module("event"); test("bind(), with data", function() { expect(3); var handler = function(event) { ok(, "bind() with data, check passed data exists" ); equals(, "bar", "bind() with data, Check value of passed data" ); }; $("#firstp").bind("click", {foo: "bar"}, handler).click().unbind("click", handler); ok( !$("#firstp")[0], "events"), "Event handler unbound when using data." ); }); test("bind(), with data, trigger with data", function() { expect(4); var handler = function(event, data) { ok(, "check passed data exists" ); equals(, "bar", "Check value of passed data" ); ok( data, "Check trigger data" ); equals(, "foo", "Check value of trigger data" ); }; $("#firstp").bind("click", {foo: "bar"}, handler).trigger("click", [{bar: "foo"}]).unbind("click", handler); }); test("bind(), multiple events at once", function() { expect(2); var clickCounter = 0, mouseoverCounter = 0; var handler = function(event) { if (event.type == "click") clickCounter += 1; else if (event.type == "mouseover") mouseoverCounter += 1; }; $("#firstp").bind("click mouseover", handler).trigger("click").trigger("mouseover"); equals( clickCounter, 1, "bind() with multiple events at once" ); equals( mouseoverCounter, 1, "bind() with multiple events at once" ); }); test("bind(), no data", function() { expect(1); var handler = function(event) { ok ( !, "Check that no data is added to the event object" ); }; $("#firstp").bind("click", handler).trigger("click"); }); test("bind(), iframes", function() { // events don't work with iframes, see #939 - this test fails in IE because of contentDocument // var doc = document.getElementById("iframe").contentDocument; // // doc.body.innerHTML = ""; // // var input = doc.getElementsByTagName("input")[0]; // // $(input).bind("click",function() { // ok( true, "Binding to element inside iframe" ); // }).click(); }); test("bind(), trigger change on select", function() { expect(3); var counter = 0; function selectOnChange(event) { equals(, counter++, " is not a global event object" ); }; $("#form select").each(function(i){ $(this).bind('change', i, selectOnChange); }).trigger('change'); }); test("bind(), namespaced events, cloned events", function() { expect(6); $("#firstp").bind("custom.test",function(e){ ok(true, "Custom event triggered"); }); $("#firstp").bind("click",function(e){ ok(true, "Normal click triggered"); }); $("#firstp").bind("click.test",function(e){ ok(true, "Namespaced click triggered"); }); // Trigger both bound fn (2) $("#firstp").trigger("click"); // Trigger one bound fn (1) $("#firstp").trigger("click.test"); // Remove only the one fn $("#firstp").unbind("click.test"); // Trigger the remaining fn (1) $("#firstp").trigger("click"); // Remove the remaining fn $("#firstp").unbind(".test"); // Trigger the remaining fn (0) $("#firstp").trigger("custom"); // using contents will get comments regular, text, and comment nodes $("#nonnodes").contents().bind("tester", function () { equals(this.nodeType, 1, "Check node,textnode,comment bind just does real nodes" ); }).trigger("tester"); // Make sure events stick with appendTo'd elements (which are cloned) #2027 $("test").click(function(){ return false; }).appendTo("p"); ok( $("a.test:first").triggerHandler("click") === false, "Handler is bound to appendTo'd elements" ); }); test("trigger() shortcuts", function() { expect(6); $('
  • Change location
  • ').prependTo('#firstUL').find('a').bind('click', function() { var close = $('spanx', this); // same with $(this).find('span'); equals( close.length, 0, "Context element does not exist, length must be zero" ); ok( !close[0], "Context element does not exist, direct access to element must return undefined" ); return false; }).click(); $("#check1").click(function() { ok( true, "click event handler for checkbox gets fired twice, see #815" ); }).click(); var counter = 0; $('#firstp')[0].onclick = function(event) { counter++; }; $('#firstp').click(); equals( counter, 1, "Check that click, triggers onclick event handler also" ); var clickCounter = 0; $('#simon1')[0].onclick = function(event) { clickCounter++; }; $('#simon1').click(); equals( clickCounter, 1, "Check that click, triggers onclick event handler on an a tag also" ); $('').load(function(){ ok( true, "Trigger the load event, using the shortcut .load() (#2819)"); }).load(); }); test("unbind(event)", function() { expect(8); var el = $("#firstp"); { ok( true, "Fake normal bind" ); }); { el.unbind(event); ok( true, "Fake onebind" ); });; { return; }); el.unbind('click'); ok( !el[0].onclick, "Handler is removed" ); // Bug #964 { return; }); el.unbind('change',function(){ return; }); for (var ret in[0], "events")['click']) break; ok( ret, "Extra handlers weren't accidentally removed." ); el.unbind('click'); ok( ![0], "events"), "Removed the events expando after all handlers are unbound." ); reset(); var clickCounter = (mouseoverCounter = 0); var handler = function(event) { if (event.type == "click") clickCounter += 1; else if (event.type == "mouseover") mouseoverCounter += 1; }; $("#firstp").bind("click mouseover", handler).unbind("click mouseover", handler).trigger("click").trigger("mouseover"); equals( clickCounter, 0, "unbind() with multiple events at once" ); equals( mouseoverCounter, 0, "unbind() with multiple events at once" ); }); test("trigger(event, [data], [fn])", function() { expect(67); var handler = function(event, a, b, c) { equals( event.type, "click", "check passed data" ); equals( a, 1, "check passed data" ); equals( b, "2", "check passed data" ); equals( c, "abc", "check passed data" ); return "test"; }; var handler2 = function(a, b, c) { equals( a, 1, "check passed data" ); equals( b, "2", "check passed data" ); equals( c, "abc", "check passed data" ); return false; }; var handler3 = function(a, b, c, v) { equals( a, 1, "check passed data" ); equals( b, "2", "check passed data" ); equals( c, "abc", "check passed data" ); equals( v, "test", "check current value" ); return "newVal"; }; var handler4 = function(a, b, c, v) { equals( a, 1, "check passed data" ); equals( b, "2", "check passed data" ); equals( c, "abc", "check passed data" ); equals( v, "test", "check current value" ); }; // Simulate a "native" click $("#firstp")[0].click = function(){ ok( true, "Native call was triggered" ); }; // Triggers handlrs and native // Trigger 5 $("#firstp").bind("click", handler).trigger("click", [1, "2", "abc"]); // Triggers handlers, native, and extra fn // Triggers 9 $("#firstp").trigger("click", [1, "2", "abc"], handler4); // Simulate a "native" click $("#firstp")[0].click = function(){ ok( false, "Native call was triggered" ); }; // Triggers handlers, native, and extra fn // Triggers 7 $("#firstp").trigger("click", [1, "2", "abc"], handler2); // Trigger only the handlers (no native) // Triggers 5 equals( $("#firstp").triggerHandler("click", [1, "2", "abc"]), "test", "Verify handler response" ); // Trigger only the handlers (no native) and extra fn // Triggers 8 equals( $("#firstp").triggerHandler("click", [1, "2", "abc"], handler2), false, "Verify handler response" ); // Build fake click event to pass in var eventObj = jQuery.event.fix({ type: "foo", target: document.body }); // Trigger only the handlers (no native), with external event obj // Triggers 5 equals( $("#firstp").triggerHandler("click", [eventObj, 1, "2", "abc"]), "test", "Verify handler response" ); // Trigger only the handlers (no native) and extra fn, with external event obj // Triggers 9 eventObj = jQuery.event.fix({ type: "foo", target: document.body }); equals( $("#firstp").triggerHandler("click", [eventObj, 1, "2", "abc"], handler), "test", "Verify handler response" ); var pass = true; try { $('input:first') .hide() .trigger('focus'); } catch(e) { pass = false; } ok( pass, "Trigger focus on hidden element" ); // have the extra handler override the return // Triggers 9 equals( $("#firstp").triggerHandler("click", [1, "2", "abc"], handler3), "newVal", "Verify triggerHandler return is overwritten by extra function" ); // have the extra handler leave the return value alone // Triggers 9 equals( $("#firstp").triggerHandler("click", [1, "2", "abc"], handler4), "test", "Verify triggerHandler return is not overwritten by extra function" ); }); test("toggle(Function, Function, ...)", function() { expect(11); var count = 0, fn1 = function(e) { count++; }, fn2 = function(e) { count--; }, preventDefault = function(e) { e.preventDefault() }, link = $('#mark');, fn2).click().click().click().click().click(); equals( count, 1, "Check for toggle(fn, fn)" ); $("#firstp").toggle(function () { equals(arguments.length, 4, "toggle correctly passes through additional triggered arguments, see #1701" ) }, function() {}).trigger("click", [ 1, 2, 3 ]); var first = 0; $("#simon1").one("click", function() { ok( true, "Execute event only once" ); $(this).toggle(function() { equals( first++, 0, "toggle(Function,Function) assigned from within one('xxx'), see #1054" ); }, function() { equals( first, 1, "toggle(Function,Function) assigned from within one('xxx'), see #1054" ); }); return false; }).click().click().click(); var turn = 0; var fns = [ function(){ turn = 1; }, function(){ turn = 2; }, function(){ turn = 3; } ]; var $div = $("
    ").toggle( fns[0], fns[1], fns[2] ); $; equals( turn, 1, "Trying toggle with 3 functions, attempt 1 yields 1"); $; equals( turn, 2, "Trying toggle with 3 functions, attempt 2 yields 2"); $; equals( turn, 3, "Trying toggle with 3 functions, attempt 3 yields 3"); $; equals( turn, 1, "Trying toggle with 3 functions, attempt 4 yields 1"); $; equals( turn, 2, "Trying toggle with 3 functions, attempt 5 yields 2"); $div.unbind('click',fns[0]); var data = $.data( $div[0], 'events' ); ok( !data, "Unbinding one function from toggle unbinds them all"); }); test("jQuery(function($) {})", function() { stop(); jQuery(function($) { equals(jQuery, $, "ready doesn't provide an event object, instead it provides a reference to the jQuery function, see"); start(); }); }); test("event properties", function() { stop(); $("#simon1").click(function(event) { ok( event.timeStamp, "assert event.timeStamp is present" ); start(); }).click(); });