// AJAX Plugin // Docs Here: // http://jquery.com/docs/ajax/ if ( typeof XMLHttpRequest == 'undefined' && typeof window.ActiveXObject == 'function') { var XMLHttpRequest = function() { return new ActiveXObject((navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf('msie 5') >= 0) ? "Microsoft.XMLHTTP" : "Msxml2.XMLHTTP"); }; } $.xml = function( type, url, data, ret ) { var xml = new XMLHttpRequest(); if ( xml ) { xml.open(type || "GET", url, true); if ( data ) xml.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'); xml.onreadystatechange = function() { if ( xml.readyState == 4 ) { if ( ret ) ret(xml); $.triggerAJAX( $.httpData(xml) ); } }; xml.send(data) } }; $.httpData = function(r,type) { return r.getResponseHeader("content-type").indexOf("xml") > 0 || type == "xml" ? r.responseXML : r.responseText; }; $.get = function( url, ret, type ) { $.xml( "GET", url, null, function(r) { if ( ret ) ret( $.httpData(r,type) ); }); }; $.getXML = function( url, ret ) { $.get( url, ret, "xml" ); }; $.post = function( url, data, ret, type ) { $.xml( "POST", url, $.param(data), function(r) { if ( ret ) ret( $.httpData(r,type) ); }); }; $.postXML = function( url, data, ret ) { $.post( url, data, ret, "xml" ); }; // Global AJAX Event Binding // Requested here: // http://jquery.com/discuss/2006-March/000415/ $.fn.handleAJAX = function( callback ) { $.ajaxHandles = $.merge( $.ajaxHandles, this.cur ); return this.bind( 'ajax', callback ); }; $.ajaxHandles = []; $.triggerAJAX = function(data){ for ( var i = 0; i < $.ajaxHandles.length; i++ ) triggerEvent( $.ajaxHandles[i], 'ajax', [data] ); }; // Dynamic Form Submission // Based upon the mailing list post at: // http://jquery.com/discuss/2006-March/000424/ $.fn.serialize = function(callback) { return this.each(function(){ var a = {}; $(this) .find("input:checked,hidden,text,option[@selected],textarea") .filter(":enabled").each(function() { a[ this.name || this.id || this.parentNode.name || this.parentNode.id ] = this.value; }); $.xml( this.method || "GET", this.action || "", $.param(a), callback ); }); }; $.param = function(a) { var s = []; for ( var i in a ) s[s.length] = i + "=" + encodeURIComponent( a[i] ); return s.join("&"); }; $.fn.load = function(a,o,f) { // Arrrrghhhhhhhh!! // I overwrote the event plugin's .load // this won't happen again, I hope -John if ( a && a.constructor == Function ) return this.bind("load", a); var t = "GET"; if ( o && o.constructor == Function ) { f = o; o = null; } if (o != null) { o = $.param(o); t = "POST"; } var self = this; $.xml(t,a,o,function(h){ var h = h.responseText; self.html(h).find("script").each(function(){ try { eval( this.text || this.textContent || this.innerHTML ); } catch(e){} }); if(f)f(h); }); return this; };