module("selector"); test("element", function() { expect(18); reset(); ok( jQuery("*").size() >= 30, "Select all" ); var all = jQuery("*"), good = true; for ( var i = 0; i < all.length; i++ ) if ( all[i].nodeType == 8 ) good = false; ok( good, "Select all elements, no comment nodes" ); t( "Element Selector", "p", ["firstp","ap","sndp","en","sap","first"] ); t( "Element Selector", "body", ["body"] ); t( "Element Selector", "html", ["html"] ); t( "Parent Element", "div p", ["firstp","ap","sndp","en","sap","first"] ); equals( jQuery("param", "#object1").length, 2, "Object/param as context" ); isSet( jQuery("p", document.getElementsByTagName("div")), q("firstp","ap","sndp","en","sap","first"), "Finding elements with a context." ); isSet( jQuery("p", "div"), q("firstp","ap","sndp","en","sap","first"), "Finding elements with a context." ); isSet( jQuery("p", jQuery("div")), q("firstp","ap","sndp","en","sap","first"), "Finding elements with a context." ); isSet( jQuery("div").find("p"), q("firstp","ap","sndp","en","sap","first"), "Finding elements with a context." ); ok( jQuery("#length").length, '<input name="length"> cannot be found under IE, see #945' ); ok( jQuery("#lengthtest input").length, '<input name="length"> cannot be found under IE, see #945' ); // Check for unique-ness and sort order isSet( jQuery("*"), jQuery("*, *"), "Check for duplicates: *, *" ); isSet( jQuery("p"), jQuery("p, div p"), "Check for duplicates: p, div p" ); t( "Checking sort order", "h2, h1", ["header", "banner", "userAgent"] ); t( "Checking sort order", "h2:first, h1:first", ["header", "banner"] ); t( "Checking sort order", "p, p a", ["firstp", "simon1", "ap", "google", "groups", "anchor1", "mark", "sndp", "en", "yahoo", "sap", "anchor2", "simon", "first"] ); }); if ( location.protocol != "file:" ) { test("XML Document Selectors", function() { expect(7); stop(); jQuery.get("data/with_fries.xml", function(xml) { equals( jQuery("foo_bar", xml).length, 1, "Element Selector with underscore" ); equals( jQuery(".component", xml).length, 1, "Class selector" ); equals( jQuery("[class*=component]", xml).length, 1, "Attribute selector for class" ); equals( jQuery("property[name=prop2]", xml).length, 1, "Attribute selector with name" ); equals( jQuery("[name=prop2]", xml).length, 1, "Attribute selector with name" ); equals( jQuery("#seite1", xml).length, 1, "Attribute selector with ID" ); equals( jQuery("component#seite1", xml).length, 1, "Attribute selector with ID" ); start(); }); }); } test("broken", function() { expect(7); function broken(name, selector) { try { jQuery(selector); } catch(e){ ok( typeof e === "string" && e.indexOf("Syntax error") >= 0, name + ": " + selector ); } } broken( "Broken Selector", "[", [] ); broken( "Broken Selector", "(", [] ); broken( "Broken Selector", "{", [] ); broken( "Broken Selector", "<", [] ); broken( "Broken Selector", "()", [] ); broken( "Broken Selector", "<>", [] ); broken( "Broken Selector", "{}", [] ); }); test("id", function() { expect(28); t( "ID Selector", "#body", ["body"] ); t( "ID Selector w/ Element", "body#body", ["body"] ); t( "ID Selector w/ Element", "ul#first", [] ); t( "ID selector with existing ID descendant", "#firstp #simon1", ["simon1"] ); t( "ID selector with non-existant descendant", "#firstp #foobar", [] ); t( "ID selector using UTF8", "#台北Táiběi", ["台北Táiběi"] ); t( "Multiple ID selectors using UTF8", "#台北Táiběi, #台北", ["台北Táiběi","台北"] ); t( "Descendant ID selector using UTF8", "div #台北", ["台北"] ); t( "Child ID selector using UTF8", "form > #台北", ["台北"] ); t( "Escaped ID", "#foo\\:bar", ["foo:bar"] ); t( "Escaped ID", "#test\\.foo\\[5\\]bar", ["[5]bar"] ); t( "Descendant escaped ID", "div #foo\\:bar", ["foo:bar"] ); t( "Descendant escaped ID", "div #test\\.foo\\[5\\]bar", ["[5]bar"] ); t( "Child escaped ID", "form > #foo\\:bar", ["foo:bar"] ); t( "Child escaped ID", "form > #test\\.foo\\[5\\]bar", ["[5]bar"] ); t( "ID Selector, child ID present", "#form > #radio1", ["radio1"] ); // bug #267 t( "ID Selector, not an ancestor ID", "#form #first", [] ); t( "ID Selector, not a child ID", "#form > #option1a", [] ); t( "All Children of ID", "#foo > *", ["sndp", "en", "sap"] ); t( "All Children of ID with no children", "#firstUL > *", [] ); jQuery('tName1 AtName2 A
tName1 Div
').appendTo('#main'); equals( jQuery("#tName1")[0].id, 'tName1', "ID selector with same value for a name attribute" ); equals( jQuery("#tName2").length, 0, "ID selector non-existing but name attribute on an A tag" ); t( "ID Selector on Form with an input that has a name of 'id'", "#lengthtest", ["lengthtest"] ); t( "ID selector with non-existant ancestor", "#asdfasdf #foobar", [] ); // bug #986 isSet( jQuery("body").find("div#form"), [], "ID selector within the context of another element" ); t( "Underscore ID", "#types_all", ["types_all"] ); t( "Dash ID", "#fx-queue", ["fx-queue"] ); t( "ID with weird characters in it", "#name\\+value", ["name+value"] ); }); test("class", function() { expect(22); t( "Class Selector", ".blog", ["mark","simon"] ); t( "Class Selector", ".GROUPS", ["groups"] ); t( "Class Selector", "", ["simon"] ); t( "Class Selector w/ Element", "", ["mark","simon"] ); t( "Parent Class Selector", "p .blog", ["mark","simon"] ); isSet( jQuery(".blog", document.getElementsByTagName("p")), q("mark", "simon"), "Finding elements with a context." ); isSet( jQuery(".blog", "p"), q("mark", "simon"), "Finding elements with a context." ); isSet( jQuery(".blog", jQuery("p")), q("mark", "simon"), "Finding elements with a context." ); isSet( jQuery("p").find(".blog"), q("mark", "simon"), "Finding elements with a context." ); t( "Class selector using UTF8", ".台北Táiběi", ["utf8class1"] ); //t( "Class selector using UTF8", ".台北", ["utf8class1","utf8class2"] ); t( "Class selector using UTF8", ".台北Táiběi.台北", ["utf8class1"] ); t( "Class selector using UTF8", ".台北Táiběi, .台北", ["utf8class1","utf8class2"] ); t( "Descendant class selector using UTF8", "div .台北Táiběi", ["utf8class1"] ); t( "Child class selector using UTF8", "form > .台北Táiběi", ["utf8class1"] ); t( "Escaped Class", ".foo\\:bar", ["foo:bar"] ); t( "Escaped Class", ".test\\.foo\\[5\\]bar", ["[5]bar"] ); t( "Descendant scaped Class", "div .foo\\:bar", ["foo:bar"] ); t( "Descendant scaped Class", "div .test\\.foo\\[5\\]bar", ["[5]bar"] ); t( "Child escaped Class", "form > .foo\\:bar", ["foo:bar"] ); t( "Child escaped Class", "form > .test\\.foo\\[5\\]bar", ["[5]bar"] ); var div = document.createElement("div"); div.innerHTML = "
"; isSet( jQuery(".e", div), [ div.firstChild ], "Finding a second class." ); div.lastChild.className = "e"; isSet( jQuery(".e", div), [ div.firstChild, div.lastChild ], "Finding a modified class." ); }); test("name", function() { expect(11); t( "Name selector", "input[name=action]", ["text1"] ); t( "Name selector with single quotes", "input[name='action']", ["text1"] ); t( "Name selector with double quotes", 'input[name="action"]', ["text1"] ); t( "Name selector non-input", "[name=test]", ["length", "fx-queue"] ); t( "Name selector non-input", "[name=div]", ["fadein"] ); t( "Name selector non-input", "*[name=iframe]", ["iframe"] ); t( "Name selector for grouped input", "input[name='types[]']", ["types_all", "types_anime", "types_movie"] ) isSet( jQuery("#form").find("input[name=action]"), q("text1"), "Name selector within the context of another element" ); isSet( jQuery("#form").find("input[name='foo[bar]']"), q("hidden2"), "Name selector for grouped form element within the context of another element" ); var a = jQuery('tName1 AtName2 A
tName1 Div
').appendTo('#main'); t( "Find elements that have similar IDs", "[name=tName1]", ["tName1ID"] ); t( "Find elements that have similar IDs", "[name=tName2]", ["tName2ID"] ); a.remove(); }); test("multiple", function() { expect(4); t( "Comma Support", "h2, p", ["banner","userAgent","firstp","ap","sndp","en","sap","first"]); t( "Comma Support", "h2 , p", ["banner","userAgent","firstp","ap","sndp","en","sap","first"]); t( "Comma Support", "h2 , p", ["banner","userAgent","firstp","ap","sndp","en","sap","first"]); t( "Comma Support", "h2,p", ["banner","userAgent","firstp","ap","sndp","en","sap","first"]); }); test("child and adjacent", function() { expect(49); t( "Child", "p > a", ["simon1","google","groups","mark","yahoo","simon"] ); t( "Child", "p> a", ["simon1","google","groups","mark","yahoo","simon"] ); t( "Child", "p >a", ["simon1","google","groups","mark","yahoo","simon"] ); t( "Child", "p>a", ["simon1","google","groups","mark","yahoo","simon"] ); t( "Child w/ Class", "p >", ["mark","simon"] ); t( "All Children", "code > *", ["anchor1","anchor2"] ); t( "All Grandchildren", "p > * > *", ["anchor1","anchor2"] ); t( "Adjacent", "a + a", ["groups"] ); t( "Adjacent", "a +a", ["groups"] ); t( "Adjacent", "a+ a", ["groups"] ); t( "Adjacent", "a+a", ["groups"] ); t( "Adjacent", "p + p", ["ap","en","sap"] ); t( "Adjacent", "p#firstp + p", ["ap"] ); t( "Adjacent", "p[lang=en] + p", ["sap"] ); t( "Adjacent", "a.GROUPS + code + a", ["mark"] ); t( "Comma, Child, and Adjacent", "a + a, code > a", ["groups","anchor1","anchor2"] ); t( "Verify deep class selector", "div.blah > p > a", [] ); t( "No element deep selector", " > span > a", [] ); t( "No element not selector", ".container div:not(.excluded) div", [] ); isSet( jQuery("> :first", document.getElementById("nothiddendiv")), q("nothiddendivchild"), "Verify child context positional selctor" ); isSet( jQuery("> :eq(0)", document.getElementById("nothiddendiv")), q("nothiddendivchild"), "Verify child context positional selctor" ); isSet( jQuery("> *:first", document.getElementById("nothiddendiv")), q("nothiddendivchild"), "Verify child context positional selctor" ); t( "Non-existant ancestors", ".fototab > .thumbnails > a", [] ); t( "First Child", "p:first-child", ["firstp","sndp"] ); t( "Nth Child", "p:nth-child(1)", ["firstp","sndp"] ); t( "Not Nth Child", "p:not(:nth-child(1))", ["ap","en","sap","first"] ); // Verify that the child position isn't being cached improperly jQuery("p:first-child").after("
"); jQuery("p:first-child").before("
").next().remove(); t( "First Child", "p:first-child", [] ); reset(); t( "Last Child", "p:last-child", ["sap"] ); t( "Last Child", "a:last-child", ["simon1","anchor1","mark","yahoo","anchor2","simon","liveLink1","liveLink2"] ); t( "Nth-child", "#main form#form > *:nth-child(2)", ["text1"] ); t( "Nth-child", "#main form#form > :nth-child(2)", ["text1"] ); t( "Nth-child", "#form select:first option:nth-child(3)", ["option1c"] ); t( "Nth-child", "#form select:first option:nth-child(0n+3)", ["option1c"] ); t( "Nth-child", "#form select:first option:nth-child(1n+0)", ["option1a", "option1b", "option1c", "option1d"] ); t( "Nth-child", "#form select:first option:nth-child(1n)", ["option1a", "option1b", "option1c", "option1d"] ); t( "Nth-child", "#form select:first option:nth-child(n)", ["option1a", "option1b", "option1c", "option1d"] ); t( "Nth-child", "#form select:first option:nth-child(even)", ["option1b", "option1d"] ); t( "Nth-child", "#form select:first option:nth-child(odd)", ["option1a", "option1c"] ); t( "Nth-child", "#form select:first option:nth-child(2n)", ["option1b", "option1d"] ); t( "Nth-child", "#form select:first option:nth-child(2n+1)", ["option1a", "option1c"] ); t( "Nth-child", "#form select:first option:nth-child(3n)", ["option1c"] ); t( "Nth-child", "#form select:first option:nth-child(3n+1)", ["option1a", "option1d"] ); t( "Nth-child", "#form select:first option:nth-child(3n+2)", ["option1b"] ); t( "Nth-child", "#form select:first option:nth-child(3n+3)", ["option1c"] ); t( "Nth-child", "#form select:first option:nth-child(3n-1)", ["option1b"] ); t( "Nth-child", "#form select:first option:nth-child(3n-2)", ["option1a", "option1d"] ); t( "Nth-child", "#form select:first option:nth-child(3n-3)", ["option1c"] ); t( "Nth-child", "#form select:first option:nth-child(3n+0)", ["option1c"] ); t( "Nth-child", "#form select:first option:nth-child(-n+3)", ["option1a", "option1b", "option1c"] ); }); test("attributes", function() { expect(37); t( "Attribute Exists", "a[title]", ["google"] ); t( "Attribute Exists", "*[title]", ["google"] ); t( "Attribute Exists", "[title]", ["google"] ); t( "Attribute Exists", "a[ title ]", ["google"] ); t( "Attribute Equals", "a[rel='bookmark']", ["simon1"] ); t( "Attribute Equals", 'a[rel="bookmark"]', ["simon1"] ); t( "Attribute Equals", "a[rel=bookmark]", ["simon1"] ); t( "Attribute Equals", "a[href='']", ["google"] ); t( "Attribute Equals", "a[ rel = 'bookmark' ]", ["simon1"] ); document.getElementById("anchor2").href = "#2"; t( "href Attribute", "p a[href^=#]", ["anchor2"] ); t( "href Attribute", "p a[href*=#]", ["simon1", "anchor2"] ); t( "for Attribute", "form label[for]", ["label-for"] ); t( "for Attribute in form", "#form [for=action]", ["label-for"] ); jQuery("form input")[0].test = 0; jQuery("form input")[1].test = 1; // Disabled tests - expandos don't work in all browsers //t( "Expando attribute", "form input[test]", ["text1", "text2"] ); //t( "Expando attribute value", "form input[test=0]", ["text1"] ); //t( "Expando attribute value", "form input[test=1]", ["text2"] ); t( "Attribute containing []", "input[name^='foo[']", ["hidden2"] ); t( "Attribute containing []", "input[name^='foo[bar]']", ["hidden2"] ); t( "Attribute containing []", "input[name*='[bar]']", ["hidden2"] ); t( "Attribute containing []", "input[name$='bar]']", ["hidden2"] ); t( "Attribute containing []", "input[name$='[bar]']", ["hidden2"] ); t( "Attribute containing []", "input[name$='foo[bar]']", ["hidden2"] ); t( "Attribute containing []", "input[name*='foo[bar]']", ["hidden2"] ); t( "Multiple Attribute Equals", "#form input[type='radio'], #form input[type='hidden']", ["radio1", "radio2", "hidden1"] ); t( "Multiple Attribute Equals", "#form input[type='radio'], #form input[type=\"hidden\"]", ["radio1", "radio2", "hidden1"] ); t( "Multiple Attribute Equals", "#form input[type='radio'], #form input[type=hidden]", ["radio1", "radio2", "hidden1"] ); t( "Attribute selector using UTF8", "span[lang=中文]", ["台北"] ); t( "Attribute Begins With", "a[href ^= 'http://www']", ["google","yahoo"] ); t( "Attribute Ends With", "a[href $= 'org/']", ["mark"] ); t( "Attribute Contains", "a[href *= 'google']", ["google","groups"] ); t( "Attribute Is Not Equal", "#ap a[hreflang!='en']", ["google","groups","anchor1"] ); t("Empty values", "#select1 option[value='']", ["option1a"]); t("Empty values", "#select1 option[value!='']", ["option1b","option1c","option1d"]); t("Select options via :selected", "#select1 option:selected", ["option1a"] ); t("Select options via :selected", "#select2 option:selected", ["option2d"] ); t("Select options via :selected", "#select3 option:selected", ["option3b", "option3c"] ); t( "Grouped Form Elements", "input[name='foo[bar]']", ["hidden2"] ); t( ":not() Existing attribute", "#form select:not([multiple])", ["select1", "select2"]); t( ":not() Equals attribute", "#form select:not([name=select1])", ["select2", "select3"]); t( ":not() Equals quoted attribute", "#form select:not([name='select1'])", ["select2", "select3"]); }); test("pseudo (:) selectors", function() { expect(70); t( "First Child", "p:first-child", ["firstp","sndp"] ); t( "Last Child", "p:last-child", ["sap"] ); t( "Only Child", "a:only-child", ["simon1","anchor1","yahoo","anchor2","liveLink1","liveLink2"] ); t( "Empty", "ul:empty", ["firstUL"] ); t( "Enabled UI Element", "#form input:not([type=hidden]):enabled", ["text1","radio1","radio2","check1","check2","hidden2","name","search"] ); t( "Disabled UI Element", "#form input:disabled", ["text2"] ); t( "Checked UI Element", "#form input:checked", ["radio2","check1"] ); t( "Selected Option Element", "#form option:selected", ["option1a","option2d","option3b","option3c"] ); t( "Text Contains", "a:contains('Google')", ["google","groups"] ); t( "Text Contains", "a:contains('Google Groups')", ["groups"] ); t( "Text Contains", "a:contains('Google Groups (Link)')", ["groups"] ); t( "Text Contains", "a:contains('(Link)')", ["groups"] ); t( "Element Preceded By", "p ~ div", ["foo", "moretests","tabindex-tests", "liveHandlerOrder"] ); t( "Not", "", ["mark"] ); t( "Not - multiple", "#form option:not(:contains('Nothing'),#option1b,:selected)", ["option1c", "option1d", "option2b", "option2c", "option3d", "option3e"] ); //t( "Not - complex", "#form option:not([id^='opt']:nth-child(-n+3))", [ "option1a", "option1d", "option2d", "option3d", "option3e"] ); t( "Not - recursive", "#form option:not(:not(:selected))[id^='option3']", [ "option3b", "option3c"] ); t( ":not() failing interior", "p:not(.foo)", ["firstp","ap","sndp","en","sap","first"] ); t( ":not() failing interior", "p:not(", ["firstp","ap","sndp","en","sap","first"] ); t( ":not() failing interior", "p:not(", ["firstp","ap","sndp","en","sap","first"] ); t( ":not() failing interior", "p:not(#blargh)", ["firstp","ap","sndp","en","sap","first"] ); t( ":not() failing interior", "p:not(div#blargh)", ["firstp","ap","sndp","en","sap","first"] ); t( ":not() failing interior", "p:not(p#blargh)", ["firstp","ap","sndp","en","sap","first"] ); t( ":not Multiple", "p:not(a)", ["firstp","ap","sndp","en","sap","first"] ); t( ":not Multiple", "p:not(a, b)", ["firstp","ap","sndp","en","sap","first"] ); t( ":not Multiple", "p:not(a, b, div)", ["firstp","ap","sndp","en","sap","first"] ); t( ":not Multiple", "p:not(p)", [] ); t( ":not Multiple", "p:not(a,p)", [] ); t( ":not Multiple", "p:not(p,a)", [] ); t( ":not Multiple", "p:not(a,p,b)", [] ); t( ":not Multiple", ":input:not(:image,:input,:submit)", [] ); t( "nth Element", "p:nth(1)", ["ap"] ); t( "First Element", "p:first", ["firstp"] ); t( "Last Element", "p:last", ["first"] ); t( "Even Elements", "p:even", ["firstp","sndp","sap"] ); t( "Odd Elements", "p:odd", ["ap","en","first"] ); t( "Position Equals", "p:eq(1)", ["ap"] ); t( "Position Greater Than", "p:gt(0)", ["ap","sndp","en","sap","first"] ); t( "Position Less Than", "p:lt(3)", ["firstp","ap","sndp"] ); t( "Is A Parent", "p:parent", ["firstp","ap","sndp","en","sap","first"] ); t( "Is Visible", "#form input:visible", [] ); t( "Is Visible", "div:visible:not(.testrunner-toolbar):lt(2)", ["nothiddendiv", "nothiddendivchild"] ); t( "Is Hidden", "#form input:hidden", ["text1","text2","radio1","radio2","check1","check2","hidden1","hidden2","name","search"] ); t( "Is Hidden", "#main:hidden", ["main"] ); t( "Is Hidden", "#dl:hidden", ["dl"] ); t( "Check position filtering", "div#nothiddendiv:eq(0)", ["nothiddendiv"] ); t( "Check position filtering", "div#nothiddendiv:last", ["nothiddendiv"] ); t( "Check position filtering", "div#nothiddendiv:not(:gt(0))", ["nothiddendiv"] ); t( "Check position filtering", "#foo > :not(:first)", ["en", "sap"] ); t( "Check position filtering", "select > :not(:gt(2))", ["option1a", "option1b", "option1c"] ); t( "Check position filtering", "select:lt(2) :not(:first)", ["option1b", "option1c", "option1d", "option2a", "option2b", "option2c", "option2d"] ); t( "Check position filtering", "div.nothiddendiv:eq(0)", ["nothiddendiv"] ); t( "Check position filtering", "div.nothiddendiv:last", ["nothiddendiv"] ); t( "Check position filtering", "div.nothiddendiv:not(:lt(0))", ["nothiddendiv"] ); t( "Check element position", "div div:eq(0)", ["nothiddendivchild"] ); t( "Check element position", "div div:eq(5)", ["t2037"] ); t( "Check element position", "div div:eq(27)", ["hide"] ); t( "Check element position", "div div:first", ["nothiddendivchild"] ); t( "Check element position", "div > div:first", ["nothiddendivchild"] ); t( "Check element position", "#dl div:first div:first", ["foo"] ); t( "Check element position", "#dl div:first > div:first", ["foo"] ); t( "Check element position", "div#nothiddendiv:first > div:first", ["nothiddendivchild"] ); t( "Form element :input", "#form :input", ["text1", "text2", "radio1", "radio2", "check1", "check2", "hidden1", "hidden2", "name", "search", "button", "area1", "select1", "select2", "select3"] ); t( "Form element :radio", "#form :radio", ["radio1", "radio2"] ); t( "Form element :checkbox", "#form :checkbox", ["check1", "check2"] ); t( "Form element :text", "#form :text:not(#search)", ["text1", "text2", "hidden2", "name"] ); t( "Form element :radio:checked", "#form :radio:checked", ["radio2"] ); t( "Form element :checkbox:checked", "#form :checkbox:checked", ["check1"] ); t( "Form element :radio:checked, :checkbox:checked", "#form :radio:checked, #form :checkbox:checked", ["radio2", "check1"] ); t( "Headers", ":header", ["header", "banner", "userAgent"] ); t( "Has Children - :has()", "p:has(a)", ["firstp","ap","en","sap"] ); });