#!/usr/bin/env node /* * jQuery Release Management */ var fs = require("fs"), child = require("child_process"), debug = false; var scpURL = "jqadmin@code.origin.jquery.com:/var/www/html/code.jquery.com/", cdnURL = "http://code.origin.jquery.com/", version = /^[\d.]+(?:(?:a|b|rc)\d+|pre)?$/, versionFile = "version.txt", file = "dist/jquery.js", minFile = "dist/jquery.min.js", files = { "jquery-VER.js": file, "jquery-VER.min.js": minFile }, finalFiles = { "jquery.js": file, "jquery-latest.js": file, "jquery.min.js": minFile, "jquery-latest.min.js": minFile }; exec( "git pull && git status", function( error, stdout, stderr ) { if ( /Changes to be committed/i.test( stdout ) ) { exit( "Please commit changed files before attemping to push a release." ); } else if ( /Changes not staged for commit/i.test( stdout ) ) { exit( "Please stash files before attempting to push a release." ); } else { setVersion(); } }); function setVersion() { var oldVersion = fs.readFileSync( versionFile, "utf8" ); prompt( "New Version (was " + oldVersion + "): ", function( data ) { if ( data && version.test( data ) ) { fs.writeFileSync( versionFile, data ); exec( "git commit -a -m 'Tagging the " + data + " release.' && git push && " + "git tag " + data + " && git push origin " + data, function() { make( data ); }); } else { console.error( "Malformed version number, please try again." ); setVersion(); } }); } function make( newVersion ) { exec( "make clean && make", function( error, stdout, stderr ) { // TODO: Verify JSLint Object.keys( files ).forEach(function( oldName ) { var value = files[ oldName ], name = oldName.replace( /VER/g, newVersion ); copy( value, name ); delete files[ oldName ]; files[ name ] = value; }); exec( "scp " + Object.keys( files ).join( " " ) + " " + scpURL, function() { setNextVersion( newVersion ); }); }); } function setNextVersion( newVersion ) { var isFinal = false; if ( /(?:a|b|rc)\d+$/.test( newVersion ) ) { newVersion = newVersion.replace( /(?:a|b|rc)\d+$/, "pre" ); } else if ( /^\d+\.\d+\.?(\d*)$/.test( newVersion ) ) { newVersion = newVersion.replace( /^(\d+\.\d+\.?)(\d*)$/, function( all, pre, num ) { return pre + (num ? parseFloat( num ) + 1 : 1) + "pre"; }); isFinal = true; } prompt( "Next Version [" + newVersion + "]: ", function( data ) { if ( !data ) { data = newVersion; } if ( version.test( data ) ) { fs.writeFileSync( versionFile, data ); exec( "git commit -a -m 'Updating the source version to " + data + "' && git push", function() { if ( isFinal ) { makeFinal( newVersion ); } }); } else { console.error( "Malformed version number, please try again." ); setNextVersion( newVersion ); } }); } function makeFinal( newVersion ) { var all = Object.keys( finalFiles ); // Copy all the files all.forEach(function( name ) { copy( finalFiles[ name ], name ); }); // Upload files to CDN exec( "scp " + all.join( " " ) + " " + scpURL, function() { exec( "curl '" + cdnURL + "{" + all.join( "," ) + "}?reload'", function() { console.log( "Done." ); }); }); } function copy( oldFile, newFile ) { if ( debug ) { console.log( "Copying " + oldFile + " to " + newFile ); } else { fs.writeFileSync( newFile, fs.readFileSync( oldFile, "utf8" ) ); } } function prompt( msg, callback ) { process.stdout.write( msg ); process.stdin.resume(); process.stdin.setEncoding( "utf8" ); process.stdin.once( "data", function( chunk ) { process.stdin.pause(); callback( chunk.replace( /\n*$/g, "" ) ); }); } function exec( cmd, fn ) { if ( debug ) { console.log( cmd ); fn(); } else { child.exec( cmd, fn ); } } function exit( msg ) { if ( msg ) { console.error( "\nError: " + msg ); } process.exit( 1 ); }