ) this.$$oldblock = 'block';
this.style.display = 'none';
addClass: function(c) {
return this.each(function(){
if ($.hasWord(this,c)) return;
this.className += ( this.className.length > 0 ? " " : "" ) + c;
removeClass: function(c) {
return this.each(function(){
this.className = c == null ? '' :
new RegExp('(^|\\s*\\b[^-])'+c+'($|\\b(?=[^-]))', 'g'), '');
// TODO: Optomize
toggleClass: function(c) {
return this.each(function(){
if ($.hasWord(this,c))
this.className =
new RegExp('(\\s*\\b[^-])'+c+'($|\\b(?=[^-]))', 'g'), '');
this.className += ( this.className.length > 0 ? " " : "" ) + c;
remove: function() {
this.each(function(){this.parentNode.removeChild( this );});
this.cur = [];
return this;
wrap: function() {
var a = $.clean(arguments);
return this.each(function(){
var b = a[0].cloneNode(true);
this.parentNode.insertBefore( b, this );
while ( b.firstChild ) b = b.firstChild;
b.appendChild( this );
append: function() {
var clone = this.size() > 1;
var a = $.clean(arguments);
return this.each(function(){
for ( var i in a )
this.appendChild( clone ? a[i].cloneNode(true) : a[i] );
appendTo: function() {
var a = arguments;
return this.each(function(){
for ( var i = 0; i < a.length; i++ )
$(a[i]).append( this );
prepend: function() {
var clone = this.size() > 1;
var a = $.clean(arguments);
return this.each(function(){
for ( var i = a.length - 1; i >= 0; i-- )
this.insertBefore( clone ? a[i].cloneNode(true) : a[i], this.firstChild );
before: function() {
var clone = this.size() > 1;
var a = $.clean(arguments);
return this.each(function(){
for ( var i in a )
this.parentNode.insertBefore( clone ? a[i].cloneNode(true) : a[i], this );
after: function() {
var clone = this.size() > 1;
var a = $.clean(arguments);
return this.each(function(){
for ( var i = a.length - 1; i >= 0; i-- )
this.parentNode.insertBefore( clone ? a[i].cloneNode(true) : a[i], this.nextSibling );
empty: function() {
return this.each(function(){
while ( this.firstChild )
this.removeChild( this.firstChild );
bind: function(t,f) {
return this.each(function(){addEvent(this,t,f);});
unbind: function(t,f) {
return this.each(function(){removeEvent(this,t,f);});
trigger: function(t) {
return this.each(function(){triggerEvent(this,t);});
find: function(t) {
var old = [], ret = [];
old[old.length] = this;
ret = $.merge( ret, $.Select(t,this) );
this.old = old;
this.cur = ret;
return this;
end: function() {
this.cur = this.old;
return this;
parent: function(a) {
if ( a == null ) a = 1;
this.cur = $.map(this.cur,function(d){
var b = $.parents(d);
if ( a == 0 )
return b;
else if ( a.constructor == String ) {
var c = $.filter(a,b);
return c.length > 0 ? c[0] : null;
} else
return b.length >= a ? b[a-1] : null;
return this;
parents: function(a) {
return this;
filter: function(t) {
this.cur = $.filter(t,this.cur).r;
return this;
not: function(t) {
this.cur = t.constructor == String ?
$.filter(t,this.cur,false).r :
$.grep(this.cur,function(a){return a != t;});
return this;
add: function(t) {
this.cur = $.merge( this.cur, t.constructor == String ?
$.Select(t) : t.constructor == Array ? t : [t] );
return this;
is: function(t) {
return $.filter(t,this.cur).r.length > 0;
isNot: function(t) {
return !this.s(t);
// TODO: Remove need to return this
for ( var i in $.fn ) {
if ( self[i] != null )
self["_"+i] = self[i];
self[i] = $.fn[i];
if ( typeof Prototype != "undefined" && $a.constructor != String ) {
if ( $c ) $a = self.get();
for ( var i in self ) {(function(j){
try {
if ( $a[j] == null ) {
$a[j] = function() {
return $.apply(self,self[j],arguments);
} catch(e) {}
return $a;
return self;
$.apply = function(o,f,a) {
a = a || [];
if ( f.apply )
return f.apply( o, a );
else {
var p = [];
for (var i = 0; i < a.length; i++)
p[i] = 'a['+i+']';
o.$$exec = this;
var r = eval('o.$$exec(' + p.join(',') + ')');
o.$$exec = null;
return r;
$.getCSS = function(e,p) {
// Adapted from Prototype 1.4.0
if ( p == 'height' || p == 'width' ) {
if ($.getCSS(e,"display") != 'none')
return p == 'height' ?
e.offsetHeight || parseInt(e.style.height) :
e.offsetWidth || parseInt(e.style.width);
var els = e.style;
var ov = els.visibility;
var op = els.position;
var od = els.display;
els.visibility = 'hidden';
els.position = 'absolute';
els.display = '';
var oHeight = e.clientHeight || parseInt(e.style.height);
var oWidth = e.clientWidth || parseInt(e.style.width);
els.display = od;
els.position = op;
els.visibility = ov;
return p == 'height' ? oHeight : oWidth;
if (e.style[p])
return e.style[p];
else if (e.currentStyle)
return e.currentStyle[p];
else if (document.defaultView && document.defaultView.getComputedStyle) {
p = p.replace(/([A-Z])/g,"-$1");
p = p.toLowerCase();
var s = document.defaultView.getComputedStyle(e,"");
var r = s ? s.getPropertyValue(p) : p;
return r;
} else
return null;
$.css = $.getCSS;
$.clean = function(a) {
var r = [];
for ( var i = 0; i < a.length; i++ )
if ( a[i].constructor == String ) {
var div = document.createElement("div");
div.innerHTML = a[i];
for ( var j = 0; j < div.childNodes.length; j++ )
r[r.length] = div.childNodes[j];
} else if ( a[i].length )
for ( var j = 0; j < a[i].length; j++ )
r[r.length] = a[i][j];
else if ( a[i] != null )
r[r.length] =
a[i].nodeType ? a[i] : document.createTextNode(a[i].toString());
return r;
$.g = {
'': "m[2] == '*' || a.nodeName.toUpperCase() == m[2].toUpperCase()",
'#': "a.id == m[2]",
':': {
lt: "i < m[3]-0",
gt: "i > m[3]-0",
nth: "m[3] - 0 == i",
eq: "m[3] - 0 == i",
first: "i == 0",
last: "i == r.length - 1",
even: "i % 2 == 0",
odd: "i % 2 == 1",
"first-child": "$.sibling(a,0).cur",
"nth-child": "(m[3] == 'even'?$.sibling(a,m[3]).n % 2 == 0 :(m[3] == 'odd'?$.sibling(a,m[3]).n % 2 == 1:$.sibling(a,m[3]).cur))",
"last-child": "$.sibling(a,0,true).cur",
"nth-last-child": "$.sibling(a,m[3],true).cur",
"first-of-type": "$.ofType(a,0)",
"nth-of-type": "$.ofType(a,m[3])",
"last-of-type": "$.ofType(a,0,true)",
"nth-last-of-type": "$.ofType(a,m[3],true)",
"only-of-type": "$.ofType(a) == 1",
"only-child": "$.sibling(a).length == 1",
parent: "a.childNodes.length > 0",
empty: "a.childNodes.length == 0",
root: "a == ( a.ownerDocument ? a.ownerDocument : document ).documentElement",
contains: "(a.innerText || a.innerHTML).indexOf(m[3]) != -1",
visible: "(!a.type || a.type != 'hidden') && ($.getCSS(a,'display') != 'none' && $.getCSS(a,'visibility') != 'hidden')",
hidden: "(a.type && a.type == 'hidden') || $.getCSS(a,'display') == 'none' || $.getCSS(a,'visibility') == 'hidden'",
enabled: "a.disabled == false",
disabled: "a.disabled",
checked: "a.checked"
// TODO: Write getAttribute helper
".": "$.hasWord(a.className||a.getAttribute('class'),m[2])",
"@": {
"=": "$.attr(a,m[3]) == m[4]",
"!=": "$.attr(a,m[3]) != m[4]",
"~=": "$.hasWord($.attr(a,m[3]),m[4])",
"|=": "$.attr(a,m[3]).indexOf(m[4]) == 0",
"^=": "$.attr(a,m[3]).indexOf(m[4]) == 0",
"$=": "$.attr(a,m[3]).substr( $.attr(a,m[3]).length - m[4].length, m[4].length ) == m[4]",
"*=": "$.attr(a,m[3]).indexOf(m[4]) >= 0",
"": "m[3] == '*' ? a.attributes.length > 0 : $.attr(a,m[3])"
"[": "$.Select(m[2],a).length > 0"
$.fn = {};
$.Select = function( t, context ) {
context = context || $.context || document;
if ( t.constructor != String ) return [t];
if ( t.indexOf("//") == 0 ) {
context = context.documentElement;
t = t.substr(2,t.length);
} else if ( t.indexOf("/") == 0 ) {
context = context.documentElement;
t = t.substr(1,t.length);
// FIX Assume the root element is right :(
if ( t.indexOf('/') )
t = t.substr(t.indexOf('/'),t.length);
var ret = [context];
var done = [];
var last = null;
while ( t.length > 0 && last != t ) {
var r = [];
last = t;
t = $.cleanSpaces(t);
var re = new RegExp( "^//", "i" );
t = t.replace( re, "" );
if ( t.indexOf('..') == 0 || t.indexOf('/..') == 0 ) {
if ( t.indexOf('/') == 0 )
t = t.substr(1,t.length);
r = $.map( ret, function(a){ return a.parentNode; } );
t = t.substr(2,t.length);
t = $.cleanSpaces(t);
} else if ( t.indexOf('>') == 0 || t.indexOf('/') == 0 ) {
r = $.map( ret, function(a){ return ( a.childNodes.length > 0 ? $.sibling( a.firstChild ) : null ); } );
t = t.substr(1,t.length);
t = $.cleanSpaces(t);
} else if ( t.indexOf('+') == 0 ) {
r = $.map( ret, function(a){ return $.sibling(a).next; } );
t = t.substr(1,t.length);
t = $.cleanSpaces(t);
} else if ( t.indexOf('~') == 0 ) {
r = $.map( ret, function(a){
var r = [];
var s = $.sibling(a);
if ( s.n > 0 )
for ( var i = s.n; i < s.length; i++ )
r[r.length] = s[i];
return r;
} );
t = t.substr(1,t.length);
t = $.cleanSpaces(t);
} else if ( t.indexOf(',') == 0 || t.indexOf('|') == 0 ) {
if ( ret[0] == context ) ret.shift();
done = $.merge( done, ret );
r = ret = [context];
t = " " + t.substr(1,t.length);
} else {
var re = new RegExp( "^([#.]?)([a-z0-9\\*_-]*)", "i" );
var m = re.exec(t);
if ( m[1] == "#" ) { // Ummm, should make this work in all XML docs
var oid = document.getElementById(m[2]);
r = oid ? [oid] : [];
t = t.replace( re, "" );
} else {
if ( m[2] == "" || m[1] == "." ) m[2] = "*";
for ( var i = 0; i < ret.length; i++ ) {
var o = ret[i];
if ( o ) {
switch( m[2] ) {
case '*':
r = $.merge( $.getAll(o), r );
case 'text': case 'radio': case 'checkbox': case 'hidden':
case 'button': case 'submit': case 'image': case 'password':
case 'reset': case 'file':
r = $.merge( $.grep( $.tag(o,"input"),
function(a){ return a.type == m[2] }), r );
case 'input':
r = $.merge( $.tag(o,"input"), r );
r = $.merge( $.tag(o,"select"), r );
r = $.merge( $.tag(o,"textarea"), r );
r = $.merge( r, $.tag(o,m[2]) );
var val = $.filter(t,r);
ret = r = val.r;
t = $.cleanSpaces(val.t);
if ( ret && ret[0] == context ) ret.shift();
done = $.merge( done, ret );
return done;
$.tag = function(a,b){
return a && typeof a.getElementsByTagName != "undefined" ?
a.getElementsByTagName( b ) : [];
$.attr = function(o,a,v){
if ( a && a.constructor == String ) {
var fix = {
'for': 'htmlFor',
'text': 'cssText',
'class': 'className',
'float': 'cssFloat'
a = (fix[a] && fix[a].replace && fix[a]) || a;
var r = new RegExp("-([a-z])","ig");
a = a.replace(r,function(z,b){return b.toUpperCase();});
if ( v != null ) {
o[a] = v;
if ( o.setAttribute ) o.setAttribute(a,v);
return o[a] || o.getAttribute(a) || '';
} else return '';
$.filter = function(t,r,not) {
var g = $.grep;
if ( not == false ) var g = function(a,f) {return $.grep(a,f,true);};
while ( t.length > 0 && t.match(/^[:\\.#\\[a-zA-Z\\*]/) ) {
var re = new RegExp( "^\\[ *@([a-z0-9\\(\\)_-]+) *([~!\\|\\*$^=]*) *'?\"?([^'\"]*)'?\"? *\\]", "i" );
var m = re.exec(t);
if ( m != null ) {
m = ['', '@', m[2], m[1], m[3]];
} else {
var re = new RegExp( "^(\\[) *([^\\]]*) *\\]", "i" );
var m = re.exec(t);
if ( m == null ) {
var re = new RegExp( "^(:)([a-z0-9\\*_-]*)\\( *[\"']?([^ \\)'\"]*)['\"]? *\\)", "i" );
var m = re.exec(t);
if ( m == null ) {
var re = new RegExp( "^([:\\.#]*)([a-z0-9\\*_-]*)", "i" );
var m = re.exec(t);
t = t.replace( re, "" );
if ( m[1] == ":" && m[2] == "not" )
r = $.filter(m[3],r,false).r;
else {
if ( $.g[m[1]].constructor == String )
var f = $.g[m[1]];
else if ( $.g[m[1]][m[2]] )
var f = $.g[m[1]][m[2]];
if ( f != null ) {
eval("f = function(a,i){return " + f + "}");
r = g( r, f );
return { r: r, t: t };
$.parents = function(a){
var b = [];
var c = a.parentNode;
while ( c != null && c != c.documentElement ) {
b[b.length] = c;
c = c.parentNode;
return b;
$.cleanSpaces = function(t){return t.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, '')};
$.ofType = function(a,n,e) {
var t = $.grep($.sibling(a),function(b){return b.nodeName == a.nodeName});
if ( e ) n = t.length - n - 1;
return n != null ? t[n] == a : t.length;
$.sibling = function(a,n,e) {
var type = [];
var tmp = a.parentNode.childNodes;
for ( var i = 0; i < tmp.length; i++ ) {
if ( tmp[i].nodeType == 1 )
type[type.length] = tmp[i];
if ( tmp[i] == a )
type.n = type.length - 1;
if ( e ) n = type.length - n - 1;
type.cur = ( type[n] == a );
type.prev = ( type.n > 0 ? type[type.n - 1] : null );
type.next = ( type.n < type.length - 1 ? type[type.n + 1] : null );
return type;
$.hasWord = function(e,a) {
if ( e == null ) return false;
if ( e.className != null ) e = e.className;
return new RegExp("(^|\\s)" + a + "(\\s|$)").test(e)
$.getAll = function(o,r) {
r = r || [];
var s = o.childNodes;
for ( var i = 0; i < s.length; i++ ) {
if ( s[i].nodeType == 1 ) {
r[r.length] = s[i];
$.getAll( s[i], r );
return r;
$.merge = function(a,b) {
var d = [];
for ( var j = 0; j < b.length; j++ )
d[j] = b[j];
for ( var i = 0; i < a.length; i++ ) {
var c = true;
for ( var j = 0; j < b.length; j++ )
if ( a[i] == b[j] )
c = false;
if ( c )
d[d.length] = a[i];
return d;
$.grep = function(a,f,s) {
var r = [];
if ( a != null )
for ( var i = 0; i < a.length; i++ )
if ( (!s && f(a[i],i)) || (s && !f(a[i],i)) )
r[r.length] = a[i];
return r;
$.map = function(a,f) {
var r = [];
for ( var i = 0; i < a.length; i++ ) {
var t = f(a[i],i);
if ( t != null ) {
if ( t.constructor != Array ) t = [t];
r = $.merge( t, r );
return r;
// Bind an event to an element
// Original by Dean Edwards
function addEvent(element, type, handler) {
if ( element.location ) element = window; // Ughhhhh....
if (!handler.$$guid) handler.$$guid = addEvent.guid++;
if (!element.events) element.events = {};
var handlers = element.events[type];
if (!handlers) {
handlers = element.events[type] = {};
if (element["on" + type])
handlers[0] = element["on" + type];
handlers[handler.$$guid] = handler;
element["on" + type] = handleEvent;
addEvent.guid = 1;
// Detach an event or set of events from an element
function removeEvent(element, type, handler) {
if (element.events) {
if (type && element.events[type]) {
if ( handler ) {
delete element.events[type][handler.$$guid];
} else {
for ( var i in element.events[type] )
delete element.events[type][i];
} else {
for ( var i in element.events )
removeEvent( element, i );
function triggerEvent(element,type) {
if ( element["on" + type] )
element["on" + type]({ type: type });
function handleEvent(event) {
var returnValue = true;
event = event || fixEvent(window.event);
var handlers = [];
for ( var i in this.events[event.type] )
handlers[handlers.length] = this.events[event.type][i];
for ( var i = 0; i < handlers.length; i++ ) {
try {
if ( handlers[i].constructor == Function ) {
this.$$handleEvent = handlers[i];
if (this.$$handleEvent(event) === false) {
returnValue = false;
} catch(e){}
return returnValue;
function fixEvent(event) {
event.preventDefault = fixEvent.preventDefault;
event.stopPropagation = fixEvent.stopPropagation;
return event;
fixEvent.preventDefault = function() {
this.returnValue = false;
fixEvent.stopPropagation = function() {
this.cancelBubble = true;
// Move to module
$.fn.text = function(e) {
e = e || this.cur;
var t = "";
for ( var j = 0; j < e.length; j++ ) {
for ( var i = 0; i < e[j].childNodes.length; i++ )
t += e[j].childNodes[i].nodeType != 1 ?
e[j].childNodes[i].nodeValue :
return t;
if ( typeof Prototype != "undefined" && $.g == null && $.clean == null )
throw "Error: You are overwriting jQuery, please include jQuery last.";
}, 1000);