module("core"); test("Basic requirements", function() { expect(7); ok( Array.prototype.push, "Array.push()" ); ok( Function.prototype.apply, "Function.apply()" ); ok( document.getElementById, "getElementById" ); ok( document.getElementsByTagName, "getElementsByTagName" ); ok( RegExp, "RegExp" ); ok( jQuery, "jQuery" ); ok( $, "$" ); }); test("jQuery()", function() { expect(8); var main = jQuery("#main"); isSet( jQuery("div p", main).get(), q("sndp", "en", "sap"), "Basic selector with jQuery object as context" ); /* // disabled since this test was doing nothing. i tried to fix it but i'm not sure // what the expected behavior should even be. FF returns "\n" for the text node // make sure this is handled var crlfContainer = jQuery('
'); var x = crlfContainer.contents().get(0).nodeValue; equals( x, what???, "Check for \\r and \\n in jQuery()" ); */ /* // Disabled until we add this functionality in var pass = true; try { jQuery("
equals( code.length, 1, "Correct number of elements generated for code" );
var img = jQuery("
equals( div.length, 4, "Correct number of elements generated for div hr code b" );
// can actually yield more than one, when iframes are included, the window is an array as well
equals( jQuery(window).length, 1, "Correct number of elements generated for window" );
equals( jQuery(document).length, 1, "Correct number of elements generated for document" );
equals( jQuery([1,2,3]).get(1), 2, "Test passing an array to the factory" );
equals( jQuery(document.body).get(0), jQuery('body').get(0), "Test passing an html node to the factory" );
test("selector state", function() {
var test;
test = jQuery();
equals( test.selector, "", "Empty jQuery Selector" );
equals( test.context, document, "Empty jQuery Context" );
test = jQuery(document);
equals( test.selector, "", "Document Selector" );
equals( test.context, document, "Document Context" );
test = jQuery(document.body);
equals( test.selector, "", "Body Selector" );
equals( test.context, document.body, "Body Context" );
test = jQuery("#main");
equals( test.selector, "#main", "#main Selector" );
equals( test.context, document, "#main Context" );
test = jQuery("#main", document);
equals( test.selector, "#main", "#main Selector" );
equals( test.context, document, "#main Context" );
test = jQuery("#main", document.body);
equals( test.selector, "#main", "#main Selector" );
equals( test.context, document.body, "#main Context" );
test = jQuery(document.body).find("#main");
equals( test.selector, "#main", "#main find Selector" );
equals( test.context, document.body, "#main find Context" );
test = jQuery("#main").filter("div");
equals( test.selector, "#main.filter(div)", "#main filter Selector" );
equals( test.context, document, "#main filter Context" );
test = jQuery("#main").not("div");
equals( test.selector, "#main.not(div)", "#main not Selector" );
equals( test.context, document, "#main not Context" );
test = jQuery("#main").filter("div").not("div");
equals( test.selector, "#main.filter(div).not(div)", "#main filter, not Selector" );
equals( test.context, document, "#main filter, not Context" );
test = jQuery("#main").filter("div").not("div").end();
equals( test.selector, "#main.filter(div)", "#main filter, not, end Selector" );
equals( test.context, document, "#main filter, not, end Context" );
test = jQuery("#main").parent("body");
equals( test.selector, "#main.parent(body)", "#main parent Selector" );
equals( test.context, document, "#main parent Context" );
test = jQuery("#main").eq(0);
equals( test.selector, "#main.slice(0,1)", "#main eq Selector" );
equals( test.context, document, "#main eq Context" );
test("browser", function() {
var browsers = {
//Internet Explorer
"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1; .NET CLR 2.0.50727)": "6.0",
"Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0b; Windows NT 5.1; .NET CLR 1.1.4322; InfoPath.1; .NET CLR 2.0.50727)": "7.0",
/** Failing #1876
* "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 5.1; Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1) ; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 1.1.4322; .NET CLR 3.0.04506.30)": "7.0",
//Browsers with Gecko engine
"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv:1.7.12) Gecko/20050915" : "1.7.12",
"Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; Intel Mac OS X; en-US; rv: Gecko/20070309 Firefox/": "",
"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv:1.7.5) Gecko/20070321 Netscape/8.1.3" : "1.7.5",
"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/20070321 Firefox/ Flock/0.7.12" : "",
//Opera browser
"Opera/9.20 (X11; Linux x86_64; U; en)": "9.20",
"Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; en) Opera 9.20" : "9.20",
"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 5.1; U; pl; rv:1.8.0) Gecko/20060728 Firefox/1.5.0 Opera 9.20": "9.20",
//WebKit engine
"Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; PPC Mac OS X; sv-se) AppleWebKit/418.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Safari/419.3": "418.9",
"Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; PPC Mac OS X; en) AppleWebKit/418.8 (KHTML, like Gecko) Safari/419.3" : "418.8",
"Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; PPC Mac OS X; sv-se) AppleWebKit/312.8 (KHTML, like Gecko) Safari/312.5": "312.8",
//Other user agent string
"Other browser's user agent 1.0":null
for (var i in browsers) {
var v = i.toLowerCase().match( /.+(?:rv|it|ra|ie)[\/: ]([\d.]+)/ ); // RegEx from Core jQuery.browser.version check
version = v ? v[1] : null;
equals( version, browsers[i], "Checking UA string" );
test("noConflict", function() {
var $$ = jQuery;
equals( jQuery, jQuery.noConflict(), "noConflict returned the jQuery object" );
equals( jQuery, $$, "Make sure jQuery wasn't touched." );
equals( $, original$, "Make sure $ was reverted." );
jQuery = $ = $$;
equals( jQuery.noConflict(true), $$, "noConflict returned the jQuery object" );
equals( jQuery, originaljQuery, "Make sure jQuery was reverted." );
equals( $, original$, "Make sure $ was reverted." );
jQuery = $$;
test("isFunction", function() {
// Make sure that false values return false
ok( !jQuery.isFunction(), "No Value" );
ok( !jQuery.isFunction( null ), "null Value" );
ok( !jQuery.isFunction( undefined ), "undefined Value" );
ok( !jQuery.isFunction( "" ), "Empty String Value" );
ok( !jQuery.isFunction( 0 ), "0 Value" );
// Check built-ins
// Safari uses "(Internal Function)"
ok( jQuery.isFunction(String), "String Function("+String+")" );
ok( jQuery.isFunction(Array), "Array Function("+Array+")" );
ok( jQuery.isFunction(Object), "Object Function("+Object+")" );
ok( jQuery.isFunction(Function), "Function Function("+Function+")" );
// When stringified, this could be misinterpreted
var mystr = "function";
ok( !jQuery.isFunction(mystr), "Function String" );
// When stringified, this could be misinterpreted
var myarr = [ "function" ];
ok( !jQuery.isFunction(myarr), "Function Array" );
// When stringified, this could be misinterpreted
var myfunction = { "function": "test" };
ok( !jQuery.isFunction(myfunction), "Function Object" );
// Make sure normal functions still work
var fn = function(){};
ok( jQuery.isFunction(fn), "Normal Function" );
var obj = document.createElement("object");
// Firefox says this is a function
ok( !jQuery.isFunction(obj), "Object Element" );
// IE says this is an object
// Since 1.3, this isn't supported (#2968)
//ok( jQuery.isFunction(obj.getAttribute), "getAttribute Function" );
var nodes = document.body.childNodes;
// Safari says this is a function
ok( !jQuery.isFunction(nodes), "childNodes Property" );
var first = document.body.firstChild;
// Normal elements are reported ok everywhere
ok( !jQuery.isFunction(first), "A normal DOM Element" );
var input = document.createElement("input");
input.type = "text";
document.body.appendChild( input );
// IE says this is an object
// Since 1.3, this isn't supported (#2968)
//ok( jQuery.isFunction(input.focus), "A default function property" );
document.body.removeChild( input );
var a = document.createElement("a");
a.href = "some-function";
document.body.appendChild( a );
// This serializes with the word 'function' in it
ok( !jQuery.isFunction(a), "Anchor Element" );
document.body.removeChild( a );
// Recursive function calls have lengths and array-like properties
function callme(callback){
function fn(response){
ok( jQuery.isFunction(fn), "Recursive Function Call" );
fn({ some: "data" });
var foo = false;
test("jQuery('html')", function() {
foo = false;
var s = jQuery("")[0];
ok( s, "Creating a script" );
ok( !foo, "Make sure the script wasn't executed prematurely" );
ok( foo, "Executing a scripts contents in the right context" );
ok( jQuery("")[0], "Creating a link" );
ok( !jQuery("")[0].parentNode, "Create a script" );
ok( jQuery("").attr("type", "hidden"), "Create an input and set the type." );
var j = jQuery("hi there ");
ok( j.length >= 2, "Check node,textnode,comment creation (some browsers delete comments)" );
ok( !jQuery("")[0].selected, "Make sure that options are auto-selected #2050" );
test("jQuery('html', context)", function() {
var $div = jQuery("");
var $span = jQuery("", $div);
equals($span.length, 1, "Verify a span created with a div context works, #1763");
if ( !isLocal ) {
test("jQuery(selector, xml).text(str) - Loaded via XML document", function() {
jQuery.get('data/dashboard.xml', function(xml) {
// tests for #1419 where IE was a problem
equals( jQuery("tab:first", xml).text(), "blabla", "Verify initial text correct" );
jQuery("tab:first", xml).text("newtext");
equals( jQuery("tab:first", xml).text(), "newtext", "Verify new text correct" );
test("length", function() {
equals( jQuery("p").length, 6, "Get Number of Elements Found" );
test("size()", function() {
equals( jQuery("p").size(), 6, "Get Number of Elements Found" );
test("get()", function() {
isSet( jQuery("p").get(), q("firstp","ap","sndp","en","sap","first"), "Get All Elements" );
test("get(Number)", function() {
equals( jQuery("p").get(0), document.getElementById("firstp"), "Get A Single Element" );
test("add(String|Element|Array|undefined)", function() {
isSet( jQuery("#sndp").add("#en").add("#sap").get(), q("sndp", "en", "sap"), "Check elements from document" );
isSet( jQuery("#sndp").add( jQuery("#en")[0] ).add( jQuery("#sap") ).get(), q("sndp", "en", "sap"), "Check elements from document" );
ok( jQuery([]).add(jQuery("#form")[0].elements).length >= 13, "Check elements from array" );
// For the time being, we're discontinuing support for jQuery(form.elements) since it's ambiguous in IE
// use jQuery([]).add(form.elements) instead.
//equals( jQuery([]).add(jQuery("#form")[0].elements).length, jQuery(jQuery("#form")[0].elements).length, "Array in constructor must equals array in add()" );
var x = jQuery([]).add(jQuery("xxx
")); equals( x[0].id, "x1", "Check on-the-fly element1" ); equals( x[1].id, "x2", "Check on-the-fly element2" ); var x = jQuery([]).add("xxx
"); equals( x[0].id, "x1", "Check on-the-fly element1" ); equals( x[1].id, "x2", "Check on-the-fly element2" ); var notDefined; equals( jQuery([]).add(notDefined).length, 0, "Check that undefined adds nothing" ); // Added after #2811 equals( jQuery([]).add([window,document,document.body,document]).length, 3, "Pass an array" ); equals( jQuery(document).add(document).length, 1, "Check duplicated elements" ); equals( jQuery(window).add(window).length, 1, "Check duplicated elements using the window" ); ok( jQuery([]).add( document.getElementById('form') ).length >= 13, "Add a form (adds the elements)" ); }); test("each(Function)", function() { expect(1); var div = jQuery("div"); div.each(function(){ = 'zoo';}); var pass = true; for ( var i = 0; i < div.size(); i++ ) { if ( div.get(i).foo != "zoo" ) pass = false; } ok( pass, "Execute a function, Relative" ); }); test("index(Object)", function() { expect(10); var elements = jQuery([window, document]), inputElements = jQuery('#radio1,#radio2,#check1,#check2'); equals( elements.index(window), 0, "Check for index of elements" ); equals( elements.index(document), 1, "Check for index of elements" ); equals( inputElements.index(document.getElementById('radio1')), 0, "Check for index of elements" ); equals( inputElements.index(document.getElementById('radio2')), 1, "Check for index of elements" ); equals( inputElements.index(document.getElementById('check1')), 2, "Check for index of elements" ); equals( inputElements.index(document.getElementById('check2')), 3, "Check for index of elements" ); equals( inputElements.index(window), -1, "Check for not found index" ); equals( inputElements.index(document), -1, "Check for not found index" ); // enabled since [5500] equals( elements.index( elements ), 0, "Pass in a jQuery object" ); equals( elements.index( elements.eq(1) ), 1, "Pass in a jQuery object" ); }); test("attr(String)", function() { expect(26); equals( jQuery('#text1').attr('value'), "Test", 'Check for value attribute' ); equals( jQuery('#text1').attr('value', "Test2").attr('defaultValue'), "Test", 'Check for defaultValue attribute' ); equals( jQuery('#text1').attr('type'), "text", 'Check for type attribute' ); equals( jQuery('#radio1').attr('type'), "radio", 'Check for type attribute' ); equals( jQuery('#check1').attr('type'), "checkbox", 'Check for type attribute' ); equals( jQuery('#simon1').attr('rel'), "bookmark", 'Check for rel attribute' ); equals( jQuery('#google').attr('title'), "Google!", 'Check for title attribute' ); equals( jQuery('#mark').attr('hreflang'), "en", 'Check for hreflang attribute' ); equals( jQuery('#en').attr('lang'), "en", 'Check for lang attribute' ); equals( jQuery('#simon').attr('class'), "blog link", 'Check for class attribute' ); equals( jQuery('#name').attr('name'), "name", 'Check for name attribute' ); equals( jQuery('#text1').attr('name'), "action", 'Check for name attribute' ); ok( jQuery('#form').attr('action').indexOf("formaction") >= 0, 'Check for action attribute' ); equals( jQuery('#text1').attr('maxlength'), '30', 'Check for maxlength attribute' ); equals( jQuery('#text1').attr('maxLength'), '30', 'Check for maxLength attribute' ); equals( jQuery('#area1').attr('maxLength'), '30', 'Check for maxLength attribute' ); equals( jQuery('#select2').attr('selectedIndex'), 3, 'Check for selectedIndex attribute' ); equals( jQuery('#foo').attr('nodeName'), 'DIV', 'Check for nodeName attribute' ); equals( jQuery('#foo').attr('tagName'), 'DIV', 'Check for tagName attribute' ); jQuery('').attr('href', '#5').appendTo('#main'); // using innerHTML in IE causes href attribute to be serialized to the full path equals( jQuery('#tAnchor5').attr('href'), "#5", 'Check for non-absolute href (an anchor)' ); // Related to [5574] and [5683] var body = document.body, $body = jQuery(body); ok( $body.attr('foo') === undefined, 'Make sure that a non existent attribute returns undefined' ); ok( $body.attr('nextSibling') === null, 'Make sure a null expando returns null' ); body.setAttribute('foo', 'baz'); equals( $body.attr('foo'), 'baz', 'Make sure the dom attribute is retrieved when no expando is found' ); = 'bar'; equals( $body.attr('foo'), 'bar', 'Make sure the expando is preferred over the dom attribute' ); $body.attr('foo','cool'); equals( $body.attr('foo'), 'cool', 'Make sure that setting works well when both expando and dom attribute are available' ); = undefined; ok( $body.attr('foo') === undefined, 'Make sure the expando is preferred over the dom attribute, even if undefined' ); body.removeAttribute('foo'); // Cleanup }); if ( !isLocal ) { test("attr(String) in XML Files", function() { expect(2); stop(); jQuery.get("data/dashboard.xml", function(xml) { equals( jQuery("locations", xml).attr("class"), "foo", "Check class attribute in XML document" ); equals( jQuery("location", xml).attr("for"), "bar", "Check for attribute in XML document" ); start(); }); }); } test("attr(String, Function)", function() { expect(2); equals( jQuery('#text1').attr('value', function() { return })[0].value, "text1", "Set value from id" ); equals( jQuery('#text1').attr('title', function(i) { return i }).attr('title'), "0", "Set value with an index"); }); test("attr(Hash)", function() { expect(1); var pass = true; jQuery("div").attr({foo: 'baz', zoo: 'ping'}).each(function(){ if ( this.getAttribute('foo') != "baz" && this.getAttribute('zoo') != "ping" ) pass = false; }); ok( pass, "Set Multiple Attributes" ); }); test("attr(String, Object)", function() { expect(19); var div = jQuery("div").attr("foo", "bar"); fail = false; for ( var i = 0; i < div.size(); i++ ) { if ( div.get(i).getAttribute('foo') != "bar" ){ fail = i; break; } } equals( fail, false, "Set Attribute, the #"+fail+" element didn't get the attribute 'foo'" ); ok( jQuery("#foo").attr({"width": null}), "Try to set an attribute to nothing" ); jQuery("#name").attr('name', 'something'); equals( jQuery("#name").attr('name'), 'something', 'Set name attribute' ); jQuery("#check2").attr('checked', true); equals( document.getElementById('check2').checked, true, 'Set checked attribute' ); jQuery("#check2").attr('checked', false); equals( document.getElementById('check2').checked, false, 'Set checked attribute' ); jQuery("#text1").attr('readonly', true); equals( document.getElementById('text1').readOnly, true, 'Set readonly attribute' ); jQuery("#text1").attr('readonly', false); equals( document.getElementById('text1').readOnly, false, 'Set readonly attribute' ); jQuery("#name").attr('maxlength', '5'); equals( document.getElementById('name').maxLength, '5', 'Set maxlength attribute' ); jQuery("#name").attr('maxLength', '10'); equals( document.getElementById('name').maxLength, '10', 'Set maxlength attribute' ); // for #1070 jQuery("#name").attr('someAttr', '0'); equals( jQuery("#name").attr('someAttr'), '0', 'Set attribute to a string of "0"' ); jQuery("#name").attr('someAttr', 0); equals( jQuery("#name").attr('someAttr'), 0, 'Set attribute to the number 0' ); jQuery("#name").attr('someAttr', 1); equals( jQuery("#name").attr('someAttr'), 1, 'Set attribute to the number 1' ); // using contents will get comments regular, text, and comment nodes var j = jQuery("#nonnodes").contents(); j.attr("name", "attrvalue"); equals( j.attr("name"), "attrvalue", "Check node,textnode,comment for attr" ); j.removeAttr("name"); reset(); var type = jQuery("#check2").attr('type'); var thrown = false; try { jQuery("#check2").attr('type','hidden'); } catch(e) { thrown = true; } ok( thrown, "Exception thrown when trying to change type property" ); equals( type, jQuery("#check2").attr('type'), "Verify that you can't change the type of an input element" ); var check = document.createElement("input"); var thrown = true; try { jQuery(check).attr('type','checkbox'); } catch(e) { thrown = false; } ok( thrown, "Exception thrown when trying to change type property" ); equals( "checkbox", jQuery(check).attr('type'), "Verify that you can change the type of an input element that isn't in the DOM" ); var check = jQuery(""); var thrown = true; try { check.attr('type','checkbox'); } catch(e) { thrown = false; } ok( thrown, "Exception thrown when trying to change type property" ); equals( "checkbox", check.attr('type'), "Verify that you can change the type of an input element that isn't in the DOM" ); }); if ( !isLocal ) { test("attr(String, Object) - Loaded via XML document", function() { expect(2); stop(); jQuery.get('data/dashboard.xml', function(xml) { var titles = []; jQuery('tab', xml).each(function() { titles.push(jQuery(this).attr('title')); }); equals( titles[0], 'Location', 'attr() in XML context: Check first title' ); equals( titles[1], 'Users', 'attr() in XML context: Check second title' ); start(); }); }); } test("attr('tabindex')", function() { expect(5); // tabindex 0 equals(jQuery('#listWithTabIndex').attr('tabindex'), 0, 'tabindex of 0'); // positive tabindex equals(jQuery('#linkWithTabIndex').attr('tabindex'), 2, 'tabindex of 2'); // negative tabindex equals(jQuery('#linkWithNegativeTabIndex').attr('tabindex'), -1, 'negative tabindex'); // regular element without a tabindex equals(jQuery('#divWithNoTabIndex').attr('tabindex'), undefined, 'no tabindex, not tabbable by default'); // link without a tabindex equals(jQuery('#linkWithNoTabIndex').attr('tabindex'), undefined, 'no tabindex, tabbable by default'); }); test("attr('tabindex', value)", function() { expect(9); var element = jQuery('#divWithNoTabIndex'); equals(element.attr('tabindex'), undefined, 'start with no tabindex'); // set a positive string element.attr('tabindex', '1'); equals(element.attr('tabindex'), 1, 'set tabindex to 1 (string)'); // set a zero string element.attr('tabindex', '0'); equals(element.attr('tabindex'), 0, 'set tabindex to 0 (string)'); // set a negative string element.attr('tabindex', '-1'); equals(element.attr('tabindex'), -1, 'set tabindex to -1 (string)'); // set a positive number element.attr('tabindex', 1); equals(element.attr('tabindex'), 1, 'set tabindex to 1 (number)'); // set a zero number element.attr('tabindex', 0); equals(element.attr('tabindex'), 0, 'set tabindex to 0 (number)'); // set a negative number element.attr('tabindex', -1); equals(element.attr('tabindex'), -1, 'set tabindex to -1 (number)'); element = jQuery('#linkWithTabIndex'); equals(element.attr('tabindex'), 2, 'start with tabindex 2'); element.attr('tabindex', -1); equals(element.attr('tabindex'), -1, 'set negative tabindex'); }); test("css(String|Hash)", function() { expect(19); equals( jQuery('#main').css("display"), 'none', 'Check for css property "display"'); ok( jQuery('#foo').is(':visible'), 'Modifying CSS display: Assert element is visible'); jQuery('#foo').css({display: 'none'}); ok( !jQuery('#foo').is(':visible'), 'Modified CSS display: Assert element is hidden'); jQuery('#foo').css({display: 'block'}); ok( jQuery('#foo').is(':visible'), 'Modified CSS display: Assert element is visible'); jQuery('#floatTest').css({styleFloat: 'right'}); equals( jQuery('#floatTest').css('styleFloat'), 'right', 'Modified CSS float using "styleFloat": Assert float is right'); jQuery('#floatTest').css({cssFloat: 'left'}); equals( jQuery('#floatTest').css('cssFloat'), 'left', 'Modified CSS float using "cssFloat": Assert float is left'); jQuery('#floatTest').css({'float': 'right'}); equals( jQuery('#floatTest').css('float'), 'right', 'Modified CSS float using "float": Assert float is right'); jQuery('#floatTest').css({'font-size': '30px'}); equals( jQuery('#floatTest').css('font-size'), '30px', 'Modified CSS font-size: Assert font-size is 30px'); jQuery.each("0,0.25,0.5,0.75,1".split(','), function(i, n) { jQuery('#foo').css({opacity: n}); equals( jQuery('#foo').css('opacity'), parseFloat(n), "Assert opacity is " + parseFloat(n) + " as a String" ); jQuery('#foo').css({opacity: parseFloat(n)}); equals( jQuery('#foo').css('opacity'), parseFloat(n), "Assert opacity is " + parseFloat(n) + " as a Number" ); }); jQuery('#foo').css({opacity: ''}); equals( jQuery('#foo').css('opacity'), '1', "Assert opacity is 1 when set to an empty String" ); }); test("css(String, Object)", function() { expect(21); ok( jQuery('#foo').is(':visible'), 'Modifying CSS display: Assert element is visible'); jQuery('#foo').css('display', 'none'); ok( !jQuery('#foo').is(':visible'), 'Modified CSS display: Assert element is hidden'); jQuery('#foo').css('display', 'block'); ok( jQuery('#foo').is(':visible'), 'Modified CSS display: Assert element is visible'); jQuery('#floatTest').css('styleFloat', 'left'); equals( jQuery('#floatTest').css('styleFloat'), 'left', 'Modified CSS float using "styleFloat": Assert float is left'); jQuery('#floatTest').css('cssFloat', 'right'); equals( jQuery('#floatTest').css('cssFloat'), 'right', 'Modified CSS float using "cssFloat": Assert float is right'); jQuery('#floatTest').css('float', 'left'); equals( jQuery('#floatTest').css('float'), 'left', 'Modified CSS float using "float": Assert float is left'); jQuery('#floatTest').css('font-size', '20px'); equals( jQuery('#floatTest').css('font-size'), '20px', 'Modified CSS font-size: Assert font-size is 20px'); jQuery.each("0,0.25,0.5,0.75,1".split(','), function(i, n) { jQuery('#foo').css('opacity', n); equals( jQuery('#foo').css('opacity'), parseFloat(n), "Assert opacity is " + parseFloat(n) + " as a String" ); jQuery('#foo').css('opacity', parseFloat(n)); equals( jQuery('#foo').css('opacity'), parseFloat(n), "Assert opacity is " + parseFloat(n) + " as a Number" ); }); jQuery('#foo').css('opacity', ''); equals( jQuery('#foo').css('opacity'), '1', "Assert opacity is 1 when set to an empty String" ); // for #1438, IE throws JS error when filter exists but doesn't have opacity in it if (jQuery.browser.msie) { jQuery('#foo').css("filter", "progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Chroma(color='red');"); } equals( jQuery('#foo').css('opacity'), '1', "Assert opacity is 1 when a different filter is set in IE, #1438" ); // using contents will get comments regular, text, and comment nodes var j = jQuery("#nonnodes").contents(); j.css("padding-left", "1px"); equals( j.css("padding-left"), "1px", "Check node,textnode,comment css works" ); // opera sometimes doesn't update 'display' correctly, see #2037 jQuery("#t2037")[0].innerHTML = jQuery("#t2037")[0].innerHTML equals( jQuery("#t2037 .hidden").css("display"), "none", "Make sure browser thinks it is hidden" ); }); test("jQuery.css(elem, 'height') doesn't clear radio buttons (bug #1095)", function () { expect(4); var $checkedtest = jQuery("#checkedtest"); // IE6 was clearing "checked" in jQuery.css(elem, "height"); jQuery.css($checkedtest[0], "height"); ok( !! jQuery(":radio:first", $checkedtest).attr("checked"), "Check first radio still checked." ); ok( ! jQuery(":radio:last", $checkedtest).attr("checked"), "Check last radio still NOT checked." ); ok( !! jQuery(":checkbox:first", $checkedtest).attr("checked"), "Check first checkbox still checked." ); ok( ! jQuery(":checkbox:last", $checkedtest).attr("checked"), "Check last checkbox still NOT checked." ); }); test("width()", function() { expect(8); var $div = jQuery("#nothiddendiv"); $div.width(30); equals($div.width(), 30, "Test set to 30 correctly"); $div.width(-1); // handle negative numbers by ignoring #1599 equals($div.width(), 30, "Test negative width ignored"); $div.css("padding", "20px"); equals($div.width(), 30, "Test padding specified with pixels"); $div.css("border", "2px solid #fff"); equals($div.width(), 30, "Test border specified with pixels"); $div.css("padding", "2em"); equals($div.width(), 30, "Test padding specified with ems"); $div.css("border", "1em solid #fff"); //DISABLED - Opera 9.6 fails this test, returns 8 //equals($div.width(), 30, "Test border specified with ems"); $div.css("padding", "2%"); equals($div.width(), 30, "Test padding specified with percent"); $div.hide(); equals($div.width(), 30, "Test hidden div"); $div.css({ display: "", border: "", padding: "" }); jQuery("#nothiddendivchild").css({ padding: "3px", border: "2px solid #fff" }); equals(jQuery("#nothiddendivchild").width(), 20, "Test child width with border and padding"); jQuery("#nothiddendiv, #nothiddendivchild").css({ border: "", padding: "", width: "" }); }); test("height()", function() { expect(7); var $div = jQuery("#nothiddendiv"); $div.height(30); equals($div.height(), 30, "Test set to 30 correctly"); $div.height(-1); // handle negative numbers by ignoring #1599 equals($div.height(), 30, "Test negative height ignored"); $div.css("padding", "20px"); equals($div.height(), 30, "Test padding specified with pixels"); $div.css("border", "2px solid #fff"); equals($div.height(), 30, "Test border specified with pixels"); $div.css("padding", "2em"); equals($div.height(), 30, "Test padding specified with ems"); $div.css("border", "1em solid #fff"); //DISABLED - Opera 9.6 fails this test, returns 8 //equals($div.height(), 30, "Test border specified with ems"); $div.css("padding", "2%"); equals($div.height(), 30, "Test padding specified with percent"); $div.hide(); equals($div.height(), 30, "Test hidden div"); $div.css({ display: "", border: "", padding: "", height: "1px" }); }); test("text()", function() { expect(1); var expected = "This link has class=\"blog\": Simon Willison's Weblog"; equals( jQuery('#sap').text(), expected, 'Check for merged text of more then one element.' ); }); test("wrap(String|Element)", function() { expect(8); var defaultText = 'Try them out:' var result = jQuery('#first').wrap('